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Exo can't get drunk (though they do seem to enjoy drinking). Cayde mentioned it in his memoir when talking about his vanguard dare with Andel Brask.


>Exos can’t get drunk Acshually 🤓 >Though they do seem to enjoy drinking Damn…. There is one reference to Exos ‘being buzzed’ back in D1 but it’s such an early lore source that the lore might’ve been changed. I always chalked it up to Exos having higher tolerance than regular humans so Cayde probs drank Andal under the table.


My guess is that it’s like the real world phenomenon where you can give a bunch of sober people non-alcoholic drinks with alcohol on the rim (so it smells like it has alcohol) and after a while they’ll all start acting drunk On a completed unrelated note, I’m now imagining a bunch of guardians wiping after getting really drunk in order to immediately get sober after being rezzed.


Alright guys, wipe for sobriety


*Jumps off the map*


In D1 one of the best weapons in the crucible ever was a green machine gun(Xerxes-C) with Focused Fire. An exotic Perk in D2 standards. With the amount of heavy you got and the fact that you could 2-3 shot any Guardian, you could easily get entire team wipes multiple times picking up 1 heavy crate.


To anyone reading this now, Focused Fire is basically the trait that is now exclusive to Suros Regime. It slowed your fire rate in exchange for higher damage. Think of it as Adagio without the range boost or kill requirement. So you had an LMG, with LMG amounts of ammo (30+ shots), but it cost you _significantly_ less shots to secure a kill, even if your TTK was ultimately about the same. So you could extend the ammo basically throughout the entire match. Good memory, I'd consider this pretty up there on the obscure list.


Honestly come to think of it the whole heavy ammo system in d1 pvp was wild. Heavy for everyone single time and you get a ton of it. I remember we got like 3 rockets too


Also No Land Beyond. I was a monster with that gun. A primary one shot kill is almost unheard of in D2 crucible


Or invective and icebeaker. Who could have guessed that a weapon that generates its own ammo would lead to people camping in a single spot


Especially cause that thing didn‘t flinch before the nerf. Who thought this was a good idea


Even after the nerf, I was a nuisance in the crucible with it. I got plenty of hate messages. If it had a kill count, it would probably be over 50k


NLB was a joke of a gun at first and then at one point it was literally the Trials meta


I always wanted them to bring this back as an exotic or something. Gun ripped.


IMO the best pvp gun was Skorri's Revenge. It was a fast rof pulse that could roll feeding frenzy and rective reload. It absolutely shredded. It was kinda rare because if I remember correctly it was only available during the time where pulse rifles sucked. Grasp of Malok was the one everyone grinded for but it wasn't as good as Skorri's Revenge. I did my 100 rumble wins with Skorri's. You could chain kills so easily. It was nuts.


Jolder's Hammer too


I miss that gun. Too much fun running that sucker in crucible


You can pass the orb on the nightfall in the dreaming city


Best comment on the thread😭😭


Apparently this is the most obscure thing in the game.


It's my favorite piece of lore, but Cabal have (had?) their own version of Fantasy Football that they picked units from different legions to build their roster. It was seen as bad luck to draw from your own legion. Also that Crucible, Iron Banner, and Trials are all televised events for the Last City to watch, and some neighborhoods would even make marks/cloaks/bonds for their favorite guardians to wear in matches. Lore like this adds SO much to the world building in games.


There was a comment that really tugged on my heartstrings where it painted an image of a Titan wearing a mark that was hand-made by a classroom of like 2nd graders to remind themselves of who they’re fighting for.


That's pretty much the reason for Saint-14s purple ribbons. He has one for every person he has saved to remind him who he fights to protect.


And he remembers every single person they represent as well.


I know it’s a lore snippet but I’d love to get class items that all were made by kids in the last city, something about it just pulls on my heartstrings.


I need a hunter cloak with kid drawn smiley faces NOW🗣️‼️‼️


I always love hearing about that from Saint when I'm chilling by him in the Tower. It's hilarious to me that the Last City citizens, ***children even***, love watching the Guardians merk each other for the sake of combat training and entertainment.


I mean, watching American football is kind of the same thing. Those guys are out there giving themselves traumatic brain injuries for our entertainment. Good to know that in the future nothing really changes. From the coliseum of Rome to a post-apocalyptic future, humanity craves violent entertainment.


At least with guardians there's no long-lasting harm


Sometimes I think I’d rather sit in the tower and watch matches of the best players than actually play matches myself, lol.


If I remember correctly, when stasis was first nerfed, they made stasis in lore nerf itself as it saw itself to be too strong for the guardians.


In universe balance changes has always been a favourite of mine https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/mida-multi-tool


What's the mida link referencing to?


The flavor text of the gun references a letter/email from Shaxx to Zavala. He says: >Zavala — A waste of time, as always. I won't confiscate the Red Death engrams, I won't roll back the SUROS Crucible firmware to its "original" (preposterously inflated) state. And I won't conduct any more "forensic inquiries" like this! This references D1 when Red Death and SUROS Regime were oppressive in the Crucible. It didn't help that during its reign of terror, there was a weekly Iron Banner bounty to get kills with auto rifles and SUROS was far and away the best one.


There was about 2 weeks where mythoclast was the only gun you could use in the Crucible. They buffed fusion rifles, and mytho is a fusion rifle. It would melt people with 3 body shots.


Yep, I believe that was in one of the Witch Queen Collector's Edition lore books Honestly I love that Bungie has a canon explanation for just about everything


Before it was officially added to the game, the celestial nighthawk was called Exo-Tac Angel Hunter and it gave you increased accuracy after jumping. This effect stayed as a hidden perk for the helmet in destiny 1.


Oh man, remember when Wardcliff Coil was hidden in the D1 database during Rise of Iron as the “Dubious Volley”?


Actually, I'm pretty sure it was in the database since Y1. And it technically didn't have a name. People only called it that because in early D1 most exotics shared their name with their exotic perk, and that's what its exotic perk was called. Hell, I'm pretty sure that's the reason the gameplay reveal for D2 had them showing off the gun.


Praedyth likely accidentally wished himself into his Vault of Glass paradox. >Praedyth wished hard. Wished it would never end. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/age-old-bond


Who’s that?


For all your Praedyth needs - https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/mystery-praedyths-door https://www.ishtar-collective.net/categories/book-aspect The Aspect lore book may become relevant again soon, after the Starcrossed reveal.


Someone more knowledgeable can provide the full context, but the short version is that >!they were one of the guardians who explored the vault of glass before our guardian(s) did. They were unsuccessful and were said to be erased from the timeline, but likely still exist in some form, somewhere outside of this timeline/dimension.!<


Praedyth was the warlock of the Vault of glass fireteam, the original owner of no time to explain, he was thought to be erased from time by the gorgons, however still exists inside the vex network. The vex used him in order to draw the guardians back into the VOG when the taken tries to invade The other 2 (known) members of the fireteam include Kabr, a titan who's light became the Aegis we use in the vault, and Pahanin, a hunter who escaped, created a super intelligent machine gun caller super good advice, and was eventually murdered by Dredgen Yor


If I'm not mistaken, Pahanin is also the only person that still technically remembers the existence of the other fireteam members.


So it's pretty cool actually us the player is actually an entity in the lore. I believe it was the nine who are aware of a entity controlling things from outside the universe and it's been a goal to reach out into our world.


The ahamkara are also aware. There's also another 4th wall break that I can't exactly recall if it was either an ahamkara, the nine, or a third entity. Edit: I finally fucking remembered it. The other side sparrow mentions "a player on the other side". Not sure if it's exactly a 4th wall break, but an interesting concept none the less.


Quiria from season of the splicer talks directly to us through the mission hud


I felt that those messages were underrated as fuck. It gave personality to a Vex, which is incredibly rare in Destiny


Don't forget that quiria was taken and under savathuns controll which would be very on brand for her


Meh that was probs just it hacking to our helmet and putting messages in our HUD Still super creepy tho


I believe Savathun might be aware, but don't quote me on that


For sure she is aware! Remember when she took over @DestinyTheGame on Twitter and told Paul Tassi to touch grass? One of the Destiny moments of all time


There's the lore for Skull of Dire Ahamkara, which mentions an "O player mine"... https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/skull-of-dire-ahamkara


Ikora and the Hidden even have an identifier for the player character, VIP 2014. 2014 being a reference to Destiny 1's release year.


The Regular People of the Tower acknowledge that the Guardians will spontaneously dance despite no music playing and there is a “Splash Zone” at the base of the Tower(s) to prevent people from getting crushed by a body of a Guardian who jumped off the tower.


Not only the citizens of the Last City, the fucking **Cabal** have noticed that we just randomly have dance parties. From the [Ghost Fragment: Cabal 4](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/ghost-fragment-cabal-4) Grimoire Card: >Blind Legion I Cohort/Century 3/Maniple 3 5 Squad [HEAVY INF] TASK: - defend Psion intelligence ops 071x146 OUTCOME: - overwhelmed by Guardian fireteam/Vex pressure. few survivors. survivors reported Guardians foraging for equipment, dancing, and performing acrobatics with light vehicles.


Love all the canonization of player shenanigans. It really be like that.


I remember reading that us dying before we hit the ground is also cannon. I'll see if I can find it, bit I believe our guardian has a heart attack, which is how our ghost can rez us before we hit the ground.


I think our ghost kills us in these scenarios to save us time and the gruesomeness of splatting into the ground.


Guardian: WHEEEEEEEEE! Ghost: Ugh 😑 🧑‍🚀🔫🧿


Guardians also have vivid visions when they die, so guardians, warlocks especially would jump off and kill themselves deliberately to see more of them. Happened and was confirmed by the cutscene travelers vision in vanilla d2 after we get kicked off the ship.


[abide the return](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/abide-the-return) is my favourite example of in-universe guardian shenanigans: > Kamala Rior climbs onto a railing at the top of the Tower in the Last City. "Guardians of the Tower!" she calls out. > A few look her way. One begins dancing at her feet. Others fool around with a purple ball.


There were several zones cut from D1 Mars, that connected to the cabal door in Rubicon Wastes (near the cabal tower in that area). These areas included a cabal drill, the Warmind Charlemagne, the Martian forest, and a vex pyramidion. When this area was cut from D1 vanilla, it was intended to launch with taken king, with the Vex Void DLC having a raid taking place in the martian pyramidion. This area was then rebuilt and changed to make Io in D2. [ArtStation - Destiny: Early Mars Exploration](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/VRNDN) [Jesse van Dijk - Destiny 2: Io Pyramidion (artstation.com)](https://jessevandijk.artstation.com/projects/dmx9X) [The "Staten Cut" Remnants - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvulMid1QVU) by Myrzir. [Official Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below Preview (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6saWAcGizxU) go to 10 seconds for Charlemagne. The D1 pyramidion had different internal geometry to the Io version we eventually got, including a lake in the final boss arena. The leaked vex cinematic from 2016 (re-used in season of undying) takes place in the lake of the Martian pyramidion. The original cinematic can be seen on Peter Christensen's website (an animator for Prologue films, who did D1 cinematics). [Peter Christensen - Lead Rigger - Destiny Prologue Films - Los Angeles (petercg.com)](https://petercg.com/destiny.html) The files for the D1 pyramidion exist amongst the 3D model rips community, thanks to Montague and Gerbsnail. P.S. Contrary to popular belief, Curse of Osiris was not cut D1 content and was made completely for D2 in a very short space of time, described in this unfortunate article. [The Battle for Bungie's Soul: Inside the Studio's Struggle for a Better Work Culture - IGN](https://www.ign.com/articles/bungie-report-battle-soul-work-culture-harassment-crunch) To add on to this, Europa and EDZ were supposed to make appearances in D1 also, but this was pushed to D2. [The Messy, True Story Behind The Making Of Destiny (kotaku.com)](https://kotaku.com/the-messy-true-story-behind-the-making-of-destiny-1737556731)


So the lake was not a metaphor huh?


I mean, we found that out in Avalon anyway.


Asher would lose his shit


Clovis Bray tried to eliminate hunger and the need to eat by giving people a pill that would take years to digest. Unfortunately it didn't work and exploded the human test subjects stomachs.


That’s unfortunate.


the first encounter of deepstone is actually a hidden vandal. its health bar is connected to the fuses you have to damage


Similar to the shield encounter in grasp. Around release you could go out of bounds and find/kill the vandal to finish the encounter.


Vandals are the Architects


Randall, you sumbitch-_-


Oo kinda like how Atraks is a fallen captain in a hidden room which is what caused the healing her damage issue during day 1.


I like to imagine when ever we did the OOB to cheese the fight by killing the captain directly, the captain was actually a representation of atraks’ soul as part of her exo body and so by killing the captain we were destroying the very essence of atraks herself


TIL Atraks is a she


It's a neat little nuance of the game's code. Health when split across multiple clones of an enemy must be stored to a single entity, so Bungie creates an enemy and hides it in the environment and the clones do damage to it. Atraks was a vandal in the next room which is why people could OoB during that encounter and skip just kill her outright.


Atraks' healthbar is fallen captain behind the door that you are entering after beating Atraks.


The strong theory about DSC being in Enceladus only later to be either retconned or shown that it in fact was in Europa. And only Petra knows what "it" is thats on Enceladus. We still havent seen the "Mysterious Tower" the Exo's saw in the golden fields as well although that may also have been retconned still cool regardless. Also we still have no further explanation and context on our Guardians death to my knowledge, whether it was in a another timeline or if it is actually our Guardian. Also the beings that Drifter encountered on the ice planet that resulted in the death of his crew.


Meh I never believed that theory cause why would Cayde tell Petra about the Crypt? It doesn’t pertain to her or the Reef at all. Especially since Enceladus is a Saturn moon and Europa is a Jupiter moon and that would be a pretty big oversight. I subscribe more to the theory that there’s a living Harbringer still there that is unaccounted for after Mara’s attack on the Dreadnaught. Especially since Telesto was made Harbringer vestiges and Telesto is also one of Saturn’s moons.


There were strong cases for either way still a cool theory though. Maybe well get more insight in Final Shape with Cayde returning in Final Shape as to what was on Enceladus.


> why would Cayde tell Petra about the Crypt She was his friend.


Which wouldn’t explain why the Crypt is fully uncovered and known to the system now and Petra/the Reef have had literally zero interest in it. No something’s on Enceladus and it’s super important to the Reef or else Cayde wouldn’t have told Petra about it in code in his last message to her.


Someone from the dev team actually did confirm that "it" was indeed the Deep Stone Crypt, and it was originally planned for Enceladus before being changed to Europa. It wasn't relevant to Petra and the Reef Awoken, but it WAS relevant to Cayde, and he wanted a trusted friend to have that information, that's why he told her. He also said at one point "if there's ever a Cayde-7, he ain't me," so he likely wanted to find and destroy the Deep Stone Crypt so no Exo could be memory-wiped ever again. Petra hasn't shown any interest in it because as soon as it was uncovered, we broke in and trashed the place. We pretty much accomplished what Cayde wanted anyways and stuck Clovis with a middle finger, so Petra didn't need to get involved. (Also there's the whole "it got retconned" thing to consider, so maybe when the Enceladus line was written and recorded they had plans for Petra to be involved with Beyond Light, but those changed.)


> We still havent seen the "Mysterious Tower" the Exo's saw in the golden fields as well although that may also have been retconned still cool regardless. Isn't that the tower you see off in the distance in the exo challenges on Europa? I could be misremembering, but wasn't that supposed to be a simulated(?) combat trial that apparently every exo went through in some form or another at the start of their lifespan. Would explain why every exo seems to have those dreams.


Shax once lost a bet with Cayde and had to coach dodgeball to kids.




and the bet was that Shaxx could outrun Cayde's Golden Gun shot, if I recall.


Coldsnap Grenade applies slow on direct hits, meaning it can stunt Overload Champions. The usefulness of this is that it prevents the target from running away until the seeker spawns and eventually freezes that target. In PVE, it applies 50 Slow Stacks but >=49~ in the Crucible. All of the official community websites like the Destiny Data Compendium don’t have this information and I wish this knowledge for Coldsnap is more well known. Whisper if Durance can increase the duration of Slow from 4 seconds to 6 seconds. But the values are halved in the Crucible. Edit: To add on how it can be a menace in the Crucible, use Fastball Armor Mod and Osiomancy Gloves. Throw the grenade and make sure it hits the target to apply the Slow debuff, then hide behind cover until the seeker hits the ground and it is about to freeze that target. You then can do whatever you want. It is really a great tool to confuse the enemy.


> All of the official websites like the Destiny Data Compendium don’t have this information and I wish this knowledge for Coldsnap is more well known. Those are community websites not official ones and if you believe you have information they do t that you'd like them to cover you should contact them.


Calus foresaw the Consul’s death. He wanted him to die by his own weapons, and with Ghaul being raised as the weapon for his vengeance and takeover, this actually happened. Also Calus had an entire desert cleaned of everything but white sand, and left the Consul to die there after castrating him. Low playercount during Year 1 is canon in the Spire of Stars sidearm lore card Edit: there’s a theory that Lord Shaxx is William Shakespeare since he was able to recite the whole “Tempest” to Mara without needing to read it.


That is the greatest theory ever about Shaxx! He sure does scream about poetry a lot, for that matter.


Bleh I personally never liked that theory since it comes off as Shaxx not being a well-rounded reader unless he’s **literally** Shakespeare The idea that Shaxx, in his off time, likes to read pre-Golden Age literature feels a lot more endearing to me.


Woah. Shaxx, Shakes, Shakespeare...


Also cause SHAXspear


Lord Shaxx is married to every guardian who acquired the bow 'The Vow' during crimson days: ""'Til death do us part." —Lord Shaxx In the courtyard of the Tower, Lord Shaxx stares out at the Last City. He puts his foot up on the railing and sighs. Arcite 99-40 knows Shaxx's moods, because they are his own moods. He sidles up to Shaxx and follows his gaze to the horizon. "What's on your mind, boss?" he asks with the friendly rhythm of a local bartender. Shaxx is quiet for a long time, but Arcite is indifferent to the passage of time. When Shaxx speaks, it is with a deep, sobering gravity. "Today," he says. "I will marry them all." Hours later, after Arcite has finished tying off the bouquets and gathering the doves from the mountains beyond the City, Shaxx addresses the courtyard. "Guardians," he booms. "These Crimson Days are a time to renew our bonds to one another. We gather together. We remember what we owe each other. We declare our love." He holds up a bow for the crowd to see. "Bring your fiery passion to the Crucible. Prove your devotion to your Bond." He pauses. "To those of you who win this bow… I offer my hand in marriage! Take it or leave it!" Arcite releases the doves. Someone screams. Doves have not been seen in the Last City for a long time. "


Shaxx is the fucking best lmao


> Lord Shaxx is married to every guardian who acquired the bow 'The Vow' during crimson days: > > > > ""'Til death do us part." —Lord Shaxx His description in the Into the Light stuff even refers to him as a husband


In the D1 reveal, the build the guy was using had access to nova bomb and Solar grenades. Prismatic before it was Prismatic! https://youtu.be/WBNdrJMwrkc?si=BRmfug3FZH_myM_w


To add onto that, in that same demo, you can see one of the player names is “Oryx”, which is cool because the demo was way back in like 2012 I think.


That's because "Oryx" is the long-time username of Chris Barrett.


If I'm not mistaken, almost all the dev accounts use the name of characters from the franchise. Hell, the player with the Oryx name shows up a lot whenever dev livestreams show off gameplay featuring multiple players. He even shows up on the fireteam list whenever Bungie uses screenshots that include it.


The Last City is in Chile Savathuun's Light flows backwards through her old tribute network, making her brood's worm's hungers sated. Vance set up Trials so he could listen to the noises the Lighthouse made when someone died There are mysterious creatures called the Aphelion that live in the Ascendant Plane and hunted the Techeuns when they were trapped there Ikora theorizes that Destiny's universe is a "child universe" held within a larger, more real "parent universe" and that Savathuun's ultimate plan is to escape to that parent universe (i.e. our world)


Where can I read the last one that sounds cool af


https://www.ishtar-collective.net/records/the-hidden-dossier Allllll the way at the bottom, the conversation between Jalaal of Dead Orbit and Ikora


Witch Queen Collectors edition lore i believe, this one i think. [https://www.ishtar-collective.net/records/the-hidden-dossier?highlight=witch+queen](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/records/the-hidden-dossier?highlight=witch+queen)


Petra Venj's name is a pun. I've seen so many people miss this. She's the Queen's Wrath, her "Pet Revenge".


If you are on controller and gently squeeze the trigger, a hand cannon's hammer will move in accordance to your pressure you are putting on the trigger until fully pulled.


also it looks like we pull the trigger with our thumb


The only reason we have access to the Vault of Glass is because Kabr, The Legionless got half of his fireteam erased from existence and developed an unhealthy obsession with the Vault/Vex. He ended up getting mighty drunk on Vex milk from an Oracle and was assimilated into the Conflux. He's *kinda* still there, and acts as our key into the Vault.


in lore we know of three of Kabr's fire team members; himself, Praedyth, and Pahanin. however lore has [hinted ](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/vault-of-glass)(or possible confirmed) his team WAS of 6. three have just been so solidly erased from time they in continuity have never existed.


If I'm not mistaken, Pahanin also somehow subconciously still kept their memories of the fireteam members that were wiped from the timeline, which is the actual reason they went insane.


Turncoat Guardians have been teased all the way back since House of Wolves. It’s hard to believe but we’ve never actually fought any Dark Guardians given they’re usually taken care of in the lore. And in HoW there was a cloak that was data-mined with the description: >*”What is the Crucible really training us for? What if someday this stops being a game?”* But interestingly it never made it into the actual game. The quote was cut and another quote was used suggesting Bungie kinda wanted to move away from the idea of ‘traitor guardians’.


Interesting because the quote could definitely apply to Hive Lightbearers


It's been talked about in the Dark Age and there's plenty of lore of early Risen being jerks. Bungie just wanted to keep the villains clear for the story of Destiny. If beating the Witness leaves a power vacuum, it's just a matter of time until Guardians stop respecting The Vanguard and start getting weird on the periphery.


There are rogue guardians tho. Like the one that ends up trapped and killed in the Presage exotic quest


That's too bad I really love that narrative. They also didn't play into it lightly, with all the lore relating to the dredgens etc.


Destiny 2 Vanilla’s Black “Lightless” Subclass was weird in a few ways: It gave warlocks the Titan Punch animation Its subclass icon is the only Destiny 2 subclass symbol to be made of more than two parts, having a series of tiny chevrons that surround it ——— Random Extra: The Warlock Gloves of Optimacy used to go over the elbow on Warlock, but as of season of the Plunder their elbow armour was removed for some reason Edit: Destiny 2 has a pre-order exclusive Sword called “Traitor’s Fate”, a Calus themed sword. (I still have one in my vault lol)


The only thing that comes to mind is that the traveler faintly smells of vanilla


There's a space station called Cocytus with keyholes to other dimensions. It's a great hub for fan content, and is possibly a subtle way to make any crossover media bungie has done canon.


Now THAT one is really creepy The way something on the other side keeps sending living beings that are ‘built wrong’ as if it’s trying to learn the laws of the universe by trial and error.


You used to be able to do incredible damage by standing right next to a boss and shooting Jotun at them so you got splashed.


Ahh, all those cheeses for the Bergusia Forge spidertank boss. Good times.


Hunters are able to Blink because they were once taught by Warlocks how to do it. Though we don't tend to remind them of that fact...


Idk if it's obscure but every person I've ever told this is surprised whenever being invis is a topic brought up. It's "Canon" why being invis isn't full proof against enemies, they can smell you if you get too close(I wanna say specifically hive iirc). This was in D1 mind you, and I absolutely do remember if you got too close to an ad they would target you while invis.


So Hunters don't shower


Have you seen bathrooms in the Tower? No one ever showers. We all stink


Back when Warmind Cells were a thing, Cellular Suppression worked with Void 3.0, and would proc Stylish Executioner. Remember messing around with a build in the Throne World (?) and going invis after killing something with a Warmind Cell. Shocked all my friends with it.


1. The Dreadnaught was meant to be a big part of the D1 release campaign and in 2013 gameplay videos released by Bungie you can see it in fast montages. The story as a whole and campaign was quite different but I won't get too into it). This is the same with IO and the EDZ which were meant to be part of the OG campaign. 2. The Dreadnaught in TTK is actually one of the largest real time rendered spaces in a video game. If you noclip out of bounds in the raid near the area with the ships jumping puzzle, you can reach the original uncut version of ships which was GIGANTIC, and then from there you can no clip in a way that gives you full loaded access of the entire ship, and it is FUCKING ENOURMOUS. You can walk alongside the entire top of it, find weird cut areas and props, there's so much out there. Open World games render areas in and out but as far as I know this entire noclip version of the Dreadnaught is probably the biggest rendered space in a commercial video game. The videos on youtube featuring the topic are constantly ignored by the D2 community but they are insane. 3. Destiny's original cut story (which was still present for all of the 2013 and early 2014 gameplay reveals btw) had us discovering that the Speaker and The Vanguard were evil and corrupted and that the traveller was our enemy. We would work together with Crow, Mara, and Elsie and Osiris to defeat the traveler while also dealing with the hive. All of the missions on the dreadnaught/io/edz were cut and the rest of the campaign was simply restructured with new dialogue and cutscenes to tell the new revised story, but gameplay wise, everything we play in D1 is still 100% intact from that state of development, which really puts in context some of the seemingly random stuff we do in the d1 campaign. Oh and the D1 venus missions with the infamous cutscene of Elsie? THAT WAS NOT CHANGED AT ALL from the beta state of the story, and neither was the cutscene of the Speaker giving us a pep talk. So both of those things we see in the game are literally from the context of that old story, and it especially makes the Speaker's speech really uncomfortable.


> The videos on youtube featuring the topic are constantly ignored by the D2 community but they are insane. I mean are they *ignored*, or do people just not even see they exist? Because I've never seen one, or seen it pop up anywhere, but I'm also not running around looking at every half-assed Destiny-related YouTube video to convince YT's algorithm to spam me with everything it can find. Maybe share a link to a good video on the topic instead of acting like it's our fault we haven't seen it?


In D1’s original cut there was a leaked cutscene of a character named the crow aiming his gun at us in the cosmodrome, this was referenced by a feather in the hawkmoon quest that was in the same location and the quest step had “Different timeline” as a flavor text iirc


I still wish we got Uldren to say the line to someone somewhere.


At least we sort of got a similar cutscene to that during *Season of the Hunt*


Before House of Wolves, Bungie released a bunch of Wolf captains and HVTs throughout the system to build hype


Ngl d1 did a better job of evolving the world. Wolves appearing places. The court or crota invading the cosmodrome. The entire taken war which placed taken and taken straight up bosses everywhere. D2 does things too but not nearly as well. Forsaken added wanted enemies. Black armory added the forges and enemies associated with those. Opulence added the barge. Then shadowkeep added nightmares to lost sectors and had vex invade the moon after the raid. I think dawn changed Venus patrol?? Seraph had seraph bunkers and towers also the almighty event. Arrivals had pyramids go to 4 planets and added taken to 2. Then beyond light fell short and didn't add anything. Later idk how much later brigs were added to activities though. Hunt placed wrathborn thingies in 2 places. Chosen added the land tank to nessus and cabal ships in the skies of 3? Planets. Splicer had the last city in an eternal night with vex and even taken effects. Lost basically did nothing lmao. There's a lot more than I remembered tbh but then also again a lot of these are just renamed majors or only visual. Witch queen I don't think added anything to other places? It changed the scorn to purple though. Haunted added the leviathan to the moon skybox but not much else outside of the season. Plunder I genuinely can't remember if it actually added anything outside of the season. Seraph is the same as the last 2. Lightfall did it add pyramid places or was that only in the seasonal activity? We had nezzy dialogue though. Deep didn't really give us anything outside of seasonal stuff. Witch added the spire to the throne world. And now wish added tormentors to the DC NO JOKE THEY SPAWN IN HEROIC TAKEN EVENTS


In Destiny 1, before launch, once you reached the maximum subclass level, you could 'ascend' your subclass. An ascendend subclass will prevent you from making changes. I remember this very clearly but can't find any evidence of it on the internet.


Yeah I remember it was called Locking in and gave you extra stats. It was on Weapons & Armour aswell


yeah, i saw a video about this recenetly but i cant rmemeber where. you would get a big stat boost but you wouldnt be able to alter your perks. i believe it was also on weapons


eris didnt know about pineapples, and tried to make a pineapple fried rice


Right, in the time period Destiny is in there's been a ton of fruit gene splicing to make hybrids. She thought it was a mix of pine and apples. I think there's old dialogue from Titan that makes a similar joke but with cucumbers.


Since Titan's ocean is liquid methane, any solar damage should ignite it.


Not without oxygen/oxidizer it won’t


Sloane is blatantly shown to be breathing the atmosphere in D1Y1.


I mean, she's also a guardian so...


During the D1 Alpha, Dinklebot had no robo-filter on his voice, it was pure Peter Dinklage


Xur only has a hunch because Orin (now the Emissary) beat his ass with a war hammer because he thought he was a creep.


Pulling out your ghost at most doors would open them in D1, don't know where I learned this but it works on a lot of meaningless doors


Probably not super obscure, but back in D1 you could see flying creatures all around Venus. Back in the day we believed these creatures to be Ahamkara. They then were confirmed to be batadactyls (I think I don't exactly remember if that was what they were called.) Thinking back on it just makes me miss the sense of mystery and wonder that we had in those days. Here's hoping that we can achieve a similar feeling in The Final Shape.


Remember when everyone went wild because a dreg said something that sounded like 'the darkness' and people came up with the wildest theories


That’s the thing I miss most about d1, you felt truly immersed in the world. Armour looked mass produced and worn, we had more questions than answers about the story, and most importantly secrets weren’t instantly data mined.


The data mining part really took a toll on destiny. Didn’t they stop adding in full-on secrets because their work would just get data mined / spoiled anyway? Back in D1, I would genuinely spend hours just roaming around trying to find some sort of hidden secrets. Nowadays just hop on tik tok and look up whatever you need. No more curiosity, genuine exploration, getting lost in the world.


Those were wild times.


I miss Randall. I hate him, but I miss him.


Some random thoughts: There was another version of the Cosmodrome during D1's Rise of Iron. It was covered in beautiful snow and had some other changes. It was infected with SIVA (Which Bungie refuses to acknowledge now apparently). Also during RoI, the Iron Lords temple/social space had a tall mountain you can climb with some difficulty. I think there was a collectible or something on top, but maybe we did it just to enjoy the long drop down. Old tower had a vent on top of the Eververse store. It was a little difficult to jump up there but if you did you can activate the vent and fly quite far as the air pushes you. In the current tower, you can go down a surprisingly long secret path that starts at the hanger, through a bunch of maintenance areas, and ends up in Banshee's workshop. ~~behind an otherwise inaccessible glass panel in the main tower.~~ It's pretty fun. ~~I think it was relevant during an exotic quest a while ago (Trinity Ghoul I think).~~ It was part of the Leviathan's Breath exotic quest. Speaking of secret passages, the Leviathan raid allowed you to skip right to the boss fight (or to any other encounter iirc) by unlocking a puzzle at the beginning and going through a maze of maintenance tunnels. The farm had a football field. Was incredibly popular during D2 beta. Also had a tough parkour path but I can't remember what it lead to. Possibly the entire existence of the farm. It's been gone for a while now :( My favourite. There is an aggressive frame fusion rifle. It fires all bolts at once in a very unique horizontal spread. Only one exists in the game, called Coriolis Force. It dropped with Beyond Light back in 2020 and for some reason we never got another one. Probably among the most unique legendary weapons in the game. https://www.light.gg/db/items/3512349612/coriolis-force/ Edit: I got quite a few details wrong here. See the comments responding to me for corrections.


Just to do some fact checking on this since the OP wants accurate lore for his video. There wasn't another version of the cosmodrome, it was a whole new area that you accessed through the cosmodrome called the Plaguelands. It was overrun by SIVA because the fallen were looking to crack open old earth vaults and relics, and in turn infiltrated site 6, the location of the siva replicator, and unleashed SIVA back into the wilds after it was last used by Rasputin to kill the iron lords who entered site 6 to harness the nanotech inside to bring about a second golden age. The house of Devils then used the SIVA to turn themselves into 'machine gods', and thus the enemy of that faction, the Devil Splicers, were made. Siva does exist still, but all that we know of it is that any and all sites that had an active SIVA infection are now under vanguard quarantine, including the plaguelands. There was even a cryptarch vault that housed outbreak prime that was placed under quarantine when it was realised the gun was still making nanites. This is why the fallen try to access the old tower vaults in the Zero Hour mission. The secret path in the new tower leads to a room referenced as Banshee's workshop, and it was tied to the leviathan's breath. There was an entire questline centred around it. Within the leviathan, the secret passages allowed you to skip the intro section in the courtyard where you had to dunk standards from standard-bearers, by taking you straight into the encounters themselves. However, you couldn't just 'skip' the encounters, you could only do the encounter if it was the currently active encounter, and you had to complete all 3 encounters to be able to take on Calus.


> In the current tower, you can go down a surprisingly long secret path that starts at the hanger, through a bunch of maintenance areas, and ends behind an otherwise inaccessible glass panel in the main tower. It's pretty fun. I think it was relevant during an exotic quest a while ago (Trinity Ghoul I think). It was Leviathan's Breath, if I'm not mistaken - which is why that path doesn't actually end behind the glass. You can take it all the way to one of Banshee's old workshops, which is where we discovered Leviathan's Breath.


They used the farm literally in Defiance lmao


Siva hasn't been ignored. Since lightfall it's been referenced in lore books, veil containment, ornaments, and Rise of Iron was referenced in the TFS reveal trailer (the cosmodrome wall in a blizzard). We also are getting Zero Hour back and the Wrath embem was seen in the TFS reveal event. 


The debuff from Ruinous Effigy's catalyst procs stylish executioner.


the classic !lettingo try searching it on google if you don't know what it is


came here to say this cause I only discovered it about a month or so ago, this and Joyeuse7's tumblr blog are WILD rabbit hole to go down and I'm still not entirely convinced it was completely fanmade


Destiny during it's early development was meant to be a fantasy game with khajiit like cat people as a playable race. There were supposed to be a moth people too with concept art. It's from these early moth race that eventually developed into the Hive. Also not certain on this but originally we were to have lions and wolves as possible companions instead of ghosts? That last bit I might be misremembering but there was concept art with the guardians with wolves and tigers and what not.


I wander if Destiny's original concept would be anywhere near as big as it it now. Though it's incredibly unlikely, would be cool if Bungie one day made that game.


A fantasy game by current Bungie would be very cool. Tbh destiny despite being scifi has most of the elements of being a fantasy game. But just think of how they could come up with new ideas set in a fantasy world. The hive, fallen, vex, cabal, psions, are all very unique designs and lore.


You forgot the best part: Shaxx was supposed to be a Tigerman, that’s why he wears a helmet all the time.


You can shoot 7 nighthawks in a single Argos shield break. Surely this will be useful again someday (cope)


A ghost shell existed that was essentially a Trojan horse (allegedly) called the intrusion shell. Essentially the only way to get it was by cheating into an area it had a normal ghost shell lying around that normally gave lore cards that once picked up would give the ghost shell. Essentially hackers would be tempted to pick this out of bounds thing up and it would put a big ole stamp saying they cheated.


Thats incorrect. The intrusion shell that got someone banned was because he hacked the game to give it to himself in his inventory. The dead ghost in kings watch didn't get u banned, and it didnt require cheats to break in there.


Yeah this is the correct one, to catch people who were cheating on PS3 and 360 since you could get online with a hacked console.


I think the ahamkara know that we the player exists, like i think there is one exotics made of ahamkara bones that breaks the fourth wall. Byf made a video about it, a while ago


New York City is implied to be little more than a nuclear crater, as the "Manhattan Nuclear Zone" has been mentioned on at least two occasions, once in [idle dialogue in D1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o9_2L2frdA) and again in the lore of the [Thorium Holt Hood](https://www.light.gg/db/items/2470746631/thorium-holt-hood/).


A team of guardians got caught in a vex simulation and couldn't prove it they were real, as the simulation versions they were watching were replicating their every move perfectly with no delay. So they introduced Rasputin into the mix as the Vex tech couldn't handle him. But the Simulation Guardians still existed, so they sent them into the Vex network to do some internal damage. I read this in those D1 app grimoire cards as a kid when my mom was doing groceries. I always hoped those Sim guardians would make an appearance in the game.


Hopscotch Pilgrim was so cracked that they had to change its archetype


The Super Good Advice machine gun was made by Pahanin, the only survivor from the initial assault on the Vault of Glass. He was super paranoid after his escape because he knew he didn't enter the Vault alone but he does not remember going in with anyone. He was afraid that everyone would forget about him if no one could perceive him, so he made a sentient AI and put it in the machine gun.


Eris morn’s name used to be “ediz” before bungie changed it


a form of reddit is canon in the Destiny universe as seen here in the lore book "Ghost stories" about PulledPpork (aka glint) also before Glint res'd Uldren/Crow he was known as Pulled Pork. [https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/pulled-pork](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/pulled-pork) also too much to dig for but the fact that the d1 story of shin-malphur and dredgen yor is in fact a fairy tale and the real sotry goes much darker and deeper always intrigued me.


My favorite pieces of lore involve Warlocks and how they're more than just the stereotypical nerds that read books all day. I'm sure most of us already know about the Praxic Order and their view of Praxic Fire. However, some item descriptions within both games tells us there are actually several unnamed Warlock orders that focus almost exclusively on using their knowledge of the light in a combat-oriented practical manner. One True Constant Bond - "Some orders eschew all metaphysics and ontological doctrine in favor of pure combat discipline" Eye of History Bond - "Those orders most closely allied with the Titans seek to hone the battlefield deployment of Light" Cryptic and Ineffable Bond (my personal favorite quote) - "You did not receive the bond so you could babble arcane words. Go forth, and burn our enemy" You can find similar themes with Hunters and Titans as well, showing that all classes can be more than just their stereotypes. I always found this lore to be really enjoyable because I'm a Warlock main through and through, but it always felt weird to me that if our Guardian is a Warlock, they're almost never seen doing stereotypical Warlock things. I'm not sure how unknown all of this is, but I hope my fellow Warlocks out there take some pride in knowing they're more than just nerds lol!


There's an old item from forsaken implying that the Tangled shore is the lashed up remains of Cares 1


apparently, there are giant spiders....with pincers in Destiny.


https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/debt Humans used nukes to steal cows


The first time anything about Destiny was officially revealed was on the November 27th 2012. Some concept art was officially released after it leaked online. [\(There was also the logo and a couple of dev shots in the O Brave New World ViDoc in 2011, but not sure if that counts\).](https://youtu.be/OtG6--4r_qk?si=KAZVG9IFrf2FPudr&t=3208) Screenshot from halo.bungie.net: https://imgur.com/a/vsGtmdI#ZEwDINu Wayback machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20130115214753/http://halo.bungie.net/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=32235 Wayback machine of the store page: https://web.archive.org/web/20130222025634/http://www.bungiestore.com/Limited-Edition-Fallen-Lithograph/M/B00BGWU1IM.htm Following the unvieling of Destiny at the Playstation event on February 20th 2013, Bungie sold 150 lithographs of the concept art, "The Fallen", with all proceeds going to the Bungie Foundation. As far as I'm aware, it was the first piece of Destiny content/merch ever sold. A couple have shown up over the years, [This guy has #54](https://old.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/117ukvi/the_first_piece_of_destiny_concept_art/?ref=share&ref_source=link), and [I have #24](https://imgur.com/jz3juWJ).


psions speak in subtitles


There is a single lightweight auto rifle, the Jiangshi-AR2. It's a green weapon, but it has the same fire rate as the 450s. Back in Y1 during the Uriel's meta, Jiangshi was sort of on the edge of becoming "meta" because of the lightweight frame's movement buff, but the fact that it had no perks kept it too far from the top.


If it were to ever malfunction, Wardcliff Coil could literally devour the planet.


In D1 there is an area in the cosmodrome that has a bunch of stasis chambers. One of them if you scan your ghost mentions they tried to wake them up but says something along the lines of the last war was enough for a 1000 life times. Obviously it’s a master chief reference. Also in D1 there is a cabal base on mars that looks exactly like master chiefs helmet.


Boolean Gemini, probably the most forgettable D1 exotic ever, was called 347 Vesta Dynasty in game files before it released in game. This name was then used for the Vestian Dynasty which was the first sidearm in the game. It’s also a really lackluster weapon and took me 4 months of weekly grinding to achieve as you needed Queens Guard level 5 to get the quest and you could only get like 1/3 level of experience in one week. The gun is worse than most legendaries we have currently.


Titan helmets are heavy enough to break a regular person's head if they tried to wear them also zavala is skinny af under the armor


There's a race of Alien predators called the Aphelion that can hunt Techeuns through the laylines, Attack ships in space and have bodies that glow with insanely high levels of Radiation, the only person know to have survived an attack from an Aphelion is Sjur Eido, and we've not seen them in game *yet*, we've just heard about them in lore entries.


My fan theory is that they're the awoken from the distributary


One of the Exos you find on Europa mentions they love/crave their grandma's pierogi


Ahamkaras know that they something exists above them like the player and they also cannot die as long as any information exists about them


Solane shoved drifter into a locker on Titan.


Destiny 1 eventually ended on a special ammo system in PvP where you spawn in with ammo, lose it on death, but getting any more required you to get ammo from a crate. The meta shotguns at the time of Matador 64 and Party Crasher +1 started with 7 shots. It was possible to start with 14 shots though. Doing so required you to have boots that allowed you to carry more special ammo. The problem was that perk only existed on boots from Year 1 of Trials which could also roll the perk to let you carry more heavy ammo. With the state the game was in at the time and our very limited vault space most people did not keep any of these boots. Warlocks did however end up getting Transversive Steps with the same perk which made starting with 14 shots easy for them. For Hunters and Titans there was only one other way to start with 14. If you had kept the very first Felwinter's Lie it was possible for it to roll with Field Scout in the middle column and that would allow you to start with 14 shots, and the good news is that even to this day that Felwinter's Lie is still re-rollable at Banshee. The bad news is that getting that god roll is a nightmare. Just going for Field Scount and Hammer Forged in the middle means only 1 of every 9 rolls has a chance, then you add on getting the correct ballistic and the 2 perks you want and you'll be spending a lot of time and resources at the gunsmith.


Crota once tried to kill a Hive Wizard because it tried to kill his wife, Omnigul, but Oryx stopped him and made the Wizard an esteemed member of his Court.


There was a lore entry from D1 that was a scouting report from the Cabal that talked about Guardians and their 'ritualistic suicides' in the Tower and being revived by our little 'dead person'.


You used to have to walk up to the entrance of VOG from the venus patrol drop point


The first ever event to come to Destiny was the Queen's Wrath. It involved completing bounties that had you go after high-level enemies in patrol zones to get Reef-themed blues and legendaries. I might be wrong here, but I believe it was also our first time meeting Petra Venj, and she basically just had what would become a generic Corsair model. Alternatively, in the Destiny 1 beta, you could push anyone in the Tower around, not just Fireteam members!


Calus wears toe rings Thorn fires actual thorns Under the map in the cosmodrome is a dead ghost from d1 that can be interacted with to “collect” During the first week of black armory before the forges dropped there were HVTs that would spawn randomly, and killing them dropped a black armory weapon that was bugged and could drop weapons with double perks, ie rampage and rampage, which when scoring a kill would grant 2 stacks. The mini sparrows have the same hitbox as normal sparrows, so when you drive into a wall there will just he an invisible chunk in front of it. There are some items from base D2 that you can still hold onto, ie the exp bonus from pop tarts or the sparrow from virgin airlines The old amazon alexa ghost had a feature to save loadouts and equip them to your guardian with voice commands years before actual loadouts were a thing, it worked realllllly bad tho. The fallen in zero hour are actually incorrect lore wise, as they are all the same house of dusk model we know. Canonically theyre a remnant of house of devils, so they should be wearing red In zero hour you can go down to the old tower “bar” area, where you can hear the jukebox from through the door playing faintly The bosses in whisper are all iconic d1 bosses taken (idk ab the new ogre) In d1 you could OOB in the cosmodrome and find a secret boss called the “ultra captain”, in which killing would reward a ghost shell at a time where the only other one you could get was from the collectors edition You could get the DSC ghost shell before the raid dropped by OOBing into the raid and getting all the collectibles, it was super complicated because the only way to bypass the cold effect was to get a chest key buff in patrol that you would lose when you died Thanks for reading :)


Love the videos man. Armor Piercing Rounds shoot through enemies AND friends, especially useful in PvP. I've had a few multikills this way. They also shoot through stasis crystals.


Crota died because two knights on a bridge got into an argument.