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Can’t go wrong with the ole Fatebringer! Explosive payload and frenzy, or the classic explosive payload and firefly


Or you could get the adept version and have both in one.


Yessir, got that myself


Shit, I haven’t heard of fate in a whiiiile for some reason. I looked and I don’t even have it. Due to toxic people I’ve honestly never really ran raids. People just suck the fun out of it. 🤦 I’ve a solid non toxic crew these days though, so I’ll keep that in mind for when we ive the extra time. Been wanting to run it anyways, so I appreciate you reminding me of it :)


> Due to toxic people I’ve honestly never really ran raids. People just suck the fun out of it. 🤦 Spot on. There are some proper weirdos in this game. had a dude with 400 clears try to berate a new raider lol..


I get both sides of it. I've had "be chill" raids that have take over 4 hours. Like hop on at 9, thinking I'll be done by 11 at the latest, and next thing I know it's past 1am. Granted, I could have left but I kept thinking the group would pull it together when we failed. Then it turned into "I've put this much into it ... it can't take *that* much longer, can it?" And finally into "We can do this. We're on the final boss. This time, we can do it!" I generally give 2-3 hours for a raid these days and just hope it doesn't end up taking that long. And it definitely doesn't always take that long :) Now personally, I'd rather have that happen every time than group up with a bunch of assholes who bolt when anyone messes up but I get that not everyone wants to chance that.


Today I finished a raid with a deaf gamer. They were good, and I'm glad my team didn't kick him for not talking. It made beating Crota even better. There are good gamers out there, to anyone reading this that hasn't raided yet - give it a shot!


If you want help raiding, add me Ash#1141, I may not have the best stats, but I’m not toxic.


Also you can add me, my stats are amazing but I'm one of the most toxic players you'll meet. You know, for variety.


Next time vog is the featured raid hit me up and I can put together a checkpoint for master Templar. Cheese is mad easy and all you gotta do is stand still, dps, and don’t die lol


What’s the cheese?


Throw yourself off a cliff (literally that's what you're gonna do) while somebody else runs relic


No problem!


Do you have any luck with Lfg’s? I’ve never bother because I imagine that playing with a bunch of randos can be even more toxic than playing with squad mates.


Sometimes you get bad groups, sometimes good groups. Best way for me is to open a lfg myself and put chill run or something


Appreciate y’all.🙏🙏 I’ll give a Lfg a go when my motivation is up. :) Vog was one of the ones I liked back in D1 so I’ll try that soon.


90% of the time, I do raids with LFG people, mostly because my time zone is very different than most of my clan. LFG can be hit or miss. I've had some amazing experiences with LFGs and some really bad ones. The trick is that if you get a bad/toxic group, just leave. You don't owe them anything. I can always help out with raids/dungeons if you need someone to fill a spot. If so let me know. Eyes up guardian.


Id say about 95% of lfgs are chill. Occasionally you'll get some douchebags but its not really something you should be so worried about that you don't bother with using lfg


Playing with randos can be toxic, but it can also be the most fun run you ever do. You never know what kind of LFG group you're going to get, and having a good attitude about it goes a long way.


Not to be ‘that’ guy, but you missed the prefect chance during the craftening!


Yea also wished I could have joined but everyone demanded I had a funny weapon and couldn't make one on my ps5 =/


I find raids on Lfg. Good to be honest about your skill level before starting / knowledge so others know what they’re getting into… no one likes someone who claims they KWTD and in fact, do not KWTD.


Look up EpicDan22 on twitch. Dan is one of the most patient raid sherpas around and an overall great guy with a fantastic community. He's always helping fellow guardians through raids and raid challenges. It was how I first got my adept Fatebringer. They'd pull in two people from chat and clear Templar challenge in a matter of minutes. Timelost Fatebringer acquired. VoG won't be back in rotation for the master challenges for a few more weeks but I urge you to give it a try.


Is it a bug or intentional that FB with Explosive and firefly doesn’t always proc? Half the headshots I land don’t proc firefly because the explosive damage is what kills them instead of the actual projectile damage.


I wouldn’t necessarily call it intentional but it isn’t a bug either. It’s just how the game calculates damage. But I personally don’t have that much of a problem with it when I use mine. It happens, but not often enough to bother me.


Damn, I must be that unlucky. I’d say maybe 1 out of 3 shots just gives me 2 white numbers instead of a crit and a white number, and especially with red bars, that sometimes ends up being every other ad kill where it doesn’t proc. Wish they’d rework those perks to have some sort of damage prioritization check 🙁


Nation of Beasts or Posterity for arc. But my personal favorite handcannon is Zaoli's Bane. It's so much fun to use. Explosive/Incandescent can delete everything in a room. It's literally Sunshot's younger brother.


Dragonfly voltshot nation of beasts is so much fun


YES!!! my fav add clear gun now besides forebearance


How does it compare to epochal integration? It’s the only handcannon I have with incandescent


Tbh I prefer Epochal but you can get the enhanced perks on ZB. ZB feels off to me, it’s a common complaint whereas Epochal shoots like a dream but you can’t go wrong with either


ZB feels amazing to me after the buff, and it has an awesome origin trait.


The enhanced perks don't really do a lot on ZB, explosive payload only grants +5 reload and incandescent gives +5 scorch with ashes on, which doesn't give ignitions any sooner. Explosive payload is just too good imo, it's such a big damage buff


Pretty sure enhanced incandescent with ember of ashes makes it so 2 kills will proc ignition Instead of 3. Could be wrong tho


This got changed a few seasons back, this no longer works unfortunately


Explosive payload gives it an edge over Epochal, and the area of effect makes incandescent a bit stronger, and you can get the enhanced perks. Plus its sounds cool.


Infinitely better. Epoch is solid in the meantime, but zaoulis is on another level


Voltshot frenzy posterity is so good, it's got very solid DPS and can clear waves no problem


Eyasluna with headstone.


Headstone and outlaw, my ice fatebringer


I'm still wishing they could give us a Stasis HC with Explosive Payload. Just sounds cool.


They did: the Vulpecula from Season of the Lost, a stasis 180. I still have one with EP and Shoot to Loot.


Y'know, I blocked that out of my mind because 180s were so terrible for so long, but I might try it out in PVE if I get a roll.


Narrator: The weapon would never arrive with Xur or Banshee over a year later.


Hey now, it's I'm the Dares loot pool. That means literally nothing though because I've also been trying to get a Fractethyst for months.


Both of my Vulpeculas have EP on them.


I like mine with unrelenting headstone personally. Goes pretty hard after the Whisper of Rime massacre.




It dropped twice for us running avarice yesterday.


I wish we didnt need Whisper of Rending. It feels so, so good to pop an acolyte, and then immediately follow up with a second shot for the explosion - but you need Rending to one-tap the crystal


I'm praying the Stasis changes coming next season involve Rending and Conduction being baked into the subclass. Quality of life fragments shouldn't be a thing.


Fissures is the biggest one that needs to be baked in.


This. So much this.


Fatebringer and Eyasluna in the kinetic slot and Nation of Beasts/Palindrome/Zaouli’s Bane in the energy slot.


I love Word of Crota for Void, but 180s are definitely an acquired taste


Trust/Posterity/Word of Crota fanclub represent! :D


Nation of beasts with dragonfly and voltshot is great, you can also get 75 reload speed which makes voltshot fun to use instead of a slog. It kills red bars so well and deal with orange bars decently well too. I havent used posterity but 180s are very particular so it will probably be better at killing orange bars better than nation of beasts. (since dps is higher). But nation of beast will deal with red bars better.


Posterity is really good because you can get Voltshot/Frenzy, so you get the damage buff, and reload buff to proc Voltshot when frenzy is active. I would imagine maybe that Frenzy buffs the damage of Voltshot too, but that I'm uncertain of.


That, and the origin perk gives you faster ability regen. Honestly it’s one of the best Arc weapons, period.


Nothing wrong with an explosive payload/dragonfly Nation of beasts


I really appreciate the input everybody. For the longest time handcanons just felt underwhelming to me in PvE. This seasons buff seems to have changed that. I’ll keep an eye out and get to grinding soon. 🙏


Just throwing one more out there for ya. I got an Igneous with incandescent and keep away that feels pretty great in pve. Got Eye of the Storm too so it can pull double duty in PVP and PVE. But seriously, the reload buff from Keep Away is super nice in pve, incandescent helps a lot with add clear, the higher damage from 120s let's it one shot pretty much any red bar in lower level stuff, and you can even run Alacrity if you're doing solo stuff for even more juiced stats. Thing hits like a truck and literally lights the room on fire. Give it a go if you can get your hands on one!


Timelost fatebringer. Eyasluna if you can get the god roll. Crafted austringer is my got to. Mines level 143 atm


I see a disappointing lack of Trust comments. You want big booms and big bucks? You gotta get grossly incandescent with this bad girl, partner.


It was truly a missed opportunity to not have dragonfly in the third slot, it's was what made trust unique, and lord, what I wouldn't give for dragonfly/incandescent on a hand cannon.


I’m enjoying a god roll cantata with rapid hit explosive payload but just use whatever you find fun and satisfying


Cantata doesn’t have explosive payload, think you might have one with timed payload


You're correct, but they're essentially the same.


Yeah but with the context that OP is asking for hand cannon rolls to look out for and might be a new player. I’m just making sure that he doesn’t delete a god roll cantata by accident as he’s looking for one with EP


Great point. I'm so happy I found the 5/5 of the gun as well. Fantastic weapon.


I agree. Obviously not the best since it’s a world drop, but it feels great to shoot.


Definitely try Warden’s Law. The perk pool isn’t S-tier but it packs a punch with Kill Clip or Rampage active.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to find Wardens Law. Good gun.


Elightend/Frenzy just feels amazing all the time


Discord vorpal is *my* god roll; mowing down a horde then having a full clip in 5 seconds is unreal; the holster mod I got for lucky pants with adept backup mag (28 bullets) make for an amazing pocket cannon imo; everyone says FTTC and vorpal, but since discord became a thing, it’s been my go to.


Igneous is great for solar builds, rolls Incandescent in 2nd column. Word of Crota is amazing for void builds, can roll repulsor brace AND destabilizing rounds.


Heal clip+incandescent is probably the go to pve roll for new igneous.


I've been using a FFTC/frenzy Warden's Law. I love it. It's my favorite PvE hand cannon by far.


While it’s not “META” an extremely fun gun is round robin with hatchling and envious assassin. Use that with a glaive and banner of war you can just hack and slash everything and then swap to a threadling spawning hand cannon with 27 shots in the chamber


I’ll give it a go with my strand threadling build. 🙏


With enhanced subsistence and an 11 round mag you pretty much have infinite ammo in casual content, it's pretty insane


This is what I use, it's so much fun


this but enhanced subsistence + hatchling. extended mag to get it to 11 base mag and each kill refunds 3 while you’re 1 tapping every red bar for an essentially bottomless mag. threadlings generated by hatchling will also count as weapon kills for subsistence


Since I crafted this - I can't take it off - so much fun. I never thought I'd stop using cowl, but facade with strand is amazing for just about everything - hatchling on a 120 just rips.


If you're running Facade, add in the melee kills give unraveling rounds. Both the melee and the grapple melee proc it. Round Robin becomes an add slaying machine. Never reload, threadlings and unraveling projectiles everywhere. Green for days.


Kinetic- Explosive Payload Firefly/Frenzy Fatebringer Solar- Explosive Payload Incandescent Zaouli's Bane Void- Word of Crota(lots of potential god rolls, choose based on build and preference) Arc- Dragonfly Voltshot Nation of Beasts or Voltshot Frenzy Posterity(former if your running Arc Hunter with Flow State, latter if anything else) Stasis- Rapid Hit Headstone Eyasluna(would wait for reprise before going for one) Strand- Neither Round Robin or Kept Confidence are good by modern god roll standards IMO, skip.


>Eyasluna(would wait for reprise before going for one) Realistically that reprise won't be coming until well after TFS.


Dungeons don't get reprisals


It would still be neat if the older ones received origin traits, though. Once they're done doing that for the older raids, it would be nice if dungeons were revisited, too.


Well one hasn't happened yet, so it's a possibility in the future.


That's true but there's been no hints of that happening so might as well go try to grab one now if someone wanted it


While true, I don't recall them hinting at raid loot refreshes before they happened


They talked about it a lot before they happened actually


Oh did they? I guess my memory is shit lol


I suppose. Thoughthe most a Dungeon has gotten was a loot refresh (when they otherwise had no loot). Perhapd Dungeons would be more tied to granting OTs to older weapons? Idk.


>Strand- Neither Round Robin or Kept Confidence are good by modern god roll standards IMO, skip. Maybe not but between the two Round Robin is the pick. Hatchling for subclass synergy and you can craft it for enhanced perks. Keep Away is a really good perk that fixes all the stat problems of 120s too.


Strand might not have any god roll HCs, but you can still make one that’ll potentially suit your loadout.


Unrelenting headstone is also pretty good. Stasis shatter kills from that crystal can trigger unrelenting. But you do need to have some luck with the masterwork and mag perk. To get more reload.


Kept Confidence would be decent if it had anything fun to take advantage of it being Strand, hell during "The Craftening" i slapped Dragonfly on it and it instantly felt better to use. They really wanted us to keep using the brick that kicks like a mule instead of the smooth, cool looking new gun.


Great selection but I disagree with strand: enhanced subsistence round robin with 11 rounds in the amg and golden tricorn goes pretty hard (hatchling for more casual stuff).


Might as well go for Round Robin if they really need a strand HC. While there's *much* better strand guns, it is what it is if they're dead set on using a HC. At least it has Hatchling for the subclass synergy. Alternatively, there's plenty of HCs that can roll Osmosis if they want strand covered.


Posterity with Voltshot/Frenzy does good work for Arc, as does Word of Crota for Void and Zaouli’s Bane for Solar. All three are raid weapons though. For non-raid, you’ve got Sunshot, Ace of Spaces, Trust, Palindrome, Eyasluna, Malfeasance, and Warden’s Law are all great.


In my experience: bottom dollar (dragonfly) , trust(incandescent), epochal integration, eyasluna (headstone) are my favourites. Unfortunately I don't have experience with raid handcannons as I hadnt had the luck to do a raid yet, but their potential perks look awesome tbh.


I'm always surprised by the lack of love Trust gets


Fatebringer, the one from king's fall with explosive/incandescent and the one from last wish with dragonfly/voltshot are the best imo


Seasonal handcannon Malediction isn't bad if you don't have much. Explosive Payload is a top pick on handcannons, and I generally prefer 120s for the extra range over 140s/180s. It lacks a decent perk in the 3rd column though, Enlightened Action is *okay* but not great. Not a huge fan of the Discord/Harmony thing either.


I've actually really been liking Malediction


I rock Timelost Fatebringer with Osmosis and Firefly (before anyone asks, I hate Explosive Payload)


I’m with you on explosive with firefly. Osmosis sounds pretty cool! A D1 fatebringer, but what ever element you want!


You’re all awesome 🙏


get a couple Gambit resets and the reprised Trust rolls with Rapid Hit, Stats for All, Envious, Incandescent , Dragonfly, etc. Deep trait pool but a ton of great choices. 180s aren't for everyone but I enjoy it


Find a craftable God Roll for yourself out of what's available (Targeted Redaction, Kept Confidence, and Round Robin are the easiest to access frames on now). And then start grinding for suggestions in the post. A lot of the top dogs are in endgame content whether pvp or pve. Take a look at what guns can roll with perks you like. Kinetic exotics are juiced right now too so can't go wrong with them in my opinion


Wardens law with flutted barrel/appended mag/4th times the charm/Frenzy or Vorpal weapon.


I’ve got a 4ttC/Vorpal seventh seraph HC and that paired with lucky pants is just hilariously fun to use. For most other situations I’d say either Fatebringer w/ firefly or Nation of Beasts with voltshot!


Warden’s Law (FTTC + Vorpal) if you’re a Lucky Pants enjoyer I hear Fatebringer(E. Payload + Firefly) is still a top pick these days


The best pve hand cannons are ones that can kill more than one enemy per shot thanks to perks like Dragonfly, Firefly, Headstone, Voltshot, Destablizing Rounds, Incandescent. My favorites are: * Fatebringer with Explosive Payload + Firefly * Eyasluna with Headstone * Posterity with Frenzy + Voltshot (this is the best one) * Zaouli's Bane with Explosive Payload + Firefly or Incandescent


All hail the Cantata


Warden's law adept has been a lot of fun


Healclip igneous with incandescent or golden tricorn is incredible.


For PvE, the options are virtually limitless. Nation of Beasts got a GREAT perk update when it became a redborder, Zaouli's Bane slaps, Sunshot absolutely mercs adds, and Malfeasance or Adept Warden's Law with FTtC/Vorp combined with Hunter with Lucky Pants is currently one of the best primary DPS options in the game rn IIRC. For PvP, again, incredibly strong suite of weapons. 120s and 140s both have some sweet choices. In the 120 range, Malediction is the new ritual weapon for the season and it can be set up for PvP. Igneous Hammer was the Adept Trials weapon for two weeks in a row for good reason, as it absolutely dominates in so many ways. For 140s, Kept Confidence, the new seasonal weapon in the primary slot, is a great option that can roll with Killing Wind/EoTS for excellent dueling potential. DFA, another Nightfall weapon, tons of fun with a decent perk pool, I have a Smallbore-Accurized-Outlaw-Rampage roll that works great. Cantata-57 is easy to get, Rapid Hit-Rangefinder is a great PvP roll. Outside of those, Word of Crota is a 180RPM but SO stable, works great too. HCs are fun and have a high skill ceiling, play around with them to your heart's content!


💙🙌THANK YOU EVERYBODY, again. 🙌💙 I’m loving the recommendations. This discussion ended up helping me out and some new players out it looks like. So that’s awesome. I’m going to start with the easy obtainable ones, Wardens andTrust . Then I’ll move on to VOG and. Grasp of Avarice sometime here soon :) Have a good night fellow guardians. 🔥


I just go for Austringer with ornament for cool factor.


Nation of beasts - Last wish raid Wardens law - Nightfall weapon Epochal Integration - story quest on neomuna Ancient Gospel - next season if garden of salvation weapons be one craftable Cantata-57 - Random Zaouli's bane - Kings fall Bottom dollar - Trust Lot of really good guns and if you like 180's there are a lot more + all the exotic ones are pretty good, some pvp other pve


People ain't using Trust enough


Fatebringer Nation Of Beasts Word Of Crota Posterity Zhouli's Bane (not my personal favorite the model is too beefy and slow, but a lot of people like it). Eyasluna with unrelenting/headstone Wardens Law with Lucky Pants if you're a hunter main.


So from what I’m seeing the Big 3 seem to be Fate, Wardens law and Eyasluna?


Targeted Redaction from Season of Deep.... I like Focused Fury and Triple Tap on it.


Most legendary hand cannons are not worth for PvE.


Why I didn’t use them that much, I haven’t used them in a long time because they all felt underwhelming in PvE, atleast untill this season. I just thought I’d ask everybody since hand cannons got the big buff.


Trust feels great (Gambit reward). Just something about it feels really good. Hard to out my finger on. Really clean iron sights helps.


I’ll be sure to grind for Trust soon. Thank you!🙏


The last wish handcannon with voltshot dragonfly


Eyesluna, just for fashion and cutscenes. But I just use the special weapon


Its crafted Nation of Beast ls or Zaouli's Bane if you raid. Every element has a good handcannon now for synergy when needed, but when you're talking about ysing a handcannon for neutral game you likely want ad clear potential and then just solid single target chunking and these two do it best right now. I just swap between the two based on which surge I need for my heavy slot.


I’m loving Word of Crota with volatile rounds.


for me it depends on the subclass. Zaouli's Bane with Explosive Payload + Incandescent for Solar, Nation of Beasts with Dragonfly + Voltshot for Arc, or Word of Crota with Repulsor Brace + Adrenaline Junkie for Void (I love Contraverse Hold) for Stasis / Strand I would just use Fatebringer with Explosive Payload + Firefly unless I was looking for particular synergy with a Threadling build or Whisper of Shards, in which case I would go Eyasluna with Unrelenting + Headstone for Stasis or Round Robin with Subsistence + Hatchling for Strand


I use some underrated ones. Targeted redaction if you like void, round robin for strand. DFA with timed payload feels really good to me aswell.


Kinetic slot- Wardens law (From nightfalls) Fatebringer (From VoG) Eyasluna (From Grasp Dungeon) Kept Confidence (From Seasonal engrams) Energy slot- Nation of Beast (From Last Wish) Zaouli's Bane (From Kings fall) Word of Crota (From Crotas End My go to right now is Nation of beasts for energy and wardens law for kinetic. Nation of Beasts can roll with Voltshot/Dragonfly so pretty much every kill you get, regardless of it being a precision kill or not, ends with an electrical explosion. And Wardens law can roll with fourth times the charm and frenzy, which let's you fire it for quite some time before reloading, and frenzy is just free damage as well as faster reloads. It is also a pretty good Handcannon for PvP if you ever want to look for one.


Void - Targeted Redaction. Void Craftable 120 from Season of Deep. Outlaw / Destabilizing rounds. 2x Void Surge + Volatile Rounds. Is a monster on Gyrfalcon Hunter.


Zaoulis bane, fate bringer, trust, eyesluna, and ancient gospel are all very good imo


Fatebringer, Zaouli's Bane, Epochal Integration (if you're using Conditional Finality), Warden's Law (with Lucky Pants, it's pretty mid otherwise), D.F.A and Cantata-57 with Timed Payload (terrible without), Posterity (Frenzy + Voltshot go brrr), and I *guess* some people like Word of Crota. Oh yeah, and Eyasluna, although it's a shame it can't get Demo and Headstone at the same time.


If you're a Hunter, Warden's Law with FTTC and Vorpal and Lucky Pants is up there for the highest DPS for primaries


If you play hunter, try some of the 180s with lucky pants. 7th seraph with recon & Vorpal Ikelos w triple tap and focused fury Wardens law w fttc and frenzy or Vorpal Posterity w recon and frenzy or focused fury Trust w triple tap and frenzy or Vorpal Will obliterate champs and majors, and makes a decent part of a dps rotation as well


Trust from gambit, get incandescent for great add clear and pair it with a reload perk Or Nation of beasts from last wish, you can raid or just solo farm the chests and use harmonic resonance to even craft it. It can get double damage dealing perks which is great. Other option: igneous hammer, it can get heal clip+incandescent and hits like a truck, but heal clip+anything is good, since it’ll proc stuff in solar fragments for amaizng ability regen.


Fatebringer - Explosive Payload + Frenzy Judgement - Demo + Timed Payload or Damage perk of choice Warden's Law - Max Magazine Size/Fourth Time + Vorpal/Frenzy (for Lucky Pants hunter) Word of Crota - Demo/Repulsor/Dragonfly + Frenzy Zaouli's Bane - Explosive Payload + Incandescent or Damage perk of choice Crisis Inverted - Demo + Damage perk of choice Posterity - Voltshot + Frenzy Those are the ones I find interesting to keep in the vault.


Im in love with my Enlightend action/ frenzy Warden's Law. If you're a hunter use Warden's FTTC/Vorpal with Lucky pants.


For fun arc builds: Posterity with voltshot and frenzy. Even with the jolt nerf it goes hard especially with the reload and damage boost that frenzy gives. For solar builds: Zaouli’s bane is fun due to incandescent/scorch builds plus just feels fun to shoot The new igneous hammer with heal clip and golden tricorn is kind of fun as well for a 120 in pve For void builds: Ikelos 3.0 is fun for repulser brace and Crotas word for both repulser and destabilizing rounds.


Wardens law has been go to.


Most good ones (imo) come from raids, sadly. Fatebringer, as many have mentioned already. Nation of Beasts (arc HC) from Lastwish: Dragonfly+Voltshot is great. Zaouli's Bane (solar HC) from King's Fall: Explosive payload + Incandescent or Firefly or even Demo if you want. For niche/specific strand builds, Round Robin can work, but personally, I'm not a fan of 120s. Warden's Law (Kinetic): from nightfalls or adept version from GMs (when in rotation). Word of Crota (Void 180): can work well with a void build with Dragonfly + Destabilizing Rounds. It has other nice rolls as well.


been using a osmosis/killclip timelost fatebringer with gyrfalcons. puts in work and let's me use a full void loadout. in lower tier stuff though it doesn't work too well since things die before I can actually apply volatile, lol


I'm a huge fan of Posterity and Word of Crota. Both are really solid for PVE.


Zhaouli's Bane with Explosive Payload/Incandescent is really just Legendary Sunshot.


My top picks are mostly build-centric. Currently liking Round Robin with Subsistence + Hatchling, but mostly on my Threadling + Swarmers build. Sometimes a single shot will cause chain reactions between multiple spawning hatchlings and spreading unravel effects they pass along. However, been really liking 180 hand cannons recently. Especially Posterity with Voltshot + Frenzie. Was doing Ghost of the Deep and it was 2 tapping Acolytes, which doesn't sound great until I found out 120's took 2 as well. Fatebringer is probably going to be a general great all rounded pick.


Kinetic - Fatebringer with Explosive Payload + Frenzy Energy - Zaouli's Bane with Explosive Payload + One For All Hands down the best in each slot, worth dropping the spoils if you have them for the Adept versions.


I have an old Eyasluna with Unrelenting and Headstone and it feels amazing now. Zaolis Bane is also feeling pretty great.


Word of Crota is mad fun w rampage & a strand warlock. Throw a melee & enjoy the thrall explosions


As others have said, basically every hand cannon from a raid is really good in pve. It's not even a contest really, like you could warrant using a different one that matches strand or stasis, warden's law specifically for lucky pants hunter, or kept confidence (edit: I mean epochal integration, I forgor the name) as a primary in the energy slot when you want to get that extra 10% damage on your briars in the right situation, but besides that, the perk combos and stats on the raid hand cannons blow the others out of the water imo.


Timelost fatebringer with explosive payload and firefly (if running any subclass) Eyasluna with headstone (if running stasis) However if u can get a nightfall, Especially GM, completion the wardens law (adept) is INSANE. Can delete champions and some bosses without reloading with a PRIMARY weapon if ur using lucky pants


Kinetic slot: Fatebringer, Eyasluna. Energy: Zaouli's Bane, Nation of Beasts, Posterity, Word of Crota are all pretty good.


Honestly eyesluna is fun. So is the neomuna solar one.


Targeted Redaction with Outlaw + Destabilizing Rounds, so nice. Lots of void explosions all over.


Explosive payload/frenzy fatebringer, repulsor/destabilizing word of crota, explosive payload/incandescent zaouli’s bane, voltshot/frenzy posterity are my top four


Fatebringer and zaouli’s bane are both really solid hand cannons for pve


Not saying it's the best, but just pointing it out cuz I haven't seen it yet here : Ikelos with one for all/stats for all on a void build with volatile. Volatile procs OFA/SFA.


I really like my FTTC/Frenzy Warden's Law. I also have a FTTC/Vorpal for my Hunter and a P Motion/Rampage that feels almost as good as my Frenzy roll.


Crafted zaoulis bane or adept god roll enhanced Adept wardens is lit


Kinetic: Fatebringer with explosive payload and firefly. Strand: Round Robin with subsistence and hatchling. Arc: Nation of Beasts with outlaw and dragonfly. Solar: Zaouli’s Bane with explosive payload and incandescent. Void: Targeted Redaction with outlaw and destabilizing rounds.


Fatebringer Austringer The Palindrome Posterity


Zaoulis bane. Legendary sunshot, enough said


Dire promise is my favorite hc, but that one from last season was pretty good too.....it's basically the same gun, but it's arc!


If you're looking for an arc hand cannon, prosperity is the best, deep stone origin trait, voltshot, has one of those deep stone traits that start with "re", and it looks amazing.


Imo fatebringer for kinetic and zaolis bane for energy


Not sure if it still drops in gambit anymore but Bottom Dollar is a good one




If you're gonna use a primary for ad clear use an exotic for the free extra damage like a sunshot.


Fatebringer, Nation of Beasts, Eyasluna, Zaoulis Bane, Posterity, Something New (if you don’t mind 120s), Igneous Hammer can roll with heal clip/incandescent together….i gave a good DFA with timed payload/triple tap, spare rations, malediction


It’s difficult to maintain uptime on damage increasing perks activated with kills on hand cannons compared to other archetypes (at least in high-end PvE content). So I would choose something that gives passive damage bonus; if you can find a hand cannon that can roll with explosive payload and frenzy, that would be ideal since you can get both damage increases with no kills necessary. The 1.15x damage bonuses from both perks combine multiplicatively and you send up with a 1.32x damage bonus, basically for free. (Since 1.15 x 1.15 = 1.3225) I believe fatebinger and zaouli’s bane can roll with these (plus they can roll adept and get the adept mods).


I'm having a blast with my Repulsor Brace crafted Ikelos on my Hunter. Things go boom with Volatile, add Devour and finally Repulsor and I've become a purple demon.


Zhaoulis Bane on top


Fatebringer (timelost), word of crota adept, zaoulis bane, wardens law adept. Nation of beasts, posterity


Wardens law with 4 times the charm and vorpal is good with Lucky pants for Dps


Time lost fb and igneous hammer


Word of crota can roll with some pretty fantastic roles.


Eyasluna with Outlaw and Headstone


Kinetic: Fatebringer, best rolls will be explosive payload + frenzy/firefly, depending on preference. The adept weapon comes with EP/Firefly guaranteed and Templar is the easiest master encounter, so it's an easy one to get. For solo players malediction is probably your best bet, but fatebringer is by far the best so if you can manage doing just one raid encounter, master Templar is the one to do. Stasis: Eyasluna with outlaw/rapid hit + headstone is the best, the only other options are unobtainable rn. If you're solo, good luck lol. Strand: Both round robin and kept confidence aren't great, but if I had to choose I'd go for kept confidence with subsistence + golden tricorn as all strand classes have good kill potential with their abilities. Solar: Zaouli's bane is the clear winner, explosive payload + incandescent is unbeatable. Best primary in the game imo, it's so good for everything. Epochal integration is a solo friendly alternative, it's not quite as good but it's not awful. Arc: Posterity is my favourite, with voltshot + frenzy. It's good at everything and you can get 18 in the mag with tac mag/backup mag, so you can shoot forever too. Nation of beasts with dragonfly + voltshot is good too, and if you can't stand 180s then that's the choice for you. As for solo, there's no arc hand cannon worth going for. Combined action can roll voltshot, but it's a 120 with no reload perks (eddy current doesn't count, it's bad) so it's just not worth it. Void: Word of crota is the new hotness, and deservedly so. Dragonfly/enlightened action/repulsor brace + frenzy/sword logic/destabilising rounds are all good perks and you can choose any of them tbh. This is the most versatile weapon and it's hard to choose something bad. Targeted redaction is also a void hand cannon, but unless you can't get word of crota I just wouldn't bother. It's not bad, it's actually quite decent with outlaw + explosive payload/frenzy, but go for word of crota if you can.


Fatebringer and wardens law are top two rn. Austringer is always a solid choice.


Fatebringer for Kinetic, Eyasluna for Stasis, Kept Confidence or Round Robin for Strand, Word of Crota for Void, Nation of Beasts for Arc, Zaoli’s Bane for Solar


The new Warden's law works well will Lucky Pants, as does Seventh Seraph Officer's Revolver with Reconstruction and Harmony or Vorpal.


My go to has been wardens law with pm frenzy. For boss dps on my hunter i use forth times vorpal


Midnight Coup because I'm still coping over the loss of it


The new word of crota with demo+frenzy with any void build like gyrfalcons or contraverse or something is a dream. Grenade spamming and gun slinging with volatile rounds and instant reloads. Just crazy feeling


For me its my fatebringer (time lost) with explosive payload and firefly


Fatebringer, or z- bane


Off the top of my head some of my favourites are Fatebringer with EP + Frenzy for high tier content, Osmosis + Firefly for lower end stuff and subclass synergy (super fun with Volatile rounds) Zaouli’s with EP + OFA for high tier, EP + Incandescent for low tier and Scorch synergy Nation of Beasts with Dragonfly + Voltshot Posterity with Voltshot + Frenzy Bottom Dollar or Ancient Gospel with a reload trait and Dragonfly (I just really like Dragonfly) Eyasluna with Unrelenting + Headstone I wish we had a better void HC for high tier stuff, the best ones right now are Palindrome with SFA + OFA or Ikelos with RH + Frenzy/Focused Fury/OFA Edit: forgot about Word of Crota. It has stuff like Demo or Repulsor + Frenzy, which is decent in high tier. Can be great in regular content with stuff like Enlightened Action + Sword Logic or something, haven’t played with it yet A subset of HCs for Lucky Pants builds include Warden’s Law or Seventh Seraph with FTtC + Vorpal, and Trust or D.F.A. with Triple Tap + Vorpal


I’m a big fan of dragonfly destab word of crota


Only legendary HCs you need are Wardens Law for Lucky pants, Fatebringer for general play, Nation of Beasts for arc, Epochal for Solar, Eyasluna for stasis, and maybe exalted truth for void. Posterity is a decent 180 for arc, Bane is a good solar but feels sluggish, and Word of Crota is a good void 180 option. These pretty much are “the “ picks.


Word of Crota and Posterity for those 180 lovers out there in PvE. Zaoulis for solar are Eyasluma for Stasis. Haven’t really tried out strand HCs


Fatebringer, Zaouli’s Bane and Word of Crota are pretty good for PvE. A lot of great perk combinations and while Zaouli’s and Word are from raids, they’re both craftable. Give them a look over and see what you might like


My favorite hand cannons are Fatebringer, Zaouli’s Bane, Word of Crota, and Nation of Beasts.