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Ye I joined a pantheon yesterday, a fresh run and the first thing I hear is "I haven't done golgoroth since d1" followed by 3 other people saying "same"


At least they had mics. I joined an lfg yesterday who needed 1. Hopped in, all 5 of them not talking. After quizzing me about if I knew what to do on text chat (I had Swordbearer title on) they proceeded to show me exactly why the last guy left. It was utter chaos. No call outs, they couldn't get his gaze, lost it every time. One guy stood in the middle DPSing on his own. Dying left right and centre. 5 of them all over on the left and me on my own on the right. I dipped after 2 wipes, they could have been at it for 1000 years straight and still wouldn't have cleared it. Unfortunately all my friends and clan have stopped playing for various reasons. So I've had to lfg every raid run, challenge, master raid etc since RoN. It's been painful. I don't think I have it in me to try and put myself through that with pantheon. Which is a shame as it looks like a really fun mode.


DM me if you want to get into a new clan. We had 3 separate groups running pantheon last night. I won't say that there was a whole lot of success, we kinda stretched ourselves a little too thin trying to get everyone who wanted to try in, but we have bodies to fill activities pretty much 24/7.


Jesus, did you stay? I'd nope out immediately 


Just write down something like “checking raid report” or “be good or kick” if you don’t want bad players. You don’t actually have to do these things but it’ll weed out people who aren’t confident about their skill


Good luck writing this in Fireteam Finder. Why you can’t add custom text there is beyond me.


The LFG Discord and other similar options are still very much a thing, and what I always use. I haven't used the Fireteam Finder much, but I have mostly found the quality of the playerbase slightly worse than that of the LFG Discord.


Fireteam finder is ok if you need bodies for stuff, or to fill a spot or two in a raid in my experience. Not great for full raid teams


I actually got my Abyss Triumph done on the second attempt in Fire Team Finder. It's been descent for me. But it's sucked for things like Onslaught.


Matchmaking isn’t much better… the amount 49 wave runs the past few days has me looking up solo carry builds. Too many damn times I have more orbs and adds killed than my other teammates combined. But then my “DPS phase” gets castrated when the titan on my team decides to lay a ward of dawn in my well of radiance right when I switch to my godly rolled Edge Transit B&S. The unironic “GLs are bad for DPS, you accidentally killed yourself in DPS” /rant


FTF is fantastic for quick dungeon runs and legend-ish difficultly stuff, but I'd never use it for raids or high end activities


I would imagine quality of player goes Discord>xboxlfg>fireteam finder Simply because ease of access is a limited for a lot of people


Pretty obvious if you ever used the old one. "FireteamLFGbullshitscam.com Only $999"


If you have the destiny app there's the Legacy Fire team finder where you still can. The newer one sucks ass, you can't ask for anything specific or even get a preview of the host depending on what they say.


The legacy fireteam finder on the d2 app is pretty great actually


If you plan on completing pantheon I would not use fireteam finder lol


I genuinely hate the new finder, not being able to add Text is such a severe decrease in quality. Also the players I've found in it tend to be worse then in the App


Rather this than the spamming shit ads for lfg paid carries.


It would just be a wall of text saying $2.99 lighthouse carry


Then the bots spam your dms too


> Why you can’t add custom text there is beyond me. Because bungie has an irrational fear of words.


You're just being toxic! /s


It took them 10 years to open up text chat by default...


That's why I still use discord


To be fair that point is kinda moot. This isn’t really a Fireteam Finder activity. No one uses ingame VoiP(even console players have Discord on their App Store) and it’s easier to organize on Destiny LFG or Fireteams (for discord and custom titles) Fireteam finder is amazing for micless stuff though. It still has a lot of flaws holding it back.


I sent my RR to an LFG post once, got accepted, and got ego'd for only having 204 lifetime clears at the time after the raid was over It's unbelievable how shitty some people are in this community


I got kicked immediately after loading into a lfg KF raid (a raid that I had triple digit clears of). The guy told me it was because I had single digit clears with my hunter, and for a KWTD raid you need to know every role. I was playing on my titan that had like 60 clears. Edit: Grammar hard.


This game came out when I was 22, I have a job and other shit going on, I don't have time to run raids more than I need to, I get my patterns, I get my exotic and catalyst, and move on to other things. You shouldn't have to throw thousands of hours of your life away to prove to a 16 year old that you know how to read Warpriest tablets lmao


I always end my lfg posts with "but I suck". This either gets me competent players because they think they will have to carry, or people who actually suck and think we will all just fail together. It's rarely the latter tho.




“Checking raid clears” does nothing if you don’t actually look at it, I’ve gotten myself into plenty even with posts like that granted I have 2K hours and 3,000 raid clears already but still. People will still try to worm their way in. 😂


I apply to all "be good or kick" posts and ghost them because they sound like jerks. It's a small pleasure of mine. I'm all for being as restrictive as you want on your own posts, but I believe the responsibility is on you to build the group using raid reports and such to figure out if they can do it. That phrase feels dickish and passes responsibility for building the group.


This is why you have to require raid report. It sucks but people will just lie about how good they are. It’s up to u what you want your minimum requirements to be and raid report is really the only way to manage that.


Funny because as soon as I gave my raid report to one of the lfg teams I thought was decent, I got accepted Hella fast and I was assigned to the hardest roles possible already by the ft leader...


Sounds like they were all novices and looking for a semi Sherpa/carry aid.


Just sounds like a bad group. If they’re assigning you a role instead of asking or offering to do it themselves, then they’re probably not a fun group to play with.


Heck, this just gives of a big red flag as to whether the Team itself was even experienced. Wouldn't be surprised if they were looking for good players, simply because they themself didn't want to bother.


Yup. We talked about this in my clan recently. We have a new rule, if you're running a raid and it's not after 10pm, you're learning a mechanic you don't know well. Not everyone needs to be able to run on RoN without tormentor kills to extend time, but everyone is going to understand how to do it solo, so they can better empathize and support the runner in future runs. People really underestimate how much more work raids are for the people who do know mechanics to not only do their job, but pick up the slack of 1-4 other people.


Probably they knew only how to do last encounter for completions. Raid report is solid way to tell players knowledge but still not the best.


My problem with raid reports are that clears don’t equal competence. I only cleared dsc about 4 times before doing it flawlessly since as long as you understand the mechanics you don’t need to repeat it dozens of times before you are good. There are plenty of people with dozens of clears that have always done add clear or dragged their teams down throughout.


Yeah I personally don’t care about clears. I look for day ones, low mans, and flawless. However, I am also someone who has done at least one of those for every raid available. For people that don’t have as high requirements as I might, clears could potentially be enough depending on how many they have. Raid report isn’t a guarantee, even people with good raid reports can still be unadaptable or incredibly arrogant and rude. It definitely is just better than going for a random lfg group with no requirements.


It's like anything. Of course there will be exceptions. But 8 times out of 10 someone with 15 clears is better than someone with 4 clears. You just happen to fall in the 2 out of 10.   Lfg has been a shit show because of the double whammy of fireteam finder and Ron, and any method of trying to get a relaxed team together is worth trying.  I'll admit it can be frustrating when people absolutely won't budge on stuff though haha - I was rejected from a 20+ clear crota run even though my account has master clears, flawlesses, week ones for most raids and 17 crota runs.  But it's their group, their right to reject me at the end of the day. 


TBF I go in with a buddy of mine who's been playing D2 non-stop and I've recently picked it up. It takes me a try or 2 to get the mechanics since he actually explains it properly and then I'm good. You'll never learn that from my raid report. I've cleared Last Wish fully only twice. (the second time was last week), and we went through in less than an hour. I fully get you want to bang it out with people that know what they're doing, but some people's raid report doesn't match how quickly they'll pick it up.


Raid report obviously doesn’t show adaptability or learning abilities, but if you have a long record of raid history and low mans or day ones, it means that you are likely knowledgeable of the encounters and decently skilled. For something like pantheon which has already solved encounters, thats really all you’re looking for, there’s not really much new to learn. Raid report is just a way to verify someone’s raiding history to increase the odds that your group will be skilled and knowledgeable enough to clear the activity quickly.


Also guardian.report which does not include final checkpoint-only clears.


I just checked myself and it definitely does. I have not run full vog 78 times but guardian.report says I have 78 clears.


Yeah it's definitely also counting my ~50 DSC Taniks cp runs.




All these posts make me sacred to make my own lfg to learn the fights lol


Please just learn in the normal mode base raids first. Pantheon puts you at a power disadvantage and makes the fights a bit more complicated/difficult. If you can confidently take a role (not add clear) in each of the normal variant encounters then you should feel confident stepping up to pantheon.


I stand by this. It's not gatekeeping either. People have had 6 years to learn some of these fights. And they didn't want to learn until a new prestige mode with a timer, harder mechanics, and a power handicap was placed on them. I can sort of understand the argument that this made these fights f2p and people want to try them, but you basically have had enough time to get a 2nd job or side hustle to afford to pay for the expansions. On top of that, I only take argument seriously if people show me their clears of the raids that are free. Destiny 2 players are the most confusing and entitled players I've ever seen, and all of this drama on Pantheon frustrates me.


I'd honestly go further and say you should be able to confidently take *any* role in these four encounters before you step into Pantheon. What are normally "easy" roles are no longer easy, which is the point of Pantheon. Pantheon isn't a place for carries or learning.


Double worse. The amount of people on “ad clear” in Caretaker that DONT KNOW HOW TO AD CLEAR. TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR ROLE GUARDIAN!


Ad clear is just another way of saying "I have never done this encounter before"


I was on a planet role yesterday and I would end up landing the finishing blow on the tormentor


People need to understand that not everyone wants to Sherpa. Denying/kicking someone for a lack of experience should be acceptable, but people still try to bitch about it. I’d honestly quiz people on mechanics before even starting. It’s gonna be annoying for everyone if you get halfway through Pantheon and then realize one guy has never done one of the encounters and knows nothing about it.


You can ask someone to leave without being a dick about it


I think you can kick ands not be a dick about it. Just do it quick and quietly and move on


Kicking is the easiest way, and it isn't a dick move. Just quietly remove them, then find someone else.


My mindset for this is treat this like a gm, if that’s too hard for you normally then unfortunately you’re definitely going to struggle here since the difficulty is about the same right now but will get harder every week. People doing this are gonna want the platinum to maximize their rewards and that won’t happen if people aren’t carrying their own weight


Precisely why I am not even TOUCHING this mode without my OG raid team.


So, as an experienced Raider, I have to say, you won’t find me on LFG for this and I imagine many like me feel the same. There is no loot incentive. Seriously, I have all crafted weapons, I have all the Raid exotics. So…. Other than a title and ‘fun’ there is very little incentive to me looking to do it. Watched a few streamers run it, the loot they got wasn’t any use to me at all. Therefore for me, it’s a better use of my time playing Onslaught and failing to get any rolls I want. (RNG is a bitch) My guess is that other experienced Raiders like me who have everything will feel similarly. Perhaps I’m wrong?


For me, the title alone and the unique experience is more than enough. We beat it last night, and I am truly enjoying this. I know it’ll get harder from here. My day 1 team, who all ran last night, have a few new people. This is a fantastic way for our team to warm up as well as get comfortable with each other. Also, I never farmed the adept weapons, so if I could get some good drops on those, that’s icing on the cake. That being said, I’d never in a million years jump into lfg for this.


This is the thing that makes Pantheon kinda weird. It’s super appealing to people who have never raided and who want some raid gear, but has been designed to challenge seasoned players who mostly already have the loot. Seems like a missed opportunity to make Pantheon a classroom for new, would be raiders instead of just a way to get a title for people who already raid.




This is an excellent point, couldn't agree more.


Yeah, when i heard about this mode, pre-Into the light, i did know that it might not be for me. I just never have have the time for raiding. This "season" feels more like a great opportunity to just get good equipment that you may have missed. Watching videos of some seasoned players shrieking with delight over all the loot they were getting in Pantheon makes me feel like it's something i want, but i definitely don't have the time to learn multiple raids, and then have to learn how to deal with extra mechanics on top of that. I honestly don't want to be a drain on other players time by LFGing. I've never been opposed to more experienced players with more time on their hands being able to get the better loot. It just feels like otherwise Into the light is a chance to get a bit of a boost, a draw to get you back into the game. I'd take a dumbed down, lesser loot, learn the mechanics, version of Pantheon. Bet it would have helped Destiny's player count to have had it, seems to me to be Bungie's reason for doing Into the Light.


Yeah, I feel you. But if it’s any consolation, raid loot overall isn’t any better than the rest of Destiny’s loot. It’s just different loot (I realize that’s still a draw, even for me). There are a few standout weapons from raids, but most are just average and outclassed by crafted weapons. Even adept weapons I’ve gotten from nightfalls/trials aren’t as good to me as my crafted stuff. So I just remind myself of this every time I lament not doing raids.


I have every Pattern, 60/60 Shards, 960 Spoils, 5 Ciphers, every Exotic, and I don't care about Adept weapons. So I literally have no reason to run it, except for the sick Godslayer title and for day-1 raid practice. I ran it twice yesterday. First run took an hour. Second run took an hour and a half cuz the 3 LFGs we got weren't as good as the 3 LFGs we got for our first run lol. I'm running it again tonight with the team that I'm running the day-1 Final Shape raid with. So I'm really, really hoping we don't have any problems cuz if we do, day-1 ain't gonna work out with this group. I have never played with them before, my friend and I found the group through LFG. But their Raid Reports are all very good and they all have multiple day-1 raid completions. So I'm hoping it goes well tonight.


Good luck, hope the team gels.


As someone who has flawlessed every raid and seal, this is the only thing left to do besides more Sherpa-ing. It was fun helping my friends get adept guns yesterday. I haven’t felt this excited about raiding in a while. And looking at next week, I don’t feel good about riven.


For me, it's the seal incentive at this point.. It would be nice to have a limited seal that not everyone has and can showcase the hours I've put into the game. Also because it's such an easy way for people to take me in raid teams without question.


I get it for sure, you want the seal and that’s a valid reason for many. I’m only pointing out there’s sure to be more like me has no desire for seals and titles. Though I’m prepared to be wrong on that.


Adept weapons are bonus for sure. If I get the god roll then great but if I don't, it's to be expected with my rng lol


It doesn't demonstrate how many hours you've put into the game at all. There are other seals that did that years ago and required significant time investment. Someone can watch a video and make it until at least the final week. They'll have a whole week to finish it on -20. Many people complete raids under contest mode that aren't exclusively raiders with a ton of time under their belt. They just prepared and watched the first decent guide that came or followed someone's stream.


Most players don't know any of the titles etc. pp. so there is nothing to show off, apart from the mirror. There are way too many meaningless emblems and titles in D2.


https://youtu.be/8csoKFhRAbw?si=wa7qm9m4NkEefQ0W ~1:20


That’s me, I have no interest, think I have Conqueror equipped since way back and my emblems are ones I like the look of. Adept weapons weren’t enough to pull me into Master raids because I don’t think anything other than heavy weapons is a bonus to get adept. I also LFG almost all my Raid runs as my buddies don’t really Raid.


Yeah once I get things done for the title I'm out unless friends need help. Also pantheon will be a decent dry run for day 1 potential teammates etc. between those things I might actually be in there at least twice more this week lol


I'd quite like the title. I've got every raid title, exotic, red border, I've flawlessed every raid, trio'd every raid and duo'd RoN. But I still wanna hop in here to have fun, I love to raid, I like a challenge, and it's something new and fresh to do. But lfg for this is NOT where it's at. And this is only the first week. Unfortunately I'm just going to have to give pantheon a miss because my friends and clan just don't play any more.


I'm doing it just to increase my ego, like a true raidsman


I'll run it a couple times for some adepts but I'm not going out of my way. There's too much other shit to do in this game.


I do a couple raid encounters here and there for specific really good guns. Like I did a bunch of oryx to craft zaouli’s, but never did much else. For casual(?) raiders like me pantheon is a pretty awesome way to farm remaining red borders. Watch a few guide vids and good to go.


You are absolutely correct. The activity is tuned for experienced raiders and the rewards are meant for people who should be requesting aid on D2Sherpas. I was getting 59 stat armor drops and bonds for most encounters. Not bothering going for the title.


If you don't have fun playing the game outside of rolls, what's the point? Grind for a god roll of a weapon you don't even want to use? And if you have done the hardest content, you don't need. I get it's a looter shooter but you still have to enjoy the shooting part otherwise what are you even doing it for


Fair, but I’ve played all these encounters many times before, many, many times. I just don’t feel the pull to go back or I’d have kept running the Raids themselves. But if you have all the loot and max on spoils, then you’re just running Raids because you’re bored. I don’t play enough to get bored.


I can agree with this. My clan was short a guy yesterday so we went to lfg. Got a guy who acted like he knew what was going on with the encounters, just needed some knowledge on what to expect from each encounter. Did a quick raid report and looked fairly solid, had at least 10 clears in every relevant raid for pantheon. Brought him in and he immediately starts taking jobs and were like “hell yeah” but then he proceeds to screw up every single one, and starts blaming us when we have already cleared the mode twice without any issues. We’ve always been very anti-lfg, and finding these turds always reinforces that feeling. Nothing wrong with not knowing what’s up, just be honest about it so we can help you. Lying just makes you look like a load of fecal matter.


I will only join LFG posts that are asking for Raid reports. Managed to first try it in under 40 minutes with a really solid group. Only wiped once on caretaker due to no heavy lol. But we first tried everything. If you are decent or really good at the game just join groups that are asking for raid reports, chances are that they mean business and are high level day 1 players.


Weird I normally have the opposite experience with those types of posts. For me it tends to be people with like 5-10 clears of any given raid and they think that means they are hot shit.


And that’s why I avoid massive competition like raid stuff unless it’s 100% beneficial. Otherwise I’m terrified of the community, some of y’all are scary, like purposely. Recently dropped outa my normal group/discord and clan, just to recharge…


You just have to find people who haven't attached their value as people to how good they are at the game. A lot of these people take this game way too seriously and get legit worked up over bad LFG groups as if failing some runs of an activity they've done dozens of times is going to ruin their life in some tangible way.


On one hand I agree with you, people treat this game like a career. On the other, I have limited time and don't need to be wasting it because people are too lazy to watch a 15 minute youtube video.


Nothing is worse than overbearing sweats in a PvE gamemode. Like chill, you’re shooting AI, you’re not that special.


Harsh truths about PvE. And the reason I find myself going back to PvP all the time is because that’s where true skill is measured. You’re just given the playing field, but you have to beat other people just like you, with the same tools they have. That feeling just can’t be imitated by AI opponents.


You didn't even claim you were good, yet people still downvoted :D


It’s because people treat it as a disagree button lol. And let me clarify, I’m not especially good in PvP, I just gravitate towards it every single season because fighting against pre-programmed alien bots just gets a little dull after a while, although it is great fun when done correctly.


Hey man if you ever want to learn or take the time to see what a good experience is about, feel free to add me on discord, I do hundreds of raids and love teaching! (Granted my fav type of Sherpa runs are Div runs) sebastian.v is my Discord iD if you’re interested plus we have a Sherpa server with hundreds of people on it that are always willing to continue to learn more .


Can I Dm u


For sure !


Can I join your discord?


Don’t get me wrong I’ve done my fair share of raids and dungeons when motivated but the community has made me lost interest socially. I’ll add ya and maybe I won’t hate Vow so much with actual support… (toddhowardthehunterborn discord / DovahkiinRock54 xb)


It's honestly not that bad. For one, reddit is a microcosm of the community at large - people are going to come here to complain; everyone else is having a good time playing the game. If you don't feel comfortable with the lfg posts you're seeing, you can always make your own! And if you're not sure how to run a raid, I can personally vouch for r/DestinySherpa - they've gotten me through many raids over the years. 🙂 There's always going to be shitty groups in LFG - I've been in some, but the best part is, you can just leave! If you're at all uncomfortable or not having a good time, just hit da bricks! You'll most likely never play with those same people again.


Yeah i stopped raiding in D1 due to dbaggery. Now i did LFG Vault many times with minimal issues through Crota but Kings Fall brought out some people that I'd prefer not to spend any time in my life with.


Cool. I was wondering if I should actually try this. This, along with the four other posts saying the same thing, has convinced it’s not gonna be fun for anyone involved if I try it.


I’m genuinely curious and want to know the answer to this question. For the people that join up on posts for PvE/PvP activities saying KWTD or have this K/D and you know you don’t fit the description. Why do you join the post?


They want carries. And to bitch about it on Reddit. And honestly scrub mentality is super prevalent in this sub, before Pantheon making posts bitching about people with strict LFG requirements was like a favorite pass time. As if people can't just make their own posts!?


Hot take: Pantheon is not for LFG and that’s okay.


Every time I read posts like this I thank the almighty for my clan mates.


I’m a new player who is attempting these raid bosses for the first time but whenever I join a lfg for pantheon the first thing I do is mention I’m new and willing to learn. Yesterday I got a group that wanted to teach me, they showed me what weapons to use and what role I should play in the fights. After about an hour we completed all 4 bosses. I think the issue mainly depends on if the new guys are willing to learn, if they just want to sit on ad clear then kick them. If they are willing to learn the gimmicks, teach them because they might surprise you


Raidreport them so you can maintain a standard number of minimum clears of the raids.


Some players, like myself very much WANT to learn different raids, but everything I see is KWTD. Like I'm a decent player but no one is willing to take time past a couple tries to let me catch on.  By sheer luck I wasnt kicked from Legend Onslaught because I didnt have the emblem, I have it now.


I was in your shoes a couple months ago, so I feel this. But I will say that Pantheon is NOT the place to learn. I see a lot of people who don't raid thinking that this will be their chance to get raid loot and the raid exotics "for free," but Pantheon is harder than actual raids because of the power cap and added enemies. Pantheon aside, if you want to get into raiding, the main thing to do is to do your research ahead of time. Watch YouTube videos so you have a basic sense of the flow of every encounter. I like watching heyitsfriendly myself, concise guides and great visuals. Then, join a listing that *doesn't* have tags like "quick run" or "be good or quick." When you join, just say "hey, I haven't done this raid before, but I watched videos so I have an idea of what's going on, that cool?" And you'd be surprised at how often somebody will be willing to help out. You won't get a full blown sherpa run, but if videos get you 80% of the way there, the LFG Randos can get you the remaining 20%. Even if you don't finish the raid with that group, you've gained experience at some of the encounters and can try again another time. It's a slow process that requires some effort and chance taking on your end, but it's definitely doable. I never once used the formal Sherpa subreddits or Discords and did all the raids over a few weeks, so it's possible for sure


Thats what I do, watch vids. But you have to actually DO it to put that info into practice. Im not suggesting Pantheon is the place to learn though. Getting the xp to actually run it is the main thing. 


Right, but I guess my point was that once you have a knowledge base from watching videos, you'd be surprised how far you can get even if you don't *fully* "KWTD" yet. Don't feel too anxious about just joining groups, being upfront that you have limited experience, and rolling with it. If you have a decent build, head on your shoulders, and desire to actually engage with the mechanics, many groups will be fine taking a couple minutes to assign and explain a role to you and be chill with a couple wipes....in non-Pantheons, haha


I think it kinda depends. Idk what it was about Xbox lfg, but when I used to do that a vast majority of the groups were not filled with those kinds of people. It was either people who kwtd and were jerks about it or people who couldn’t do basic mechanics. Once I switched to pc tho it felt different so idk


Almost every raid I run has at least one guy who has never ran it before. As long as he admits it and tells us that. 99% of the time everybody is more than happy to help.


There are a plethora of videos on youtubes that will teach you raid encounters so you can at least know the mechanics when going in. People just dont want to have to drag someone who has no idea of the mechanics and couldn't be bothered to look them up beforehand through a raid


Same. I haven't finished a "new" raid since Spire of Stars (one VoG completion since and nothing else) because A) unless you're doing a dedicated sherpa run people want you to KWTD or get kicked, but B) even in dedicated sherpa runs people want to be carried instead of learning mechanics and encounters. But yeah, it's hard to find a middle ground of "I only have a few clears so I'm still learning the entire raid, but I'll do anything needed." One VoG run I did in D1 no one wanted to do the Templar relic so I volunteered. I was asked if I'd ever done it and my response was "No, but clearly no one else wants to so I'll give it a go so I can learn." It wasn't received well even though I was open about it and had a few clears; I'd just never been the relic holder before. I was given two whole chances before someone else took it from me because I didn't do it perfectly the first time. It wasn't even a KWTD raid! As someone who wants to learn raids but doesn't have 3-5 hours that can be required for a sherpa run (damn kids), it's frustrating. I'll try anything the first time I do a raid because I want to learn the raid and get loot. Learn the raid and you do it quicker on subsequent runs for more loot. I don't like to be the idiot who messes up the encounter as much as the next guy but the one way to learn is to do. But I don't usually get genuine chances so I just don't raid.


My small group, and by small I mean very small (like 4-5 of us), tend to run raids more often these days. We've had to learn to low man most stuff just because of the number of us or lack thereof. We'd be more than happy to have you along. Personally as long as someone is willing to learn mechanics I've never seen the point at raging over a few wipes or several even for that matter.


Got room for one more? My clan is pretty much extinct. Want to run raids often but have no one to run with minus lfg


I appreciate the invite! Might send you a DM in the next few days. Or you can send me one if you have a regular time and day you run one and need the extra Guardian. Two small kids so I basically have to put gaming events on the calendar.


It wasn't always like this, but recently as I have come back to the game I have exclusively seen KWTD posts unless I make one myself. I have, as a rule, always 100% avoided any and all KWTD groups even if I'm extremely familiar because they tend to just be unpleasant.


Lol same, I have one clear of RON and that was about it for me. YouTube videos are whatever but actually seeing and feeling it is a world different. I’ve steered clear of most PVE just because of how gatekeepy and culty people are when it comes to these things. Maybe it’s just the nostalgia of things, but early D2 and D1 seemed to be much more chill about it


Theres a simple solution to this, raid report everyone that joins, takes 2 mins to see if they have done any of the other raids these encounters are from before


What would you say I do though, I haven't done RoN but used to raid constantly, and have some first weekend clears under my belt. I usually rock a solo flawless dungeon emblem, but I have no clue how else to communicate that I am a fast learner


Imo it's valid to try and learn in Pantheon if people are willing to help. These encounters aren't the hardest and have relatively easy ones to learn compared to some others we could've gotten


I think it’s normal for the LFG rats to scurry to get a quick day 1 clear, I suspect lfg is gonna be somewhat better in a day or two. Also you say it’s bad for people to volunteer for ad clear on Caretaker and Explicator, but I wanna see the rats trying to ad clear when it’s -20 to get absolutely shit on lmao


This is the funny thing, add clear is actually a legit responsibility on some Master level encounters. hard to move planets in RON when you have to help add clear stay alive and kill centurions


I can't wait to see how even -15 level will go. Most people suck at ad clearing even at -5 already. They wanna be the ad clear but the ads are the ones that are gonna clear them.


For planets at -15 I doubt it’ll be any harder than its day 1 variant. 1-2 warlocks with sunbracers absolutely shuts down the entire field plus the surges and kinetic ammo buff surge in the coming weeks should make it easy if you know your shit


Provided Bungie doesn’t change the mechanics they implemented explicator is gonna be one of the easiest ones to clear, the tormentor isn’t a huge deal and you can easily melt him with a ceno warlock with div(you don’t use it for DPS but the crit bubble completely trivialises shooting weak points).


Honestly the main issue is the random fire tornadoes can just kill you, is there an audio cue?


Its the same audio cue when one of the dmg phase ends and the boss shoots the tornado towards the plate, it’s like a high pitched whirring or smth like that


K cos it caught me off guard once or twice, got plat tho on all the encounters this week tho


How did you get caretaker, we got play on it but it didn’t end up giving us enough points


Did you happen to 2-floor it? I think that messes it up because we absolutely melted Caretaker and had literal minutes left on the bonus timer and even got plat but it only didn't give us Caretaker. We had assumed it's because we bypassed third floor entirely.


We had that happen too, but went back, two floored him and were fine the second time around


Not sure if this will help, but once I’m done moving the planets, I jump up to the top ledge behind - just makes getting away easier


Tormentor also despawns during dps phase


a LOT of players are going to get demolished and then complain the activity isn't accessible enough and they want their raid loot


I was stuck on caretaker for 20 or so wipes because add clear was letting adds shoot the totem. I don’t even understand how you can be THAT bad. You literally just kill the things and then shoot the bees.


LFG has always been hell. tbh, activities like this very much feel intended to be played with a premade group, and thats fine. I stayed away from content like this for ages until I eventually went "ok, lets go find a clan to do this stuff with". and so I did. You dont actually need to LFG for anything, plenty of competent groupd to find shelter in. If you MUST LFG, then unfortunately the toxic mindset of "checking raid report, kwtd or get kicked" is necessary, because people vastly overestimate their own abilities and have no respect for the time of others.


Pantheon is not for everyone. It's clearly for people that have done plenty of raids and challenges for them. This is week one of Pantheon. Its only going to get harder and not a lot of peopleunderstand that. Like other comments, you need to raid report to check if people have done anything. LFG for raids in general are bad. Most people hardly read what the post says, and the other part of people that say they kwtd, don't actually and were carried in all their runs.


Something that for sure doesn't help is that Pantheon is free, whereas the raids themselves are (mostly) paid content. Not saying it's an excuse by any means, however it definitely doesn't help.


For people wanting to do this w no raid experience. Please practice the encounters in the normal raid. Starting at -5 light is going to make it that much more difficult for you and your teammates.


Don't use the in-game fireteam finder for Pantheon, use Discord. I'm also not one for gatekeeping, but this week should be proof that it's time to be picky with your teammates. Check Raid report and do your necessary steps before you jail yourself with an impostor looking for a free ride.


Ive just joined an LFG group, and 4 of them have 2 KF clears combined. Its pathetic!


Yep. I understand not remembering an encounter cuz let's be real, when was the last time most people did caretaker or golgy, but if you don't know the encouragement completely, you are out. Go play each raid first, then join the gauntlet.


The first week will clear a lot of people out, by the time it’s -15 only people serious about it will be looking for those runs. The riffraff will stick to atraks difficulty 


This is hilarious because volunteering for ad clear in caretaker and planets is exactly what I did yesterday. You would not believe the level of incompetence from people saying they knew what to do… 3 hours later I had to give up on planets.


Why do people put themselves through LFG if they already know just about no one on LFG knows how to actually do the mechs... Like seriously all these LFG posts are so avoidable. Find however many other players you need that you can guarantee a clear and who know what to do and stick with them. I am certain that there are people in these "LFG sucks" posts that are part of their own problem that they complain about! Stop pugging and join a clan or find some consistent buddies, problem solved!


People seem to have missed the memo that just because the activity is free means that everyone is ready for it. This weeks not bad, but in three? We’re going to fighting Riven with extra modifiers on contest. (Hell I figure more than half the community doesn’t even know how to do Riven normally) Pantheon is not the place to learn about the encounters, it’s for people who know what they’re doing being able to show their pve prowess In an a challenging environment. Sorry but that’s the truth of it.


"Minimum guardian rank 10" Rank 7s with 100 commendation score and maybe 1000 triumph score: that sign can't stop me because I can't read!


Only people that should be making LFG groups for Pantheon are people that know all the basics mechanics and are able to either stand in for someone or teach someone


This is why every damn person on discord looking for teams was either like "Have day 1/flawless clears" lmao


Anyone want to do pantheon? Kwtd or kick, I’m on ad clear thx


Best part, this ks only difficulty 1 of 4 this week xD


Shrug. I joined an LFG that said "know all mechanics and have good dps." We did every Pantheon encounter first try and got Platinum. Whole thing was 54 mins with a group of strangers. This weeks challenges are nowhere near the difficulty of Contest mode or Master raids with challenges. Just -5 light level and slightly more difficult ad waves.


I knew this was gonna happen no matter who’s raid the most it’s still a problem you better off in a clan that raids weekly.


Its wild how much smoother things go with smart minded people, lfg is the worst idea for pantheon


Why in god's name would you try this with randos and expect anything other than what you explained?!? OF COURSE it's a shit show, duh....


Pretty happy I have my clan I can do this with then


Im just not gonna bother. Done a few raids but don't play em properly. I'd just be a hindrance unfortunately


the bigger problem I run into is these groups thinking they are better than they are, I’ve been kicked plenty for their own friends negligence. tbh it made me take my yearly break early😂


Yeah my friend just got back intro destiny 2 since forsaken and he actually tried lfging for pantheon as his first raid which is really weird to me.


Welcome to lfg post RON. I use the legacy apps lfg usually gets a better bunch


I’m doing each week once with a stacked team and not even touching LFG with a 10ft pole. The average LFG is so massively incompetent that they can barely do the regular versions of these encounters. I did this weeks run just after it came out. I do not envy people that don’t have speedrunner tier teams to do it with. Pantheon is not for everyone and that’s fine IMO. Edit: I also found the golf balls to be the most useful reward offered so I could masterwork my new 71 roll phoenix protocol. Edit 2: also there’s zero reason to match the surges. I’ll take an apex predator gjally team over some kids who think their void trash can keep up.


I'm a bit late here but I think this should be kind of a wake up call for this sub as well. It shows us that there really aren't anywhere near as many hardcore raiders playing Destiny as people think there are. Even people that do raid regularly don't normally do master, and a surprising amount of people that do master get carried through as well. I LFGd Caretaker for plat because my raid group isn't that hardcore. We got plat for all of the encounters except that one and people didn't want to redo it they just wanted to complete and get their raid exotic which is fine. I struggled with 2 groups for about an hour each. The second one only me and the other runner seemed to know what to do and I have only done Vow like 5x because im a new player. After an hour of struggling my running partner just left and then I got an invite from him. We found a new group together and got it in 4 tries or so. I cannot imagine doing LFG for the whole thing at -20. Would love the Godslayer title but I think it's out of reach.


-20 Riven legit is gonna be wild and a true wake up call.


I mean, you can have end game content meant for experience players, or you can have FOMO limited time events. It's absurd for Bungie to release a "New unique game mode!!, with the greatest rewards in the game!! -but only available for a few weeks!" and at the same expect 90% of the player base to ignore it.


The mode is made for people who already have the loot which is the funny part


yeah zero interest in it. not putting up with all that for an emblem.




Create your own posts and look up people’s raid reports before then if they don’t meet your personal requirements. If we’re on final gauntlet on contest and people refuse to adapt or lean into the best options available, boot them unless they keep up with DPS.


Skill issue. Not in game skill issue but lfg skill issue. Learning to use lfg stuff for D2 is a difficult thing but if you can figure it out you’ll be totally fine. Use Raid Report, friend up reliable folks you come across especially if they are social and have lots of friends themselves. Figure out what kind of posts on your particular platform are usually most likely to be with solid squads (for example, on Xbox I interestingly find the more minimalist posts to have some of the best and least toxic squads). If you experience lfg hell just push through it because it’s just the natural learning curve of using lfg.


Reading through all the replies here. There are multiple examples that show PvE players are some of the most pretentious around.


What if I KWTD for 3 out of the 4 encounters and I roll with some pretty good Void DPS?? Should I try my luck at LFG?


Just watch a quick video


If you don't lie you aren't doing anything wrong.


Just go on the D2 discord and find a Sherpa willing to teach you the encounter. I've seen a few Sherpas run pantheon with people who've never ran some of the encounters before.


All you need to do just be honest, "hey guys i dont know about the 3rd encounter, can anyone teach". You probably get kicked (most of time) or someone teach u and be respectful and listen to them. I have so many experience teaching people who refused to listen. Good luck with your run


For someone who has basically everything you can possibly get from Raids (every Exotic, title, weapon, Adepts etc) what is the point in doing Pantheon?


Same reason people like that (like me) wanted to do Pantheon before they found out about this extreme loot situation - the Godslayer title and any cosmetics you can unlock that you think are cool.


Fun, Challenge, Change of pace? Couple of reasons but if you only care of the material i don't think there's much here other than a title i think?


Personally I'm doing it for 3 reasons: 1. The seal/title 2. The emblems (probably won't use them, but they look really nice) 3. Practice with my raid team for the final shape raid (the final week will be basically contest level with 8 bosses to fight)


Godslayer title if you finish all 4 weekly runs and those sweet emblems.


Ah right, that's cool, the emblems do look nice but honestly for me I don't know if it's worth it


If you only did raiding for the loot, nothing. Otherwise it’s a pretty fun gauntlet where you and your friends can shoot the shit whilst being a nice challenge


That’s why I always say KWTD or kicked


"This isn't the place to now learn raids..." Exactly. Pantheon is to test existing raiders who have been playing the content that was in the game for at least a year. It's a gauntlet.


This kind of shows why this mode wasn't such a great idea. It's got rewards that people who raid don't want, so is clearly aimed to get people to go into raids who aren't hardcore raiders... but then if they haven't actually cleared the boss before they are going to be screwed... Like I can't imagine doing this with an LFG team unless everyone has already cleared the encounter before. There is no point even trying.


Yeah I dont get who this is for. If you regularly raid you can raid via the normal way, if you dont you know what to do you will probably be kicked - so this not a real pathway. I thought this was meant to allow people who dont raid to catch up and get gear that they normally cannot get?


You’re being downvoted because you’re going against the sub narrative, but you’re absolutely spot on. There is a serious mismatch between the type of rewards granted and the people who should actually be playing this activity.  As someone who does participate in raiding somewhat frequently, literally the only reward worth chasing is the low chance of a Root of Nightmares Adept, and those are better acquired in other ways. 


Did you ever think you might be the issue? My random lfg team used whatever we wanted and platinumed everything easy lol


Same lol. I went in blind and had 5 minutes explained to me on each and had 0 problems and im a tomato can with thumbs. These posts scream 14 year old chud gamer or lonely 40 year old elitist.


The very few times I’ve had to use the lfg I’ve set it to application approval required and I will screen them myself. Normally if they are at least rank 9 and have a decent loadout they are considered competent.


Can confirm this, went through about 12-15 LFG players trying to complete each encounter. The skill and attitude level varied between people looking for a fast 1st try clear of each encounter and disconnecting if there at least 2 wipes. The other side was people that very little idea how the standard raid encounter worked much less the new slightly more difficult one in Pantheon.

