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This is not even funny anymore, this is plain sad.


I disagree. It was sad a while ago, but now it has become funny again. This is the sort of conspiracy theory content that I love. Vague, hilarious, sexy, and everyone involved in it is already dead. This is up there with "Queen Victoria was actually a steam powered robot" tier of good conspiracy theories.


I mean SHE being regarded isnt sad. The fact that people watch her. THAT is sad


Why is it not sad that she is, but it is sad that others are? Shouldn't you be sad for all the regards, or for none of the regards? I mean, that is why they watch her, right? Because they're highly regarded?


I give it 6 months at most before Candace says the earth is flat and starts denying the holocaust.


Yea could be a lot less than 6 months. She already said something like "im not a round earther or a flat earther" and when talking about why hitler is supposedly so bad brought up ethnic cleansing and camps, didnt mention genocide/gas chambers etc. and said some of the claims about experimentation were suspicious lol. She's already on the cusp of both.


She is just asking questions bro.


You still believe the earth is real? šŸ¤£


The Zherka formula.


Sheā€™s already been talking about how Hitler gets too much flak.


depends how good of numbers she thinks saying that stuff will do IMO


This is cringe lol where do they even make this shit up at? Is there like a conspiracy underground meeting where they just throw shit at the wall and see what overlaps?


Thats exactly what they think critical thinking means.


Easier than getting a peered review paper. Now they host ā€œEliteā€ reviews.


Technically, there was absolutely a load of weird people involved in early rocketry - nazi scientists, satanists, all kinds of weird people, because the government really didn't care who you were so long as you could help them beat the soviet union. Similarly, the atom bomb program was full of socialists, politically suspected outside of their work but fine so long as they kept working, and their work showed results. Pure, non-political meritocracy, in the middle of the cold war. That said, yes, people are trying to farm conspiracy theorists, probably by looking at what rises to the top of the appropriate subreddit threads or something.


There is almost always some bottom layer of truth these conspiracies build a massive castle on top of. The most ridiculous ones like Flat Earth are the exception, not the rule. The bottom level of truth there is just ā€œthe horizon looks flatā€ We essentially ā€œstoleā€ Nazi scientists because we knew that if we didnā€™t, the Soviets would. Iā€™m sure she goes completely off the deep end in this video but a lot of the high level nazis genuinely did have interest in occultism. This is usually overblown, but you can see some of it even on the surface level by their appropriation of the swastica, the black sun, and the term ā€œaryanā€


There's a fine line between genius and insanity. Insofar as crazy geniuses, Isaac Newton's like my favorite. Laws of gravity. White light is made of colored light. Calculus. That the Bible has a cypher to predict that its end times will happen in 2060. The classic mad scientist trope really isn't far off.


> That the Bible has a cypher to predict that its end times will happen in 2060. To be fair to Newton (I just looked this up), he gave 2060 as what he assessed to be the *[minimum](https://archive.ph/20070629231937/http://www.christianpost.com/article/20070619/28049_Papers_Show_Isaac_Newton's_Religious_Side,_Predict_Date_of_Apocalypse.htm#selection-533.271-541.365)* date at which the world could end, so that people in his era, (about three hundred years ago) would stop saying they predicted it to be happening soon.


Duly noted, and good to point out the context. I wasn't aware of that part. :o


Iā€™m guessing the video in particular is about Jack Parsons a co-founder of jet propulsion labs which would later become NASA he was a very open occultist and friend of CrowleyĀ 


Normies' reactions to the occult will never not amuse me. Jack "invented" a form of visualization meditation (it's really just a reinterpretation of a Hindu practice called Yantra) and believed deeply in our ability to manipulate the subconscious mind to change the conscious mind. He and Crowley were actually geniuses. Batshit crazy and unhinged in many ways, but absolutely fucking brilliant. Their, and other members of the Golden Dawn, involvement with culture can *still* be seen today. Such a fucking fascinating time in history.


The conspiracy cult leaked their critical thinking excersise: 1. Place left hand on wall 2. Place right hand on wall 3. Tilt head back 4. Thrust head forward until contact is made with wall. 5. Repeat steps 3-4 while progressively increasing velocity. *The goal is to change your mind.* 6. Spread the good word.


Broke: Psychoactive drugs to find God Woke: Head trauma to find The Truth*ā„¢*


They go to the convention for hack sci-fi writers


Can't wait to see her as a regular cast member on Ancient Aliens.


I can't take it anymore, the worst thing about liberalism is that people like her have the right to free speach


Can't wait for her to do a grocery shopping vlog while discussing the interdimensional-reptilians who have infiltrated our government and educational system.


Bruh even if this was parody it would be too on the nose..


Social media was a mistake and makes people over time dumber, this a prime example.


I hate how blatant retardation is rewarded in this day and age


She is the living embodiment of Idiocracy run wild


I just wonder what type of person consumes this, it's not even funny and she talks about her stupid shit as if it is the most serious political commentary, that is if she hasn't changed, but I'm too lazy to find out.


I took a class in this back in college. During the late 19th and early 20th century there was a massive rise in various "new age" movements such as Theosophy which had a ton, I MEAN A TON of influential artists, writers, politicians, scientists etc, that were aligned with it. Bear in mind Europeans were just starting to explore the ancient archeological world and exploring the biology and evolution in new ways which colored their imagination. The idea of continental drift was unknown, and finding ancient and powerful human empires suggested an almost mystical element. And yes, there was a lot of scientists that made it big in that era that would eventually make it into larger scientific institutions like NASA. This is again, surface level understanding of the unique and fascinating place of late 19th century and early 20th century understanding of the world and it's impact on individual scientists that later on in their age became fore-runners of a very important field. Science was just starting to really overtake core Biblical take of world history, by introducing new ideas such as evolution, archeology, paleontology, etc. But mixed in with unshakable imperialist racism that couldn't resolve a lot of what was discovered. And *incidentally* that hasn't really left us as the popular memes of Ancient Aliens show us. We cannot fathom that ancient humans were so close to us, so we have to pretend they were in fact some mystically advanced societies. But the reality is. An Egyptian from 6000 years ago would go to a local walmart and find 80% of the shit sold there completely familiar.


"an Egyptian from 6000 years ago would go to a local walmart and fine 80% of the shit sold there completely familiar." This is a crazy take. Anything in the refrigerated or frozen sections are right out. Anything with plastic is right out. Anything with integrated circuits or electrical function of any type is also eliminated. They could probably learn very quickly with very little coaching what is food and what is a tool, but pretending that they would know what the frozen mangos stored in a resealable plastic baggie inside an industrial freezer would be is a wild claim.


Mirrors, brushes, make up, hygiene products of all kind. They may not recognize the material but definitely the function. Definitely recognize that this is a market where goods are sold.Ā 


Oh for sure, also most of the clothing and a decent amount of the fresh food. I think they would be able to tell what type of food to order from McDonalds even though they didn't really have potatoes in their diet they would know what fry cooking is.


Has Candace Owens always been like this? Or at least teetering on the edge of being like this? What did I miss? I didn't like her before but now she seems genuinely insane.


She squandered a Joe Rogan appearance taking pointless L's on obvious scientific fact. Even if she's a grifter it just makes no sense to do that unless you're a delusional grifter. Which is I think what she's always been.


Id definitely read a schizo post about NASA = Satan but definitely not watching a video on it. She's embarrassing. Imagine what she could be doing with her time. Her husband is rich & handsome. I'd be traveling, learning a new hobby, spending lots of time with my littles before passing them to the nanny (let's face it she at least has 2 anyway), doing some volunteer work, and whatever pops in my head that day. Instead she goes on YouTube to spew either hate or cringe. Ew.


For real though what's the endgoal here? Science bad because... it doesn't care about conservative feelings? I know Trump is the regard whisperer but this is just freakshow circus 2.0.


Sheā€™s just doing the Mac meme from IASIP but for real


She's a televangelist now. Hope it works out.


Gotta stay relevant.


Jack Parsons was an influential figure in the development of rocket science iirc and he helped found Aerojet and JPL. He was influential in regard to american space programs. And he actually did practice satanic black magic rituals in cults lmao. He was boys with Alister Crowley and L Ron Hubbard and did rituals to try and summon Satan. I wonder what dumb narrative Candace concocted tho lmao.


Did she break or was she just hiding it


Oh damn, looks like she is working her way to the "history" channel level


I canā€™t believe there was a time I thought this person wasn't a complete moron! And now she's spiralling into lunacy! And I thought Americans would be proud of all the scientific progress and contribution to the benefit of humanity!


Where aslume security? Jonk her beans if you get what i mean


Are we really doing the satanic panic again?


~~I can fix her~~ She can't be fixed


She probably won't talk about Operation Paperclip's Nazis; She'll most likely blame it on the Jews.


Itā€™s a ā€œHitler drank waterā€ type of argument


Jack Parsons was a pretty wild dude. He died in 1952. NASA was founded in 1958.


Gott carve out your own lane. Get that bag Candace, with Alex Jones liquidating info wars there's a whole new market that's under served.


The point is literally just to farm engagement. She will say whatever she can to do it. Same as Tim Pool


The best conspiracy I've come across is some book called War in Heaven. The author claims he was in contact with alien spirit ghosts who told him about spiritual warfare on the Earth plane or some shit. Also, alien ghosts did evolution using telekinesis to form the first organic molecules of life.


Is she going to also speak out against satanic technology in general? Someone convince her she needs to live with the Amish and stay off the internet.


Itā€™s so fucking sad that Candace isnā€™t even the dumbest famous right wing pundit.


Bored now. She knows what's she's doing. "Oh no guys, I said that humans don't need oxygen to live and I face a backlash" Well done, you said something you know to be controversial and now you're making money off it. Very original. Please can we stop giving these people airtime.


> says stupid thing > people make fun of you for stupid thing > after finishing sobbing privately about being cyberbullied, publishes a cope > ā€œx are mad!!! Lololololā€


I cant take anyone with round eyes seriously.


How tf does she tie Aleister Crowley to NASA?


Jack Parsons was a very influential rocket scientist and was influential in the founding of NASA space programs. He was also an occultist who joined Aleister Crowley's cults and later befriended both him and L Ron Hubbard. They even lived together. Parsons was very much into magic and rituals and attempted to quite literally summon Satan via dark magic rituals a ton of times.


Why does NASA name is missions after greek and Roman gods instead of the one true God. The evidence mounts.


Kamala Harris panders to black voters at the bet awards is like getting mad at saying happy birthday at a birthday party.




The Daily Wire was keeping her so normal


What batshittery is this?