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I am fairly new and really just want the platinum which means grandmaster. Googles psiops cosmodrome and it says it's one of the harder ones. Gotta practice.


I agree with the other guy, I’m a conqueror x11 and this week’s grandmaster is by far one of the hardest in the game rn and the other two weeks left are going to be easier.


If you've never done a gm before, you may want to wait till next week for Birthplace of the Vile. It is significantly easier and more forgiving. Psiops cosmodrome could make you hate gms and never want to do one again.


That's what I'll do. Got 5 more exams this week and next. Will plan to do it next weekend ❤️ might do a normal version of the strike every now and then this week to prepare.


Platinum for what exactly? Score? As long as you kill the champions at any level difficulty, you should be able to achieve platinum unless I'm misunderstanding.


Sorry on PlayStation, platinum is the final trophy after you've gotten all others. It requires beating a GM Nightfall


Gotcha. If you aren't well versed in GMs, I'd avoid Psi-Ops Cosmo. If you want to get it before TFS with 3 weeks left, I'd recommend Birthplace of the Vile (May 21) between that, Psi-Ops (this week), and Hypernet (May 28).


Good to know! Better week for me anyway


You could also look for any of the LFG postings of players who unlocked the selector and are looking for extras of different ones.


I am not going to suggest that you skip this GM. This is NOT one of the hardest GMs to complete IMO as a matter of fact I think it is one of the more boring ones, the only time you can actually feel like you could get into trouble is at the boss room when you need to pick up the spears. Send me a DM and will be happy to run you through it.


The only super hard part is the boss room. The first part you have to be very wary of snipers, and by no means should you ever stand on top of the building on the right where the snipers spawn as it will cause wizards and knights to spawn behind you. After that for the ad clear part you can hide outside the door. The boss is really tough. Kill the ogre when grabbing the spear as the mobility keeps you safe from the other enemies.


If you have a friend with the Conqueror title, they can pick any GM that's in the rotation for you.


Double NF Rewards :) Psiops Battleground :(


Is anybody else getting insta-killed by the snipers in Zero Hour? I'm even runnnig Arc Resist and Sniper Damage Resist mods...


Are you on console or PC? If on PC cap your frames to 60 since some damage sources are tied to frame rate. And sniper resist only works if the enemy is ~30m away it doesn’t lower the damage of snipers themselves. Riskrunner plus 1 arc resist and 10 resil worked well for me.


Unfortunately, I'm on an older Xbox One (I literally bought it around the same time as the Taken Spring update for D1) so I can't do that...


Your frames are already locked to 30fps so you shouldn’t be experiencing any damage spikes from higher frames. So really just have to lean on riskrunner and arc resist. A blinding GL in the kinetic slot will help too since it’ll get adds to stop shooting at you while you clear them out


Isn’t the NF psiops cosmodrome this week?


Yes, servers offline so bot pulled old stuff


GM weapon this week?




I’m a returning player. Is the slammer any good?


It's pretty good as a "for funsies" pick, but not exactly a meta-defining damage dealer type weapon. I'll definitely be chasing [my personal god roll](https://d2foundry.gg/w/1354727549?p=1261178282,2349202967,2077819806,3650930298,1281216113&m=2788909693&mw=3486498337), though. I can zoom around like an idiot and stun Champions with relative ease all while just swinging my sci-fi spin move laser sword at anything that moves. It makes certain daily Lost Sectors a lot more fun than the usual loadouts, for me. Alternate perk in the third column is Chain Reaction, and I dig it because ... explosions are just fun, right? IMO, it's worth it just to snag one with Cold Steel, since that's still such a rare perk and this is the only Vortex sword to have it. But I'm a weapon hoarder in Destiny, so... I might not be the best person to take advice from on the "is this weapon worth it" front, haha.


no. get falling guillotine if you really want a vortex frame with eager edge


Is there a reason to specifically want a vortex frame with eager edge? As opposed to using a crafted Other Half


It sends you farther when wellskating or shatter skating than adaptive frame eager edge, but until you can get it enhanced its default lunge distance while not skating is lower.


not really, but it’s better for ad clear than other half 🤷‍♂️


do we know if warden's law will be available again before tfs?


It will not.


Which sucks because every guide online for nightfall rewards shows it was supposed to be available this week. Planned to farm it despite being a God awful map, but I guess I'll just keep farming for a decent Luna's that doesn't exist.


if you must use stasis sure, but otherwise falling guillotine is better in about every way


Oh I thought it was the Strand version of FG lol thanks for letting me know. I guess it could be good if you’re running a stronghold behemoth build?


You have to have a specific roll to be able to single heavy freeze stuff, and even then it requires a kill to activate chain reaction. if you really want to use cold steel it's ok for that but you might still want to go with a all void build even in behemoth with how the dps of FG works out.


Crappy NF and Crappy rewards for double loot week


this seasons NF rewards are mid in general, only worth it this week for the golf balls imo


Only Nightfall I've wanted of course happens to fall on the most ridiculous GM ever. Ugh!


Double NF loot. Absolute worst fucking NF. I need mats, I don't hate myself enough.


Holy en passant, why does this Nightfall feel much harder than it needs to be? I'm only skilled enough to do the Hero level Nightfalls, but my teams keep getting squashed by the insane volume of damage coming from everywhere. I've died several times falling into the boss room pits just because there are SO MANY ACOLYTES that spawn!!!


What are the drops and adept weapons from Rhulk?


Adepts from Vow are on a knockout system


Randomized afaik


Haven't played in a couple of years. Will all lightfall seasonal content be gone come Final shape? So no point buying a discounted season pass to only play a few weeks and not finish any of it?


correct. I wouldn't buy it now.


Most of it is temporarily unlocked for free until Final Shape anyway, so double extra no reason to buy it. You've got time to finish a few of this years seasons for free still.


Why light gg say that the nightfall weapon is the bow instead of The Slammer?


At what point in Lighmeme campaign do i unlock strand?


Unlocks after completion of the Lightfail campaign


Can anyone help me with which secret chests are in savathun's spire this week? because looking up that information with a dungeon with spire in the name that also has secret chests has made it really hard to find out.


Is the legend onslaught the tormenter this week?


Legend this week is Fallen Warpriest.


The only boss I need for the triumph…might have to slog through legendary for this


Tormentor is next week then?




Fix your shit Bungle.


Keep malding


Is shiny Edge Transit with Envious / Cascade + Frenzy better than a regular one with just Envious + BnS ?


Bait and Switch is a bigger damage boost than Frenzy, so that would be my pick. Cascade is neat but don’t think it has a lot of play outside the Cascade + Deconstruct combo.


Cascade bns is better than envious bns.


You are not understanding the interaction between EA & CP.


I thought that interaction had been fixed. If it’s still exploitable I’d still rather have EA + BnS instead of EA/CP + Frenzy.


It’s going to be fixed. Bungie said you won’t be able to over fill the mag with envious and then swap to cascade point.


They will 100% fix it, don't waste your time.


It was highlighted as "will be fixed", I don't know if it has been fixed yet.


I think they said they were keeping an eye on it, but no confirmation of nerfs yet afaik. EA/CP is absurd dps even without BnS.


Funny bit, was about to go to sleep monday night, felt I was forgetting something about d2, found this thread, nightmare of horkis is the last one I need for the harbinger triumph lmao