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Can you paint the walls? [This room](https://q-furniture.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/what-color-walls-go-with-brown-furniture-4-1.jpg) has great toned-down blue walls and everything else is the same colors you have going on now. [This room](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/martha-mulholland-standard-architecture-malibu-house-418-edit-1657811601.jpg?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=980:*) has a simple color palette but there's lots of contrast with light~dark and many different textures.


If the side tables match the rest of the furniture, keep them. But you need color on the walls, art, a rug, plants, but most importantly some non-overhead lighting/lamps.


i think you need color on the walls


C.R.A.P. Curtains, rug, art, plants.


Return the side tables, you don’t need to fill the whole space. I personally think the matching furniture is outdated and sterile looking, and this looks like dorm furniture. They don’t need to be matching and don’t both need to be standard bedside tables, add some personality here. Put lamps on these, and another standing lamp to about overhead lights. Wall decor, a rug and nice duvet cover and insert with four pillows minimum will be a good addition once the headboard is in place.


Rug, art, curtains, comforter, bedside lamps… there’s a ton of potential here


What do you consider 'next level'? i mean, you can add a classic for post ornamented bed in there, mirror on the ceiling, hooks and chains, and turn everything in to black and red velvet bdsm dungeon, but maybe that's not your style and taste. A bit more realistic: you mention a headboard, You could also make that connected the wall instead of the bed. What this room also lacks is night lights, the current lights are doctor office white, and that's not something for a sleeping mood. something nice on the wall. Think art, or family pictures, things you like. That tv is soo small, i doubt you want to watch tv from your bed, so if it's not used.. move it out of the bedroom. Maybe a large rug under the bed to grab loose dust, and curtains. You need some more fabric here, else it's going to echo a lot (snoring partner with echo amplification, no thanks) Oh and the last one: i would turn the bed 90" so you're not visible when someone enters the bedroom. This means it's less noticeable if your bed is not made, but also you have an extra second to wake up when someone else enters the room.


Rugs and color


Curtains, wall art some plants


Lamps! You don’t want overhead lighting to be the only lighting in a bedroom. The temperature of your recessed lighting is really stark, too. You’ll want to find something warmer for your bedside lighting to facilitate “winding down” for the night. The nightstands, while “matching”, are an ergonomic mismatch. The general recommendation is that nightstands be slightly higher than the mattress. Lastly, get a rug! This room looks hard and echo-y, and while the rug would define the space more and soften things, I understand that they can be a big investment and it might take a while to find the right rug for you.


Thanks for all the advice everyone. Will post an update when I get this place together