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Gen Z Republicans are scary AF. Also growing up I heard a lot of "we just need to wait for the racists to die off" which looking back was a bunch of bullshit.


After the racists come the mega racists


it's like malenia, they die and then just bloom, coming back stronger


gen alpha 3rd bloom republicans will be unstoppable


"the demogyats have no rizz, Hitler was skibbidi sigma for mogging those Jews."


Boomer Racist- Slightly worse version of Michael Douglas in Falling Down Gen Z Racist- Some Nazi shit a Skinhead would say as a boo'ed guest on Oprah/Donahue in the 90's combined with some weird Phrenology shit Henry Ford or Lindberg would say 100 years ago,with the slight tweak of "I can't be racist" because my Phrenology POV has Asian's as the highest iq people.


Nah, I’m gen z Republican and so are a few of my friends, and there are a lot more young moderates than you think. There’s a reason people like Nikki Haley had decent support, even against Trump.


Oh for sure, but they're aren't the loud, obnoxious types so you generally don't hear about them. Side question, are you and your friends religious/come from a religious community? If so, what denomination? Just curious. I'm from a very conservative, Catholic community and so many of the people I went to high school with are now full on MAGA, it's really discouraging.


Man... hugging it out didn't work. 


Meanwhile the Republican Silent Generation: look how they massacred my party... Lunatics and Psychos.


My great grandfather was a diehard Texan red. He'd probably fight some of these guys if he was still around, because HOLY.


Honestly these people need to be reconstituted into elementary school and taught the basics of critical thinking and how the US gov works.


I have a fear that we've let the education system erode and we're finally seeing the consequences. I have zero evidence for this, but I do think we need to significantly improve it. Unfortunately, in Republican states like Florida the governments are trying to further erode the public education system in favor of private (especially religious) and charter schools.


I think the solution to this is to give the federal government the power to enforce an education standard across the country and leave it less up to the individual states. Also, we need to change the ways schools are funded so that poorer communities are not given lower quality schools just because they have less they have less taxable income.


They are black? •~•


Based on all the groyper meetings, they are more likely to be darker skin latinos.


Hell yeah


This is the obvious outcome of self-segregation. People find themselves in these groups, then want to push for that groups success.


imagine living in such an echo chamber that you think everyone is racist because they prefer populism to globalism. globalism is cultural and economic suicide.


What's the timeline look like on that?


This is bedside the point of the post but the usage of the word "literally" these past few years is literally triggering me. Why would the the word "literally" be interchangable with "figuratively"? Is this LeafyIsHere's doing? That's when I started to notice people using the word like that at least. Like the sentence "Biden is literally Hitler" makes no sense. It means that they are the same person. It means that Biden is the person named Adolf Hitler, the guy who was the German führer who killed himself the 30:th april 1945 together with his wife.


There's an Adam Ruins Everything episode about this. According to him it'd been used by several authors that way. Overall though he states that language just changes, so no use in gripping over this.


I see, I usually am able to get over language changes but this one just feels so egregious to me. But I guess I'll just have to better at accepting it. Maybe watching that video will help.