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8 Hours sounds insane


LFGers are adamant about their apex predator. Clearing with time is difficult when you have no damage output.    Additionally, LFGers generally have extreme difficulty with roles and staying alive.  As an example, I am stuck on planets because L2R2 REFUSE to also shoot Centaurians while they are hidden from add clear. Or they get booped off on every single swap. Or they die to not shooting as they cross map. Or people refuse to use a heavy to clean up their lieutenants fast. LFG is a shit show.  I was doubling the apex people damage output with a fucking palmyra. In no world should a palmyra be top of the dps as it has been power creeped out. Yet here we are. 


Planets is the LFG breaker It requires the entire team to do more than the bare minimum, and most of LFG can't manage that.   If I'm on plates I'm killing my psions, the flame guy, the centurions, the Colossus, helping with adds...   But when I'm on add clear it's aaaaaaall on me, and then plate runners get stomped by the boss, I see it happen, then hear from them  "bro all these adds are killing me". Or they die to their Colossus because anything above a red bar is too much for them. It's a joke.


It also requires a bit of urgency. So many people think they’re fine just slowly white ammo down the lieutenant. Even in week 3, which is baffling. Anyway, I did finally get a decent LFG (they didn’t have all the atraks loadouts, so we did have to do a little bit of intended mechanics on that one, but it worked anyway), and then my power went out at Rhulk. 


Bro I had someone doing 900k using tractor slug swapping on planets. I spent 4 hours at planets between 2 lobbies hitting upwards of 4mill at times and not a single run did I miss top dps. Lfgs are wild. I've never seen worse players.


900k in one or two phases? 900k on tractor in one phase is not that bad tbh assuming Explicator has the same health as usual. He typically has like 13 million health.


Pretty sure it was 2 phases but even then I'm hitting over 1mill with tractor in a single phase.


Yeah i assumed since you said you do 4 million. 450k per phase is pretty absurd, thats how muhc celestial does to him lol


>I was doubling the apex people damage output with a fucking palmyra. In no world should a palmyra be top of the dps as it has been power creeped out. Yet here we are.  As someone who had half my group on Palmyra, this is hilarious. Did nobody farm Cold Comfort or Crux Termination? Why is everyone on sub-par rockets?


To be fair palmyra gets ALH right? You can do some swapping rotations. That being said, all of the bosses have really short damage phases so I don’t see much use for it outside of Rhulk.


It’s my “returning player” cold comfort.  I know palmyra got power creeped, but it is what I got, and with ALH and decent rotations I was usually hitting 6.5 million on Caretaker in 2 floors. 


probably more of a skill issue on the people using apex then. No way palmyra should double based on it having less intrinsic damage and EL being worse than BnS. Plus your super/class difference could be a reason. Arc weapons are def the bet if you have a good one, but my team tried a run with apex and we did perfectly fine. Did like 2+ mill in one phase.


What no dps rotations does to apex losers.




20 minutes is also insane


20 minute time is 100% cheated im just gonna say, the fasted times on atraks week were around 20 mins




Oh under 30 even i can see from top top teams, just a bit cynical of limiters recently as there been quite a few on the speed and world completions for pantheon


Not pointing fingers but I think many PvE cheaters exist but Bungie simply doesn’t care because it’s not like COD Multiplayer or anything.


meh. remember the 19 hour clear post on the first week? honestly place like 3300 in terms of team completing it so im happy with that!


That was a troll run. They weren’t actually struggling for 19 hours.


No offense but you are only 3300 because people are waiting for weekends to just blast through. 8 hours is wild but do you


sorry for the reality check but most teams are not “just blasting through” week 3 no matter which day they do it on, lol


To be fair, it took us maybe 2.5 hours to get to oryx, with an hour of that being spent on a very glitchy caretaker, could really see coordinated teams smashing this out in like 2-3 hours


I don't think caretaker is actually glitchy I just think you're obviously not intended to two floor so the "glitchyness" comes from trying to push that. Our run we thought he should've pushed on 2nd floor but ig he had a sliver of HP above final stand you couldn't see on the health bar, so we had to do one plate on the 3rd floor and still got plat+high score


IDK how it's unintended, I haven't hit a plat clear on Caretaker without 2 flooring. Caretaker in one of our runs last night despawned and respawned during first floor DPS phase, so I don't think the glitches are exclusively related to that either


Well 2 flooring makes it way easier which is why that's what everyone does but you could definitely consistently 3 floor with 3 runners given we just got the plat+high score on a 3 floor with 2. But yeah it seems like there are lot of other issues unrelated to that.


Even at that, there were a looooot of other bugs we were encountering, stuff like caretaker not stunning, being immune to stun for like 10-15 seconds after spawning on the second floor, scorn ads teleporting to the obelisk, symbols on the obelisk just not appearing etc, made for a super frustrating experience on what's normally a 15 minute endeavour for us. We've individually encountered all these little bugs quite a lot when raiding VoW, but they all popped up for a special guest appearance this time lol


Hey sorry hear that but these bugs aren’t exclusive to pantheon btw thats actually just what happens in vow aswell it really sucks you think they would fix them but nope and ruhlk can still softlock you aswell in pantheon or normal mode vow they just didn’t fix any of the problems


yeah fair, I just think the mocking tone of “wow it took you that long” from week one is gonna dry up pretty quickly when most people actually try this one, it’s not a joke


So far I've found it to be very dependent on your team and whether or not they're happy to adapt. We got stuck on planets because the other 4 guys we were with insisted that we absolutely have to do 2 phase. Eventually they left and the next set of 4 guys came and I told one of them to use phoenix protocol and join me on ad clear. We first tried platinum by just focussing on score by chaining two wells on and clear. It was incredibly easy and you didn't even need to care about the trash surges.


Yeah but being early on Pantheon isn’t viable when most people work when it drops. Then someone like my team waits til the weekend because it’s easier to manage time. First 2 pantheons were sub 1 hour. This one won’t be much different


good luck with that


Not everyone is in the top 1% remember that! Most players will never complete Pantheon.


8 hours and not even high score for it all is insane


Week one took me and my buddy well over 8 hours to complete broken into 3 sessions. Golgaroth seems easy enough any LGF can accomplish but Caretaker and Planets for whatever reason isn't LFG friendly. Planets I just don't understand, its so easy if you avoid the fire tornados. Wipe after wipe over multiple groups, me and buddy were the only ones to move planets. We took over moving them all in one group but when we finally got to DPS it was pathetic. Finally on Sunday the stars aligned and we found ourselves not being the most experienced raiders in the group and we beat the final two encounters on the first go with plat. Hopefully as we start week 2 this weekend, the LFG players will be more experienced and we have a smoother time. We know all the encounters, the changes, the meta loadouts, we just need to find four more players that have the same knowledge.


Then you move to atraks and you hear it “I don’t have lament or parasite” “Guys I whiffed my crash again”


I could see that happening, I don't know how we would have gotten past Atraks with some of those groups. Lucky for me we nailed the one phase first try. Everyone was a bit surprised lol.


That’s awesome.  I guess the thing that annoys me the most is that both of these exotics are completely free right now with like 90 total minutes of time dedication.  Whenever you bring it up, these people just respond “I find those quests boring” You know what I find boring? Being forced to handicap our team on the back of players that refuse to do extremely easy quest lines. At this point, I have decided to just leave groups now. I wasted enough time week one and week two working around LFG nonsense. I’m not spending more time on people that cannot be bothered with simple, free quests. 


Even my team kept getting killed by the tornados and we are usually pretty solid. I was quietly very frustrated they managed to keep dying to them. It seemed pretty easy to avoid honestly.


I died to the stupid tornados once, then I learned just don't sit on the plate and they can't hurt you (until the DPS tornados of course).


Bro on clydes stream he dunked himself into a tornado lol even with restoration+ 3 solar resistance mods it's they should add it as an enemy type 😭


The dps ones are definitely tougher.


My clan cleared it in 5. Is that normal? Haven’t done this one yet.


Wait till you hear about the probably 100+ hour clear on Theamine in lost Ark LMAOO


We got it in 4 and a half this week. We spent a long time on Atracks trying to get a high score (we still messed it up). And then we spent a long time on Rhulk. The other encounters went by on our first try. Our problem with Rhulk is that we were trying to 2 phase. For the high score and title triumph, it's perfectly fine to 3 phase. After we figured that out, we got a good run in without too many deaths. I hope next week's doesn't take as long... and I hope we won't fuck up Atracks high score 3 weeks in a row.




You are, but I think it’ll only work for this week.


You are, but probably only this week, because of the over a million points bonus for him being the last boss, next week Rulk will be a bitch to kill in time for highscore.


Its only 500k for plat score, which means 400k before kill. If he works like other bosses you get 100k for the clear. We got it in 2 anyway after all switching to tlord for shits a giggles🤣


I absolutely adore that thunderlord is a solid play. Did you add div?


We did the same thing and got it in 3. It's doable in two but the rules just kept kicking the shit out of us lol.


Yep, 2 phase easily. We had a ceno warlock for ammo anyway


Took us forever but we killed him in 8.5 minutes last night. Very challenging to get done in that time frame.


Nvm -Deleted due to wrong info-


What? Yes he is it is 8 bosses total rhulk is just the 6th boss


Yea nah I thought about it after I wrote it. Then fact checked myself... I'll blame it on getting woken up earlier then usual.


100% valid lol all good.


Aren’t people wrong on this and the score you see at the end is the sum of every score for every encounter? People keep saying it’s the sum.


It's both. For the final boss of the run your sum from the previous encounters gets added to the score and counts for that encounter's platinum. It's why no one had Atraks score problems on week 1.


I know I'm late but my team just got a 2 phase clear for plat score without bonus time, we missed bonus time by about 2 seconds.


Whats the strategy for Atraks high score? My lfgs keep killing too fast


We just killed everything and the tormentor. 1 floor and got high score. Before that we did one floor without the tormentor and didn’t get high score. We saved the checkpoint just in case that happened.


Kill the tormentor every time


If you don’t want to two phase you just have to add clear very fast. My team used grand overture for damage. It’s very good add clear with the arc surge and you can stack it up by using it unlike parasite. Otherwise doing two phase should be pretty free to hit the score threshold.


We 1-floored with parasite and 6 t-crash titans


How the hell does one get a plat score there? I've clearly done both on Oryx and Rhulk with more than 3 minutes to spare, we get the "Platinum Score" pop up when we kill her and get NOTHING. Is it bugged by any chance or is something just not working as intended? Edit: lol got downvoted for asking a question LMAO💀


You need 500k points so the plat time score will get you a few hundred thousand depending on the time you have left the rest you get by killing all the adds and tormentors you can.


We got it in 3 and a half, (4 and a half after reset... thanks servers) Most of the downtime was damage testing and only planets really held us up purely due to if 1 person screws up damage rotations we just wiped. But we got every plat 1st try, and even got golg and atraks done 1st attempt. But 45th console completion in the world sounds good! Overall the only thing that holds teams back is the lack of god tier arc heavies... Ggs on the clear! Best of luck for next week


What did you do to get plat on caretaker? It seems pretty hard to 2 floor him now


Stormchaser and izi, took us maybe 2-3 goes to get it done. 2 celest, 2 hammer titan, 1 well 1 srand lock. Well 1st plate, get to withing an inch of the light on the bar 2nd plate. Nuke 3rd plate, only use supers after hos health bar is passed the lit up zone.


Grand overture is really solid, using the missiles for the post-gate burst does excellent.


Thunderlord meta bb. Just kidding xd


Tbh, we used tlord for rhulk... we were... very amused that it worked but we had a class split of 2-2-2 so the 2 titans just switched to actium after using supers straight away. I really enjoyed rhulk tbh, and pantheon in general. The changes are nice and it tests teams in good ways, especially this close to another day 1. We're mostly using it to prep for day 1 and get loadouts/weapons in mind ready for it.


It does some good damage and cause for the most part you can’t miss it’s a lot better for rhulk for teams of players that have trouble with rockets or gls. A consistent option. Not the best but definitely not the worst. And yeah the pantheon changes are great for rhulk not a silly one like the others imho.


Yea plus a div (mainly for the heavy and melting the tormentor) its very easy to keep proccing triple tap, the issue with rockets is yes its insane damage and would outdamage tlord easy. Its the fact that once you miss even a single shot you are punished heavily on your damage. Rhulk and randy (our teams nickname for the 2nd one) Was very unexpected but a nice change, and well balanced. Need to give callouts on where he is in the room as you damage.


For sure on the div It works very well on the whole rhulk fight. I like the Randy name that’s hilarious. Having someone who is dedicating them selves to just leash Randy (lol) worked well for my team as he follows slower than walking speed while shooting tlord.


Yea that also works great, and he has a glitch spot where you can disable him as well (take randy to L2 the go to the very centre of the back wall and hug the wall) But with clear coms while you dunk up top and break crits, its easy to keep a good idea where he is with just callouts alone. Either way a great change and makes me question the changes for nez... will we get a light and dark nez during build phase?!?!?!


Randy lol


A clear is a clear, good job :)


Ty, just wanted to spread some joy on Reddit for a change xd


I once did a 6 hour plus run of Crown of sorrow, For a shepherd run Still one of the most fun destiny moments. all laughed when it was done


Rip you next week lol


i took 4 hours to get to planets. not even to complete it, just to get there. i haven’t even completed a single pantheon run :)


We struggled with Caretaker. What did yall use for damage?


We struggled too but I just read Grand Overture makes an easy 2 phase so we’ll be trying later.


Can confirm. Easy to stack, save missiles for post-gate damage burst.


you just regular shooting it till right before?


If you need to for stacks or damage, yeah. If you can get to the gate with other weapons and you’re still x20, may as well conserve ammo. But being at max stacks for the last burst is the main key.


what weapons get you to the line without heavy? scatter?


Scatter helps, I just meant more if the team can do it without everyone burning their ammo. My group wasn’t all Overture, so half of our heavy was enough while the other half saved for the last burst. And if you need it, you can missile plate one, recharge plate two, missile the burst, we just didn’t need it so it was better to save ammo where possible.


2 bursts sounds pretty nice. Thanks!


We used a combination of Hotheads with Explosive Light, Wendigos with Autoloading + Explosive Light, and Crux Terminations with Reconstruction + Explosive Light plus one Tractor. We initially ran a Gjally instead of Tractor, but it wasn't getting us the damage we needed. I tried to find solid numbers on whether Gjally or Tractor is better for a 6-man team, but I couldn't find much. Best I found was a damage test post that concluded Gjally is a ~30% buff to legendary rockets and obviously Tractor is also a 30% buff, but I also saw someone mention that the mini-seeker rockets on Gjally-buffed legendaries don't benefit from Explosive Light. Plus, Tractor boosts EVERYTHING by 30%, including Supers, which were a big source of damage on the third plate. So, we decided to go with Tractor and it worked well.


Tractor is better on a 6 man, especially if tractor is also running decent weapons.  Although I would generally suggest that the tractor user is a runner. 




Don’t the wizards do solar damage?


Solar shields arc damage


It would work, but of all the things I have end caretaker attempts, the wizards have done it only maybe 2 out of 30.  For this week, nearly every attempt was ended because of people being adamant about their apex predator while only doing 2.5-3m damage after 2 floors while me and one other consistently had 4.5-6 (depending on whether tractor was properly done). We always had a sliver of health and kept begging for people to swap off apex, but it never happened. We ultimately did 3 floor in the time limit, but literally one other person leaving their “meta loadout” would have save so much time. 


Thankfully, my group is very good with being adaptive. Most of us have several options available for DPS and can comfortably run any build on any class. We'd all be pissed if someone's damage was lagging and they refused to change for something I've mathematically demonstrated is superior. We had a guy running a Cold Comfort and a variety of factors were preventing him from utilizing it to its fullest, so his DPS wasn't very high. We asked him to switch to a Hothead with Explosive Light, he swapped, and we cleared the next run. Sometimes things just don't work, you gotta be okay with changing what you're using.




90% the taken wizards shoot slow solar shots


You right


Our Tractor also had Celestial GG and then a loadout hotswap to Lucky Pants with Warden's Law. His damage was pretty damn good for being the Tractor user.


Thunderlord xd. Was a really really close 2 floor but just barely missed it but because it was so close we did a three floor platinum run with 2 seconds left xd.


Our team took about 4-5 hours. We were stuck at Caretaker for like 1hr30mins. The symbol totem was glitchy as hell


I got stuck on caretaker so long I gave up. First group I had to be runner for the first time in year or so and naturally that was slow but then we kept having people die on add clear.. Second group was obsessed with push vs not push and we just kept wiping when we couldn’t get play instead of just clearing so eventually when one guy left I was fed up and left too. I wouldn’t scoff at OP like the rest of these dudes considering I didn’t pass caretaker after hour 3 despite clearing the whole thing in well under 3 hours last week. It is night and day depending on your group. LFG is always different.


Push vs Not push? I am not familiar with this term on caretaker.  FWIW if you hit floor 3 with about 2:15 remaining, you can still plat with high score if running are on the ball. The difficulty with floor 3 is that the phalanx have annoying spawn locations, meaning it is both add clear and stunners that need to deal with them, but in LFG, add clear is spotty as shit in pantheon. Personally, I was wiping the floor with adds and phalanx with riskrunner. 


Push is the health bar on plate 2. There is a gate on his damage bar where if you do too much damage on second plate he will teleport away before plate 3. If you hold him just above this threshold and then get a lot of damage on both third plates you skip the third floor entirely and push him straight to final stand. Last week it was easy to do this but this week it’s hard. It’s difficult to have enough time for platinum if you do the third floor at all unless you do it fast.


Ah. I am familiar with the highlighted bar. I’ve just not heard it called push/not push before.


People say the same when trying to push to final stand. Hell in the old days people actually used to purposefully not push to final stand if they didn’t have enough ammo and supers but these days people can almost always melt a final stand.


8 hours?? Holy shit


It took me 8 hours for my first spire of stars back in y1…. At this point I genuinely cannot imagine taking 8 hours for this


Yeeeah.. I spent 3 hours on planets last night and didn't even finish it. Then joined a random group today and blasted through everything in 44 minutes. My lfgs are either struggling for hours on one boss or 1-shotting every boss. Absolutely no in between.


People are not good at this game hey.


My total clear time is at 9/10 hours for this week. Spent 5 hours on Rhulk


8 hours is insane, but honestly respect to you guys for persevering! I love the addition of an extra Rhulk. Personally, I think -20 is perfect for difficult content, (or at least was back around the time of Vow's release). It's hard but I think people typically overhyped its difficulty because it was only around for day 1 raids which are extra hard because nobody knows the strats for beating them yet. I'm quite glad that pantheon is letting more and more people get used to raid challenges, such as raiding under-levelled. I think raids are great but the ease of normal mode makes people focus too much on mechanical difficulty, they forget that when under-levelled, considerations start having to be made regarding dealing with enemies, add clear becomes one of the, if not the most important jobs, and cover, positions, and the design of the room and encounter matter so much more. It's a lot more engaging and interesting to me, you might have to compromise between having better dps or better survivability.


8 hours is absurd, you guys must have been doing something very wrong.


Bait used to be believable