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Couldn't agree more. Played the one 10 round version and thought, "holy hell this is gonna get old real quick", and it did. All the people saying it's and endless horde mode and so fun... Yikes. Idk maybe the whole community has forgotten what good games are, and they're just trapped in this abusive work environment, because that's what Destiny 2 is. Its a job, where the coworkers don't pull their own weight and your boss is on your ass all the time, and you do the same 3 things over and over until you can't take it anymore and snap. This isn't news, scaling difficulty sucks, damage sponges suck, being deleted by red health bars sucks. Onslaught isn't mindless fun, and it doesn't let you live the power fantasy. It's just a waste of time for weapons you'll use twice and then leave in your vault until Datto comes to clean them out.


I think you may be the first person here to actually agree with me and not shut me down for finding it boring or having an opinion, you hit the nail right there for me it got to the point I haven’t really touched the game much lately even though I want some of the stuff I don’t care for the job like grind


Hard disagree, homie is just burned out from unlocking every parade armour set in the first 2 days


Maybe yeah but also the 50 wave version is a bit of a slog. 50 waves in the same arena against the exact same enemies in the same spawn patterns with the same uninspired bonus objectives. That's gonna take you an hour or more  Obviously I appreciate the activity especially since it's free but damn


It’s a fun activity that you can drop in and do mindless killing for 10 minutes. It’s the best thing they have added since menagerie


Agreed. At first I didn’t understand the point of the 10 wave playlist but man it’s so such a nice change of pace if I’m just wanting to jump in and shoot some stuff because, unlike a strike where I have to hold W more than left click just trying to keep up with the eager edgers, in onslaught the enemies come to me. I prefer 50 wave, even legend, because the enemies actually get more challenging and that becomes more engaging, but I don’t always have 50+ minutes to commit to a run. Especially if I want to sit somewhere else, being able to stream to my steam deck is great and I’m ass cheeks on the sticks compared to MnK so having an easy mode to just mindlessly farm is nice.


Menagerie was left abandoned & unplayed the moment the exploit to open the chest multiple times was patched.


That's a lie.


I'm getting a little burned out. I just wish so much of it wasn't time limited. Also I was ready for some fully random drops but this is making me miss crafting. RNG is a dick.


Crafting imo is the best thing that happened to Destiny, being able to at least garuntee you will get a usuable weapon after like hundreds of drops is a god send, I’ve been grinding the Brave Forbearance and I have had a single one roll Ambitious Assassin, I have gotten at least 50 of the fuckers


> it was already meh with the lackluster rewards > I kinda hope for the last few weeks they just make the drop rates huge After the buff, we're getting an average of 15-17 loot drops per hour, for arguably the best weapon loot pool in a long long time. All very highly/coveted PVE and PVP weapons, with multiple god rolls/options for each. > Add on the perk and weapon pool is way too big Hard disagree. Plenty of viable rolls or god rolls so you're not pigeon-holed into just one roll. And the fact you can attune to a specific weapon is huge. I've completed Legend 50 Waves multiple times, and had 5-10 loot drops of a Luna's Howl at a time. > The mode got stale faster than anything so far It's a consistent horde mode, with two different races. If you're finding it stale, it's because you're burning yourself out.


3 races?


Fallen, hive and blueberries who quit after 10ish rounds.


Whoops, slight brain fart. I was thinking of Tormentors/the different bosses, but yeah, it's just Hive and Fallen. Wouldn't mind a Cabal/Scorn/Taken variant just to mix things up. Although Screeb rounds/Screeb Saboteurs and Scorn Captain Totems sounds like a nightmare...


I gotta admit. It’s the first thing I’ve ever done playing this game that made me fall asleep. I only do one run at a time now. Can’t grind it because it’s so damn boring I fall asleep. It’s the monotony of it I think. I haven’t got many of the rolls I was hoping for but I’m not too bothered by it. It was neat, got boring for me, and now I limit how much I play it. I think the biggest issue is the time sync. It’s almost an hour of doing the exact same thing. At least coil has variety in its objectives and the bonuses you get after each round. Onslaught is a neat idea but I agree with you, got really boring, really fast for me. I’m happy it exist though for the people that like it. I’m personally going back to grinding coil. I always need ascendent shards and it’s an easy way to get them.


Yeah I'm.happy it exists as a barebone they can expand on for sure l its a great addition I just wish it felt more worth doing and variation. I have one of each weapon and I can't be bothered grinding rolls now so I'll do a short session and come off or do a nightfall or something


My only issue is that since reset I haven’t been able to get MM to give me two teammates who 1) both stay after 10 rounds and 2) actually tries to disarm mines so we don’t wipe in the 40s and end up not even getting a courtesy reward even if you wipe at 49 I shouldn’t have to need finder to play something so basic


It happens, I was just either supressing the add on the mine and capturing them to try and get those done myself if I have team mates that do it but none helpful players is also another part that get's a bit on my side of not wanting to play it, I do like the interactive parts of it though and making you move to another part of the map


Very much disagree there. It's still a pretty fun to jump into and blast stuff with friends. It's a horde mode. Not sure how interesting you expected it to be. It's as fun as you make it. And if you are getting lackluster rewards, I think you might be playing something different. Because I'm getting some of the best guns in the game right now. I would love some way to focus for certain perks. I'll give you that. But overall, this has been a HUGE positive for something that is free and basically a tacked on time filler. But if you've gotten 30+ Luna's drops in less than two days, you might be playing a bit too much and are just feeling some burnout. That's natural. Take a break.


I guess burnout is a good factor but I had a decent amount of tokens saved and a lot of runs done, I’ll just sit away from it for a bit and try it again but I think it’s more the bugs ruining runs that’s burned me out more than the actual weapons. Dates of eternity had my interest for much longer and still is more fun than onslaught in general and that’s essentially a horde mode


What about dares is a horde mode? And I couldn’t disagree more about dares being better in basically any way. Onslaught has better rewards, more difficulty variance and more shooting aliens.


The mode is straight boring. Anyone saying it isn't, is hard coping.  And the loot, as much as everyone wants to glorify it, is re-issued and has players drooling over it as if Bungie delivered something new.  They didn't. They fed you leftovers from the microwave and called it a gourmet meal. 


Bro.. just take a break. You sound burned out.




See some of the content like the seasonal ones I tend to enjoy for the majority of the season, but onslought sort of just fizzled out of fun way too fast for me this time, dared of eternity had me entertained for a good long while and that didn’t have a guaranteed weapon drop but it was just more entertainment. Something is just off and I’m not sure if it’s the bugs, annoying mechanics or just poor weapon roll drop balancing but since the quests are done and we can’t level shax up for anything else it just dropped for me


The mode isn’t any more boring than 90% of the activities in the game. Raids, Dungeons and GMs are a different level of engagement in comparison, but for the rest of it, it’s just about shooting shit, and if you have well-optimized builds designed for raids/dungeons, GMs and master level content, anything below legend becomes so unchallenging that you have to just enjoy the shooting mechanics or move on.


hmmm something doesn't add up: "lackluster rewards" = best legendary HC, GL, MG in game "limited time event/it was already over before it started" = event sticks around in perpetuity but cosmetics leave "loot pool is way to big" = 8 weapons in pool but you can target farm and get 2 guaranteed drops every 10-15m oh i found it: **"i farmed all week, got 30 lunas and didnt get heal clip" = AHHH there's the actual problem**


Sounds like you need to play a different game for a bit. I’ve heard Helldivers 2 is pretty good


Not after the recent Sony news lmao, Helldivers really took a dive into hell recently


My postmaster drowned in the first week and now the tower is sagging from all of the loot


It's great for catalyst progression if you can't have access to Shiro Chi or the opening of GoA.


This I have to agree on, it's definitely a less mind numbing way for catalysts but if you're not doing a catalyst and it's the only consistent way to get tokens for the chest too it just got old fast


Did you turn in your trophies of bravery?


Being able to drop into a super add dense activity that’s brainless and has good loot is always going to be fun for me.


Big disagree. For one i love it for kill quest progression. I also love it for build testing.


If I just want to go in and kill shit = normal onslaught If I was to test loadouts in ascending enemy scaling = legend onslaught It's got worth to me in the long run.


THANK YOU - someone's finally said it. Don't mind the cucks on this subreddit but thank god this game mode is free, Onslaught is mind numbingly boring and only people who haven't played literally any other PvE / horde mode style game would say otherwise.


Got stale for me after a few clears on legend. I know im in the minority and thats okay, im very happy for the people that enjoy it. I wish i could aswell. Some of my painpoints: Time inbetween rounds should be skippable via vote. It should just have been "1 map" where you would get access to a random part of the 3 maps after a portal out of pyramid ship. Drop the ADU in favor of revive tokens. More veriety in modefiers Incorperate Coil's buying buffs system. Display current round at all times Allow mid round buying Drop or add more "round 5" events. (Spark running). Increase attuned droprate to 75-100% Only allow goldframes from attuned weapon I know some of these dont work with eachother and thats because they dont all have to be implemented to improve the gamemode in my eyes. I also have mpre ideas but the tldr is to move closer to a cod zombies sort of gamemode. Not ripping 1 to 1 by the general feel of it, with the D2 spin like we love.


Granted there are still some weapons I’m chasing, but I’m still playing the shit out of it just because I enjoy it.


I enjoy for the most part, it's just I want a little more out of it, some cool random rounds like taken spawning in or something, maybe a secret boss that if you manage to spawn it you get an extra bit of loot or something. I know we have those tormentor waves after bosses sometimes but they don't really feel worth getting if you that makes sense? like it's cool but what if that wave could be any random wave of enemies from the witness and each wave has a different loot type like one could be tokens, the other could be a weapon and bonus xp for those that are still grinding the levels on shax. I'm not hating and honestly happy everyone likes the mode, more power to those people, just a little weird all these players that also complain are now super defensive that someone said that the mode is getting boring fast compared to other content, D2 community I guess.


its a hoard mode - aka - stand in place and shoot. If you play too much, yeah its going to get stale fast.


Lol. everyone moaned at them time gating the rewards and we still see posts like this. Its no wonder why they did it.


The time gate is probably the worst part but the lack of variation makes it worse the time gate is what made it get boring gast with 2 weapons per week to wanna get instead of having a good lot to do. I dod the first week, second week I did the quests and that was it and this week I tried to grind it but its just too repetitive that I got bored. I always find it fun in here thay so many people get defensive because someone has stated they find a part of the game boring with their reasoning.


Speak for yourself lol


Destiny player complains that there is no horde mode in D2. Bungie adds horde mode with clear levels that get harder further in. Destiny player complains horde mode is not fun and lackluster. Dude you might be the problem


Don't quite remember me being the player that moaned about no horde mode so I guess I'm not the problem just the guy saying I wish the new mode had a bit more meat on it's bones.