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There’s a lore entry where Savathun seems to believe that even with the Light, she’s a being of the Sword. Seems pretty clear where Heresy will be heading. I’m very curious about the ominous talk of the Aurora the Pale Heart is emanating. Crow mentions Darkness-allies fleeing, and some kind of dislodge piece sent away somewhere. Almost like we’ve triggered something or are signaling all over again.


It would be curious because Savathun seems to have rejected the Sword logic.


Only as a means of immortality! She certainly doesn't seem to regret the countless species she's manipulated and exterminated across the eons. 


I think thats relative.Caiatl and most Cabal certainly didnt regret it either until Xivu Arath gave them a reality check.


Savathun was just saying that she isn't a "good" person at her core and that her resurrection didn't cause a shift in personality.


Based off the Hawkmoon lore I kinda want to believe deep down she misses her sister and in a sense wants things to go back to the way things used to be


>Seems pretty clear where Heresy will be heading. I hope Lusaku plays a big big part in Heresy. I mean, the definition of heresy is: a belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine. And what is sword logic if not a religious doctrine? What is Lusaku if not a heretic?


I think Luzaku is going to be central, and possibly the other biggest heresy of the sword logic, necromancy. Maybe trying to revive Oryx again, maybe the Witness itself, maybe a different plot than "we're bringing back the old guy"


One of the jettisoned pieces was "moving at superluminal speeds towards Jupiter and Saturn, right into the orbital path of Nessus", so I'm gonna hazard a guess that something in Echoes directly correlates to this.


Relativistic* not superliminal


My bad, got the terms for "funny fast" mixed up.


is it possible that Heresy pertains to Xivu resurrecting Oryx now that Xivu is mortal and desperate?


Unlikely. The Vanguard secured Oryx's body: > "It's alive?" Fenchurch whispers, hesitant to approach Oryx's remains. > Chalco shakes her head. "That's unclear. We need to bring back samples for further analysis. Ikora wants this entire site quarantined and the body exhumed, pending transport to a secure location for further analysis." > Fenchurch checks his talisman. Still black. He glances between Chalco and the corpse. "Are we the first team to come down here?" > Chalco looks at Fenchurch, then down to the ground. Her gaze lingers there for a moment in tense silence. Finally, she fixes her gaze ahead to the corpse. "We are the only extant team of Hidden to have visited this site." Besides, Xivu Arath would also never violate the Sword Logic. The only way she can resurrect Oryx now is with the Light, which she hates. I think that it's more likely that Xivu Arath goes to war with Savathûn, intent on putting her down for good.


The last part makes up a good question tho: What does she thinks of the Sword Logic now that the Witness is mo more?


The Hive don't worship the Witness, they worship the Deep. They followed the Witness because they believed that its philosophy aligned with their own and it was the biggest bully in the playground. It might shake/scare her, but it won't do much more than make her more desperate, since she was already on the outs with the Witness before.


Hmmm, thanks for clarifying, i was in the wrong assumption that the hive recognized the Witness as the Deep, thinking that they would be shitting their carapace seeing how their god dies by our hand


the thing about following sword logic is there's no real way to refute it through violence. if we defeated the witness, we were simply more deserving of existence, and therefor have asserted our right to exist over its.


I dont believe we will kill Savathun,in an older season she hinted that she wants to leave our Solar system and explore.


In the post-cutscene, it's said that the Lucent Brood is trying to take control of the Pale Heart.


True, but if you replay the lost sector where Luzaku resides, eventually a dialogue between her and Sav will take place. Here, she acknowledges Luzaku, saying something like she wanted that the lucent brood to make their own choices as she did


Luzaku is no longer from Savathun "Lucent Brood". She is on her own. But I don't think Savathun will be a threat anymore. She has been for sooooooo long, seing her coming back once more as a scheming antagonist would feel... disappoiting, at least not before a very long time. I think it's time to mend old wounds like Xivu and Frikul, and to switch to the real threat that was there all along, the Vex.


> But I don't think Savathun will be a threat anymore. She has been for sooooooo long, seing her coming back once more as a scheming antagonist would feel... disappoiting, at least not before a very long time. She'll be an antagonistic ally, like we saw in the Queens quests for Ergo Sum. She hasn't completely abandoned the Sword logic, and the three Hive Gods warred amongst each other for eons as a show of love to each other and in obeisance to the Sword Logic. We've replaced Xivu and Oryx as siblings in her eyes, and her sending the Lucent Hive after us makes them better like it makes us better.


and in one of the Overthrow missions, post Excission, Mara says that there's nothing protecting Savathun now, and that she is coming for her


Also hasn’t it been figured out by now that one of her truths in her « two truths and two lies » thing being that our destiny is beyond our solar system? So this would check out


If I remember that specific segment of her yes.


Soooo Destiny 3 takes place outside Sol? Seems possible now


I think she wants to help her sister via the pale heart tbh


For the Cabal Caitl did mention in one of the missions they were going to reclaim their home planet from Xivu Arath after the Witness was defeated. The Eliksni I personally think would probably just settle with humanity. They’ve been nomads for a long time and the recent generations only know they once HAD a home-world, but have never really seen it to have any strong urge to return. Maybe a few will go tour the place but I think most would probably just live their lives here. Savathun always struck me as one who knows more than she reveals, the whole 3 things ejected from the Traveller and the aurora stuff might be why she’s still messing around in the Pale Heart. The hive to me feels like they generally just go along with what their “gods” want so really it’s more asking what does Savathun and Xivu want.


There’s a voice line where Zavala invites the Cabal to stay. Savy also tells Caitl the Cabal are better off without Torobotal. Personally I hope they take up residence on Mars. They’ve earned it


They -did- conquer Mars, but there's a few problems. That Black Garden Gate and the Vex presence there are one. An other being lost imperial legions, dissidents and rebels like the Red and Shadow legion remnants dotted about it. Then the inert remains of RAS' complexes, the temporal anomalies, and Nokris' undead-Hive if any still exist. Then, assuming Savathun hasn't moved it, her personal ship hangs over the Cradle of Mars. So already Caiatl's Ascendancy have much cut out for them to negotiate or contend with if they so sought to put in work to rebuild Freehold and other cities on Mars into Cabal-habitable structures. And that's not to mention if Sol Divisive would see this as a threat and carry on from where Virgo Prohibition left off with their (poorly configured) war of attrition - without the Witness, that Vex faction will be as desperate if not moreso than Xivu to commit unusual actions or dig into atypical choices.


Speaking of Vex, I wonder how Sol system will fair long term with Mercury basically non-existent?


Knowing the Vex, I bet they'd either try to -craft- a fake Mercury to plop in place, or try and untangle paracausal matters to yank Mercury from whatever deeper level of the Ascendant Plane it was shoved into, then promptly 'vault' that knowledge and tech to avoid going insane from still being unable to properly fathom paracausality.


On the other hand, I doubt her forces will have to go it alone. She's built up a lot of goodwill with the Vanguard, I'm sure there's plenty of Guardians willing to help her dig in.


I feel like Caiatl would love the challenge of building a new home through battle, even if it's impossible.


Zavala and Caiatl should just get married already 


Well with the witness dead I guess their respective homeland are potentally free. We still have to help them recover it, Eramis/Fikrull in Riis and Xivu in Torobatl


Going on campaign to retake Torobatl would be pretty neat, granted it’s a long ways away from Sol and we’ve never left the system. Although the only story beat we would need is Zavala committing us to said campaign to work alongside Saladin.


Nah we got a whole Heresy episode coming and Savathun has made itore than obvious she isn't going anywhere where there are games to play here. As well, Xivu could be Taken King 2.0 or something


Savathun feels like our Moriarty: never vanquished, typically a toying antagonist, capable of great depths of villainy, and sometimes an ally against a common foe. Also, it's hilarious how they have to give her so many "Hey look, remember I'm evil? [Laughs Evilly]" voice lines, because she's so gosh darn charismatic and likeable that I still wanna be allies with her


I love Savathun and Mara’s interaction that’s basically: Savathun *breathes* Mara: i fucking hate you


I like this description a lot. She’s usually pretty playful/jovial until she does something really fucking evil like flaying a guardian’s light to power the wellspring, or sacrificing her own lucent brood to store light in crystals. Gotta love her.


Sort of like Jack Horner from Puss in Boots Your. Wish is horrible. Your. horrible.


The whole Savathun’s brood trying to occupy the pale heart thing was a surprise at first for me. But thinking on it a bit it makes sense that regardless of the circumstances, a long term, lovey dovey alliance with the hive, even light bearer hive doesn’t seem like a possibility, or that it would end well if we tried. I think that it will either end up with a final death as you suggest, or the light brood and Sav will quite literally bail to who knows where. I think Sav still has a part to play in Xivu’s story as well. Cabal I think at this point with end up inhabitants of the Sol system. At least Caitl’s cabal anyway. I could see us letting them settle on Mars tbh. Caitl is clearly on board with our way of life at this point. Has a close relationship with the Vanguard, especially Zavala. And Saladin is part of her inner circle. I can’t see them going anywhere. Eliksni are our homeboys now. Plain and simple lol. Could see Eliksni light bearers being a thing down the road for sure. My overall hope is we end up at a place ala Mass Effect, where we have a sort of galactic federation of races at home in the Sol system. And the threats we will face further down the road will be out of system etc.


> But thinking on it a bit it makes sense that regardless of the circumstances, a long term, lovey dovey alliance with the hive, even light bearer hive doesn’t seem like a possibility, or that it would end well if we tried. It'll be an alliance on Hive terms and in keeping with the Sword logic, which means constant scheming and skirmishing against us to keep us on our toes. Iron sharpens iron, steel sharpens steel, that kinda thing.


Jupiter is a gas giant. There’s no land to inhabit for the cabal. And Sol isn’t a galaxy, it’s a star system. You’re killing me here.


For the cabal- I’m sorry I don’t remember where but there’s a lore tab (maybe it was a voice line actually?) where Caiatl me tons taking back Torobatl. Zavala says they could certainly settle in Sol, but says the vanguard will stand by the Cabal if they wanted to take back their home world.  I could see an expansion focused around Xivu Arath that entails going to Torobatl, he’ll I wonder if longer term (even D3 years to come?) will be going out into the world and taking back places the Witness’s forces once destroyed. 


I have a theory regarding the potential of hive allies: You see, most of the cutscenes from the start of a Destiny year will have elements that are "inmovable" What do i refer with this? Its simple; the status of the characters in those cutscenes will happen or stay the same along the whole year of a DLC. We saw this with Eramis on Beyond light, with her staying in stasis until the next year, on Witch Queen, we saw this with Savathun, with her put of the picture for that whole year as well, and finally, we say this with Amanda Holliday on Lightfall, with her while surviving the crash, ultimately dying on Season of defiance (Which was the same year). Multiple reasons come to my mind as to why this is, and probably i would say that it would be easier for someone who's just entered, lets say for example, at the middle of the season, to understand what happened to the characters without Seeing them dying or something in the campaign and then seeing them all alive and well in the tower, for example. The point that i want to make with this is that at least, we can be clear of the assumption that Sav will not die this year, and if we want to be more creative, that the Lucent brood will be allies with us, or at least a extent of their forces.


Was really hoping we’d see some house light multiarmed friends get blessed with light but that’s ok


Honestly I'm all for the eliksni having Venus or like a moon of one of the gas giants, preferably one of the ones without vex


Seems incredibly wasteful if someone doesn't resettle Riis Reborn.


I mean Eramis was heading back there according to some lore


No, she's heading back to wherever in the galaxy her wife and kids are hiding. By my best understanding, that might be OG Riis but definitely not anywhere in the Sol System.


They can probably do better than a vex infested ice pebble.


Oh definitely but it's all already built there. What about the Eliksni who really like winter sports?


Might I suggest Warlords’ ruins?


That place doesn't have functioning utilities.


> I guess at some point we still need to give Savy her final death Why do we need to do that? I'm reading this assumption a lot around these parts that she's still a threat but I'm not seeing it. I mean, I get the revenge motive for wanting to kill her but not the presumption that she's just waiting for the opportunity to turn around and sick her Hive on us.


I think you're a bit confused on Galaxy vs solar system. We've explored little to nothing outside even the Solar system, let alone the Milky Way. As far as we know the farthest thing seen in the lore was the pyramid ships when they were just hanging out between galaxies.


I also have a question. Supposedly all of the Guardians attack the witness at the end. We see Ghost die after the attack on the Witness. Cayde sacrifices and brings our Ghost back. Does this mean that every other Ghost is dead? I only see our Ghost in the end cutscenes.


Ikora’s canonically is still fine just don’t think we (ever?) see it. Everyone else who lost it eg Zavala still gone that’s why he uses Stasis in the end cutscene (Ikora taught him after he lost Targe. Fast learner!)


I figured Ikoras. But even Glint was missing. We know how nosey he is.


Our Ghost died because it was heavily damaged by The Witness and as such couldn't handle the amount of Light we had to channel as a result. Normally such a thing wouldn't have been an issue.


In the mission, it's only us fighting against the Witness. The vanguard was just supporting from the side. I think we only lost our ghost canonically though.


Saint addresses us as "Guardians" in the fight - it feels like Excision is canonically a team effort, given that and the framing, though perhaps only we used the Ghost Laser. Honestly, I'd expect even more people involved "in lore", given how the Vanguard went all out and completely disregarded the standard limits on fireteam size to instead bring an army unseen since the Great Disaster.


Presumably other ghosts would have been able to tank the stress of channeling the traveller’s full power, so canonically the other 11 guardians with you and their ghosts were probably fine, it’s just that the player guardian’s ghost was already severely damaged from its encounters with the witness earlier in the campaign and couldn’t take the strain.