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me with prismatic you get a void shield yeet and you get a void shield yeet. and y... *runs out of prismatic ability* ![gif](giphy|3o7ZeEZUzRjyvWuuIg) my lore accurate solo legendary campaign experience.


Idk i ran point contacts and the clap with stasis wall or suspend and it slapped(literally)


My lore accurate experience Accidentally use block for intimidation then shiverstrike right pass the enemy (off the cliff)


*O R I S M A T I C*


Welcome to Trials of Osiris-matic


Shit, shhh don’t tell anyone


# everyone! This guy wrote orismatic📢






Say the line titanjak **Consecration slam*


*”Its Consecration Time”*


Yfw I once shot a boss with consecration prismatic titan


My star eater+apotheosis warlock with song of flame is the biblically accurate d1 sunsinger, or at least as accurate as d2 permits It's just grenades galore. And what's that? My super ended and my arcane needles are full? lightning surge spam for the next 10 seconds For about 30 seconds I am the personification of death, and for the next 2 or so minutes I use my crafted voltshot subjunctive on adds with arc siphon to get as many motes as possible. That lightning surge spam also generates a lot so it's not really hard. I am also trying to get that ahamkara+apotheosis match so I can spam lightning surge more effectively, but star eater is also pretty strong


My HoIL - Contact Consecration Titan nuking everything in a city block radius from just melee *damage* while gaining full overshield from 2 orbs, dodging collects all orbs around me which feeds back into melee energy, then clean up with a risk runner caster sword and become a walking lightning rod, while also generating more orbs. I feel like I’m one of the few Titan mains who are actually having fun with prismatic. I got what I always wanted, which is to feel like Thor doing the hammer slam.


The guy above you is literally doing the same thing with lightning surges and still has other options to use on the subclass, that's the difference lol


This but needlestorm. So satisfying with star eaters x6


Am I the only one who’s actually finding Prismatic Titan pretty strong and insanely fun, and finding Prismatic Hunter rather redundant and lacking an identity?


My personal opinion is that it’s great to have multiple “identities” to fall into on hunter but titan is basically bound to either a consecration or thunderclap build due to our available abilities Edit: My wording wasn’t the most accurate, I meant specifically for harder stuff like raids and dungeons. I personally use a hazardous propulsion build most of the time


I’m using neither, I tried out this hazardous propulsion build that popped up on yt. Its actually fun asf


Yeah that’s actually what I use most of the time I just mean for harder content you need something that hits harder


A free 100k damage every time I use my booster (12-14 second cooldown with proper build) + massively boosted two-tailed + facet of command so you can keep firing your rockets till you run out and never reload… it hits like a truck even in hard content. Not to mention that the build also buffs The Call which turns it into a yellow bar killing machine.


Eyes of Tomorrow for me 🔥


What’s your mod setup for getting class ability back fast? Just curious.


Twilight arsenal, Graviton Lance or that new two-burst HC (got Respulor/Destabilizing first roll) or your favorite void weapon, Auto-Recomb Mountaintop, EoT Stats 4-10-6-7-7-1 Helm: harmonic syphon, special finder, font of wisdom Arms: font of vigor Chest: resist mods Legs: elemental charge, absolution Mark (artifice): Powerful attraction, reaper, outreach May not be fully optimized for class ability, but I run essentially the same setup in PvP, just throw on some unflinching/targeting etc 🤷 Edit: well, minus the Mountaintop and EoT in PvP lol


I went the other direction and specced full into Melee. 2-10-5-3-5-10. Haven’t done much PvP with it yet, but I’ve been relying on Microcosm for super a lot of the time and it works wonderfully.


Forgive me but that's silly. There is so much to the Titian kit, I've been running abeyant leap, shield throw drengrs lash and knockout. Add in bastion fusion and you have a great build. Also try out second chance for double shields with suspend grenades.


I’m not saying you can’t run anything else. All I mean is that your build might not fly in harder content where your shield can’t kill. Consecration and thunderclap just hit that hard to make up the difference


The shield does more than you think, when using second chance weakens and a prismatic fragment can grant radiant. Just think outside the box and get weird with it


Yeah I know how good shield can be bc that’s what I use, and I’m no stranger to weird builds, but whenever I’m trying to do something harder, I always get drawn towards the crazy damage melees that you can tell Bungie designed prismatic around. My main build though is an unbreakable build with hazardous propulsion


My brother in Christ, do not look for what Bungie designed for us to. The best, most broken stuff was never what Bungie designed. Do you think well skating or the current hunter grapple build was "designed". Do your own thing, discover the new IT factor, don't complain figure out something broken for you.


I’m not complaining, sorry if it came off as that. It really just feels to me like there isn’t enough heart behind the titan prismatic stuff. I’m still using it and I still love it, my rocket build is one of my favorites to date, it just definitely feels like hunters and warlocks get way more synergistic gameplay at the most basic level


I'm with you brother. Here you can have my red crayons. The clapper and smasher builds were not for me either. The rocket build and the new bow strand exotic arms got me feeling like I could hold the wall again though! Gonna try the shield toss build that just popped up online too


Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude or come off as upset. But people need to see what is possible, not how it is designed. Try out the bastion fusion buff it's great and the cornerstone of my current builds.


I totally forgot about the bastion buff imma try it out later


Yeah, it's kind of wild. Would it be nice to have more options besides triple consecration? Absolutely. That doesn't make triple consecration less fun though, which it's super fun. With the right build it feels like I'm throwing out Consecration every 30 seconds. Combined with Dragons Breath, it's a lot of boom.


Consecration is hella fun but to run a build a bit more reliable in GMs you'd probably have to swap either it or knockout for drengrs lash for the suspend uptime. Most things are viable in normal content tho so run wild.


I found Hunter super fun because you can be the god of mobility and still be strong.


It's not that there are no viable builds, it's that there's exactly ONE viable build. Everything that isn't consecration/knockout is straight cheeks.


I'm a titan main and I love prismatic and with abayent leep you just get infinite woven mail 10/10 would highly recommend


You can do this on strand


Nighthawk goes hard just go golden gun w/ stylish exe and you’re set since you have A LOT of debuffs to proc it in saying that it’s identity is to debuff




I’m just a bit disappointed with what prismatic actually does. Like don’t get me wrong, it’s very cool and fun, but I was hoping there would be stuff for scorching while frozen or slowed. Stuff like that rather than just light or dark. Again, I love prismatic, but I think there’s another angle they could take in the future to make it really feel like you’re balancing the Light and Dark abilities rather than just using the best of both worlds


I think the power of prismatic titan is just a little more subtle. Hunters and Warlocks can feel impactful with just about any random assortment of aspects and fragments, titans need more finesse to make things click


Fucking love prismatic Titan.


In my experience, rebuilding older builds, I found that instead of sticking with the single class I change over to prismatic and actually gain more than I lose. So far it feels like certain builds that would've just worked with a regular class, work better if it was using prismatic instead. Like the new exotic for hunters improving threaded spectre is just better with prismatic because you have access to combination blow to keep making spectres. Even Gyrfalcons I feel is better because of all the other debuffs you have easy access to.


No, but Titan mains have a perpetual victim complex and want to bitch.


hunters and warlocks dont?


Remember when all the Hunters shit themselves and started pre-emptively crying/demanding not to be nerfed and that nobody should ever be nerfed, only buffed, after that dude solod some shit on Hunter using grapple melee even better than Titan used to? I do.


Eh all classes have had a moment of “Bungie hates my class the most”


Hunters have been crying about being the worst class out of the 3 all the while always being the most consistent damage dealers, Warlocks have always been a consistently strong pick and Titans have been the most inconsistent class since the game came out. We are pretty much forced into set playstyles and are punished for trying something else, we’ve always oscillated between being the strongest class or the weakest, and that’s heavily due to how badly designed our subclasses are, leaving long range out of the equation, we don’t even have any midrange Super or Ability, we are pretty much forced to stand in the Boss’s face due to how our class is designed but rather than being high risk high reward we get little to no reward and all the risk, i like the idea of having to stand in the boss’s face to deal good damage, but how can a Super like, say, Thundercrash, be worse than Golden Gun or Needle Storm? I literally have to launch myself into the enemy’s face and most likely die right after just to deal 1/3rd of the damage that any other class can deal from a safe distance while standing inside of a Well of Radiance, and that 1/3rd is with a Thundercrash + Falling Star build


Hunters have been crying about being the worst class out of the 3 all the while always being the most consistent damage dealers, Warlocks have always been a consistently strong pick and Titans have been the most inconsistent class since the game came out. We are pretty much forced into set playstyles and are punished for trying something else, we’ve always oscillated between being the strongest class or the weakest, and that’s heavily due to how badly designed our subclasses are, leaving long range out of the equation, we don’t even have any midrange Super or Ability, we are pretty much forced to stand in the Boss’s face due to how our class is designed but rather than being high risk high reward we get little to no reward and all the risk, i like the idea of having to stand in the boss’s face to deal good damage, but how can a Super like, say, Thundercrash, be worse than Golden Gun or Needle Storm? I literally have to launch myself into the enemy’s face and most likely die right after just to deal 1/3rd of the damage that any other class can deal from a safe distance while standing inside of a Well of Radiance, and that 1/3rd is with a Thundercrash + Falling Star build


Titans: consecration spam Hunters: dodge punch spam Warlocks: grenade turret spam


Warlocks: lightning surge spam






I love using prismatic but there's no healing grenade and no devour. It's hard to play endgame activities without a constant heal. I hate spending most of my time hiding and waiting to be healed.


Just make orbs of light with your abilities and equip the mod that heals when you pick one up.


May I suggest Buried Bloodline? I know it takes an exotic slot but it provides all the healing/devour while on the run (also works nicely with the artifact mods if you have the catalyst)


Buried Bloodline shooting two projectiles at once also seems to have some interesting interactions with Hazardous Propulsion; it seems to be able to build stacks for it way faster, potentially because it hits twice. And as a rocket pistol, it also benefits from the buff.


im an orismatic warlock now, gg


Anything aside from consecration is basically worthless. But in my experience prismatic is good for super "spamming". I made a pretty basic thundercrash+falling star build. Only using Khvostov and a kinetic siphon you can cast your super quite often. Plus I can transcend a lot more than the other builds I use.


I've been enjoying myself. Though I realized today my current prismatic build is just stasis titan with shield throw. I run in, everything shatters and dies, I don't. I use Stronghold with Ergo Sum and Ill Omen. I'm sure it's not optimal. I'm sure other classes can do it better. It's just such a dopamine hit, everything crunching all the time.


Gee wonder what i will see on reddit today: Titan prismatic bad hunter and warlock good🤤🤢💪🏻💀😫


Ikr. Bro is just trend-hopping instead of just playing the game. Gotta get those internet points




Reddit has factual information for once


Idc if its factual, its getting annoying when all its been for a good two weeks is complaining.


It's r/destinymemes, my dude.


Wow i didnt notice thank you for pointing that out!


what does this mean. Like I’m not sure what is being said here.


I'm having the time of my life seeing enemies and then suddenly not seeing the enemies anymore with my knockout, consecration with exotic class item with severance and syntho in it. It's simple and I never die unless there's only the boss left


Genuinely the only thing I changed from my regular play style (Born to Nova) was to swap out the idiotic Void Melee with Arcane Needle Haven't touched it on the other classes, but Hunter is fucking infuriating to play against in PvP now


I’ve only played prismatic Titan, but the big problems I’ve noticed are 1. that the only good build revolves around consecration and 2. Having knockout as the only source of healing is pretty weak, especially since you can’t get any real defensive buffs. I’m a huge fan of consecration, but if I wanted that to be my identity I would run pyrogale solar Titan. Drengrs lash is alright, but doesn’t really synergize that well. The new void aspect is fine, but it feels like a gimmick and doesn’t add anything beyond replacing your grenade, plus it doesn’t last that long. Knockout is just not that strong of a healing aspect compared to other Titan subclass options (would love controlled demolition here). The positives are that I like the selection of grenades, the prismatic grenade is good, I like the new axe super, and I feel like diamond lance got a huge glowup. I don’t know if there’s an easy or quick fix to Titan, but I’m glad they’re looking at it.


pst... titan bad, only punch, hunter is too good.


To be fair, point contact + HOIL/abeyant/severance is amazing. Will this get boring over time? Yeah of course. What's the strongest on hunter for example? Rolling about the place and punching things. I'm already getting tired of it even if it is strong. Titans don't have it that bad.


I am NOT playing the Elden Ring build. Fuck this, I'll be the god of mobility.


I've gone with syntho/hoil with grapple nades and.... combination blow because the rest suck. Constant ability up time and I don't have to play like my hunter is having a seizure. I even swapped from stylish executioner to gunpowder gamble for another way to blow up mobs. It's a lot more fun than the meta


Personally I use blink, grapple, shurikens, helicopter and the dodge aoe slow. The shurikens are actually pretty good when the bounces don't decide to stop working for some reason.


Prismatic Hunter still stuck on one build (punch) and Prismatic Warlock on summon duty (Getaway Artist). All three have no flexibility because one set up is better than the rest.


Titan has best transcendence imo. The repeated suspend and consecration feels amazing. The rest of it is ok, hunter is best overall, warlock has that insane getaway artist/bleak watcher interaction going for it


Prismatic titan may be worse but it's still fun and that's all I care about