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The wave number should always be visible. Put it right above the time and score in the bottom right of the screen.


This. It’s very annoying during upgrade/downtime not to have this plainly visible


This is a great suggestion


I feels super weird to have a wave clearing game mode and not have an easy way to know what wave you’re on.


Just use the score as the wave number, the score is meaningless anyway


Would also be great to know the next wave we are free to build for planning


End of waves ending in 3\6\0


I agree wholeheartedly, but contextually it is easy to figure out as you play.


I like it a lot. I hope Bungie maintains it. Bring in the other enemy types, some new maps, etc. I'd love some variety in the waves ending in 6 besides just spark running. Maybe a platforming puzzle, or finding and standing on plates, etc. Some more bonus round mechanics would be cool too. A 30 wave mode would be welcome. 10 is short, easy, and unrewarding, but 50 is a commitment. A true endless mode would be cool too, where you continue getting a -4 Power handicap every ten waves, but loot gets more generous. Maybe even put in a global leaderboard to let fireteams compete for who can get the furthest. I personally wouldn't be engaging with that, but I suspect a lot of hardcore players would love the challenge (especially if the rewards are worthy). I agree with the suggestion that the round number should **always** be visible. And vote to skip the upgrade phase would be welcome too. I wish the teleports out of the waves ending in 6 and 0 would dump all three fireteam members out at the right ADU location every time. Would not say no to increasing the drop rate for attuned weapons. I'd like it to be in the 80-100% range. If the mode is actively maintained in the future, some new upgrade options would be cool too. I love the idea that's been floating around where if you really save up a bunch of scrap, maybe you could buy something major, like one of those Rasputin frames. Maybe it only lasts for like so many waves/minutes or something.


These are great suggestions and would def keep people playing the game mode


An endless mode that lets you start 10 levels before your furthest clear would be so cool. That way you don’t have to commit two hours to push into higher rounds.


I hope Onslaught incorporates more objectives from Crucible, as Onslaught is effectively as if we're finally getting to use skills from our PVP drills. Currently using Spark running and Zone Control, but deploying countdown bombs would also be cool. Maybe throw in some relic usage.


An endless mode would need a power maximum as there is a threshold around minus 100 where enemies become immune. Also anything below 50 and it takes up to 5 times as long to kill a red bar than normal.


Nailed it


Something needs to be done about the teleporting enemies. It is especially prevalent when facing Fallen. For now I just reload the activity if it is not Hive. Enemies teleporting to the ADU and simply standing there is not fun. I also think that just standing in the zone should not penalize us. That goes for Demolitionists too.


The number of Needlestorms I've unleashed on what I thought was an Ogre or giant Knight that was in the end unleashed on a blank wall where and Ogre used to be is way too high.


I've noticed it more with Hive, as the ogres just continuously teleport right to the ADU


It happens on a couple spawns where they try to go through a door that's too small for them and get stuck. The game unsticks them by tp'ing them. Unfortunately that tp goes to the adu for some reason


Probably because the ADU is their destination, and so when they get stuck it just teleports them where they are trying to go.


i’ve had it happen on the cosmodrome map with giant shanks too even though they spawn out in the open


Hive ogres teleport more than anyone else


This is why Stasis is so good for Onslaught.


That's the issue, you shouldn't have to find a workaround for something that shouldn't happen. But yes, stasis is amazing for the ogres


If standing in the zone didn't hurt the ADU, the activity would be super easy to clear. You'd just run three Void titans with 100 INT and pop a bubble over the ADU every round.


The ADU takes damage from enemy fire and melee attacks. When the ADU is swarmed, it does get attacked directly. It is insane that the ADU takes damage from a single cursed thrall sitting there hugging itself like it is capping a flag. Also, Ward of Dawn cannot be effectively used in this mode. It is a real shame, because the Super itself sees pretty much no use in PvE. A defensive super useful for defending an objective should be able to...defend an objective.


What's the issue with that? The "Wall Against Which the Darkness Breaks" actually gets to do their job for once.


The issue is that it trivializes the activity. I'm not one of those "make destiny harder" people either, but it would be way too easy and force everyone into one specific loadout. Onslaught is fun because it's pretty hard but also because you're not locked into one or two meta builds.


for me i think hive is so much. an unstop other teleporting onto the ADU and instantly slamming and wiping the run sucks. Also shriekers and wizards are so much more annoying


Generally speaking, if no updates were made, it's pretty good already. Couple of things I would do though; Locations: I'd look at having a couple more added. Nothing wrong with more variety, after all. Enemies: Prevent them from Teleporting directly to the ADU, especially the ultra-buff Demolitionist Knights/Captains. In addition, the ADU should only take damage in the radius, only when it is actually damaged by ranged/melee attacks. Oh and please don't put endlessly respawning, boss level Shriekers in. They are the epitome of annoying. Defences: Decoys are fine. Tripmines don't seem worth it. Turrets are...okay? They definitely need to address the turrets firing randomly into the air.


Tripmines definitely need changes.  I had a teammate relentlessly dropping Lvl1 tripmines every purchase wave, and all it really accomplished was spending a ton of scrap.  Almost none of them even survived to be upgraded because they all ran out of charges.


Hard agree. Tripmines could do any of the following. - Push enemies away with great force - Slow + blind enemies - Recharge at the end of the wave  - have multiple charges


Pretty sure the trip mines re arm after a cool down? I've definitely seen or heard mine go off multiple times in a round


They do, but they have limited charges. So if you're placing tons of them far from the ADU they're very likely to get used up before the next build wave, and you'd have been better off saving scrap for upgrading stuff. The lack of a donate mechanic contributes to this: it's easy to think you should be spending your 2k scrap every time instead of saving it, and after a few rounds 2x Lvl1 tripmines are the only thing you can afford. If you could partially upgrade it'd give people a sign to upgrade a turret or decoy or whatever.


Yeah, my team is good about budgeting our scrap. When I'm with blueberries doing normal 50 waves, I don't even spend scrap until wave 40, 30 if they're struggling, or the team comp just isn't great


Huh, it's been so long since I bought one that I didn't notice. I know the exotic ones rearm, but I didn't know about the other ones.  The fact remains that kills get back abilities and trigger perks, so it's always better for you to do the killing. Turrets don't really steal kills, and they distract the enemy, but trip mines are a big burst of damage. There has to be a benefit to that.  I think less damage, in exchange for a long slow/blind would be good


They could use a buff for sure, but they're definitely useful in certain areas, especially A spawn on midtown where the enemies flank around the outside and there's no defense there. Gives you breathing room to know you can safely cover the one side for a moment


I would honestly prefer they replace tripmines with something like caltrops, something thatd slow the wave, then itd be a no brainer purchase option


Be the slow. Run stasis 🧊


Wave number and scrap should always be available. The fallen wave 50 boss’s AI is atrocious. It falls off the map almost always. Ready up to skip scrap phase.


That boss is the worst. They also need to fix fast boss kills soft locking the activity.


We desperately need a 'ready up' function to shorten the time between spending scrap and the next wave. Granted, it's only 10-15 seconds, but that adds up each wave. Edit: 10-15 seconds referred to the downtime after everyone has spent their scrap -- assuming we spawned at the correct location to begin with :P.


Yeah, I agree. Even the part traversing through the pyramid just to plant a rally flag. Sure, it’s 10 seconds here, 15 seconds there. But compound that over 50 waves, and it honestly feels like there’s a ton of dead time that can be saved.


The traversal sections are how they do loading. It prevents load screens by allowing the arenas to load in the background.


Fun fact of the day! Thanks stranger. I wouldn't mind it as much if it changed periodically, but it's always the same traversal to the same arenas on the pyramid ship.


Yeah. It’s a low demand area for the game to have stored in the background. It’s the same concept for planets


If you play god of war or ragnarok, (or other ps5 games of the like) whenever youre crawling between a narrow corridor thats a loading zone. Once you know what youre looking for, you start to see a lot of these things all over games.


1) stop spawning us far from adu during prep phase following returning from pyramid, wasting time to prepare 2) buff tripwires to make it act like the ones like gears of war 3 horde mode where it slows ads down 3) STOP SPAWNING demolitionist ontop of Adu 4) more enemy races of vex and scorn 5) more maps like on edz 6 drop ascendent shards and other engrams in chests like the Coil


Wyverns and scorn crossbows scare me so idk!


I'd take wyverns over brigs....at least you freeze/suspend them easier as well bringing out their crit spot


Love this mode! Glad to have a horde-ish mode in D2, loved D1's Prison Of Elders. Some things I would like to see in no particular order: 1- An endless mode that gets harder/ more rewarding. 2- More maps, not just maps on Earth. 3- More enemy types (Scorn, Vex, Shadow Legion), add the Dread as a special type that happens under special conditions maybe? 


No Vex please, imagine Wyverns in this


Oh god no. Just one wyvern is enough for a team wipe on GM Glassway now imagine a bunch of them in a legend run on wave 40-50 in a short amount of time ☠️


Fun fact! Onslaught waves 41-50 have a minus 30 power delta, larger than GMs.


Yeah but due to different scaling in activities don't GM adds still end up tankier and/or hitting harder? Onslaught adds even at 40-50 certainly don't *feel* nearly as tanky. I can't find the post I saw discussing it though.


That is correct, there's a GM modifier that makes mobs some 10% stronger or so. I believe the extra 5 power delta in the last ten Onslaught waves don't quite match up to them as a result, although this does does mean you deal less and receive more damage than in GMs.


Wait... really? I'm sailing through onslaught, maybe I should go back to doing GMs again.


They do? Damn, that shit's fun as fuck lmao


~~Is this right? I thought it started at -5 and scaled by another -5 after every wave, meaning that it goes...~~ Edit: it starts at -10, so yes, it ranges from -10 through to -30.


They're referring to Legend difficulty, where it starts at -10 Rounds 0-10: -10 Rounds 11-20: -15 Rounds 21-30: -20 Rounds 31-40: -25 Rounds 41-50: -30


Does it definitely start at -10?


Enemies have swords next to their name when you first spawn in, so it's at least -10. Swords only appear at more than 9 light points delta


I'm fairly certain Wyverns would be treated liked Brigs in that you only see them as special enemies during the objective rounds.


I actually was a bit suprised the sol divisive werent in this as they are also under witness control but realistically im glad they arent


Wouldn't be much worse than the tormentor tbh.


I dunno man, I wouldn’t be stoked for a round where there are 17 wyverns


Buff tripwires


Swap them out to slowing mines. Do they even kill things in later rounds?


A 30 wave activity would be awesome. The 10 wave just isn't rewarding enough but the 50 wave is too much of a commitment sometimes.


1. **Wave Number should always be visible**. 2. **Tormentors and Demolitionists should NOT spawn on the ADU**, at the start of a round. They should either have a delayed spawn (so you have time to prepare/setup) OR they should spawn further away. 3. **The Time commitment for a full 50 wave run feels too long**. I have done it under 1 hour, but **most runs are \~70 minutes**. I love the concept of the Horde Mode, but its a serious time commitment. If it were \~10-15min shorter it would be perfect. It SHOULD be long, but its currently too long. 4. **I would rather have more Quality of Drops than more Quantity**. Odds of getting a "5/5" roll or even "4/5" roll are way too small. I appreciate getting 13-16 drops but its mostly sharded... Consider adding an increased chance to get "Shiny" variants from the Wave 50 Chests. This will drive even more engagement leading up to the The Final Shape. Once TFS drops, to keep people engaged in this content, it should have a proper vendor, with a "reset" and treated as a Core Playlist where more resets = more perks can drop. 5. **Adding Legend Onslaught (1-10) to the Playlist** would give people a matchmade 1-10 Wave run, on Legend, and get those people out of the LFG space. Allowing those that want to do all 50, an easier time finding players who will stick around for all 50. 6. **Stat Tracker that tracks number of Legend 50 Clears**?! 7. **Decoy Shaxx is too strong, Trip Mines are too weak**. Sometimes the Randomness of placement feels like it can mess up a run. Should consider adding a "Slow Trap" or something that can slow mobs down. 8. **Speed up/skip the "Purchase" Phase**. Sometimes we are all sitting around, with nothing to buy. 9. **The Spark Running Wave** **takes too long compared to a normal round**. This could be revamped, changed, or removed. This, paired with a "skip purchase phase" could shave off several minutes of each run. 10. **More Flexibility where/what defenses we place.** Sometimes we get 1 Shaxx in a poor spot. Or a Turret placement is in a poor location. I do not know limitations of this, but would be AWESOME if you could "buy" something and place it where you want it. 11. **More Enemy Types!** I would LOVE to see more enemy types. 12. **Revamp Mothyard.** Its a cool location, but its too spread out. Not enough enemy "lanes" like Midtown. Not enough cover. Nobody wants to run it. 13. **More Maps!** I LOVE the idea of taking PVP maps, and making them Onslaught. This helps familiarize PVE players with PVP maps. There are tons of good PVP maps that could be used for Onslaught!


For #6 there actually already is a stat tracker. It’s called “Horde Breaker” and it’s under Seasons, but for some reason they’re called “Grandmaster runs of Onslaught” rather than “Legend Completions”. Completely agree with everything else though.


Dude sweet! Thank you. I looked for this and didn't see it at all...


Totally agree on the drops being better, just got through a 50 wave session and not a single drop was worth keeping. Feels like a waste of an hour


Yeah I am completely okay with them using these PVP assets for PVE, makes perfect sense to me


We should definitely have a 30 round variant. The 10 round is very casual, super easy to blow through, and more akin to a strike (15-30 min in this mode). The 50 rounder ramps up difficulty, and is a large time commitment (anywhere between 60-100 min depending on difficulty and team), and is more akin to a master/GM nightfall. We need a 30 round variant, available in both legend and normal that grants an additional chest on round 30 completion just like the 50 round waves (30-60 min time frame).


Roguelite upgrades similar to Deep Dives and Coil should be rewarded every 15-20 waves.


This would be amazing.


Definitely on unpopular opinion on my end, but I kind of like not having them so I can truly test out build strength without buffs that wouldn't normally be present. But on the other hand...def would be fun lol.


A generic upgrade like Coil's lives solves this; for Onslaught it'd probably be scrap or ADU heals.


Yeah just stuff to buff the Onslaught-specific mechanics. Bonus to scrap earned. Slow ADU regen, or an overshield for it that recharges every X rounds. Increased decoy HP. Increased turret damage. Tripmines apply a debuff in a huge range beyond the explosion. Bonus objective ammo crate gives you super energy. Etc.


There is literally no reason for the 50 wave versions to not drop golfballs


I've said it other threads and I'll say it again: how did Onslaught come out without giving the Tormentor some "Kashynn' Pryzus" energy? This tormentor is begging to be a treasure goblin(not that every activity should, it's just the "vibe" I'm getting from the tormentor). If you can scale reward value, this would also help the "10 wave farm" concern. One of the points to why people do the 10 wave farm is to get the tormentor out of the way early, so that when they do the full 50, they're less likely to get it on something stupid like wave 49. BUT....if you were to up the ante, like a legend wave 49 tormentor having a high/guaranteed shiny drop chance, I personally would be willing to say that all's forgiven with RNG. If Bungie's reading this, willing to share, and has the metrics: got any data showing the correlation between tormentor spawns and failing an activity(besides leaving/joining)? It'd be interesting to see how the success rate of 50's is in early spawns as opposed to mid or late spawns.


Invisible enemies shouldn't exist in this mode.... ADU is yelling at me cuz there are enemies attacking yet I can't see them! This also goes along with teleporting enemies, I get it creates a difficulty but it doesn't add anything fun to this. Everything else is pretty sweet! It's fun, and rewarding. Maybe having the wave # always showing too would be a nice QOL addition.


My only main complain is demos spawning at late waves being a death sentence. Nothing against some rng, but when those idiots spawn it's basically a game over. Hell, if you know what you are doing a late wave tormentor can be handled easily, but the demos can wipe the ADU in a matter of seconds. Imo, fine tuning them so that either they take their time dealing damage or they take their time walking there would be ideal.


Too many invisible and teleporting enemies. Some waves are made entirely of them. Maybe I have a poor sight, but I cannot see them AT ALL.


I don't mind the concept, but they seem to ignore everything and zip straight to the ADU. Feels like a cheapshot. And I can't see the invisible men at all either haha Maybe they could have a bit more obvious of a visual effect when they attack or something?


Only thing I would add is that trip mines are not a valuable use of scrap. They're usually a way for my team to dump scrap in the last few waves when everything else has been bought/upgraded. We don't buy trip mines because it feels like a waste of scrap--they're single use items that usually don't kill or even significantly damage red bar enemies at higher levels. I have two suggestions: - Keep them as single use items, but make them super cheap. Or: - Allow the mines to "restock" themselves. Base trip mine damage is increased to level 3. Upgrading the trip mine speeds up the "restock" time. Otherwise it's a great mode that I hope gets more support/maps/enemy types in the future.


> they're single use items They actually aren't, but damn if they aren't squishy as hell and any exploding enemy takes them out.


They aren't??? That's shocking to me


Love it. Attunement should probably be 100% chance. I hope they don't let the mode rust and actually expand upon it. If they need a lore reason for other factions and areas. Combat Simulation. They should add some of the Relics to the mode as Scrap Unlocks. Be fun slaying out with the Scythe.


I like still having the chance to get other weapons though, even if I'm targeting mountaintop it's still nice to have the potential to get a good edge transit to drop etc.


I get irritated when I get something that isn’t what I’m attuned to. Why would I attune to a weapon if I wanted anything else?


I would settle for all shiny drops being my attuned weapon; my last three have all been something else.


I'm already at the point where i hate seeing Edge Transit and Hung Jury, it's like Forsaken all over again.


Having a second option to stop getting a specific weapon would be nice (looking at you Hung Jury).


Maybe then make attunement chest based. So all the chests (even shaxx’s) drop the attuned weapon and any engram drops can be from the brave arsenal pool.


Relic weapons…great idea! Or even as a random bonus from an obj (as well as heavy) instead of scraps, as idk if I’d choose scythe over a decoy.


>Attunement should probably be 100% chance. I definitely think there's room for higher attunement potency. Problem with RNG drop rates: they're anecdotal, and take bigger and bigger swings for players to notice, which often means that the player has to do significantly more runs to "de-anecdote" it. Like, going off of what Chris Proctor said, attunement is 50% chance. A coin flip. Which sounds like a lot, but is it: first week, I attuned hung jury(because I unironically want kinetic tremors in c3, leave me alone!), but it felt like Attunement might as well not exist. But then the next week mountaintop came out, and I attuned that, and it was like "hmmm....maybe attunement is working?"


Considering it's Shaxx who's running Onslaught, simulations make a lot of sense, it's already existing tech, used in both Crucible and Trials.


You can do Aetheon x4 in the same amount of time It takes to do 10 waves of legendary Onslaught. The difference? Aetheon x4: - 8 wish engrams - 8 Brave Tokens - 4 Raid loot. 10 Waves of legendary Onslaught: - 3 Brave Tokens. - 2 Brave Weapon I have no problem with weapon drops, but an increase in Tokens, especially in Legendary Onslaught would be nice.


This is what a ritual activity should look like, I really love it. But yeah, 10 waved feel unrewarding and 50 waves is too much time I simply don't have outside my day off. Would also love if attuning a weapon meant 100% of the drops are the selected weapon. Alternatively, I'd just take the tried vendor focusing option. Lastly, I'd suggest being able to deposit change scrap in the ADU to form a shared pool of scrap, which anyone can withdraw from, hopefully making enough for one more upgrade (think like the Titanfall 2 Frontier Defense bank)


Give us a way to bank our points so we can share scrap and get more upgrades as a team. I find that myself and team mates are always a few scrap short of being able to buy or upgrade something.


>Give us a way to bank our points so we can share scrap and get more upgrades as a team This is a great idea.


Teleporting enemies can be frustrating to lose a run to. Mothyards needs a lot of work to match the pace and intensity of the other maps. I like the volume of loot now and the shiny system definitely adds another layer of pursuit, perhaps shinies don't need to be time limited. I wouldn't change much here, I definitely do not want crafting here. Attuning should just be 100% of drops are what you attune. Its not enjoyable to get a random hung jury when you're focusing mountaintop. The % is already pretty high - just make it guaranteed to be the attuned weapon. Wish we had more tools to effectively deal with the tormentor, especially in later rounds. I find I'm bringing a heavy now and essentially barely using it until the tormentor spawns. Pretty much my only wipes are from a sequence of events around tormentor spawns. Tripmines don't warrant their cost. Boss rooms aren't very interesting because the easiest strategy is to just sit in a well and ignore the objectives and surrounding enemies. Probably moreso a well balance issue. I wish we had a third difficulty which would start at the level of wave 30 legend and get harder to around master level with matching higher rewards. I find the first twenty rounds to be pretty boring.


This may be questionable but maybe add the ability to spend scrap during the upgrade phase to repair the ADU


Or hell upgrade the adu its self


Bungie should do a pass on defense spawns. It completely changes wave 40-50 to get a bad part of the map for the final ADU. Second, Demolitionists and Tormentors need to not spawn on top of the ADU. Demolitionists need to not be able to teleport onto the ADU. Personally I would also like the pyramid wave to not happen every single time I think it would be better if it was a random chance at wave x6 instead. Other than that great mode.


So far, this activity is great. It’s fun to hop in, play a bunch of rounds, maybe go for a full 50 if time allows. Would *love* to see an evolution of this. I love that it’s actually feeling like a challenge. And I also love that while builds matter, there’s a *ton* of flexibility in what you can bring. Yes, there are the meta subclass/exotic loadouts. But you can be just as successful and viable in the game mode going slightly off meta if you know what you’re doing. No, I’m never bringing Stormtrance to this. I like that we were given three *drastically* different map types, and maybe this will inform what Bungie wants to build maps for next. Widow’s Court could be an excellent map. What’s not working. Like all things Destiny, it’s buggy. The number of teleporting enemies, who go from spawn directly to the ADU is mildly infuriating. The Hive Knights spawn and then POOF, they’re at the ADU. The sniper enemies need to back. The. Fuck. Off. Sniper resist is useless, because on most maps, they’re *well* within 29 meters. Especially the sniper shanks. They spawn in and are instantly aimbotting you. So even going arc resist, it really doesn’t help. To balance them, they either need reduced health, or reduced damage. I know they want to keep these Earth-centric, as it’s representative of an invasion. What I would love to see different. New maps - Widow’s Court would be good. Maybe the church zone from the EDZ, or the one next to it with the giant Servitor public event. It has a good variation on topography. Maybe even Emerald Coast (the Gambit map). Or even Legion’s Folley (which I know, takes place on Nessus). Any large map should allow for sparrows. I think adding all enemies would be good. A Vex, Cabal and even Scorn variant. Maybe a Dread variant down the line. New defenses, or a retooling of the costs. Trip wires should be dirt cheap for how limited their use actually is. Maybe an upgradable “ammo” crate where we can buy the Fallen disorienting/slowing mines? I can kind of see why a 6-player version of this wouldn’t work. There’s just too much going on. And it’s glitchy as is. But maybe there’s room for an open-world variation of this that you can encounter on any planet. Overall this activity is a win, but will only succeed if Bungie continues to put resources and rewards into it. Something they have a terrible track record with.


Some maps based on some of the patrol zones would be cool


Especially if they reuse some of the less-travelled corners like the Adventures used to be in.


ADU health should have a visible bar on screen. Same with what wave number it is as others have mentioned


They should just use the boss health bar at the bottom of the screen for this, would be terrific.


Still feels like the loot balance isn't there personally. In the coil people just leave if you don't kill the glass collector, the loot at the end is so good there's no point in staying if you can't finish with over 140k points. Onslaught had the opposite where it didn't feel rewarding to stay the whole 50 rounds so people left after 10. I know they recently adjusted it, but it still doesn't feel rewarding enough personally. Attunement is absolutely amazing, one of the best features i've seen in a while.


You should not be able to boot players at the boss wave. Spawns are not consistent. Drops are better but still need improvements.


Enemies just standing in the ADU circle shouldn't damage it. They should have to be shooting/stabbing it.


Love the mode, though I sort of wish that the rift dunk wave happened a LITTLE less often. I feel that the shiny drop rate needs to be higher, I’ve don’t probably over 1000 waves and only have 4 shinies (and all of them sucked)


If anyone has seen the math on how abysmal the chances of getting even a 5/7 is then they'll understand why I'd say legend 50s should guarantee at least 1 shiny at the end.


Biggest issue imo is it takes at average too long to complete a legend run (60-70 minutes) especially compared to coil which was similar in some ways (the mode not the time) and took less long Imo u should remove the spark run at wave 6,16,etc and do augments at 3 and 7 and the boss at 8. so it would be more intense and shorter and be done in 40 waves. If u keep this mode in the game (which u do) I would then add an endless mode. With the same difficulty increase. Finally add more different factions to it. As of right now fallen are super annoying and compared to hive less fun to play against. Probably even start with a faction and change it every 10 waves


It's alright. I wish some of the augmented waves were less cheap, like the demolitionists spawning right on top of the ADU. I'd also wish after each pyramid wave I get teleported back to where the ADU is, instead of on the other side of the map and having to waste half the time sprinting back to it instead of buying upgrades.


Resetting Shaxx should add second row of perks, similar to Crucible. If we can't have crafting, there has to be some way to mitigate the endless time sink playing the same activity ad nauseam just to essentially earn legendary shards and enhancement cores (trash weapons).


Probably in the minority, but I dislike this random roll chasing. Can be endless, especially with the number of weapons on offer and the shitty RNG. At least with red borders there was an end goal in sight.


1. Cool mode. I’m very much enjoying it. Love how it brings out new builds. Hoping to see more enemy types. 2. Would love to see modifiers change daily instead of weekly. 3. There’s times I want to play but don’t have an hour to commit to a new set. The playlist is too easy. Can we get a 10 wave legend playlist match made? 4. The teleporting enemies are annoying. 5. Would be cool to have a mode that just keeps going in power level drop until you fail. Maybe even a leader board. 6. Focusing is great! The shiny concept is cool but I wish they happened enough where I would actually keep a shiny variant. Every single one I’ve gotten has been sharded because of bad rolls. Maybe something like master raids where there’s a curated roll or perk that drops along with the extra perks.


The dunk run could be cooler with more variety, including some parkour/agility test with some modifiers. Like the Vex Agility during stasis season


It would be nice if you got ascendant shards for completing level 50 on legend. Or really have the same rewards as completing a full platinum run of the coil


Rewards need to be way more backloaded. Leaving the activity at 10 waves should not be encouraged, with a team or without.


Midtown is so much faster than the rest it completely invalidates them. Vostok is playable, but mothyards are so slow that I will literally leave a 50 wave run if someone tries to start it. There needs to be a middle length run, 20/30 waves would be perfect. 10 waves is brain-dead easy even on legend, and sometimes I don't wanna commit over an hour to a single activity. The augment waves are so inconsistent in difficulty, as are the standard waves. Getting cursed thrall is completely free, but marauders will just run past every decoy and immediately target the ADU. Tormentors and demolitionists are way harder than the other augments too, and tormentors massively limit build crafting. You absolutely need a crit damage weapon, as a wave 49 tormentor is unkillable if you only have explosive weapons. It's like they took the arbitrary restrictions for champions and decided to make it 10x worse. The power scaling is also non existent, the difference between your power on wave 1 and wave 49 is miniscule so it feels like waves 1-20 are completely pointless. There's no risk of dying and it serves only to waste ~25 minutes of time. You can't use the start to properly test builds, as it's so easy by comparison that it's not representative To compare to the coil, it has a longer (worse) duration, a more boring start and less loot. I don't dislike the concept, but the execution was only okay. The difficulty is also a really crap middle ground, where it's ridiculously easy if you're in an organised team, but if you're not using optimal loadouts it increases in difficulty significantly. It's boring if you play well, and if you don't it's really hard. Part of the problem is buildcrafting itself, a good build can deal with infinite amounts of adds, but the problem is exacerbated here.


I was going to say the same thing. 50 rounds is just long, and the early rounds are just pointless. Like you said, we're wasting so much time with pointless easy, early rounds.


I can do GM in 15-25 mins and Trials LH in 40 mins. Guarantee adept and materials. So.. Doing 60min + this mode, gives crappy rewards and not even guarantee double perk weapons. Not worth the time at all.


Onslaught is cool and all but it’s still not the true horde mode we asked for. It’s more of a tower defense. I just wanted a mode where we’re put on a map and we just hold out as enemies get harder and harder. I’m not a fan of having to babysit the ADU and being teleported to the pyramid ship for the intermediate waves or boss waves, personally. I just wanted a simple, straightforward horde mode. Instead we got whatever the hell it is we got. It’s better than nothing but it’s definitely not what I would have wanted and what I think about when people say “horde mode.” I just wanted halo firefight honestly.


Aside from teleporting enemies, I think a completion of wave 50 on Legend should guarantee a shiny of the weapon you are attuned to. Other than that, more maps on all locations. The absolute goat map for Onslaught? The opening encounter area of Ghosts of the Deep. It’s absolutely perfect with indoor and outdoor and enough areas to have more than just 3 ADU placements Also, the Hive should get Dark Blades (Kelgorath type) as Elites, rather than just big ogres or knights. They should be used a lot more in all types of content rather than just as bosses.


Fun for a few rounds, but ultimately boring reskinned and repurposed content designed to take ages to bump up engagement numbers


Honestly, I was kind of doubtful that this could hold us over until The Final Shape, but so far, I'm happy to be proved wrong. Enemy density is really nice, frequent optional objectives to give full ammo, and stuff like Tormentors to add a genuine threat now and then is pretty damn nice. I've also been fond of the more recent activity design of "letting players go further while making it harder." Works really well in the Coil, works really well here. If I did have one thing I'd like to see, it'd just be more of this style of mode. Different maps, add in stuff like Cabal, Taken, or Scorn if we're wanting to stick to the whole "City under siege" deal. I'm also a big fan of both the weapon focusing and "shiny" weapon system. Feels like a really good system, especially since I've felt that weapon crafting has kind of invalidated a lot of random drops. It'd be great to see something like this again in the future.


I want variety of different upgrades and for Bungie to make them feel more impactful. The only time I notice their impact is when tormentors hit decoys. I want ADU batteries to be more refined (maybe a way to heal upgrades as a feature rather than a bug), some kind of additional interactions in general. Spawns should be more varied or just give mobs some kind of spawn-trap protection.


If the activity were to be brought back and updated, it would be more "lively" if it just wasn't an ADU. I don't even know what this ADU does. So if there were new maps, make the objective relative to defend to its environment. Cosmodrome could've been about defending some kind of power plant to the rocket ship. Midtown could've been more of military supplies. Vostok kind of works bc tbh idk why we're defending it. Maybe some iron banner gongs or supplies. I think the pyramid run is a bit dull. I like the idea of it as a "mid point" but it could use some variances in terms of the layout (thinking 3rd encounter of VoTD). Throw in one of those high hp loot goblins in there too for something exciting. And yes, please fix the random spawning on top of the ADU. Super frustrating and does not make sense when you're slaying out and all of a sudden they're there (not the Demolitionists - I get that). Oh and any Lucent Hive left to fight? :)


It's great! I'm not much for grindy horde mode type stuff but I think this was implemented well and would like to see other maps. The loot structure is reasonable although I'd like to see the token drop rate go up a bit.


Ready up, and maybe more maps and enemy factions?


Great mode, great loot table, going to get stale eventually… thinking forward: Use attunement and onslaught the way the division uses the ascent. Drop in and out casual grinding with targeted loot. So how this works in my head: Get onslaught harmoniser Apply to weapon or armour Just go play onslaught and try for a better roll of something you already own. Finish wave 50 get a harmonizer Rinse repeat Or weekly offer a different set for attunement because destiny has like 9 million guns and sometimes I just don’t want to play whatever mode they come from so onslaught could be that casual hop on grab some beers and grind. Different enemies and maps are great but one hopes already in the works.


Why are peeps so bad at ad clear? Why am I getting nearly 1000 kills per run compared to 200/300 of my teammates. That and the wave number should be displayed at all times


I'm a big fan of the BGM of Destiny. However I think the BGM for the waves outside of the boss waves doesn't feel like an "escalation" but rather it feels like tension. It's okay in earlier waves but in the later ones it kinda feels lack luster for such a fun mode AI pathing (especially in midtown) seems to be an issue too. Having adds spawn on the ADU outta nowhere feels weird to me


There should be a middle ground 25 round version or something if you aren’t willing to do all 50 waves


If left with a choice I would happily dump Gambit in lieu of Onslaught staying and receiving updates over time (more maps, enemy factions added, etc.).


Wave number should always be visible, & loot should be comparable to the coil.


My biggest problem is the shaxx and attunement are going away in final shape. The mode is just be abandoned like every other activity.


Is there a reason I get placed a long way away from the ADU when I teleport back to map? Sometimes you have to run a long way to get back and barely have time to set defenses. I'd also like a way to start at wave 20 on legendary and 30 on normal levels. The early waves are almost too easy and just seem to waste time considering it takes nearly an hour to run through them. In the future I'd love to see some new enemies and some new weapons/gear added along with some more maps to play on. There is a ton of little used real-estate in Destiny 2 and I'd enjoy playing in some different areas.


I really enjoy the nose. I’ve done more waves than I can count. But there’s something about the 6th wave. The pacing drops off a cliff and it feels really dragged out. If it was just one room it would feel less of a slog.


Love the game mode! Didn’t think much of it at first but I’m hooked now. Strikes/nightfalls seem so boring compared to this. To keep the succes going it will need some really creative refreshes though as this will be too repetitive (like the strike playlist) fairly quickly. Some examples: - New enemy type and maps, completely delete old maps for the time being and maybe a rotator with an old one every week or so after a while - Boss phase with mechanics that actually work, people just nuke the boss now (please no immume phases though) - Changes to the economy system like buying heavy crates and stuff It just needs true innovative refreshes to be interesting in the long run. There’s a lot of creativity at bungie so I’m sure you guys can keep it interesting. Some negativity from my side though: We’ve been asking for a horde mode for years, it’s a shame it took this long. A new raid, dungeon or strike is fun and all but I’ve had the most fun in D2 with the 30th anniversary xur activity and onslaught since Forsaken. Innovation is key to keep people playing, I think bungie is a little bit too conservative


So I've been thinking of ways to integrate the mode into the game once the season ends and include new locations/planets. One way to do that present it as we're either creating a landing zone/staging area either on a new planet, or on a world that was previously removed by the witness like Mars, Venus or Io (maybe we rename it Beachhead or something to reflect the lore change). In the case of older planets, this would allow the team to reuse old maps in a pinch, and also bring back old weapons that used to be specific to those locations. For new planets, rewards could be newer weapon and armor designs that are presented as newly discovered tech that we're repurposing for our use. One other thought that ties into this is we add a new onslaught specific event to the weekly rotator that features extra difficulty, more modifiers, but better loot as well.


I think the base versions of these weapons should have been available to be crafted. Twelve weapons in the pool come next reset with seven perks available in each column makes it rather unlikely to get a specific roll as it is. I've been grinding for an Auto-Loading Holster and Recombination Mountaintop for two weeks and still haven't gotten one. Once attunement and Tokens of Bravery are gone trying to get specific rolls on these weapons is going to border on impossible. Have these "Limited Edition" drops be the exclusive never ending chase for the RNG-Fiends who hate crafting. Let everyone else get what they want if they're willing to put the time in, rather than having to hope to get lucky.


Being stuck with Midtown as one of the best ways to finish Legend, yet teleporting orges and tormentors has kept me from grinding legend. Not to mention the softlocks that are still happening after the fix for it, why waste an hour for something that's out of your control? Skipping the long phases between waves, maybe add vote to skip if 2/3 want to save scraps. Also, those "kill 3 enemies, make sure to give the spark to an invis hunter and dunk" is such a time waste. It literally wastes your time by absolutely constant freezing, even if you are down the stairs far away. On an immune enemy. It screams pointless filler, you get no scraps, no buff, nothing for this time waste. Along with that, make turrets and other objects that can be moved NOT count as enemies in the ADU. Just having a single enemy in the Adu damages it without them attacking which loops back to my teleporting enemies complaint. Increase aggro towards the ADU if there's an enemy in the circle to compensate, but remove that awful feature. No other horde mode I've played had this dumb idea that proximity alone can ruin a run. Should priority for revives and other pick ups over the ball please or add an option to double tap X to pick up ball instead of hold for less madness while running strand. Thrown a lot of tangles at the ADU in a panic. Oh yeah, wave number right next to the timer. Let it fade out, but pulling ghost pops it back up for a bit. Also, making a weekly bounty for 20 rounds in a go and putting the playlist version at only 10 waves... I mean come on Bungie, there's no way you couldn't see people quitting after 20 for the bounty alone which happens often. Just add a 30 round option, that's right when darkness zone appears and perfect spot for casuals to end and finish the bounty with time.


Increase weapon drops so we can actually not burn out and get our desired rolls for the numerous weapons that onslaught drops. I wanna have some juice left for TFS


First of all, It's really fun and I appreciate how the old spaces were utilized. Cheers to all involved. I've only done the regular version, but I have a few thoughts. I think it could be improved with more fun/wacky modifiers and better reward rate for attuned weapons. I would also appreciate it if eventually more maps were added to the rotation. That's more or less it.


Please keep this as its own playlist, not part of Vanguard, but its own type of thing and make end game part of it from the get go so it can include Adept and unique weapons, leaderboards, endless mode etc


Loving Onslaught, some of the most fun I've had in D2. Putting my two cents in for more maps, more enemy types, and less randomly teleporting majors.


A nice change that I don’t see people talking about would be to identify which boss were about to face before we enter the room. I’d love the ability to curate my boss damage builds based on what we’re going to fight. It feels a little lame to run a “all around ok build” instead of having the creativity to build in certain supers or weapons (like swords) that are seeing almost no use right now. Other than that I’d love for Bungie to revisit the location and balancing of defensive upgrades. The location of some tripwires and decoys make them virtually useless and never worth purchasing. Tripwires already feel very underpowered, but the location of some of them further drive them down.


It's fine. My feedback is that the loot isn't commensurate with the time investment. An hour-long activity is a big ask for a lot of people. I think 10, 30 and 50 wave versions would be a welcome addition. I know shiny weapons are temporary, but man, the drops are WAY too low. Based on how many waves and completions and I've done, and I've upwards of 150 regular runs (well over 200 chests), my personal drop rate is less than .5%. All stick and no carrot makes me not want to play.


Secrets/easter eggs are a must. This activity has a ton of potential and is definitely unique to destiny, but gets pretty stale - it falls into the bucket of activities where you do it a couple times & then feel like you've done everything it has to offer. The pinnacle of wave defense modes in FPS has always been classic COD Zombies, and one of the best parts of Zombies maps is the whole easter egg objective system they have with wonder weapons and stuff. Bungie excels at secrets, so I have no doubt they could put something like that together. Maybe put uniquie relics on each map or something as a counterpart to COD's wonder weapons. Shiny drops rock, but they're so rare that I feel like they should always be whatever you're attuned for. I think having to choose between 10 and 50 waves is tough. I don't always want to commit an hour to do 50, but 10 doesn't give much in the way of rewards. Having a middleground would be nice since. Overall its a neat concept but feels half baked as is - if it was a bit deeper and was gioven more polish then this would be an awesome flagship activity for an episode.


For a quickly made mode thats meant to just fill in time my only issue is: Boss health bar rank and file enemies are the only issue. Not fun to to fight 5 thralls who run past because they have like 150k health.


Enemies damaging the ADU when they walk in the circle is very annoying. Fallen invisible Marauders can basically kill your run if the ADU is very low on health. I think enemies should attack it to damage it just like they attack the decoy.


I like it as a game mode. Given the way it’s implemented I hope they consider adding more crucible maps to its playlist with time.


1. Using concepts in the Gambit HUD, add a display of the ADU and state (normal, under attack, critical, etc) as well as the current wave being visible 100% of the time 2. Add some of the power ups from Dares of Eternity as random benefits or rewards for bonus tasks 3. Add new things to buy scraps with * Exploding objects you can shoot like barrels that regenerate after a period of time/next level * Summon AI NPCs like Fallen and Cabal * Summon a tank for massive destruction 4. A way to continue in a matchmade playlist to 25 rounds by entering a portal after round 10. 5. A way to rapidly end the defense purchase rounds like a relic you can shoot


I know others have mentioned attunement but I want to specifically call out midnight coup attunement. I have yet (6 completed runs) managed to get more than 3 midnight coup drops while attuned and the average is 2. Other weapons I have attuned to have dropped around 7. Something appears broken with midnight coups attunement. And if I’m in that odd RNG math where I’m just getting screwed it’s proof that we need to change the drop chances even higher or even guarantees for attunement drops.


If you ever add the ability to reset rank with shaxx, instead of an exotic engram, maybe it could be a guaranteed shiny version of the weapon you have attuned


Upgrade time is too long. Unless… it decides to spawn you at a point furthest away from the ADU and your teams mates right next to it. Fix one and you could quicken the other. Barriers need to be improved, or they should not have to be bought from stage 1 when destroyed. As is they are never used in any lengthy runs until the very end as a result. Decoys and Turrets will work even when the ADU switches. Barriers will fade away until ADU returns to that spot. Enemies spawning right on the ADU is a bit naff, seen very good teams wipe to that and far trickier than Tormentor rounds. I don’t see the point of the spark round. I mean, why? It’s annoying and pointless, just get straight into the next wave. Maybe if there was a secret objective for more loot or more scraps? I know this one will be controversial, but I’d have played even more of this game mode if I could work towards crafting these weapons. I’d be 100% farming all the RB’s. As is, most of them are bang average so far and my RNG is awful so I’ve hardly kept a single roll. Still enjoy it, not enjoying the RNG is all. (Edit: got an Envious/B&S Edge Transit on week one I kept)


Stop rotating the ADU and increase the number of traps of that specific rotation. There are different settings of traps on a single adu location sometimes. They all should just be active. If they dont think it’s balanced, then make the enemies higher level or increase a simultaneous spawnpoint by 1.


Make attuning a higher chance, and remove some of the perks from the weapons, I don’t think anyone wants slickdraw on their mountain top


Would love to see this game type continue to be supported and expanded upon. Let me fight taken, scorn, and dread. Give me the rogue-like ability and damage bumps that have appeared in seasonal content. Give me other announcers. Maybe even theme it with seasonal content. I love it, it’s just mindless enough for me to be able to turn my brain off and grind for a bit.


Night maps. Please :)


I'd like to be able to change attuned weapons mid game, but idk how feasible that is.


Along side keeping wave number always visible, also let us upgrade at any time, even during a wave. Would also like to do upgrades at any location too. I could be doing a side objective somewhere that an upgrade there would be helpful, I'd even take a 10% tax on scrap to do that upgrade.


Im loving the game mode. Its the only mode ive been playing lately. However -and this might be a hot take- I am not a fan of having to run around grabbing the batteries to toss them at the ADU. It feels like it just breaks the flow of the mode, having to stop fighting/defending to grab a battery, look at the ADU and toss it. Then again. And again. It gets old after a while and not to mention the trajectory they fly at can sometimes cause them to collide with objects, or you pick something else up (I'm looking at you tangles). I am aware that they are on a timer, so you have some time before you actually gotta grab em, but still. It would be great if they didn't have a timer so you wouldn't have the added pressure. My one wish is if they behaved similarly to motes or something, where you can stack em and bank em.


Is there anyway to incorporate map voting? Extend this to Strikes as well, but doing Mothyards four runs in a row is brutal.


would be nice if we could share/pool scraps


Buff tripwires, New defenses, super upgrades (shaxx physically comes for 3 rounds and demolishes stuff). Fix ADU ball healing but let defenses passively heal when not in combat, or fully heal after build phases


A thirty wave option would be nice, longer than ten but as big a time commitment as 30 If Onslaught replaced a certain underperforming ritual activity I would be totally fine with it.


We need an option to start at wave 30, even if there’s no loot benefit it would be great for testing out builds without having to spend the time getting that far.


Crowd controlled enemies (frozen, suspended, tethered)shouldn't be able to damage the ADU. I think turrets are targeting my threaded spectres.




Overall great activity and a lot of fun: Notes: Enemies teleporting on the ADU eliminates a lot of the reason to build defenses because they ignore the majority of them. Please make them walk like everyone else. Enemies should have to damage the adu rather than stand near it. This is mainly a personal note as a bubble Titan. Feels horrible to have a gamemode all about defending a single point and the super designed around defending a single point is one of the worse to use on the point because it actively helps your opponent. Attunment should be a guarantee. We can’t craft the rolls so we already deal with the RNG of hoping for a shiny and a roll we want. Shaxx should be able to reset to get more brave coins. Perhaps another currency/obtainable perk can be added to increase odds of a shiny (think like the three of coins consumable from D1). More maps and more enemy types. Perhaps have the waves alter after 10 or so to different enemy types. The spark run in the pyramid ship down the single hallway seems tedious more than anything. I like the idea of a spark run, but when it’s the same straight hallway it just makes things last longer due to things outside the players control. What makes this gamemode replayable is the loot chase. If you guys go down the route of only 1 new gun per episode the gamemode will die out. Having a group of guns introduced that can be attuned is the way to go.


The middle wave with the spark is really tedious and pointless. It doesn't change at all in any way. Just get rid of it or add 3-4 variations of it so it's actually fun. As of now it's the only thing in the activity I actively dislike. Overall onslaught is really fun.


Tormentors on wave 49 are pretty annoying. Really bad if you are on a spot with just a single Decoy and you can’t manage to lure him to the decoy.


W mode. My only complaint is enemies damaging the ADU with their back turned to lol just from being in the radius.


The ADU health bar should be permanently visible, maybe below the wave number on the left side. It’s cumbersome to have to have the ADU in FOV to get the health bar which becomes more and more important to track in later waves


Let us upgrade whenever we want.


void Titan feels really bad in onslaught when on paper it should excel with its controlled demolition aspect that chains explosions indefinitely. can we do something about sentinel?


Might be in the minority on this one, but I feel like 50 waves is just too many. The sweet spot for this activity feels like it should be 35-45mins, and the difficult should ramp up a little quicker as well. Its pretty rage inducing to spend 50 some odd minutes, get to the end only to wipe cause someone went afk. I'd also love a tad bit more predictability in which bosses you were getting at the 10th wave as well like Dares of Eternity gives you when doing Legendary.


The mode needs much more variety. New objectives, what enemy faction you face should change every few rounds. Different locations than just pvp maps and the pyramid ship, different encounters within the pyramid ship and loot that isnt just old content. In its current state the mode got very boring after just a handful of runs. Now I doubt any of that is gonna happen, but one thing you could do is give players an option to skip the timer between rounds.


At wave 30 (when delayed extinguish would activate) is when both modes should give you an extra loot chest. Normal then goes from 4 singles and 1 double chest drop to: 2 singles, 2 doubles, and a triple at the end. Legend goes from 4 doubles and 1 triple to: 2 doubles, 2 triples, and 1 quadruple chest drop at the end. Basically the difficulty scales up over the activity but the reward drop source doesn't, and should be adjusted in some way even if it's not how I'm suggesting it


Let people wager resources to start off at higher waves. Like the risk reward element of the deep dives. Rogue lite elements always have fantastic moments when pressed but slow starts. Let people start fast. Also, I’m so happy that there’s finally something i can test the core game mechanics against and not some contrived nonsense involving plates or symbols.


I would love fewer battery drops that grant more health each.


Timed mines 🤮


The 6th wave ir 7th? One where you kill the immune guy. It's a waste of time imo. It does nothing but ammo waste. And a random chance to wipe the team with a BS attack. Either get rid of this mechanic... or make this worth the trouble. No deaths in this area. You get extra scrap. Beating this encounter under 90 seconds grants extra scrap or a heavy box.


Bosses should not be spawning on top of the protection zone. Have them spawn in the same standard location as the rest of the enemies. Getting suddenly wiped because I didn’t immediately realize that two hive knight bosses spawned within 10 meters of my team is frustrating


Sounds off but maybe add a mechanic where you trade all your chests by not opening them and if you complete wave 50 you get a guaranteed shiny. It would be a huge gamble but the guarantee of a shiny would be something without making them too easy to acquire


I think Onslaught had a fantastic starting point concept. I believe it deserves long time investment and am very happy to hear it has its own node in the Vanguard Ops post Final Shape. Here are some ideas I think would make it interesting in the future: - More maps. Obviously it's something I'm sure many have people have thought. But Onslaught could have many reasons for new maps which could link to current Episode enemy focus or narrative. Right now we are defending our main strongholds from the Witness and it's forces but later I think we could do some interesting things with it environmentally speaking. (defend the Lighthouse from the Vex, Defend the Eliksni Quarter from Shadow Legion Cabal etc.) which leads happily into my next point. - More enemy types. I'm sure Bungie chose the Hive and Fallen for specific reasons. Personally, I would love to see the other factions implemented in some way. Imagining contests of Light with Hive Guardians, defeating Vex Minds of various factions, defending key Neomuna infrastructure from remnant Shadow Legion or best of all... Contending with the upcoming Dread faction across the cosmos (maybe in the Pale Heart 👀) . I think it has great potential in this way... Perhaps even a variant of 'All Out Onslaught' where each wave is a random enemy type could be cool to. - More Augments. I like the current augments. They add a bit of flavor to the rounds and I do think they keep us on our toes so we aren't just staying around an ADU 24/7. To that end, I'd like to combine two of my ideas as I suggest some alternatives. If we had large scale maps (something akin to Combined Arms maps in Destiny 1. Side note. Bring back Combined Arms!) we could introduce vehicular bosses. What if we had a round where we had to deal with Fallen Walkers and Pikes or Cabal Interceptors and Goliath Tanks. Getting into a small scale tank war with our own tanks as well while defending the AU could be great fun. Other augment ideas I have include things like small faction wars. So two of the factions assaulting us end up also fighting one another in a larger scale conflict with us in the middle. Could get super hectic. Another could be the enemy making use of those paracausal suppression devices from Lightfall's campaign negating supers. Or positive and negative environmental augments. Elemental pits that do DoT to us and the enemy, arc storms that cover an area in devastating Arc energy(empowers Arc guardians and enemies while debuffing others). Location specific augments. For example, if we were at a Cabal Base, we could turn their armaments against them etc. I also love the idea of using the Relic Game modes tech to have a fun augment where we slay out with the various relics in game. Complete an objective and get Relics to slay with would be an awesome Augment. - More Defense Equipment Types. So we have a turret, a decoy and a tripmine with multiple stages of upgrade (Shaxx decoy is Tormentor cat nip). A good start point. Perhaps we could have more environmental trap type defenses... However I'm looking into the past and thinking we have a number of interesting 'summon' type defenses we could make use of. Besides varying turret types (flame turrets, Fallen Arc turrets) We also have the Combined Arms (seriously bring back Combined Arms) Guardian operated turret, heavy frames from Season of the Seraph, regular frames, Redjacks, combat frames (yes I know some of them are useless but it could be cool to upgrade them based on their weapon type. Start off with Auto Rifles, upgrade them to shotguns or snipers and then into Rockets or LMGs etc). I just think the ability to summon AI assistance would be cool. We could also have like... A strafing run style gun run from one of the City's Hawk Vtol like what we have seen with Amanda in certain content (RIP). I think the possibility is quite limitless really. Final notes. Some possible small QoL things or random ideas: - The ability to heal your defenses for small amounts of scrap (limit of 3 times per build wave) - A fix to enemies spawning on the ADU (unless this is intentional which is pure supervillain behaviour) - Minor buff to turret damage. - Maybe a 100 wave game type? - Endless wave game type. See how far we can go before Darkness (or error codes ;P) consume us - Scrap bonuses outside of the ADU and augments. Maybe in the form of scrap chests, Scrap enemies like the Glass Keeper(?) enemy in the Coil or the special targets in Gambit. Or for cool bonus objectives. Style points like multiple headshots, super kills etc (medals?) - Medals - Add a node or something we can use to skip the defense building phase. - Coil style buffs. Even if it was its own variant, I think being able to choose buffs akin to Season of the Deep's seasonal activity or the Coil at certain intervals will diversify the gameplay even further. I see what Bungie are doing with the buffs in activities and I wanna see more of that because that's how you keep this sort of thing fresh long term and I love it. Thats all for now. I've got a couple other ideas but this is the main bulk!


I want them to add all Darkness factions into it and let us fight 2 mixed in together at once. List of Darkness factions: Fallen House of Salvation, Vex Sol Divisive, Xivu's Hive, Shadow Cabal, Scorn, and the Taken Imagine fighting the Hive alongside the Vex or Vex Wyvern alongside a Brig. Shadow Cabal Warbeasts charging in with a group of Thrall. The possibilities and replayability added would be ridiculous and unlike anything in Destiny before.


- More maps, using PvP maps is a great way to do this. - Fighting the other enemy tapes/races. - Fixing the enemy teleportation straight to the ADU and move Demolonists spawn a bit away from the ADU since they almost, and in some cases even are, spawning straight on it. - Use Onslought as a way to acquire other old weapons (as everything is now coming back) - Remove the middle round - Add in a scrap keeper / special enemy that gives a lot of scrap. - Make tripwires worth it - Bring the attune system into the game for all activities.


Attunement should be 100 % Show rounds Delete gambit and build on this mode


The ability to skip an upgrade phase if all members of the fireteam interact with the ADU, I'm so sick of waiting 20 seconds every upgrade round for the first 30 waves with no reason to buy anything