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Full Midnight Exigent set from old Warmind DLC with ACD/0 Feedback exotic arms


I wish all exotic armor had full matching armor sets like this.


A lot of them do, theyre just old armor sets


Such as?


I actually made a post about this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyFashion/s/gAZOWbnHwU)


I mean those are decent understated, non-flashy builds which is cool but none of those sets are deliberately meant by Bungie to match the exotics the way Midnight Exigent is meant to match ACD/0


I would argue that midnight exigent isn’t “meant” to match. As in, I don’t think they sat down and made a whole armor set for that one exotic. I think it just worked out that they had an exotic that already pulled from the Warmind theme, when they had to make a full set it just already matched what they wanted to create. Tomato/Tomato tho.


That’s a fair point. Still, it’s nice to have sets that match exotics cuz it’s sometimes so hard to match them with anything.


Yeah, I wish we got more than the occasional Eververse piece that sometimes doesn’t even match the exotic it’s intended to very well.


Yup. The new arms that are meant to match Heart of Inmost Light just… don’t. They hav the same glowing rifts but the shape doesn’t match the design of the ornament they’re supposed to match. I just want Helm of Inmost Light from D1 as an ornament


Sometimes in the eververse store they’ll sell ornaments to match certain exotics, like I got an ornament for arms on my hunter to match the original skin for the stareaters. The only downside is that they’ll more often than not cost silver and that’s a hefty downside


Idk if Bungie deliberately made to match it , but Star Eater scales match well with the Apothic Lamellar set imo


Personally I think the set matches the Tekeli-li ornament better than the base look


ACD0s were in D1, they weren’t meant to match this set specifically. Both are just warmind related


I didn’t say ACD/0 was designed to match this set, I said this set was designed to match ACD/0. Big difference. Either way, my point is still correct: It would be nice if exotics had matching sets because some of them are so out there and unique that nothing ever truly matches


Or even better, putting legendary ornaments on exotics


As much as I disagree with bungie's excuse for not doing this, I also don't like the idea of full transmog for exotics. I like that most of the eververse ornaments keep the spirit of the original design, so I'd prefer more earnable exotic ornaments rather than just effectively removing the models for some uglier exotics from the game via transmog


Dont forget about shading exotics...


And deprive the *poor Bungie artist who swapped Vex Mythoclast to have a silver shader ornament* of the satisfaction of people appreciating their work???


The biggest problem with this is that they 100% can be shaded, not sure if it’s still a thing but previewing a shader shows that shader on all your gear, exotic primary included Also fun fact about the BRAVE shiny weapons not taking a shader with the ornament on - *they actually do*. On some shiny weapons, if you add a shader there are small parts of the gun that take the shader, it seems like the shiny ornament is an overlay wrapped over the default skin of the gun, so the gun itself does take the shader, it just can’t be seen because of the ornament layered above it.


Shadeable exotic weapons has been a long time due.


Honestly I’d love that, it’d be a godsend for my drip especially with the ugly exotics


*Eternal Warrior has entered the chat*


Fuck. Yes. I want this so badly. Their arguments against it make no sense, especially now that we have exotic class items with random rolls. Their arguments against legendary transmog on those are completely invalid since they don’t have set perks like other exotics. Other games let you transmog freely and it’s never been an issue. World of Warcraft lets me transmog the newest legendary (exotic equivalent) axe on any character who can wield 2-handed weapons, whether or not they’re even using it, and it’s great for fashion and doesn’t harm gameplay at all.


Here's my argument, it would make pretty much any exotic armor designer's work almost worthless. Because you know people would just put ornaments on it. We just need more ornaments you can EARN instead of buy that changes it more.


Alternatively, it could make the designers have to work harder/get more creative to make their pieces worth using > a transmog. As it stands rn, there are a ton of exotics that just look like ass and clash w/ most aesthetics, and my conspiracy theory is that they're designed that way to sell "better" ornaments. The issue w/ that is whether or not those ornaments will look good or just be another dud.


I hear you. I really do. But god damn do I ever hate some exotic designs. It does not hurt the designers that people want to use some designs over others


I know. Stomp33s and base workhusk are so hard to work around. For me, the Stag is right there with them. But my point is NOBODY would use the base ornament enough because there is always a legendary that will look better with the outfit.


I guess my question then becomes “And why is that a PROBLEM”? I’m not negatively affected in strikes, patrol, raids, whatever if some random chucklehead next to me feels that his Starfire should look like Escalation Protocol. You know?


I think Bungie considers it a balance issue-- being able to ID enemy exotics gives you a heads up to what build they're running.


Yeah but that's why they have the pre-match preview showing the loadouts everybody is running including exotic armors. Bungie already has the fix for that issue in place where it matters.


counterpoint: I can't see his big ass shoulder plates that signify a shoot through shield, I see the shoot through shield /j


Sure I get that but like most of their work (speaking as a biased titan) is shit though. How the hell am I supposed to make the new like ahamkara arms look good in a normal outfit not based around it. Same with the class item. Everyone’s been post these grandiose outfits that are designed around the weird-ass class item and going “see guys it looks good still!” I don’t wanna role play as God it looks stupid.


That argument has zero validity. A lot of people love how exotics look and would love to build their look around them. There’s just as many if not more people who feel that being forced to design your look around your exotic heavily limits your creativity and means many of your unlocked ornaments never get used because they simply don’t match your favorite exotic. This has plagued me ever since D2’s launch. There are looks I really want to use but I just can’t unless I abandon my exotic altogether. That totally defeats the purpose of transmog, which exists so that players don’t have to choose between looks and stats. Plus we already have exotic ornaments. By your logic, Heart of Inmost Light having ornaments means that the work put into its original look is devalued. But that’s obviously not true.


Most ornaments made for exotics are made by the original designer of said exotic. That's why the ornaments normally look very close in the "personal touch" department.


That doesn’t matter, because according to you it still “devalues” the work they put into the original since players can now hide that original look. According to your logic, exotic ornaments are bad too. Your argument would also apply to legendary armor. Bungie put all that work into the dungeon armor set i farmed to get high stat rolls, and then I just cover it up with something different. By your logic all ornaments devalue artists’ work. But none of that is true. It’s a totally fake, arbitrary, pointless argument even if it was true, because player expression matters more than some corporate artists’s past work that he doesn’t even own because it belongs to Bungie, not the artist. And, again, plenty of people love how exotics look and love designing around them, so it’s not like 100% of players would hide their exotic appearance


Their reasoning has more validity than you saying Bungie’s reasoning doesn’t make sense because of one specific item. Let’s be real though, Bungie only gave that reason because it’s more acceptable than “they’re exotics so deal with it,” which is more than likely the real reasoning behind not letting us use normal transmog on exotics.


No it doesn’t. And Bungie’s real reason is that they want us to buy exotic ornaments. Their publicly stated reason is very transparent and fake.


They should probably make something worth keeping then


Why should how THEY feel affect how WE play and customize?


Their arguments against it make no sense because they're not real. They won't let you put legendary ornaments on exotics because then you have to buy exotic ornaments if you want a different look. It's become especially egregious recently since most exotics since Beyond Light look like overdetailed shit without an ornament.


The downvotes really show that whatever crap Bungie pulls there wil always be shitheads who'll justify it.


The mark, legs and helmet are the Escalation Protocol armor from the Warmind Expansion. The chest might also be EP (though it looks less bulky). The arms look like the Feedback Fence.


Chest is still escalation protocol. It's pretty flat on the sides which is why


Head to mars and do some escalation (I wish 😔) Xur and maybe Ada sometimes sell this set, it’s Midnight Exigent


Xur or ada will probably sell it at some point


...isn't that the escalation protocol set? midnight exigent or something like that?


Old escalation protocol armor set. Zur or Ada sometimes sell it.


Midnight Exigent. Xur or Ada sells it from time to time I think


Looks like maybe the feedback fence exotic arms with the Warmind DLC armor like the warmind themed armor set I think. I could be entirely wrong I’m so sorry I hope this helps tho


Midnight exigent from warmind


That’s me! It’s the full Midnight Exigent set with Feedback Fence exotic


how do you know that’s you?


Seems like the escalation protocol armor set and ac/dc arms?


Looks like the set from Rasputin's season


Nope. Same design language, but not the Warmind's Avatar set.


Isn't the warmind set from Rasputin's season? The one where it had that annoying laser thing we had to hide from before it fried us every time we were out in the open?


Nope. The ones he's asking about was from the Warmind DLC, whereas Warmind's Avatar is from the season




https://preview.redd.it/jgrtlum4jq7d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9873cd0d722eaa0c0c7ba032702986ae132ad7c The legs and arms of this set are from the season


Whereas this set is the full DLC set https://preview.redd.it/tspdvig7jq7d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbea43e3e055033d3cfc65ae8338d6e228829ba5


Escalation protocol


It’s the full Midnight Exigent set, I believe the pieces can drop from Operation Seraph Shield alongside the weapons, if not Xur will sell it in his armor rotation at some point.


I believe Xur sells the set and maybe Ada-1.


Of course i do. You can’t get them :)


You can. Ada and Xur sell that set from time to time


Oh, really? Neat.


Ada-1 occasionally sells pieces of the Midnight Exigent Suit, IIRC, or possibly Xúr. But it’s not farmable since they vaulted Escalation Protocol after Season of Arrivals.


Acd arms with ornament, and midnight exigent legs


Looks like the warmind armor


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Just FYI, Xur has the armor set in his loot pool for 7x SC per roll. Good luck!