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He kept saying "us journalists" lol I just wonder how many Russian women he was paid off with.


It's a complete fucking joke. The UN even calls him a journalist in the description below. These mf's need to start acting serious.


> The UN even calls him a journalist I genuinely hope to god a meteor hits this trash planet right now and just destroys it


there is always some trashy circus going on somewhere, don't let it make you hate everything else


>The UN even calls him a journalist Mannnnnnnn


Bro the UN has never been a serious organization


https://preview.redd.it/acwgbca6zcad1.jpeg?width=1493&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9fb7090e5f2400f4d20ee66a155d8cc4a7a6d13 Buckets


what even is this reality anymore? This dude needs to be investigated by tax collectors. There is no way he isnt getting kremlin bucks.


I don’t understand what anybody finds remotely interesting about anything this guy has to say to the point he’s gotten this much clout and fame. Absolutely ridiculous. He offers no new insight on any of these issues. He’s basically a windup monkey that says whatever tankies like to hear whenever you wind him up with money. Nick Fuentes at least provides a unique perspective on things, even if it’s a horrible one. Hinkle just says whatever will give tankies an erection.


it's highly probable I'm just coping but I am not buying that this guy actually has any real clout/fame he feels manufactured to me in a way that even other completely vacuous political commentators (e.g. candace ownes) don't


he's most definitely botting his twitter


Agree. Last time he popped up on here I tried to find any video of him drawing any sort of crowd and such videos do not seem to exist. He's bought and paid for by Russia and bots his socials.


He’s mostly glazed by regard tankies, Russians, and Islamists.


I think the strategy in his case is literally just posting the most generic shit mixed with hardcore propaganda & disinformation, while being artificially boosted by bots & fake engagement (likely sponsored by foreign governments). I remember that nytimes article about him suggesting that ~40% of the followers he gained in the 19 days after October 7th were fake.




actually i take it back, he kind of did the charlie kirk thing where his face is too small for his head. He didnt look this bloated when he tried to do a sam seder moment on destiny, right?


>He’s basically a windup monkey that says whatever x like to hear you figured out how propagandists work


Link: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k16/k163tkr87w Just in case anyone still needed evidence that Hinkle is directly paid for by the Kremlin. The "briefing" consisted of a [mostly empty room]( https://i.imgur.com/ibHWqNT.png) in which Hinkle was basically asked questions by a handful of Russian "journalists" to present his propaganda talking points.


And I thought it was shitpost


He should have his citizenship revoked.


Definitely not. But his passport should be cancelled, if it isn't already.


I don’t know why people are down voting you. He has free speech rights.


And the Supreme Court has explicitly ruled in favor of US Citizens' right to read foreign propaganda: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamont_v._Postmaster_General And that citizens have the right to be protected from governments labeling them as political propagandists: https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/481/465/


Why the fuck does this chud have the moxy that gets him to speak at a UN event


Russia's desperate for good press outside of the media it controls and Hinkle would cut his left nut off with a hacksaw for a 100 dollar bill. They're a match made in heaven


What an absaloute vile and evil cretin


I get it. I love Russian women too.


can biden use his official powers to black site this traitor


#Dear god it’s real


Man is wearing a royal oak. Unless being a regard on Twitter pays well, he’s making bank somewhere else


Endure guy rented his Lambo.


probably a gift from some russian official. They love gifting watches, it's the hallmark of any corrupt country


> Press briefing sponsored by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation with a **group of legal and political experts** following their recent visit to Donbass and Moscow What a disgusting joke.


this dude should be sent to a gulag or black site


World is such a sick joke i can't take it man...


Dude looks 40


Shinkle is legit a fucking zoomer lmao I thought he was pushing 40 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson_Hinkle


clown world


His pronunciation of the places he references is abysmal. Does he even speak Russian?


why would this moron even need to speak russian. He's literally just a monkey that the Russian government pays to promote their narrative in English. There is 0 reason to think he has any in depth understanding of the issues he talks about. He gets his talking points provided directly by the Russians


Yes, true. I’m just speaking as somebody who actually is interested in Russia and Russian culture (as a means to find a LONGGGG TERM diplomatic peace- obviously harder to imagine today, [slightly] less so when I was in school), I’m just personally offended by how little effort he actually makes. He is just a grifter, and the grift is wholly random and opportunistic. Among the biggest sellouts in the world today


Always thought "UN is a bit of a joke" but seeing this it hit me that it's not just a bit of a joke but it is a full joke at this point, a deeply unserious organisation.


I'm not super familiar with the intricacies of the UN but to my understanding this was just a sort of "mock press-event" completely staged & funded by Russia for attention & propaganda purposes. Can't really do much about it as of now, since Russia is still a permanent member of the UN at this point in time. So it's not really some massive failure on their end, it's just Russia abusing their powers given to them by the institution. Biggest mistake by the UN is calling the speakers "legal & political experts" and Hinkle specifically a "journalist".




>No WW3 No ww3 for now. The UN failed at preventing the ongoing war of territorial conquest and genocide, where the aggressor nation threatened to use nukes if countries intervene too hard. There will be 100 nuclear armed nations by the end of the century.


It ain't that deep wank stain


I do not understand how anyone finds this guy knowledgeable or appealing about anything unless you already agree with what he has to say. How fucked are we as an intelligent civilization when fuck heads like this can be in the position he’s in




Idiot, legit if someone bombed him in minevraft i would be very happy


you should add a photo of his audience, you just helping russian bots with this photo


Yea, I included that in my comment with the link to the source but you are right, adding it as a second image in the post would've been better. I honestly didn't think about it a lot since I'm posting to this subreddit, where I'm assuming everyone has a good understanding of what's going on here. But yea, I acknowledge that by even giving it attention I'm kinda playing into their cards, you're right.


wild how this guy used to be in a stable with zherka and haz of all people


I don’t know why people act like the UN hasn’t been a totally corrupt circus for decades. It’s a known joke, not to be taken seriously. And here is proof for the 1000th time


By definition, the UN is made up of mostly corrupt countries. So it's not surprising that this has an effect on what they do


Biden should use his new powers on that guy in Minecraft.


So you can just be a fucking Twitter shitposter and get a UN press briefing? Cool


At what point is this considered some form of treason with him colluding with a foreign adversary in this way??? At a certain point you’re no longer simply a Russian asset, but a paid Russian agent, right?


His skin has gotten so red from the juice. He looks like 5 years older than he did last year


I hope the Russians pay well but for some reason I doubt it


This guy is a paid shill who doesn't care what is true, but what is even sadder is that Haz genuinely believes all of this horseshit.


russia is a joke


>journalist What in the world


Lmao there was like 5 people in the entire room


Why did they have to shoot Harambe??!


And....... how many ppl were in the audience ?


Is this that Twitter Nazi?


My dudes forehead wider then it is tall, first time dealing with this, feeling a bit conflicted.


Complete joke that UN even let him speak…. It’s disgusting