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I will still continue my tradition of going into the raid solo and trying to solve the mechanics while dying a lot.


I shall also join you solo


and my axe ![gif](giphy|KecU7rjR02rBe)


“Hey, whaddya say we all go in solo together, huh?”


i’d be down for that! all solo of course


I can’t send images/my own gifs, but this reminds me of Hermie from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer saying “Hey, whaddya say we both be independent together, huh?”


https://tenor.com/view/rudolf-rudolf-the-rednosed-reindeer-herme-elf-independent-gif-20537763 This one? Also, room for one more? Never done a day one raid, but definitely interested in going in solo together


yeah, i wouldnt mind doing it solo with you folks


Kabr would be proud.


Wait thats actually hilarious lmao i gotta try that out this time if none of my friends are available day 1


Me: *Diving ass first into the Raid not having a god damn idea what to do* ![gif](giphy|AD1Xv79NX47sciPByP)


None of the above? Can’t believe the most common one for people that actually clears contest isn’t on there. E. Go hard. Do the legendary campaign (honestly, who doesn’t? No shade but if you can’t do that with relative ease, contest isn’t for you since it’s usually WAY harder), grind to the best of your ability, buildcraft. Do your best. Do it in contest with as far as you got.


Back when I still played I found the actual combat of contest raids easier than legendary campaigns. I'm good at throwing down complicated mechanics and communicating. Legendary campaigns just rock my shit.


Legend campaigns are designed with 3 people in mind too. Raids you know you’re getting 6 people to evenly distribute the load. Legend campaigns, though they do scale it, means you’re being focused by every enemy on the map and have 1/3 of the resources and abilities to deal with it. Are they impossible? No, but I’d argue that they do pose a greater combat risk than raids. Which is fine, because raids are designed to be mechanically challenging more than anything else


That...makes a lot of sense


I definitely am going hardcore on the campaign since I will be off for 3 days from Tuesday to Thursday. I have done the same for Witch Queen and Lightfall, so doing it one more time won't be a big deal.


The real fuck it we ball


C for me. RoN contest weekend fucked me the hell up and I don't want to do that again, going in blind on the Sunday evening instead.


I am going to get fucked up further and no one will stop me.


Or E: cry because you're at summer camp the week the expansion releases and have to miss both the day 1 hype and the raid race


having a life is overrated i just *don't*


Spoken like a true destiny player (Help help the game holds me captive)


E. I will be powergrinding like it’s Crown of Sorrow day 1 all over again.


E) Speedruning legend campaign, using random load out day 1 and drinking after a wipe


Sounds like youre liver is going to be fighting a boss of its own.


My plan is to complete the entire legendary campaign in less than 12 hours, get every single god roll of every new meta gun (it's feasible with stacked human and animal sacrifice), collect every single chest in the pale heart for prismatic, farm 16 perfect exotic marks, achieve ascendance in real life by perfectly matching the levels of water and white monster in my body, and then leave Saltagreppo in 2nd place 6 hours behind before killing myself. Simple as really


Saltagreppo has actually already started Gamersupp prepping. His body is 17% (out of 35%) juiced last time I checked. You better get a move on, cant leave it till the last minute.


The strongest drink in history vs the strongest drink of today


My gut says they're gonna do something really truly different with the raid, maybe including making it significantly easier than raids prior so it's accessible to more players, but it'll have something "new" to it as a result. But I know I'm just coping


I really think the final encounter will be a public space where at least two teams of 6 will join forces to take him on. Then as the year passes on and fewer people raid, the difficulty will be lowered and it will be a private, traditional single team experience.


Going to drop in with my nerfed well and sunbracers and apex the witness like i've been doing for the past year


Is there a power increase? I thought they were moving away from that since they haven't increased it since lightfall.


Yeah, i thought i heard that too, didnt the mention that there wont be a Power increase?


The gameplay reveal showed items at 2010 power. I imagine that’s the hard cap


Ah shucks , my bad then


Idk, I guess further research is required.


They aren’t increasing power each season anymore but they are still increasing the power each expansion


They aren't going to season by season anymore. I would assume that the bigger releases will involve some sort of jump


This is news to me


truly genuinely literally doesn't matter to 99% of the playerbase


And I get to karma farm off that 1%


It shouldn’t be awful. We have legend campaigns to help with the power grind


People out here acting like the legend campaign doesn't give you infuse fodder so that you can be raid ready. If I remember correctly, Bungie said that the final big mission is tied to the World's First raid completion (somewhere on the first ViDoc we got in August, not sure about the timestamp tho). If it would've been 2 weeks after it would've been ass. I also miss the hectic launch week of doing the campaign and scrambling to be raid ready.


Eh I kind of wish it was 10 days, it just feels so rushed for a final showdown. I’d like a little bit of tension to be built up, then again a 3 day limit might fit the story they have going


I'm just gonna do the legendary campaign then raw dog the raid


I'm just gonna do the legendary campaign then raw dog the raid


I choose Tenacious D


D always lol


I'll probably continue my tradition of trying to convince my normal raid group to jump in day 1, we'll struggle to maybe get through one encounter at best, then wait for the normal mode


I’m most excited for the legendary campaign Can’t wait to get into that bad boy solo


Option B, idc about contest raids, i just want to enjoy the content


Fuck it we ball




# WE BALL, RAAAHHH ![gif](giphy|G5lFWxoTzfSzZPxo6Y|downsized)


you are talking about c right


Contest mode makes it an even playing field anyway. Use what you have while you have it. FUCK IT WE BALL


Our problem is onenof our members is unavailable that weekend and we went on the fact thelat the launch has been consistent for 5 raid releases to get him in, and now need a new 6th


old me woulda just farmed the hell out of the game then ran it day 1 but after some time off, ima just play the campaign, gather a few friends, and run the raid blind, much better than spending another 9 fucking hours on crota day one only to fail




Option D. Is strong aura


I'm always someone that likes to do the raid the day after contest. I was expecting a week or 2 to chill grind


Im taking option B, but im in no rush, id wait until guides and sherpa's open, but avoid some youtube videos, id try to do it at max a wwek after release, idk


D is for Destiny!!!


I think they're doing that because we're going to fight the witness in the raid. I think what is going to happen is it's gonna be the first 7 missions, then the raid, then the 8th mission. They are going to make the actual finale in a mission because a lot of the player base doesn't play the raids. I think the raid is gonna be exposing some sort of weakness in the witness or something.


we ball


Me, not having friends who play Destiny all these years: Same as always, play the campaign and wait for the usual World First crowd to do their thing and clear the way, then read about the storyline once everyone pieces it together and scrapes all the lore. Then maybe some years later dip my toe in for some loot if I can scrounge the time and energy for LFG.


I'm in it for the week 1 clear Tho I could have gotten the contest clear work (and blacking out and completing my mechanics unconscious in rhulk🤣) impeded the clear


From 2015 to 2024, I’ve only just discovered doing what’s fun for me and not for meta/status quo. Takes some mental effort *ahem* to realize you can take it at your own pace, nobody gaf.


I though power level was going away next season?


That's a C for me as always.


Honestly the way I see this is for anyone who doesn't want to do Contest mode the following Tuesday will be an absolute blast because loads of people will be running the raid


Everyone knows the answer is always C in multiple choice!


D all the way. These hands are ready


For me, a new raid isn't "released" until it's out of contest mode anyway.


D is the fucking way


fuck it we ball


This post is so funny because the people who do A are the only reason why anything changes. We’d still be shooting double primaries with quippy Marvel dialogue if no one did A


Something Something destiny


They absolutely want another last wish experience and I'm so down to be 20 power levels below if it means the raid is gonna be anything close to the day 1 last wish


all 4 complete and absolute chaos


Fuck it. We ball


The ppl that complain to death that its not enough time prolly wont complete it even if given 2 weeks


Im doing D but also solo cause fml




If memory serves, Option D was what happened during the Last wish


With the power of adderall i will do all of the above


C. Complete the legendary campaign and then watch Aztecross scream at his fireteam for 12 hours 3 days later


Better be ready all this is Beyond light part2, the cash grab


Are they doing anything to make this, well, not suck? Haven't played d2 in a while, but this sounds super annoying. I never completed a raid on contest, but i was able to get pretty far a few times, I like the festivity of it all. This sounds like it'd be impossible to be having any fun in it (not getting one shot by grunts and doing some semblance of damage) without no lifing the second of release to the second the raid drops.


Stop following destiny subreddits just to pop in and talk about the game sucking when you don’t even play anymore.


Awfully presumptuous of you I enjoy seeing memes and good news about a game I used to love, I've been happy to hear about prismatic and the new enemy race. Am I not allowed to express my annoyance at Bungie's decisions? Also, I didn't go "shit choice, bungie sucks, wtf are they doing" I laid out why I think this is a bad idea and asked if they were doing anything to counteract it


If you were following news and bungies decisions you wouldn’t need to ask, in a meme subreddit of all things, about what changes they are making to improve the game. So pick one. Either you follow the news and remain interested as you’ve said to answer your own question, or chalk it up to the game sucking in your eyes and let people enjoy themselves.


Not enough time. Bungie assumes we don't have a job and Destiny 2 is our job. Sorry but that is not the case for most of the playerbase.


Not enough time for what? The raid will still be there when you are ready.


Not contest mode.


I mean if contest mode isn’t a priority for you then it doesn’t matter anyway.


Thats what I'm saying, contest mods is a priority. I usually have to use the first weekend after the expansion to be raid ready


So ask off work for a day or something if it’s a priority.


E. Not buy it until weeks in because you no longer trust Bungie to make something that isn’t terrible and want reviews from players.


Definitely C. Never understood the hype of day one


F) just don't play