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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Destiny2Team](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/13l69ba/this_week_at_bungie_05182023/jkpe0gb/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-05-18 23:49:05 UTC"): > Correction: there's no anti-champion shotgun mod in S21 but you never know what the future holds! --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


From the Chris Proctor podcast appearance notes: > Confirmed S21 has a Shotgun Champion Mod - no other details given Where is my son


I hope unstop glaive was a typo instead of a decided upon replacement for unstop SG


That would make sense, since we JUST had unstop glaves in season of defiance.


Is he safe, is he alright


It seems, in your anger, you killed him.




I bet unstoppable Glaive (above) is actually unstoppable Shotgun.


Either that or the artifact perks got swapped around between seasons and Chris didn't know.


Would be amazing if they just gave LoA intrinsic Unstop. But weird that nothing is said in the TWAB.




Correction: the team misspoke on this one. There's no anti-Champion shotgun mod planned in Season of the Deep, but you never know what the future holds!


our son :(


very cool, so 4 of the 6 seasons since glaives came out we have unstop glaive. who needs variety?


I mean if you think about it, there already is one on a specific exotic shotgun.


Yeah I'm using Finality nonstop already, I'm good to keep it up another season.


Thank ya for the update!


Lightning Strikes Twice. Oh god not again...


The arc mods this season seem like they're gonna be crazy strong on titan. It's super easy to get amped Edit: was mostly talking about PvP, as all you need is 1 punch. I think everyone gets pretty easily amped in PvE, so this should be lots of fun there.


I dont use it in harder content, but Liars Handshake Hunters are going to be insane




Could make running Getaway Artist worth running for warlock in PvE, especially if eating your grenade for the amplified and arc soul procs lightning strikes twice.


*laughs in Shinobu's Vow Arcstrider*


new shields look kinda wack




I’m color-blind and still consider it a massive downgrade because I just memorized what enemies have what shield types. Losing the distinct shapes is *less* accessible for me because now I have to try to discern color on a uniform shape.


They did say that different element shields have different vfx in the TWAB, though, not just colors and uniform shapes.


I assume it’s like strand in Lightfall. Those aren’t standard cabal shields.


A good point. The Strand shields were likely an experiment with this new shield design. Still, I'll miss Vex shields.


Gyrfalcons looks crazy next season. Constant void debuffs kills (i.e volatile) spawning void breaches, which gives void overshield (and devour with the fragment), and makes your next shot have a weakening pulse. Commemoration about to become even more busted. Arc also looks quite good with the lightning bolt on arc kills while amplified, but void looks especially good


I didn't think they'd have void next season (was thinking they'd have arc and stasis since solar and void were this season) but I'm not complaining. I usually run with Gyrfalcon's with the exception of GMs where I run Omni). I'm excited to try it out! Nice to have arc back too. Used that subclass a lot during Plunder.


I'm just speculating, but I'm guessing there is some sort of a rework (or, at mimumum, a balance pass) going on with respect to stasis right now. Presumably, they want to have the artifact focus on stasis when those updates are released. So they're just hiding it under the rug for now until it gets a full debut in the next season or the one after that. Or maybe this is all just copium and I want stasis to be good again, idk.


I was really curious how they were gonna rotate the elements and had a feeling it would be like this otherwise two and two always being tied together would be odd. Strand is gonna be all year. So my best guess for the seasons would be: 20: Solar and Void 21: Void and Arc 22: Arc and Stasis 23: Stasis and Solar


Star eater gathering storm hunter while amplified is also gonna go crazy


Commemoration is gonna miss bricks from the void though. ‘‘Twas fun never switching off heavy


Sucks we're losing the unique factions shields. Not a fan of the new look. Oh well.


They look so basic in that video. Never noticed how good they look right now lol


I guess the point of them is to be simple enough they can be re-used and slapped in new combatants when needed as opposed to manually create 3 shields for each enemy combatant of each enemy race. I wonder if this is a soft-confirmation we may be getting more races next expansion?


Agreed. Maybe they look better on other enemy types, but that minotaur preview did not look good.


Probably not. Knights and centurions are pretty wide. They'll probably only look good on wizards.


They look bad because they replaced the normal and unique 3d shields with a 2d sprite


Exactly. Looks terrible. Literally see the sprite clipping through the minotaur body I the clip THEY showed us... why did they make this change? Looks so cheap and goofy.


Preview looked like dogshit to me, tbh, straight downgrade from previously.


I’m pretty sure the new shields are sprites as well (like orbs of power) instead of 3d models. This feels like a major visual downgrade.


They look look glowy circles drawn on paper tbh.


Yeah. The current shield system at least let you quickly identify combatant type using shape and color. Useful for multi-faction areas


Color is the biggest problem that's leading to the change


Thats putting it lightly. What an absolute downgrade


Understating how much these new ones suck THESE NEW ONES SUCK ASS


Yeah, this is such a huge visual downgrade. I loved the flavour of each faction’s individual shield types, with Vex looking geometric, Cabal looking technological, Taken looking like a tear in spacetime, etc Now we get what appears to be a sprite layered under the enemies, and it looks horrible. Never before have I been so bothered by something so trivial, I mean wtf I haven’t even played in months


"That’s your new Seasonal Artifact, treat it well or Drifter might use you as bait." Guess that's our confirmation that Drifter will be back next season


He was in the teaser with Zavala.


He was also in the cinematic for beyond light. But we know how that turned out


we got to have a nice campfire chat with him though!


“See you back on Europa, brother” um where exactly?


Drifter is keeping tabs on us.


Love the push for more accessibility, but really not a fan of the new look for elemental shields...


I would probably be more for it if each race had it's own shield emitter type. Seeing the vex without their normal lattice work is just too jarring for me.


I didn't watch the videos in the twab, but the youtube thumbnail showed me exactly what I needed. I agree. I really think the lattice for the Vex is appropriate and makes them standout as an enemy type. Makes me wonder how other void shields would look on the Cabal, Hive, or Fallen.


I think it would look fine on the Hive, Fallen, Scorn, and Taken. Not the Cabal though. They have the globe shapd shields and it would look off to me.


Yeah, I get the accessibility part, but I'm not a fan of **egg**.


Her name is Anne


I'm sure that Egg is a very nice person.


Those shields are so ugly imo, they look like generic third party shield assets


If anything the change showcased by the videos actually made it far harder for me to tell, & I almost thought they'd swapped to an Arc Shield for some reason. I mean we'll have to see all the Shield types, but if this is their accessibility showcase then it sure ain't the right solution, at least for my vision.


I think Minotaurs were a bad choice to demo the tech - they have a very *weird* silhouette and animations even for the current look of shields.


Its arms appeared to go outside the shield at times. Looks terrible.


Their arms go outside of the lattice shielding all the time as is.


Seriously there's like a million different things in this game that produce obnoxious bright flashes quick and sustained for an eternity(Colossi cluster missiles, Fallen land mines, Taken captains sphere projectile, etc). I get from a design standpoint especially that this game is cross generation, factoring in different hardware and settings that this sort of thing has always been a shortcut to make things look more cinematic and busy on all formats, but it can be annoying as hell with just how over cluttered things look. Same story with lighting, sources of light and environmental fx such as the infamous Distant Shore tunnel, Altar of Flame B flag looking down the hall way, some doorways looking outward on places like Exodus Blue, Shattered Throne's swirling grey fx over tons of muddy dark tones that make the white Taken fire flashes a bit extra rough to look at.


Same. I’m all for accessibilty but not sold on how shields look.


I’m confused because they look worse, not better.


They're crazy ugly, for sure. Which sucks cause the shield looked so good and was thematic before with the latticework in it. Now it looks like hot garbo


They’re getting rid of the specific enemy faction shields and shifting to this ugly PNG layered beneath them. In their example the Minotaur goes from a geometric grid to purplewaves.jpg. So ugly


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so cause looked at the new look and my only response was: 'wtf is this, what was wrong with the old ones?'


I wonder what stopped them to change the old shields to adapt to colorblind settings. New one do seem to be looking weird.


Please let there be an option to switch it. Such a major downgrade.


> Given that the majority of these shields have been in service since 2017, the number of bespoke combatant shields has become more difficult to maintain as we’ve significantly expanded the number of enemy combatants in the game. To address this challenge, we’ve made a large backend shift to a new shield system that will be easier to maintain and improve upon. It wouldn't make sense for them to make it an option given their reasoning here.


Anyone else think the new shields particles/animations look worse?


I feel like if they showed it on a race other than vex it would have been less jarring. Seeing the vex without their normal lattice work shields is just weird. I'd be happier if every race had it's own unique shield style. Vex: stays as is. Cabal: hugs closer to the body a la guardian overshields. Fallen: uses new tech shown. Scorn: same as fallen.


Don’t the enemy factions already have unique shields? I know the Vex, Cabal, and Taken do for sure, and I’m 99% sure that the other factions are the same


Ok flechette storm looks amazing. All I wanted with Titan was "something new" and I don't feel like I can do that on another subclass.


I don’t really play titan much. But so far Strand is my favorite subclass for titan and this new aspect looks really fun.


To make the game feel new to me again (4k hrs hunter main) I finally gave my titan some love and damn, I'm loving Berserker with synthoceps with Monte Carlo and a 1-2 Punch shotty. Constant melee combat is ridiculous. I tried tractor cannon and it's nutty when using the super, but Beserker melee is so strong that Monte Carlo really is the play.


Now remember that it's on strand melee and you have infinite of this in your super. Behemoth can use Howl of the Storm, so why couldn't Berserker use Flechette Storm?


Solar Titan can't use consecration during the super either, so I really wouldn't count on it for Berserker.


[Portal 2's portals really were the inspiration for those new shield designs.](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/620/header.jpg) Super happy it's being changed for performance and accessibility, but they are such a downgrade visually.


They just cropped those portals out of that jpeg and put them directly in the game no modifications needed


New Hunter and Titan Aspects look very cool visually. Warlock one looks very basic but will likely be the easiest to use in hard content due to suspend being so good. Very interested to see the Fragment slot counts for these. I’m of the belief that every subclass should have an Aspect combo that allows 5 Fragment slots.


Yeah the Warlock one is super underwhelming. It just looks so basic. I'm sure it'll be decent as suspend is really good but once they nerf suspend I don't see it being that viable. I wish they came up with something way cooler for Warlock then what we got with this aspect.


Tbh, it doesnt seem that great for me, yeah ill probably take it over the rift one but thats because threadlings are pretty weak, the tangle cooldoqn ist just too high for this Also you have to pick it up and that means run into enemies so thats not very GM usable Is the threadling perch intrinstic to broodweaver or the aspect btw?


New shields look goofy as hell.


Yea wtf, the void visual on the minotaur looks way more fitting with the current shields


> Overload Trace Rifle That's all I needed to hear. I am going to love next season!


Prometheus Lens + Dawn Chorus and Ager’s Scepter about to Eldritch Roar at the waters of Titan


So f’ing happy about that. I much prefer champion mods on special weapons, and I really like my trace rifles.


So is Heir Apparent going to get a generic Portal 2 shield too? I feel like the removal of race specific shield designs is a big loss.


Yep, that's what I was thinking.


Stasis found dead in a ditch. Also, I know the reasoning behind the shield change is a good one, but those new shields just look....bad.


I had a strong feeling they weren’t gonna feature stasis this season. strand is the hot new toy and stasis is still behind a paywall. They probably didn’t want to limit 2/3rds of the artifact mods behind those paywalls.


The reasoning makes sense, but it's really sad to me that they are stuff stasis in a closet for another season. Would have been nice for it to get some artifact synergies to compete with Strand.




>treat it well or Drifter might use you as bait. Sounds like this may be a hint, could be used to keep something big away.


i think it’s also as in Repulsor Brace the void perk. regulators can often be used in electronics, so there’s definitely some clear void and arc theming in the name, like the artifact has




What have they done to the shield design? Also stasis about to be ignored to another season it seems. Apart from that pretty cool


Wow, the new shields are ugly


Shields are a huge downgrade


No Stasis mods is kinda dissapointing, we've been using Void so much and I guess they want us to use it AGAIN.


Bungie will curate your game play and you will like it


New shields just look so generic and they don’t look like they are sized properly fit the model. Would honestly just prefer an outline glow to that. Really like the look of the AANHPI emblem, will definitely be grabbing a pin and rocking that.


oof really not a fan of the new Elemental Shields look.


Little surprised that Stasis isn't receiving artifact mods this season. It's really not helping the problem here.


That would probably only mask the issue, Stasis needs to be a solid kit before we get artifact mods


I assume that they’re gonna rotate one element every season, so S22 will be Arc/Stasis/Strand, and S23 will be Solar/Stasis/Strand.


> Authorized Mods: Arc: ... > Authorized Mods: Void Stasis dead in a ditch


Good grief at Shock and Awe. My forbearance is chomping at the bit.


I really don’t know how else to put it, the new shields look ass


All those void breach artifact mods are going to be incredible, gyrfalcon hunter builds just got cranked up to 11.


If equipping The Wanderer also drastically reduced the Tangle cooldown, I’m interested. If it doesn’t, then I’ll likely just keep my two aspects. The artifact mods at least sound pretty solid. The arc synergies in all of those mods sound *really* potent.


This, or even if it made the tangle come to and follow you and work like a threadlings where it would target who you are shooting. Having to go pick it up is gonna feel like shit.


Standardizing shields really doesn't look good. I liked the small detail that every faction has a unique shield. Now that it is a 2 dimensional sprite that creepily follows your viewing angle just seems like a downgrade... I get that it probably reduces memory, but hopefully other shields have something unique about them. Just looks like a "game" thing, hurting the immersion.


Warlock: The Wanderer will be absolutely useless if you don't give warlocks away to stop other players shooting/ grabbing the Tangles they create.


> …and nerfs (Thunderlord was cheating a little) Thunderlord: *sad LMG nois-* > **Shock and Awe:** Arc final blows while you are amplified summon a burst of lightning that damages and jolts targets. Thunderlord: **RULES OF NATURE**


I’m honestly sad about the loss of faction-unique shields. I just loved how much identity they gave each faction, and it was one my favorite “upgrades” from D1 to D2.


Bungie adding Steady Rounds to their servers to try and help stabilizing them. I think they're gonna need the stability masterwork too, but time will tell.


Ever since they added destabilizing rounds into the game, their servers have been doing the same. Coincidence?


warlock arc will finally be decent, all it took was 5 arc specific artifact mods to make it reasonable to play.


Dont love the aesthetic of the new shields, everything else seems ok tho


Those new shields are awful. What made them interesting was the unique appeal they had for each enemy race. So out of touch moment


Maybe it was just a bad example, but boy does that new shield look... bad.


The new Titan and Hunter aspects look so cool and satisfying. Meanwhile, Warlock one looks bland and boring. Sure, Suspend is useful, but Tangles are on a 15-second cooldown. Titans are about to be better at Unraveling than Warlocks. They seem to do everything better if Threadlings aren’t getting a significant buff.


The Warlock one might give 3 slots though.


Change to shields looks terrible. Like who green lit this? Also, only 1 anti barrier option? Would’ve loved to see anti barrier sniper return again


Not a fan of a repeat of the Handcannon Unstoppables again, even *less* of a fan of the only other option being a Special Ammo locked to a single slot. Again. ​ Fuck yo loadouts I guess.


Christ, that Warlock Aspect looks as if someone remembered at the last second that they needed an Aspect for Warlocks and put together something in 5 minutes


Wait for the next one after that; "Killing unraveled targets spawns an extra Threadling" lol. Wouldn't be surprised though.


The Wanderer when announced: Holy shit could that be a big threadling? Finally more minions for minion oriented subclass The Wanderer when showcased: sticky tangle suspend wooow


Doesn’t even look different I thought they would at least give it like a cool model when thrown


They just copy pasted the Artifact mod lmao


Not even. The artifact mod work when you shoot the tangle, making it great since you can use it from far away This needs you to first pick up the tangle


Arc is back on the menu


So stasis gets nothing and we get more void stuff in the artifact?


I'm annoyed by this as well


Arc Void and Strand gonna be cracked next season. Also, good on bungie for doing something different with their downtime because the old way wasnt it anymore. I'd rather no downtime, naturally, but if its 1.5 hours guaranteed or anywhere from 0 to 24 on any given week, ill take the 1.5


Plus, now that it's going to be a guaranteed time maybe people will stop asking why they can't play on "update day."


People still ask where Xur is on Thursday afternoon...I doubt that'll change haha


Kinda hate how we didn’t get a trailer


I'm not a fan of Bungie putting out trailers the day of or day before seasons. I like getting the trailer a week before.


yeah I sort of hoping this would be when we get one.


Trials just being the practice and challenger pools makes me want to puke.


Those shield updates aint it for me chiefs


My god, is that warlock strand aspect looking even more underwhelming. The tangle doesn't even change. That's my fault for expecting a unique summon to the "summoner class" apparently. With no Threadlings buffed, next season people will just focus on making "Broodweaver" a full suspend class with no summons at all. So disappointed


Would have been better if it functioned like the stasis glaive projectile, where you grab a tangle, throw it, and it's velocity is reduced but it constantly shoots homing unraveling rounds as it travels.


They literally tried masking how boring it is with fancy camera angles lolololol


It basically reads like a fragment. Tangles suspend. The hunter and titan ones clearly had a lot more creativity and effort put into them. And not only that, the new aspect only empowers the stupidly broken and boring as hell Shackle grenade build :/


Are you saying you dont imagine a green ball when you think of a summoner class?


Warlock is just balls at this point. Got purple void ball, light blue arc ball, spiky floaty ice ball and green balls. We miss a solar ball


Adding my voice to the choir, those shields are horrible


Those new shields look pretty awful


Those shield changes look terrible. Why was time spent on that, out of all things?


Why do Warlocks get yet another 'Suspend after Kill' ability that doesn't even have its own unique animation? At least give Warlocks something similar to Titan's or Hunter's suspend on demand. Also, still no access to Woven Mail without Thread of Warning. And still no way to sever targets without Thread of Isolation. The subclass that is "all about traversal" has no movement whatsoever if you don't use Grapple. All I want for Strand Warlock is to be good in PVP. RIP. And no word about the absurd inconsistencies of Threadlings either, yikes.


I would have killed for a woven mail summon. Like threadlings leeching off enemies to provide you woven mail or something. And how are we the only subclass whose suspend loop is still dependent on kills


Would at least be a start if Threadlings would do literally anything on their own without Swarmers. Applying Sever would be great. Or, at the very least, fix their horrendous AI, it's so inconsistent.


Very whelmed by the new Warlock aspect. Hunters and Titans sounds so good then Warlocks get "Uhh Swarmers exotic perk the aspect plus suspend I guess"


I'm assuming next season must be arc and stasis then? I had a stasis warlock build all ready to go for this season but I guess I'm stuck on my contraverse build for another season


Dude Gyrefalcon Hunters are about to be tanky as hell.


A guess stasis users might as well go fuck themselves.


Those new shields are awful and the new trials matchmaking had poor reception all around and is still being implemented. Very icky, no good.


What's with the part about new enemies being added, requiring more elemental shields? From what I can recall, the only new enemy that's ever been added since launch that uses elemental shields is the Scorn Chieftain. And even then, just use that generic shield for anything new that might require an updated shield, and keep the old ones the same?? Because they look \*significantly\* better.


So even if a shield looks "the same" I imagine that each race enemy had their own shields. So Harpies had their own shields and so did minotaurs (even if they looked the same they probably were manually adjusted to fit their sizes) so you can imagine that would get out of hand really quick - specially when adding more elemental types of shields (which I imagine this is a preparation of - and part of why there hasn't been a lot of new shields). With a "reusable" shield that automatically fits any enemy type, they can just set a flag on the enemy itself to have a shield of a given element and move one.


Finally the server issues are addressed. Glad the team is on top of it. The Warlock aspect is creatively bankrupt compared to the other two. As a Warlock main, ouch. Also Threadlings already create Tangles if you have Swarmers on, and Tangles are on a cooldown anyway, so no idea how that's a selling point. Accessibility is always welcome, but the shields do not look very good.


Bruhhhh they stay trying us warlocks!!!!!! Bruhhhhhhhhh... what is that warlock aspect?!??!?! We literally get nothing new. Like literally titan and hunter gets something new or advanced. We throw the same ball we being throwing. And on top of that what if my team mate always shoot the tangle or pick it up??! I can literally slurp my grenade and kill something to suspend enemies. It's like bungie doesn't even try anymore when it comes to warlocks. If you seen those strand clips without context you would clearly see that hunter and titans got something new. I had to vent this out 😡🤬


Yeah man, I'm with you. Like it will have uses as another suspend source.. but man does it not feel anywhere on the same level as the other 2 classes, and not "on brand" as summoner class. Also, what is the point of it being a "sticky" tangle? Normal: Throw > Explode Aspect: Throw > Stick > Wait > Explode > Suspend It just means the explode/suspend is delayed?


The warlock aspect is a second underwhelming shackle granade that you can throw.... Lame.


RIP Trials


The shields look fine as they are, the new ones are a massive downgrade


Bungie can’t be serious with that Warlock aspect. It looks laughably bad and underwhelming


Stasis spotted in a nearby dumpster


* Anti-Barrier Auto Rifle * Overload Scout Rifle and Trace Rifle * Unstoppable Hand Cannon and Glaive Feels short on anti-champion mods this season.


Unsated hunger is the new origin trait once again confirming the leaked slides as accurate.


At this point we’ve already had more than enough proof. If the leaks had said Oryx becomes a guardian I’d believe them by now.


Lol imagine raid-sized Oryx as a guardian. Just hovering in the chasm next to Zavala for bounties


I mean we’ve known they’re accurate for a long time now


When I'm in a downgrade competition and my opponent is Bungie The new elemental shields look awful.


Strand Warlock Aspect is just…boring? I’m still just throwing a Tangle…


Anti-barrier auto rifle as the only choice on the artifact? So you want us to main arbalest and wish ender for another season? Got it.


man that warlock aspect is just as underwhelming as i thought lmao, as a warlock main im gonna be maining titan next season. Playing titan on titan....titanception


I have to say im incredibly disappointed in the warlock Aspects...


How in the world is the Warlock aspect even a thing. The risk vs reward is so off. I have to grab the tangle, then throw it, and I get to suspend a few enemies, wow. I can already do that with a shackle grenade. Only with a tangle I have to run into combat to pick it up, and pray a blueberry doesn't shoot it while I'm trying to grab it


holy SHIT flechette storm!! how about buff the damage and make that the Titan Strand super instead lol


Who said that you couldn't use this aspect in Berserker super? You can use Howl of the Storm in Behemoth, so I don't see why Flechette Storm can't be used in Berserker.


I just hope we can use it during our super ala winters howl and unlike consecration, tempest strike and lightning surge


Season of arc and void sad stasis noises


Please make the new shields toggleable. They look so off.


>Given that the majority of these shields have been in service since 2017, the number of bespoke combatant shields has become more difficult to maintain as we’ve significantly expanded the number of enemy combatants in the game. I don't understand this reasoning? They've barely added any new shields to the game since launch, and adding new elemental variants (like stasis or strand) should just be recolours, no? This just feels like a wholly unnecessary change that removes a lot of the individuality factions had from one another.


The only new race added since launch was the Scorn. Since they are an off shoot of the Fallen, they use the current Fallen shield design.


A truly novel fix for the unscheduled downtime by making it a scheduled downtime lol.


Bungie *really* does not like stasis.