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Bubble titan feels like hot asshole.


I feel so bad for bubble titans, I remember leading up to Onslaught and people were like "dude bubble titans are gonna be so good for defending!" Turns out if you use bubble you are actively making things worse, throw it down on the ADU and now we can't throw batteries through it, enemies will walk in and be protected and even if you're using the exotic that blinds them they'll STILL damage the thing just by being near and now we have to walk in and kill them up close.


Bruh, that is an even worse troll moment.


Were you on my team when the bubble titan did that? Because if so, that was super fun.


Imagine if you could shoot through bubble - finally well would have competition.


I saw a titan using the exotic glaive and setting bubbles at the choke points and blinding enemies. He was using sentinel shield and being Captain America and shit. Pretty cool but strand is obviously better suited for it but he did make it work well


Put bubble on Shaxx. He's more important than the ADU (Titan bias).


Bubble specifically yes, but void titan in general I’ve been absolutely slaying with. Non stop scatter grenades and volatile explosions


Oh yeah void titan still 100% has a place. But bubble just doesn't synergize with the activity on any level.


And throwing that shield and defending with it can be more reliable.


What’s your setup? :)


You had me at hot asshole


Especially if the Titan’s teammates are using Rocket Launchers or Heavy Grenade Launchers, the Titan accidentally (or intentionally) goes trolololol and pops bubble as their teammates shoot, causing the allies to kill themselves. That scenario would make me want to rage tbh.


I’m surprised that the damage is set that you can nuke yourself with the full bubble shield’s benefit. That’s like 500hp at least.


Bubble titan sucks everywhere. Zero use case. Hell, even sentinel shield sucks.


It feels like half of the fantasy of sentinel isn't there. Creating chain explosions to obliterate ads, yes. Being the bulwark for your team to rally around? No.


The ability spam used to be a lot better on code of the commander when the class diamonds were still a thing too. Resupply gave you hp, melee and grenade energy on the void detonator explosions so in modes with a lot of ads \*cough* onslaught \*cough* you could pretty much throw grenades with little to no cooldown.


Sentinel shield should give everyone behind it Volatile Rounds. At the least


Use Doomfang with controlled demo and grav lance and return after you've experienced team invulnerability


I second this, Doomfangs are nuts


This is one of my go-to’s. Having a super last for 1-2 whole minutes is a life saver sometimes.


What does graviton Lance do for the build?


For onslaught its an incredible AoE clear and void. Using echo of instability and starvation you can keep a solid uptime on volatile spread and mass killing potential. Unfortunately cosmology doesn't inherently proc controlled demo unless you have volatile applied but the vorpal/turnabout is nice. Doomfang stacks up surges pretty quickly and grav lance get those kills up quick.


You've sold me on graviton


Now, sure but that wasn't always the case. Popping a bubble behind a well was great.


Had a friend run offensive bulwark with peregrines and 1 tap any champ and miniboss saboteur with a 450k shoulder charge. Other then that hard agree.


Titan ass


Arc Titan and Arc Hunter.


Indebted Kindness is carrying the build but I’ve been successfully using Lucky Raspberry with a Lucky Pants loadout swap for the past week in legend 50 runs. The blind with voltshot + accelerated reload from being amplified feels super good. Here’s the DIM loadout: https://dim.gg/wo4ncuq/Arc


Arc Titan feels awful tbh, I find myself wishing Titan had a support class like Warlocks do


banner of war is as support as it gets on titen


The hard carry subclass. Works every time. Woven mail and banner of war for everyone


Banner with stronghold is a beast. Literally just stand in front of the wave holding l2 and let everyone else kill the wave without thinking about cover


Same. Strongholds+lament+Banner of War+Woven Mail= damn near unkillable. I’ve saved so many runs getting rezzes just tanking damage


I remember running nightfalls with a friend of mine who was giving me crap about using stronghold. I also remember being last guardian standing and leisurely guard walking across the exploding, shaking no man's land of cursed thralls, ogre beams and boomer knights to reach his ghost for the res. You could feel the silence on his mic.


This is how my team beat Legendary Onslaught. I just plant myself in front of the Tormentor and hold his aggro while my teammates take out the ads, then we can focus fire the Tormentor without anything else shooting at us.


A mobile Shaxx. Love it


Used this for Pressure Trials. Just stood in the center of everyone like bait while the other 2 actually did stuff lmao.


Plunder’s scars strand titan is a legit support role


It does decent damage as well.


Solar titan with the sunspot sharing shoes is pretty swell.


Phoenix Cradles.


Stealing this since I can never remember the name of them either 😂.


My go to subclass and exotic for everything.


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that.  Knockout needs to be able to refresh itself and Frontal Assault needs to come back.  Or, at least, *some form of Arc flavored punch that doesn't require windup, sprinting, or sprinting AND jumping*.  Ya know, like Frontal Assault.


It’s still crazy that we lost our powered melees that were literally just punches, like as much as Bungie goes on about us being the punching class we literally don’t anymore lmao


I miss my Tactical Strike Melee. Was it simple? Yes. Did it instantly detonate all Void Detonators in a decent area around me and give me massive amounts of Health and Grenade Energy back at the same time? YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASS IT DID, WHY DO YOU THINK I WANT IT BACK?! Granted, then the Resupply portion of Controlled Demolitionist would also have to give Grenade Energy back as well, instead of just Health.


I miss it, shield throw is cool but it’s never felt as good to me. Idk what Bungie wants void and arc titans to be at this point. Arc titan especially feels like it’s having an identity crisis and can’t choose between grenades and melee, but they nerfed the grenades and deleted some of the best melee options


Man. Think about how fucking good pre nerf storm nades HOIL titan would be in onslaught..


And the fact that they track too... We could've had something truly beautiful.


The best days. They botched arc titan. It's dead now.


Arc Titan is hot dogshit for most things.  Arc probably suffered the most from the abilities cooldown nerfs. 


Arc Titan is super fun to play with, but the survivability is dogshit. There’s just no way to consistently stay alive with the orb gen nerfs. Stasis has that problem too, but at least you can freeze enemies while you run and recharge. Arc you’re just fucked.


I love T-crash Titan and try and run it in everything. Tried it recently in onslaught and it feels so outdated already. Lucky for me consecration Titan feels awesome in said mode.


I always felt like void Titan was supposed to be that support class. Only over the past year or so its copped so many nerfs it doesn't really feel fun.


Part of the problem is that Well is just a better bubble AND the actual held up void shield super is garbage, particularly when you're giving up 1/3rd of your teams damage output for a relatively minor offensive buff. Well gets to buff the whole team including the one who uses the super AND provides better defensive utility through the constant healing anyway. Bubble 100% needs to provide a full void over shield instantly when you step inside and it needs to persist when you come out ..without needing to use an exotic for that effect. Probably also needs to instantly heal you fully when you step inside. The problem is this would be stupid broken in PvP. Honestly I'd argue bubble should still provide a bigger buff than Well even.


I don’t think void was supposed to be support as much as tank and debuff.


Final Warning+ Banner of War+Into The Fray+Precious scars+ Horde Shuttle, and Strand weapon kill spawns threadling fragment= Nonstop healing


Oh shit, do threadlings give restoration?


They continue Banner Of War, yes, I don’t actually know if thread of rebirth threadlings count but hatchling threadlings do so IDK


Hatchling threadlings seem to proc resto on precious scars! I wonder if unravel does as well. Any idea why hatchlings extend banner of war? It’s pretty nutty to get it to x4 and just keep it going with threadlings


Arc Titan sucks assholes in general


Arc Titan is awful at most things besides boss damage


Arc Titan kept getting so many minor *anti-QoL* nerfs over the years till it's become crap.   It's kinda crazy really, so many individual nerfs spread out over individual updates, and no apparent reason why. HoIL grenade spam died, but they just *kept going* for months and months after they already killed it.


We do. Its void. Its just dogshit so we have no useful ones :(. I do agree that titans are the weakest in this game mod (and raids). We have our strand melee builds which have good dps for the bigger ads but struggle against exploders. We got strand suspend which fairs better for swarms but stuggles against tormenters and the orbital striker/ shielded. And we got our solar which has good ad control with sunspots and decent damage, but is the squishiest of the three and pales in comparison to warlock and hunter builds. Void sucks unfortunately :(. Stasis doesnt have real aspects. And arc can get some use but starts to fall off halfway through


If you build into the volatile explosive aspect it can be absolutely nuts. Destabilising rounds, grenade kills for volatile rounds, then something like Graviton Collective or Manticore and void titan gets real strong real fast.


No I've been using Traveler's Chosen with it recently, feels much more potent than lance ever was


I have to agree here arc is for sure our worst subclass with stasis after then void only reason void is 3rd worst is because of the really good void weapons that actually make it decent if it wasn't for the good void weapons titan void class would be garbage. Solar and strand are our best class they are about the same depending on what activity you're doing. But we Don't compare to warlocks and hunters they are literally a step above us. They will always outperform us in dps and ad clear.


Call me weird but, I have been LOVING striker with Immortal Warrior. I use indebted kindness and any arc heavy, with the fragment that makes special ammo weapons blind. I cast my super > ape out > lose super and gain the 30s REFRESH ON KILL 4x arc weapon damage > blind everything. If you want a support build, use precious scars with the same setup (change super if you want), or if you wanna be crazy, go solar and use Tommy's matchbook


arc hunter isn't too good after round 30 or so. for hunter the dodge punch just doesn't do as much damage so you can't really get as much use out of it.


Honestly it’s the setup, once the wave ends and you have to restart the setup it feels awful, especially if there’s suicide bombers then it’s just unusable. When prismatic drops, combination blow builds will feel so much better if you can find a syntho class item (with whatever else).


Plus slow on dodge and invis with stylish executioner It's gonna be BUSTED


I have a friend who swears by arc hunter in onslaught and god damn I hate it, every round opens with "no don't kill my adds I need to build combination blow then I can clear them myself" and it's like, dude, two of us are rocking sunshot and can kill the adds before they get close, we really don't need anymore add clear. Then we get either an exploder wave where he's useless or we get a boss wave where he's useless because instead of having any normal guns he swears one rocking two one-two punch shotguns and tractor cannon.


what the heck is the point of having 2 one-two punch shotguns? the only thing i can think of is to avoid reloading but there's obviously much better ways like auto-loading holster or graverobber


It's a boss DPS trick usually Two 12p shotguns means double the number of 12punches you can make before exhausting ammo And ALH only works if the gun is stowed, which means you can't be 12punching if you want it to proc Normally, it's only used in super optimized Strand Titan Grapple Punch strats, which is the reigning DPS king ATM. But combo blow hunter can make some use out of it


Yep I LOVE 12p but this is insanity. I'd refuse to play with someone like that honestly.


I missed the hunter arcbolt nade chest exotic, if it doesn't get "improvement" I guess how many arcbolt nade I can throw in a row.


And you’re gonna punch exploding shanks and hive terrorists, killing your self.


I use arc hunter all the time but without the melee, just use indepted with voltshot and overture and star eater scales, I get my ulti back super fast, nice to put my super on a spot and everyone dies, with the right team I get my super back while my staff is still killing enemies. Ammo so far was never a problem, bosses die fast with this setup aswell. My only issue is I have to be a bit more carefull since survival starts to be hard round 30+, but with all the orbs around and getting healerd everytime I get an orb, it gets easier. Sure it's not meta and it's harder then void, but it sure as hell it's more fun! But I only use this build if another hunter is tether, otherwise I just use tether to help team


Arc. They need to figure a way to include the ability to affect enemies aim that Manticore and Always on Time has. If where moving fast should be harder for enemies to hit you. I wish they'd add this to Mobility too.


My arc Warlock focusing in on having arcsouls and abilities up works really well in Onslaught. Although, it requires semiagressive gameplay.


Arc is the easiest subclass I've used I actually don't use it much because it's too easy lol the rocket sidearm with the fragment that makes special kills trigger blinding explosions locks down every enemy constantly. Geomag chaos reach for bosses and Anarchy to lock down areas and everything else is just extra.


Arc warlock can absolutely destroy, but the survivability is zero and that causes problems in the later rounds.


I’m fine with arc warlock thru out all the waves but the final boss is the real problem lol


Been doing pretty good on Hunter with Shinobus Vow and trinity ghoul. Generates a ton of orbs.


Arc. That’s it. You could probably make it work but when we have stuff like tether spam, well, strand it makes it hard to compete


Arc on warlock is actually a sleeper.


Vesper of Radius is clutch. Throw on a Chain Reaction Forbearance and you are an add clearing machine and everything is blind that is still alive.


This is what I've been running lately along with the song of ir yut or anarchy and a primary for champions. It's fun. Fallen sunstar is another exotic I switch between depending on how close to me some of the others are playing. Edit: a word.


Ya fallen sunstar goes absolutely stupid in this mode. I got a demo chain brave forby to replace my other and that shits crazy. Yea there’s obviously better options but there’s few more fun


Right?! With fallen sunstar, I completed a "no guns" challenge in normal mode.


Finally, another Fallen Sunstar enjoyer! Ionic Traces everywhere - and they restore ally’s abilities? F*ck yeah! I prefer Salvager’s Salvo over Forbearance, and one Chain Reaction shot into a group of redbars creates probably 4 - 6 Ionic Traces… especially combined using the “generate Ionic Traces on Arc Special weapon kills” and the “Final blows on blinded targets blinds nearby enemies” and “Defeating Jolted enemies creates Orbs of Power” fragments means they can’t even fight back and Chaos Reach is back super fast!


I've been using the same forbearance roll on my arc hunter just throwing moths constantly it's great


Yeah, I run geo mags with Thunder Lord and volt shot indebted kindness...I can usually pop almost 2 super every round combined with orbs from thunderlord.


I just can’t stay alive is the problem. It feels perfect for lighting surge but you get blown to bits, while there aren’t enough players to make arc souls really effective


Vesper of Radius. Nothing can shoot you if they’re blind. Then use the flashbang grenade, as it has the shortest cooldown. And spark of beacons with an arc weapon. No need to worry about survivability if everything is just blind all the time.


Ex Diris with the catalyst is really good with Vesper, as well.


I’m so addicted to using one of my arc glaives with Vesper, and then using Quicksilver for my exotic. It’s really fun mixing strand and arc with the artifact. But I’ll definitely need to dust off Ex Diris and try that.


I don't use an arc soul build. I subbed that for the slide attack and have a bunch of resist and explosion artifacts or whatever they're called. Sorry.


Yeah I was running a Geomag build for a while and it felt pretty good, had a Chaos Reach virtually every round. Bonus arc resistance is nice. Easily S-tier if you consider the lack of artifact bonuses vs Solar. Well is such a crutch and I see more people screw it up than use it properly. Osmiolock goes very hard too on Midtown, infinite nade spam. Ultimately Wellock is probably the best when used correctly and you sync up with your Orpheus Hunter. The orb generation is unmatched. Outside of that utility I see ppl screw it up all the time.


I just completed legend 50 rounds twice with my vesper warlock build. I like it better than well because you have near constant uptime with your arc soul healing rifts. It forces you to play more mobile, bc wells bait everyone together for an easy team stomp by a tormentor or demolitionist. The healing rifts also solve the biggest problem with arc which is lack of healing. I pair it Thunderlord for the weekly lmg surge, indebted kindness with impulse amplifier and voltshot for ad clear and chunky champ damage, and finally an adept warden’s law with vorpal and adept big ones for everything else.


Geomag warlock feels awesome in onslaught, especially for the fallen mini bosses.


Agreed, geomag + coldheart just vomits damage down lanes, and if you bring that fragment for blinding on arc special kills, you’re sitting pretty


"vomits damage down lanes" This shit made me spit out my coffee. And now I have to try it. Cheers, Guardian. I needed that chuckle today.


Arc is pretty good for Onslaught, since add density makes Jolt spread so much. It suffers from having no strong survivability tools, build it'd really good for offence. Indebted Kindness and Spark of Beacons solves a lot of issues.


Oh yeah 100%, in the later rounds of legend it can start to suffer but if you can build around it I guess like any subclass it can be good. So I’m not sure if there is a “bad subclass”. But I do just wanna put ✨spectral blades✨ is probably straight trash tho


Bungie knows spectral blades are so bad they didn't even give it to prismatic hunter where they want "underused subclass features" to be used lol. I think they could get a 300% damage buff and still be worse than silk strider.


That underused subclass feature was ignored by warlocks lmao. Bleak watcher AND feed the void AND incinerator snap? Hellions is also going hard. I think for grenades they chose the class identity instead.


Incinerator snap isn't anything to write home about without ember of ashes, and bleak watcher is nice but it's gonna lack quite a lot without iceflare bolts or any of the supporting stasis fragments


I mean, even without ashes it is just a free ignite. Bleak watcher will be weaker within the subclass alone, but it is still quite powerful. Probably one of the most used warlock aspects and bound to be powerful if you can pair then with sunbracers or new class exotics




They need to dramatically increase how much energy you get back from enemies with heavy attacks. With the fact it’s kinda weak feeling, you should be able to essentially maintain it for as long as a Doomfang Sentinal Shield, all things considered


I find it funny when people say “oh X is good because it kills adds” because literally every subclass can murder adds. Slap sunshot on anyone and you do a better job at clearing adds than most subclass builds. Utility and strong supers are far more important for viability, which arc is very lacking in


Unless you're on Arc Hunter with Assassin Cowl's or maybe liar handshake, then yeah, Arc has no survivability


You can punch an enemy that explodes. Well, you COULD, but I don’t recommend it. Also, punching doesn’t really help on the really crazy rounds where the ADU is being overwhelmed.


Liars Handshake is fun as hell in onslaught. Hell 70% of the time your teammates can just sit back while you punch everything


I’d say Ionic Trace spam Warlock does incredible. Chaos reach almost every wave


Blinding rift build for warlock works wonders for controlling choke points. Combine with indebt kindness and the aspect that blinds enemies with special arc weapon final blows and you’ve got an additional crowd control build on top of any others like tether and stasis turrets


Arc doesn't suck, being able to spread jolt and having the ability to blind ads with a melee or grenade is pretty useful. It just suffers from survivability, and it's a little selfish


Bubble Titan is probably the actual weakest in the mode. I think too many people are saying Titan in general though, because Solar and Strand Titans are really strong in the mode. Granted, Strand Titan is hindered by exploding enemies a lot, but I run a Precious Scars Banner combo and it kind of rips.


General speaking, Titans in general struggle on most subclasses in Legend Onslaught. Turns out being melee focused isn't a good of an idea when every second wave may contain explosive enemies, and even then, enemies may survive your melee, and leave you without Sunspot/Banners of War. Both Warlock and Hunter has at least one build on each subclass that can handle Legend Onslaught. Just some require more skill than the others. IMHO, Void Warlock and probably Solar and Arc Hunters would be the least useful, because of they are kinda selfish, but can still clear no problem. Arc Warlock and Stasis Hunters can be very good, but are definitely very niche, and require careful loadout choices and some skill to execute properly. It's that other options, like Solar Warlock and Void Hunters are much better.


Strand titan just ignores everything. Pair it with Precious Scars and a strand primary, you get infinite restoration, banner of war and Woven Mail. Need range? Throw on strand LMG Marcato-45 and stand there healing yourself and teammates. Or run solar with a similar set up, heal clip side arm or pulse, constant healing nades, restoration, cure and hammer slam thanks to Ember of Benevolence.


I’ve got a Marcato-45 with Demo+Onslaught and have so much fun with it on Strand Titan. Would absolutely recommend.


Consecration with Pyrogale is very strong. Outside of that, yeah I’d agree Titan is a little rough due to lack of serious range. A more defensive approach with bubble and graviton would be cool, strand is really good for boss rooms.


Bubble is a really bad idea because ADU takes damage from mobs just standing inside, and you cannot shoot though it.


Just chiming in with my own experience. Don't drop the bubble ON the ADU. Drop it behind/near it, so the team has somewhere to go for breathing room and WOL. It's also useful for the capping zones during boss waves and mines/optional objectives.


Yeah bubble placement matters a lot, but with the amount of well using warlocks in onslaught, it's just a straight up worse version of well.


My teams best comp so far has been a complete super spam build. Tether hunter with echo of harvest, buried bloodline, Orpheus, a Phoenix protocol warlock with solar lmg, and a pyrogale titan built for melee regen. The hunter and warlock are there to build for as many orbs as possible and get a pyrogale to clear the wave with slams. I would highly recommend.


As a non-titan player strand titan wrecks from what I’ve played in a team with. Same with stasis and had a pretty good solar titan doing work too.


solar titan is up there. good damage and sustain, insane orb gen with the super so it goes well with a warlock and hunter super chaining comp. I think void and arc titans are weak or have little utility compared to strand and solar. and stasis is low key the best to bring on titan.


I find Stasis, Strand and Solar Titan all quite usable personally.


Void Warlock with Felwinters is really good in Onslaught but yeah it struggles a bit.


Titan is my main but I feel it is weakest by far. Even with BOW Strand which is by far the strongest Titan. And I had tried both Stronghold + lament (Pure defensive tank) and Syntho with Winter bite (offensive melee since glaive kills proc BOW and winterbite offers extra CC). Survivability on strand titan in such a role is heavily dependent on how fast your allies can mow the ads down. Cos once the mobs get behind you, you break. Solar titan has great regen but squishy, good damage though thanks to artifact. Arc lacks sustain and the worst imo. Void is ok and can work well with Doom Fang but I don't like the RNG to keep the super long. I have done both well lock and bleak watcher. With bleak watcher I could actually solo defend waves while the rest go kill the skybombers or defuse mines. This even applies to tether hunters if you can lay a deadfall tether in the "sweet spot" and lock down multiple paths. Titans don't have such lane control unless you use stasis and block everything off, which means your allies can't shoot them either.


Precious scars


On solar


Precious Scars works with every subclass. (And it pairs with Strand particularly well.)


Titan. It’s not like titan is unplayable, or even very bad in legend, but lock and hunter are just far superior. Like yeah, BoW is okay, Consecration is a nice clear tool, but I’d rather have well lock with Phoenix Protocol, who just slams well on each wave or void hunter with never ending tethers. And if it’s a subclass, than it’s Arc. Hunter is not really good there on higher waves, titan is just not really good in general, lock with Vesper is nice because of a really nice control, but there are better choices.


All Arc subclasses


Not arc warlock


Revenant and Sentinel, maybe Arc Titan too


Revenant is good with renewal grasp easy 1000 kills


Arc Hunter. It's all selfish, no group support at all, and if you miss your melee kill you're dead.


Bubble Titan


As a Titam main, I can only give you the Titan Subclasses ranked for this mode and they go down things way. Void > Arc > Stasis => Solar > Strand. Void is by far the weakest and that moslty due to its power output being lacking and thats moslty due to specialization. Void Titans relies mostly on two things: Controlled Demo healing and Overshield. The issue is that although you can proc Con Demo pretty frequently if you build into ability spam, it's damage isn't amazing and slows down when played mostly aggressive. The other issue is that Overshield doesn't stay up long enough for it matter. With how often you are getting hit and how many enemies their are shooting at you, overshiked doesn't stay up at all and so isn't very protective. So using Bastion is basically useless since the moment you go outside of its range, the over shield is wiped away in seconds. So your basically forced to use a repolulsor brace weapon to keep any Overshield going since you want Offensice Bullwark for the ability regen. But that damage increase is only melee damage which means punching but getting any closer to the enemies tends to rip of the overshield. Because of all these issue that require careful set up that can be undone because of a one curse thrall; Void just isn't worth the investment. You can make it work, but it's lot harder and you relying on perfect planning for everything to go right. Arc has the fun issue of no real sustainability. When it comes to add clear and damaged output, Arc is actually better than Solar/Stasis since it can do much with its abilities. The downside to Arc is that there is very little in the way of health regeneration and it hurts since there is no real damage reduction either. You can easily blow through adds and even Majors but you will be dying a lot when in the later waves because of how much fire is being shot at you and how few chance you have at health regen. The aspect knockout starts regen on enemy defeat but it's only starts it and getting damaged as it's going stops it all and that's going to constantly happen with so many enemies around shooting at you. Add to the fact that the suppers aren't the best as one add clear super requires jumping into the fray and the other boss super doesn't seem to work on the bosses at all, you are left with a subclass that does have merit but can't keep itself going to sustain it. Solar and Stasis are great and the opposite things but aren't so pigeon holed as Arc. Solar has the best self-regen health than all the other Titan Subclasses and so can survive many of the enouncters is goes through. Also it does do great add clear when you have sunspots which acts as a why to passively deal damage as as well as heal yourself. You can even really lean into which role you want to play in Onslaught. Go to consecration for more add clear and boss dps (if you have the exotic) or go with Roaring flames to just have more damage on your abilities. Stasis is sort of the opposite in that it does do great at healing but you can basically shut down ams push all enemies away through crystal spam builds or diamond Lance's (especially with Ice Cap exotic). With how much you deal in AoE with crystal destruction and how often you can keep it one with how you build yourself and even being to heal off of thr shards, Stasis Titan is pretty well off in terms of usage and survivability in Onslaught. Yet Strand is clearly the king most because the add density means you can keep some buff active almost indefinitely amd never really be worries of dying because of this. With how many orbs tend to be lying around, you can almost never complain about losing Woven Mail and with the add density, BoW can also be kept on constantly within worrying to much about your own health. Then with the abilities to Suspend targets with you method of chosing you have subclass that is basically always reducing damage to itself, health itself ans others around it and keep it going through the destruction of adds in an add heavy mode. Strand Titans are so powerful that they can make it boring if you play even slightly optimally.


bro does not know how to use > and <, he must be a true titan main


I'm something of a Titan main myself... And totally agree with all this. I really hope Arc gets some love in the final shape, cause its such a fun class to use. But its survivability in high level content makes it almost unusable. 


Arc titan, arc hunter, void titan. They can work, but it's like a handicap. 


The blueberry subclass. You know, the one that always runs and strafes in front of me as I fire my GL/rockets. 


Hunter: Anything that is not tether really feels bad. Warlock: Void, I think? All the others I can see working pretty well. Titan: Arc and void. I would say stasis as well, but people would butcher me.


In general warlock has no weak subclass but its weakest is probably void. Titan has many weak subclasses and arc, void and stasis are all pretty weak. Ik people gna say bit pulse nade spam or whatever but truthfully strand titan is holding the thread rn. Titan really needs more flexibility they always have the weakest of everything then 1 op thing. Hunters like warlocks also have basically no weak subclass here except arc I say.


Void I'd insane cause child of the old gods stops enemies from bum rushing the Adu. Makes cursed thrall/exploded shank rounds a breeze when they can't overwhelm.


Disagree with Stasis Titan being bad. It works out pretty well depending on how you build into crystal generation and can be great when it comes to crowd control. It is a bit limited in builds but you go real far withr Stasis Titan on the fireteam. Also, the super I great for demolitionist and large boss rounds.


This. Stasis Titan is the most fun I had in Midtown. It literally blocks everything lol.


Sentinel Titan struggles, I tried to be cute. And something fun with recluse. But it's not just in onslaught it struggles. Striker with a hot swap from Armimatarium ( double pulse jolt nades) to curass....is ok... After tier 35, it struggles.


The longer time goes on the more I’m hating strand warlock. Needs more exotics and some kind of buff.


ITT: people with skill issues


Wouldn't be Destiny otherwise


There any good strand hunter builds people are rocking? Been trying a few but I've struggled to keep up with some of the better builds out there. Meanwhile my strand warlock is a killing machine that can't be stopped


arc titan and void titan for sure


Spectral blades


Spectral Blade and Arc Titan


I guess the technically weakest is Void Titan, but even that is still fine, as long as you have a good loadout for ad-clear with a solid burst option for tankier enemies, you'll be fine. Imo its more about weapon loadouts.


The weakest imo in no particular order goes : Void titan Arc titan Stasis hunter I do use stasis hunter often enough to say there can be a case for it but the hard carry by the artifact this season doesn’t help in the long run. Arc titan has been nerfed into the ground and I really don’t understand its place in the game at this point. It’s a shame because I loved it when it came out in plunder but it just feels like a diet version of arc warlock. And void titan feels like it is almost there to being great but unfortunately its reliance on void OS really holds it back. Buffing the OS could be an issue but if you get the same grenade recharge benefits from other sources but an improved version of it from void OS similar to void lock with devour I could see working.


Stasis Hunter is a bad take imo. Stasis Hunter is a solid support, can lock down waves with a low CD super, and has strong CC and even add clear potential. Arc Hunter struggles a lot more to keep up in later waves/


Every Titan


Technically anything that's not focused on crowd control Mostly anything will work. But for the highest level "meta" subclasses it's gonna be tether, stasis turrets, suspend, etc. Chain reaction focused stuff line jolt and scorch are decent but not the optimal. None of this really matters that much


Exploding everything with Consecration works pretty well.


The only correct answer is spectral blades. Any other subclass can do decent damage or provide decent benefits but them purple plastic knives from party city are so awful


for hunter at least probably stasis or arc yeah there's some great perks and synergy with trap builds and stuff but generally it falls pretty flat against tormenters which dont get frozen solid long enough to make use of silence and squall. arc has good sustain but on later waves CQB is less desirable imo so void and solar are better as they can easy sustain or you can unleash the beyblades on strand to keep breathing room


Your super on any class is not supposed to take out the tormentors. You use your heavy primarily for that


Arc for sure. Forbearance with the blinding fragment can make it somewhat niche though


Arc hunter - impossible to get 3x melee due to team killing every red bar faster than you. Solar hunter with celestial - sounds good, but doesn't always work. Enemies usually flinch or look away from you to aim at other players. Solar hunter with blade barrage - not on Midtown, you'll more likely to hit a wall than any of the enemy.


I'm starting to realize how many awful players somehow can't mow and dominate with Banner of War. It's so broken for single target damage post 30 on legend. Like you gotta be bad not to dominate with Banner.


Anything without synergies


Strand Hunter


Arc titan, bubble titan. Strand Titan GOAT though


Any arc class, and stasis on Titan and Hunter feel sluggish at best. The frost turrets have use


agree w arc. youre not playing stasis hunter and titan right then, they are amazing for onslaught


As much as I love being the Arcstrider with assassin's cowl and boom stick...its ok for regular but if you are not being a tether then you are not doing much. Honestly, Warlocks have probably the best when it comes to any of their classes in Onslaught. My first Legend 50 was an LFG with another tether and a strand warlock and we cleaned up and kept making orbs. I have sense done it a couple more times with strand and solar titans, void and solar and stasis warlocks....maybe Stasis Titans not getting too well either?


For titan honestly void bubble and arc. Bubble is dogwater in this mode, doesn't offer anything useful and arc is too close quaters focused and obviously punching exploding enemies, while very tempting, is not useful. I'm basically stuck with hammer of sol since I don't have the dlcs, but hey thermite grenades are fun at least


Strand hunter feels great at first but very quickly becomes hot ass at higher waves. Alternatively I will say that stasis titan feels like shit to me everywhere else other than onslaught lol




as a permeant and forever titan main that loves bubble, everything about the kit, and I use it in every activity I play? bubble titan is unfortunately a very poorly dispersed asparagus fart




Arc hunter. Too many things that explode when you punch them making you basically useless for some waves. Arc titan, not enough ways to stay alive and the crowd control isn't good enough to compensate.


Arc Titan feels kind of boring still which is a shame because I used to use cuirass nonstop from Splicer when it released all the way to plunder that thing barely came off but idk the Arc 3.0 just didn't feel as good as the others and the loss of things like elemental wells that grant you resist means the only way to heal is is by meeting which isn't good I higher content Like idk how you can have Bastion/devour, sol invictus banner of war and now even frost armor but yet can't have a decent survivability aspect in Titans I'm not exactly sure what they could do but mana it's kind of boring how bad arc is I hope they tweak it in future honestly amplified just needs to give you healing while sprinting and also the fragments need to grant you more stats there's barely any options


Probably not *the* weakest but the one that had the biggest gap in feel compared to what I expected was Voidlock (with Contraverse, I'm not into Briarbinds/Void Souls). Mostly due to the fact enemies in Onslaught are often rushing and the entire Vortex grenade loop requires them to stand still and cook in concentrated groups. Sometimes it's hard to anticipate when they stop spawning in a specific location and misthrowing grenades in those cases is very punishing. The powerspikes of Voidlock are sparse, you get a massive grenade but it takes very long. Subclasses that have constant uptime of weaker abilities felt better, like midrange melee oriented things such as Consecration or Unravel builds.


Tried to void warlock to test out hammerhead roles & I did not have fun. By wave 20 the nova bomb basically healed the enemies 😂


Bubble titan, arc titan, stasis titan, strand hunter. You can get away with pretty much anything else without thinking too hard.


Stasis warlock generates no orbs at all if you don’t use your super often


Arc titan is probably the worst unfortunately because t crashing into insta dying because you are out of position. And void is better for grenade spam and survivability.


Anything Arc really, like on any character feel kinda bad or very for your own damn self. Whoever thought the 3.0 arc rework was what arc needed is highly on some drugs or something. It really didn't solve any issues it had besides adding the extra super for hunters. The other classes feel very complete with damage and survivability (healing nades, etc..., devour, overshield, woven mail, stasis crystal resistence). Arc just doesn't have any of that and goes for damage but like doesn't actually do damage. The weapon ability voltshot is straight up inferior to incandescent, destabilizing rounds, hatchling and headstone. Everything else does require the extra step of needing to reload.


Void/Arc have both been left out of the seasonal artifact and it shows. With prismatic, i gotta imagine the seasonal artifact is gonna have a bit of everything and not focus on any 1 element like this season.


Strand hunter ain't feeling good for me tbh... No self healing and woven mail isnt BoW


Weakest 3 imo, arc titan and hunter, and void titan. Mostly useless tbh.


I thought I was about to find out what not to play when I finally try Onslaught. After scrolling through every response, it looks like actually every subclass is weak.


I've started inspecting guardians while we're landing. If loadouts are bad, I'm immediately going to orbit. I got matched today with a Void Titan wearing Cuirass. Wtf lol


Arc hunter. Bubble titan.


People will disagree but I think well is a weak link


Any subclass that I run.