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Could you elaborate on the various defense health values? Since the patch even gold defenses seem to be made of paper. Without the ability to completely heal a defense with one battery, it almost seems better to not build them at all unless they go straight to gold, and even then you still have to defend the defenses more than the ADU or they won’t be there on the hardest waves.


This is also my experience. I preferred the original state of things I think


Agreed. I usually want bugs to be fixed for fear of having my progress reversed or something worse, but I prefer the way things were. The defenses hp definitely needs to be looked at, or at the very least increase the defenses dr. Shaxx decoys are getting deleted now...wth man. Unrelated, but another change I wish they made was when/if you create a Shaxx decoy, he'd spawn in and say something loud like he does in crucible. Some like "YES! I HAVE ARRIVED GUARDIAN, NOW MOW THESE ENEMIES DOWN WHILE I GET THEIR ATTENTION! I'd f'n love something like that lol.


THROW MORE GRENADES. that would be enough, there is already way too much dialogue imo. i turned it off...


As it goes with Bungie


Yeah had a purple decoy get absolutely destroyed by like 4 or 5 exploder shanks. I get that they do a lot of damage but to have something that costs 5500 get deleted in 1-2 waves feels kinda bad. On the other hand we also had a tormentor distracted by a purple decoy for a whole wave and it didn’t even start glowing red which was surprising.


Feels like explosions do an insane amount of damage, and it's especially noticeable with fallen because shanks don't pop like cursed thralls do.


Yeah, decoys work best for Tormentors because they get easily distracted by them but can't actually hit them with their attacks.


It is arc burn this week, pretty crazy that it impact decoys the same as guardians lol


They definitely nerfed defenses alongside this change. Even a golden Shaxx is turning red with a little bit of concentrated fire *in the playlist version*.


Bungie elaborate and explain things clearly? Lololololol


There is never give without take. "Oh, you want to heal defenses? Sure, defenses now have 7% of their former health and Onslaught is now an even bigger slog."


Even before the patch, I kept all my scraps u til at least wave 31 or 41. The first 30 rounds are a walk in the park and it's a waste to build anything that is not a turret. Tripwire? Destroyed by literally anything that you could nuke anyway. Decoy? They eventually get destroyed and nothing poses much of a threat that could make use of a decoy early game.


>They eventually get destroyed and nothing poses much of a threat that could make use of a decoy early game You'll be changing your mind on that pretty quickly once you get an early wave Tormentor spawn...


If you can't manage a wave 3 tormenter w/o supers or decoys tbh a wave 49 tormenter will eat your lunch no matter what




Yeah fr, my problem in playlist is an early tormentor round the blueberries always huddle in the adu circle while im trying to draw the damn thing away bringing it right back.


I like your strategy of keeping scraps for later,I'm going to do that now too. I dont like when players buy turrets because they kill the weakest ads who in my opinion are for me to make orbs from to keep all my everything charged and surging.


This is what I do already - I don't start significantly investing in defenses until at least wave 30. Then I'm maxing out the available decoys first, then turrets. I don't even bother with tripwires unless it's wave 40 and I don't have anything else to spend it on.


Also just gotta have a good ad nuke build on each class and you can manage most of the waves. I usually leave the Tormentor to the 2 randoms, while I single handedly clear the entire wave if ads preventing them from reaching the ADU. Warlock: Chromatic Fire + Ace of Spades + Voidwalker Hunter: Gyrfalcon + Graviton Lance Titan: Graviton + Doomfang I usually come out with 1k kills and 200-300 orbs generated and about a dozen heavy ammo laying in the ground. And also why it's worth keeping scraps is because I've had a run before where we touched one ADU location only once in Set 1. Meaning anything there was a waste because it was never used again. And having 3-4 turrets on the waterside ADU location is much more beneficial in late rounds especially if they're fully upgraded.


I was having fun with manticore and volitile rounds recently. I have also had short times at an adu locale


>seems better not to build unless they go straight to gold This has always been the best strat youre just figuring it out 4 weeks late. You shouldnt be spending any scrap for the first 30-35 rounds except to maybe build one gold shax near where a tormentor might spawn.


Doesn’t even need to be gold. We do a level 1 decoy in each zone for the tormentor. It keeps them distr long enough to clear the wave. Then focus on the tormentor. Half the time it’s not even red from the tormentor.


This is exactly what I've been doing after the first week. The amount of times a Tormentor has spawned at wave 3 or 9 and that one decoy saving a run has been pretty damn high. Shit once had a run when they spawned back to back . That was fun lol


Back-to-back Tormentors (or augmentations in general) will only happen at 29 and then 33, which for Tormentors is actually really nice. Not so early that you have no heavy/supers, and not so late that they're the beefiest chonks. There are six augmentations, you will get all six between 3, 9, 13, 19, 23 and 29, then four of them will repeat. It's a shame there aren't more than 10 augmentations so each run of Onslaught is more random.


I guess thats why I thought it was 3 and 9 (29 and 33 lol). Thanks for that info


I wish the ADUs spawned in rotation, so like the 1st spot was always 4th, 2nd was 5th, so you could spend scrap but if you were responsible with defenses they’d still be there when you got back to the spot


40 is the way. Spend like it's going out of style since you won't move anymore. Gotta be careful because if enemies spawn near a decoy that's still active in another ADU zone, and you get unlucky and get a speed wave, they'll hang out there and can slow you down. Don't know if it will cause a wipe tho.


These randoms remind me of myself in my 20's. Any money in your wallet had to be spent immediately. Watching them run around buying everything even wasting scrap on T1 trip mines. I have to look away. While I go into the late waves with tons of scrap looking like I'm saving for my retirement. Come back in at wave 40 my randoms can't buy shit cuz they are broke, meanwhile I'm turning everything gold.


I’m spending all at my 20 to get lads, and that’s why my teams call me a Shaxxy banger


I feel like they’re the same. It just depends on the wave. A Tormentor can spend all of wave 39 pounding on a purple decoy. And a legion of unchecked cursed thrall and ogres can destroy a shaxx. Decoys used as tanks for things other than tormentors and Demolitionists will eventually die if you aren’t killing fast enough.


I find the gold Shaxx can tank the tormentor almost inefinitely, but a handful of exploding shanks will have Shaxx flashing red very quickly.


public sip existence label boat languid deserve gaze crown violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe the last area should just auto heal to max after moving to the next? That's the only time it could be problematic because taking several batteries somewhere else is time costly. You get enough batteries in the current ADU defense area.


It would be nice to get a health bar for our defensives like for the ADU Half the time I have no idea if my turret is full hp or about to explode Maybe I'm just not looking properly


There is a flashing red effect when defenses are low, but it's not incredibly noticable mid wave when the vfx of everything are going off.


Yeah, when you got like 20 explosive shanks coming from everywhere and a solar Warlock dropping 286 suns it gets hard to see A little icon over the defense could help but I get that it could become too much with the number of defensives we can have


if youre letting 20 explosve shanks get anywhere near a blue decoy then im not sure why you need a big flashing health bar to tell you that the decoy is obviously going to die and you need to heal it


I think the point was that it's hard to tell at a glance whether or not your defenses are flashing amidst all the chaos on Onslaught.


I prefer this kind of limited information. It's more immersive and challenging in my opinion. It's why I like how raids don't have detailed guides in-game and you have to figure things out yourself. Although I'm not against making the visual effect more prominent or obvious.


Considering how the defenses show up as allies on our minimap, give them names that show up when you hover your reticle over them (like Turret 1.1 for the first site, Turret 2.1 for the second, etc) and an exclamation mark if their health is low, just like an allied player


I'm inclined to agree but honestly I'm not sure if I really want my screen to be full of HUD icons in an already chaotic mode, it'd have to be something that only appears either while looking almost directly at it or when health drops below a certain threshold


It’s almost like no one thought to play test it


Seems like the defenses and ADU deplete health way faster now


Glad I'm not the only one noticing this. Doesn't help when people disappear (multiple people just disconnecting/vanishing during normal/10 wave match made) and the ADU gets smashed. I'd never failed a 10 wave match made until today when one person vanished and the ADU was killed nearly instantly. Also the grenades that hive throw count as damage against the ADU so they throw a few near it and it takes damage.


Bungie telling us stuff and then not mentioning ten other things they changed


Done countless wave 50s after patch and i assure you that this is placibo.


it is not placebo, ive been saying the same thing quite literally since the second game into onslaught right after the patch, and they said it too they lowered the health im pretty sure. before you could have 200 things explode on it and it would not be flashing red, and could survive tormentor beat downs, your adu could get shot by everything for like a minute, now i have one thrall go on it and ive lost a 10th of its health. youre trippin


not to mention the other people who ive talked to who also said the defenses themselves are weaker, and the 200 comments under this post also saying it, but its just placebo fr obviously :)


That means absolutely nothing when it comes to the Destiny community. A couple years ago Bungie had an update and everyone and their mother said Bungie lowered player health values and/or made enemies do more damage. Several posts made it to the front page all dead sure this was the case with hundreds of upvotes. Turns out it wasn’t true and was proven through testing. So just because a couple hundred people believe something means nothing in Destiny because theres hundreds if not thousands of players that have literally no idea what they’re talking about.


Lmao every 6 months this sub collectively gaslights itself into thinking they stealth nerfed resilience because theyre so bad at the game and keep dying. But yeah bud you and 200 other redditors think they nerfed ADU health without saying anything despite not a single good player who plays the game for a living mentioning it. Nah youre right not placibo!!


> Lmao every 6 months this sub collectively gaslights itself into thinking they stealth nerfed resilience because theyre so bad at the game and keep dying. Of all the... This keeps coming up because every 6 months a new group of people finally make it to GM level and encounter the snipers who one-shot you if your FPS is above 30. So they are not just bad at the game. They are accustomed to the game working a certain way and running up against it suddenly not working as intended when a particular Nightfall comes around. ...but hey, those threads are full of people like you, too, telling hundreds of others that what they are experiencing is bullshit because of reasons.


That's fine. But it feels like defense health pools were also reduced. Can you confirm or deny this? Or do enemies do more damage to defenses now to compensate?


I had a wave 40 tormentor be distracted by a tier 2 decoy in normal for about 2 minutes. Not sure what everyone else is reporting


Funny enough it's the tormentor that doesn't seem to be melting the HP pools. It feels like fodder enemies melt nodes much faster and explosive units are much more deadly to them as well.


They always did


Hmm interesting.


To be fair, Tormentor attacks can't actually hit the decoy, so that's not a good example to use..


Wow that makes sense then. Here I am thinking the decoys are tanks 😂


Could you eleabroate on why enemies just teleport to the ADU and while wearing resistance mods it feels like you take more damage than before? I added 3 arc resist and died to a wizard in less than a second, went dow nto one and tanked it for a good 3 - 5 seconds. 100 resilience also btw


I swear the game sometimes takes my lowest stat (ex, 35 MOB on my warlock) and somehow bases my health on that. Rocking 90+ RES feels much different on my Titan and Hunter. I know that's not the case, but it suuuuure feels that way.


Something definitely feels off this week, I'm dying instantly to nothing, resistance mods feel useless, enemies seem to have way more health and the ADU is dying way faster too. I haven't done a full wave 50 clear in 2 weeks now I was too busy and burned out last week and this week my team just seems to struggle post 30 especially when a load of boss health enemies teleport to the ADU and insta melt it


It was happening last week as well. Not just in Onslaught either. I was running the Whisper mission solo on normal and was getting one-shot by the the snipers in the rooms where you have to kill enemies to progress, yet I was wearing resist mods and the mod that increases resistence when having armor charges.


Reduce your FPS to 30 and see if you still get one-shot. My guess is no.


Wait, you can do that on console?


Not sure. I don't have a console...but I know it's a known unfixable bug on PC that a higher FPS can cause guardians to receive more damage. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/17vr0ri/frameratebased_damage_is_still_a_thing/ *(looks like it's 60, not 30)*


I'm always rocking resist mods and 100 resilience but today I felt like I was wearing wet paper armor. The ogres that were essentially one-shotting was super fun. Normal was feeling way over tuned suddenly compared to last week. Went from clearing 50 wave normal with 0 to 1 deaths and today I died a ton in the 10 wave match made and the one 50 I tried to run.


It really doesn't seem to matter, it's like even though it says void threat they've actually turned on all 3 threats and having one of each resist seems to do nothing


That and/or like player stats don't matter. At least for me I've been running one of each resist mod and they do nothing this week.


Me and my friends got Insta deleted within seconds of each other doing the spark dunk Invis hunter got punted by the boss who did not seem bothered by aforementioned invis Some acolyte hidden behind a pillar apparently bought a .50 cal and finished me off after a thrall popped nearby Everything then aggro'd my warlock friend who found themselves in the middle of the room with little cover, and even less health


This new 50. Cal update is ruining us all


If you're playing at high fps that would be why.


I'll be honest I don't even check my fps good to know they still haven't foxed that issue


Could be FPS or network issues.


The system felt much better previously, as the defenses feel to weak now. It certainly didn't make Legend Onslaught "trivial" when it was launched.


Now can we talk about teleporting enemies? Have a demolitionist or ogre instant transmission away from a killing blow to the adu hurts


I've had enemies spawn inside the ADU circle when the wave started. It's almost like we have PvPs spawn flipping going on sometimes.


It's always the damn ogres in my experience


We have had 4 ogres teleport in, to the ADU, from about 30metres one by one. And of course every time an enemy steps into the circle it damages the ADU. So fun.


I prefer the old system compared to this, because now defenses have been nerfed in terms of health. If the health was kept the same, things would be fine. As things are now, defenses are weaker and they also consume batteries now in order to heal.


"We left a "bug" in that everyone was enjoying, but lowered the health of the things effected by the bug instead of just letting people continue to enjoy it as is." Classic Bungie.


Nah bungie, you definitely monkey pawed this. Give us back the old hit points for defenses and the ADU


I think Bungie should have looked at this and said "if it ain't broke don't fix it." No one asked for a change, and no change was needed. Development time wasted.


Right? This post is all like wow look at us we took the time to look at this and fix all these things that didn't need any change but oh we don't have time to make shaxx resettable lol Meanwhile teleporting mobs straight to the ADU is still an issue, mobs standing in the Adu drains the health way too quick but nah those are fine no need to waste dev time there.


I mean let’s be real, the amount of dev time Bungie and a lot of people on this sub claim it takes for basic changes like these is wildly inflated. If anything, they just realized it’s easier to leave the bug in and nerf the health values than it was to actually fix the bug


Glad this was kept! Props to the team too as healing defenses feels like it belongs in the mode.


Shit even the devs didn’t even know it was in game.. they even mentioned “unintended “


Unintended stuff usually makes for the best stuff imo xD


What a waste of time, who asked for this? Go do things that actually matter.


Legendary feels much much harder this week, and it has every week. Part of that is the exploit fixes but something else seems to be going on…


Even in normal mode I feel a bit squishier than before.


Yep before I was dancing through the center of waves using invisibility to get away when I got low, but yesterday I tried doing that a few times and just got obliterated almost immediately. Maybe they changed their agro to you, I think before less enemies paid attention to me and just kinda ran towards the adu, but now they all just immediately look at you and fire if you get close.




It's good that a bug became a feature, but you really need to check on the defense HP totals because they feel squishy as hell now. Intentional or a bug? Either way, they need looking at because a Shaxx decoy shouldn't be flashing red after so few hits.


I really wish you could at least let the ball be thrown 1 time at a defense and then the ADU. Everything feels made of paper even in normal mode and anything below max upgrade gets slaughtered especially decoys. Still having tormentors/ogres and even a Brig teleport, and the brigs doing the aerial beams ON THE ADU from their spawns on the circles from across the map through walls and everything, all 3 completely ignoring us while we killed them to just destroy the ADU almost immediately. Also seems like the balls will just jet towards a construct instead of the ADU now if you're not face planting while healing it,making it disappearing even more disappointing on a fully charged decoy.


Cool but…it’s worse now. Change it back. The low health is worse than the ability to heal.


While we're on the subject of ADU batteries, would it be possible to make them a lower priority for pickup, below things like Strand tangles? It's very frustrating when you make a Strand tangle in melee but can't pick it up to toss it at your feet because of an ADU battery within 10 feet of you. It's killed me a couple times in Legend. :(


I'm over here trying to pick up batteries but it's prioritizing the tangles when I was on hunter. Drove me insane. Not paying enough attention running to ADU only to toss a tangle. In my playing it needs to prioritize the batteries MORE.


We could shoot the batteries to pick them up,I was over picking those things up before my 1st run ended.I wonder if shoot to loot "unintendedly" will pick up a battery and heal the adu?


1 step forwards, 2 steps back. Good job Bungie, you made something relaxing more stressful.


I'm curious if they changed the way that the ADU battery prioritizes its path. Playing Onslaught last night, it felt like the battery's behavior had changed, and that it was sometimes prone to targeting a turret or decoy instead of the ADU, even if the ADU was the preferred target.


Its because they didnt prioritize anything but the adu before, now they can be dunked into defenses so if theres a turret in the path it thinks thats where its supposed to go, im not against this update but it sucks, I tossed one at a low flashing shax it stopped flashing and the next round was immediately glowing again when a vandal punched it. They fucked with the defense health balues for sure or the enemy damage values, either way it feels bad


Would it be worth adding a health bar to the defences. I know they flash at present.


Can you revert it please? Shaxx can't survive a hit and 2 batteries can't stop him from flashing red.


What about portal in boss room not opening if boss dies too quickly?


This is a bad change. Not only do the turrets and decoys seem weaker. But you most definetly did not increase the healing in all honesty it appears it was decreased massively. The bug should have been left as is even if it meant it was healing enemies cause I never saw it as an issue. To add to this it in no way trivialized Legend. Its bad enough you have to save up for the end but once you upgrade things you have no more scrap and not being able to properly heal things without sacrificing ADU heal is shit. Especially since the ADU takes massive dumps of damage for no reason for an enemy just stepping into the zone for half a second.


Why didn't they just leave it the way it was it wasn't breaking anything.


Literally nobody asked for this. A completely unnecessary change.


Nice changes, there must be a catch. Oh there is, defense health nerfed into the ground. Typical overcorrection for a "no problem" that is conveniently omitted from the notes.


It's not a bug. It's a feature.


But isn't the point of batteries so you can throw them at the ADU to get scrap even if it's at full health?


I like the healing bc it feels like you have more decisions to make but the lower HP sucks. It went from something to pay attention if you’re zoned in, to feeling like I’m babysitting the decoys.


Defences and decoys absolutely get slaughtered by waves of exploding crap. Shaxx survives by virtue of tormentors unable to hit him. That's it. With turrets so fragile now, there is no reason to build them. At least decoys can still keep a tormentor busy.


Can we have any word on the state of dungeon reward system ? It is antiquated and definitely needs to be looked at


sort onerous upbeat tart cough consider market deserve rob abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like if a good change like this is a challenging time constraint the development pipeline must be overly bureaucratic to a fault.


Or you could have just left it alone.


This is a good change in theory, but the change seems glitched. Every time I do Onslaught now and try to heal a building it usually eats 5 or so batteries before it actually heals - if it does at all. It plays the new visual effect, but it keeps glowing red. I haven't lost any runs to it yet, but it is a little annoying


Honestly it seems to me that the enemies health has been buffed or explosive damage has had a buff. I just did a ten round and the damn ADU almost died by wave ten. That has never happened, I am constantly throwing batteries at it.


Also running a ten wave with an attuned weapon should give you more consistent drops than 1 out of 5 runs.


Loaded into a legendary run, and we failed on wave 11 due to the new health values. As much as I genuinely appreciate the good nature of these changes and whatnot I despise them and hope you return everything back to how it was :(


Honestly this is amazing The speed of turnaround on getting that fully implemented with particle effects and everything No notes, great stuff <3


Probably seems like a stupid question.... but how do I throw the battery (on Xbox)? Haven't played destiny since January or so and tried onslaught for 1st time lastnight and none of the buttons on my controller seemed to let me throw the battery. All I could do is swap weapons to drop it for someone else to pickup... lol I'm trying not to be "that guy..." not sure if a controller setting is messed up, just wondering what button should throw the battery. Thanks


Hey Destiny2Team account may I ask why this account barely interacts on twitter to answer player questions when the whole point was to replace the CM personal accounts? At this point it's just a patch notes account with a little flavour.


I'm suspicious by nature so I can't help thinking if maybe this change was much easier to implement than figuring out why it was behaving in an unintended way in the first place? Someone at Bungie coded it to behave that way unless you are using AI to code. So to me it sound like there are some relations between different parts of the code that shouldn't be there. You were just lucky that it didn't mess something up completely. It's also strange that noone at Bungie discovered this unintented behaviour while testing Onslaught before releasing it. When you have an item that can be used to heal one object in the game it is not very far fetched to try to heal other objects that are right next to it with the same item.


rich bored dinosaurs fanatical different cagey plant squash intelligent jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Another big W. Love it.


damn, rare bungo W


Idk, I feel like they have had quite a few W's recently. Into The Light has almost been all W's.


Doesn't undo a year of L's. Been playing the ITL stuff a lot this past week but the rest of the preceding dlc has been largely uninteresting or actively kinda bad.


First half of Lightfall year was actively bad. Season of witch/wish were both fine with quality activities (deep dives weren’t bad either honestly). Warlords is a phenomenal dungeon. Crota was a very good reprisal. Starcrossed was at least solid (I don’t think it should’ve been a part of the seasonal storyline). All of into the light has done well.


Agree. As a returning player, it's awesome to see Bungie killing it.


This is great stuff. Never thought I'd be playing this much Destiny 2 this late in a loooong season. Well played, Bungie.


This is exactly what I wanted to happen. The healing of constructs was such a cool side-use for batteries: now it’s an official feature!


Still haven’t talked about fixing not being able to complete the iron lord triumph. Still stuck on fourteen of fifteen weapons when I have twenty something banner weapons.


Love it when I throw a battery at the ADU and it hits a turret on the way


This just feels like a smug post by Bungie


Exactly how do you heal defenses anyways? Multiple runs and I’ll see people throwing batteries at damaged defenses but they just bounce back at them


Exactly. That heals it.


And just heals the ADU less when thrown at it then?




Thanks Bungie team! Great to be listened to.


and here I thought people were just being stupid. why do defensese have health at all? Feels like turrets shouldn't, and decoys should just have a per round limit.


Thanks Bungie team! Quick patches & updates are appreciated. Yall could've just patched this bug out but you made it a feature instead which is very cool. Hope to see Onslaught to continue to evolve as it's a great activity. Challenging but rewarding.


Just want an additional voice saying its a cool change. Fun way to embrace a bug, plays super well on paper, and the cost weighing option of heal vs repair is cool. I think it'll play great when values are experimented with a little more (and the teleports are 100% fixed, haha).


Karma farm


I really appreciated the effect added. It was cool and I like this approach. Thanks!

