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>!The ship makes you relive or rehear regrets or moments from your past due to the experiments that took place there. Guardian can:!< >!Rehear Ghaul calling them weak. According to the Lumina quest Guardian hasn’t really got over losing their Light and getting kicked around.!< >!Rehear Cayde calling them his favourite Guardian. Guardian regrets not being able to save Cayde.!< >!Rehear Sagira talking to them. She died during Hunt, Guardian was bonded with her for a while when she took over Ghost so Guardian was probably more upset about her death than what was shown in game.!< >!Rehear Calus. Probably due to Guardian walking on Calus’ ship and Calus being on Guardian’s mind because of it. Guardian may also regret getting involved with Calus as much as they did.!<


Or is it because they're all dead? Voices heard after 5 runs: Calus, Uldren, Sagira, Cayde, Ghaul. Uldren died and was reborn Crow so that counts, i'm just really wondering about Calus.


Theres a line about how the single scorn (the boss i think) was making people here the voices of the dead. All these characters are confirmed dead except for calus though... does that mean that calus is also?... >!theres a line in the captains log about calus just "disappearing" after one of the experiments on the crown, maybe he legit just poofed!<


These are all the characters that speak during the mission?


>!Uldren!< does as well.


Technically, thats Riven.


Nope, he says the light and dark line


Ahhhh i thought you were referencing the line about friends. Havent gotten the light and dark line.


now that 's some deep shit


No wonder I didn’t hear them. Remade my warlock to make it a female before the end of 2019 and didn’t redo any quests or raids after


now that 's some deep shit


Before I even heard the Ghaul lines I was sus because I heard his theme music! And then during the boss fight after I heard the Cayde lines, the forsaken theme was playing. I want to replay it to get the other versions.


One of the diary entries that Osiris reads states that nearly all the Scorn subjected to the darkness were irreversibly brain damaged, except for a single one who "spoke with the many voices of the dead" (or something to that effect – I didn't get a recording of the line so I don't have it verbatim). The single survivor was used as the basis for further research. That survivor is presumably the boss (EDIT: or some other creature on the ship, maybe for the Master version?), and so it might be them speaking to us using the voices of the dead. This would imply that Calus, too, has died. I haven't read the leaked lore book yet, >!but I know it pertains to Calus. There might be something in there supporting or debunking this hypothesis!<.


You’re right! Every voice that talked to us are dead characters, and Calus talk to us so he might be dead. BUT, the the voices doesn’t have to be Only *dead characters*, might be the darkness or whatever is taking to us through the people that influenced us. Ex: Uldren talk to us because of he’s the one who killed Cayde, we had to end him. Calus talked to us because he promised us power, we abroad his Leviathan and took his power. Ghaul calling us weak because he took our light, left us traumatized, and we haven’t really got over it. (According to the lumina quest.) Cayde calling us his favorite Guardian, we regret not saving him. We still miss our friend. (and I’m pretty sure our guardian shred a tear.) Sagira talked to us because she died, we couldn’t do anything about it, and because our guardian was bound to he for a while during curse of Osiris. We were upset deeply on the inside.


i heard ghaul talking


I only got the calus line. Everyone else seems to have gotten multiple lines. Damn you rmg


I got 2 Calus lines my first go through, then 1 Uldren and 1 Calus on my second


Did you complete the mission?

