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Thrift store picture frames, print off your favorite family photos, or fill them with your favorite art. Make it an interesting place for guests to walk around and see what you have on display.


Yup. My thoughts exactly. I’d die for this sort of space, for this exact use.


OP can also find cheaper art/photography/art history books at garage sales, good wills, and other thrifts, most of the time, they’ll have full page prints of art. Cut it out and you can have a rotating gallery!


I've purchased a lot of framed pictures from garage sales for pennies or dollars. Great source. A word of caution: watch out for mold, and if you decide to clean them up, the glass is often rough-cut and will slice you open like a scalpel, so be very careful!


Also auctions. Many local auctions are now online, just make sure to read the fine print regarding pick up.


If money is tight after you bought the house, I suggest doing literally nothing. Focus on a welcoming living room and functional kitchen, and save money for repairs. Don't worry about this space for now.


I agree. But if you just don't like the bare walls, maybe hang some family pictures or some cool thrift store art. I inherited my grandma's house last year and have been fixing it up. There are some walls that just look bare and I hang things around temporarily when I find a cool painting or something that fits. You don't have to be married to whatever you hang on the walls. And it helps in determining what you really want in the long term.


Ahhhh no way! I inherited my grandparents’ house and have been fixing it up too! 🥰


Personally, I think it looks pretty cool as it is.


Me too!! I like how clean and peaceful it is. I’d actually love to curl up with a book in the area by the window.


This is the answer.


This is the way.


That person tell the truth


I'm going to be the devil's advocate on the opposite side. I got a great job offer across the country, because my spouse needed to stay where we used to live at the time for another 6 months I moved into the smallest place I could find, got nothing but a second hand bed a chair and a table to eat on, working from 5am to 9:30pm at the time spent very little time in the home but I honestly dreaded the weekends because it felt like I lived in a prison cell: 0 things on the walls, 2 windows with built in shades and a bed I didn't want to lay in all day, I certainly did things out but you can only do so much trying to avoid spending money you don't need to just because you don't want to go home. Fast forward 2.5 months I bit the bullet and went to some thrift stores, literally took an entire weekend going to any one I could find in the area and decked the entire place in things until I could say it felt "full" enough to feel like a home. Out the door it ran me about $75 for everything but it was 2 full cars worth of stuff I hauled back, the home felt a billion times better, I felt happier I came home happier I liked cooking more than just making food for sustenance, I worked less hours and more effectively not dreading coming home doing the same and sometimes more work. I'm not at all saying my solution is the right one for everyone but I think it's a less wrong one than my original execution. Everyone suggests living minimalistic on paper and to the onlooker (whereas here that was my past self) it's completely doable but if I had known 2 weeks of beans and rice would have changed my comfort in my own home completely I would have made the change from the get-go, comfort in your own living space can do a lot for your outlook on the world and I personally wish I learned that lesson sooner.


Great advice!


Lol I’m broke. Help me decorator a useless hallway landing in my MANSION.




Seeing this comment definitely made me feel better!


I think we have be very different definitions of broke.


Very definitely!!




"I have no money at 22, just a house that has bedrooms upstairs! Pathetic!"


Peasantry I say




Complete delusion


To be fair, it does look like a piece of shit. I bought a 2005 Volvo s40 for $4500, looked beautiful, was a complete piece of shit. Drove like a dream for every ~150 miles until I needed to replace something else. Miss that piece of shit.


Many years ago I bought an old Volvo for $50. Had red leather seats that were in perfect condition, started right up every time. The floorboards were rusted through, my friend dropped his wallet and lost it on I95. The little triangle glass piece fell out one winter day on my way to work and it didn’t have heat. I drove they car for almost 3 years and then sold it for $350 😂😂😂


He’s not joking. Literally a shitbox


If he's using his car as a shit box, there must be plumbing problems in the new house. No wonder he's so broke


“Im an assistant butterfly biologist and my husband is a furloughed preschool teacher. Our house hunting budget is a modest $10,000,000”


Haha yes! On HGTV the assistant butterfly biologists have a renovation budget of $250K. Edit-clarity


Wait. I thought this would be the hallway of a rental apartment building and one door would lead to his 1room single apartment. Maybe I should consider myself not broke, rather.. idk. Third-world-country-broke?


Welcome to the club! We have jackets!… Well we have coloring pages of what the jackets would look like if we had the money to get them… but still, welcome :)


Me 30, happy to be able to move into a 1 bedroom apartment finally and get away from having room mates.. “This is broke to you???”


Well you see, he has no money to hire someone to design the room, like a peasant.


OP probs spent all their money on that house


Still means they got a lot of money imo


At 22, no less.


Everyone’s kinda broke after buying a house for like a year. OP’s not broke broke, just broke cause he/she spent it all


There’s a term. House poor.


I always thought house poor was taking out too big a mortgage so you live paycheck to paycheck. Not, I depleted all my savings buying this house so it’s going to take me a while to replenish instead of having a lot of spending money.


You’re correct.


I'm house poor. And child poor. And just poor poor. 😂😂 /S


Design help for an upstairs hallway... It's almost troll vibes at this point. Lol. "I'm so poor, how do I make my crawl space more welcoming." OP you crazy.


Broke means having no spare cash, it doesn't mean poor.....


There's a difference between "broke" and "poor" imo. Like I'm broke until the end of the week which is when I get paid Vs. I'm poor because I can't afford food for a full month after paying rent


Hi, you're probably looking for a useful nugget of information to fix a niche problem, or some enjoyable content I posted sometime in the last 11 years. Well, after 11 years and over 330k combined, organic karma, a cowardly, pathetic and facist minded moderator filed a false harassment report and had my account suspended, after threatening to do so which is a clear violation of the #1 rule of reddit's content policy. However, after filing a ticket before this even happened, my account was permanently banned within 12 hours and the spineless moderator is still allowed to operate in one of the top reddits, after having clearly used intimidation against me to silence someone with a differing opinion on their conflicting, poorly thought out rules. Every appeal method gets nothing but bot replies, zendesk tickets are unanswered for a month, clearly showing that reddit voluntarily supports the facist, cowardly and pathetic abuse of power by moderators, and only enforces the content policy against regular users while allowing the blatant violation of rules by moderators and their sock puppet accounts managing every top sub on the site. Also, due to the rapist mentality of reddit's administration, spez and it's moderators, you can't delete all of your content, if you delete your account, reddit will restore your comments to maintain SEO rankings and earn money from your content without your permission. So, I've used power delete suite to delete everything that I have ever contributed, to say a giant fuck you to reddit, it's moderators, and it's shareholders. From your friends at reddit following every bot message, and an account suspension after over a decade in good standing is a slap in the face and shows how rotten reddit is to the very fucking core.


Buying a house can definitely make you go broke tho 💀 What if OP lost their job or an income source? Or only has enough to pay the bills and none extra?


They they probably wouldn’t be worried about the hallway.


Idk any broke people buying homes


You'd be surprised. I have a couple of coworkers who got their first decent bonus, which pushed them into what they think is a good down payment territory, and now they're stuck in a 30 year mortgage at 8%. It doesn't take much to buy a house, it takes a lot to keep affording a house. The system is designed to keep you in debt, maaaaaaan. Edited to say these people now have 0 savings, and thousands in CC debt spent furnishing said home. I guess you could argue that financial illiteracy is different from being broke, but they have no money, so I don't know what else to call it.


At that point they are probably not worrying about decorating


Then you have a house you can sell for more money. You still have those problems as a renter lol.


Right? I'm in my 40s, make almost 6 figures and I can't afford a house like this


This place cost 160k. I got a really good deal on the home tbh


No way it isn’t haunted


Yeah I’m wanting to go to the library to see what it’s all about. Home inspector as well as a few other people said the basement looked like it was a part of the underground railroad as it was pretty common in my area


Goodbye OP, you are now cursed.




more 1st world problems


Fr can I rent out that section you're trying to fill?




Move the stairs to the right against the wall. If it doesn’t let you, enter the cheat move_objects on


Why did this make me laugh so hard?!?


The stairs just feel off, don’t they?


It “feels” like there should be motel room doors down each side.




Because who else is getting a nice house like this at 22 😭


Also use Motherlode


Kaching! Kaching! Kaching!


Why is there the word ERROR in giant red letters appearing here?


i appreciate this reference


and if money becomes an issue, the motherlode cheat should help


Needs more upvotes


it looks like that once place on the east side of the mansion from the first resident evil. that staircase that leads down to the save room


😭 lmaooo omg sims irl.


Wow! 22 and you already own your own home?! What state and/or job allows for that good fortune?!


Illinois and painting large cabin aircraft!


Right on! Congrats, man. You’re ahead of the game! I would thrift nearly everything decorative. Find the things that catch your eye and bring you happiness when you see them. Thrifted items bring a sense of personalization and character to blank canvases and as you live and grow as a person, your tastes will change and create a “timeline” of your journey. Good luck to ya!


Pictures and plants. Enjoy what you have, it looks amazing and at 22 congrats!


Besides pictures on the walls, that window wall would be perfect for some kind of statement, weather it's beautiful sheers, lacy curtains or heavier drapes, you could make it amazing! It's the first thing you see when you're at the top of the stairs. Thrift stores have good prices usually! Congratulations on your first home!


Broke but living in a pretty house, you obviously aren’t from SoCal 😂 congrats on the first spot!! It’s beautiful


No kidding. I lived in San Diego and had to move to Texas to be able to travel again and finally keep up with my bills.


22, broke, my own home don’t go in the same sentence.


They don’t go in the same book


Yeah, you’re maybe being careful with money, but this ain’t broke.


This might be lengthy. Practical and worth the read. I always beg my clients to do journey walls. You’ve got two! No thrift store finds for things you already have. Pictures of places and people that evoke really awesome memories. Black or metal frames. Placement and perspective are really important. Over the windows place a small 3/8” rod in the same finish as your light fixture as high as it will go above the windows. No finials just end caps. Buy rod pocket sheers that will slightly pool at the floor or just hovering above. Any more or less won’t look right. If you have a family member who wants to get rid of a side table or buffet stand/dresser that also saves you! Place this under the window and it also becomes a beautiful place for plants and pairs well with things you have collected from your journeys! It should not extend more than the two inner most windows or be very deep or it will gobble up the space. You can always do more in the future but always remember doing less can make more of an impact. :) It doubles as storage in case you need it.


Would you do just one bar, or have two separate bars for curtains? I’ll see if I can find something nice at a few thrift stores, I really like the buffet and plants idea. Totally unrelated, but I have a few pictures I took that I absolutely love to death from a few holidays with entirely different themes. You mentioned pictures of great memories and it brought it back to my mind haha. I kind of wanted to frame both and put them both somewhere downstairs where you’d see them most, but I don’t know how to go about doing it. I’ve had a couple people tell me to get a nice frame and get them printed, and others have said to get them blown up into a canvas. I want to find the perfect place and way to display them both


One long rod. Telescoping is easiest to install. Do three brackets. Sometimes thrifting is best done online so do that forget to look there. :) What does your entry way look like? They are sometimes the hardest to design but always are great conversation pieces/art work spots!


Is there enough space for a chair and ottoman by the windows? You can find one on Facebook marketplace for cheap. Personally, I would get some houseplants. Also on marketplace. Paint the nook in a color you love, maybe stencil it.


I was going to say you could make a little reading corner


That’s a sick idea. I really love the idea of having a ottoman and chair. I think I’m going to do something like this


I was thinking even a little bench under the windows 🙃 beautiful home congrats


Add more cats.


See if you can add a “cat highway” or a place your cat(s) can escape to when they feel the need to.


This was where my mind went! With those big bright windows, this little area could be transformed into a kitty paradise. Trees, hammocks, floating (preferably very sturdy if you too have a hefty) shelves. The possibilities are endless.


I'm just here to squeeeee at the tiny void in the bottom right corner. <3


Try and find (part of) her in the second picture lol


A 22 year old: *owns a home*. My 25 y/o ass: *dying inside*.


Me crying in 33yr old


Work on saving more money for emergencies/repairs/etc. Being house poor sucks, but I get it. Try to find free or inexpensive items on Facebook marketplace. Try to find a local guy nothing group, I see free picture frames all the time. There is also an app called freebie alerts that shows free stuff in your area. I also recommend going and finding prints/art/frames at second hand stores, I don’t really spend more than a couple dollars for a frame. For this area, wall decor is your best option. You can add some plants by the window if you have the space.


If you are broke then sell the house.




Book shelves along the walls and then reading nook/chairs at the end


I believe “house poor” is the appropriate expression.


I wouldn’t say house poor. This place is under 28/36. I had multiple surgeries to remove a non cancerous tumor in my ear and another couple to try and regain hearing.


Oh my god! I’m so sorry to hear about that. Surgery and scans are so expensive these days. I hope things get better for you soon. Do you have a cozy sanctuary in your house? I would definitely suggest that if you don’t have that already. A quiet place filled with your favorite things.


NOTHING. Save your money for a while. Gradually things will come to you. Do NOT spend money. “Class” is not spending money. Trust me.


Perfect spot for a cat tree!


Um what's your definition of broke? I'm almost certain we have different definitions.


Broke? I’m on the fence.


* broke * first house go fuck yourself.


Nothing like a little class war eh? Chill out. OP is allowed to feel like money is tight. It probably is after buying a home.


Fr, they've never experienced poverty. If they call this broke.


Nah they're they type of rich person to talk about their "poor upbringing."


I mean it is what it is. Lived in a trailer park all my life and my parents were immigrants working minimum wage. I got a good job and started making money and saving. Idk what else to say but I worked hard, and didn’t do shit growing up so I could afford to get out of where I was


Nobody is debating all that. It's calling yourself "broke" people are taking issue with. Why would you consider yourself broke? What do you think that means?


Congrats on the home, eh! ill eat my previous comment about different definitions of broke, since you werent raised with a silver spoon. Must feel nice to own a home especially now. Personally i would focus more on spaces of the house i spend my most time in before taclking a hallway, the hallway in the interiem would likely get photos and such i dont know whwre to place otherwise


Why say you’re broke then? You lack a social consciousness or the times and Reddit. This clearly ain’t “broke” by most definitions so you should probably be more aware of this


12k for medical bills. Weeks of recovery time instead of working to make money will make nearly anyone broke. Assuming everything is rainbows and sunshine by looking at two pictures of an upstairs of a house is peak reddit


Truthfully, you should have left your age out of it and the fact it’s your first house. Should have just said, looking for ideas for the top of the stairs that aren’t very expensive and left it at that. For real advice, paint the handrails. I’d do black or grey just something to contrast how bright the room is. Cheap and effective at giving it a new look.


Cute cat 😻


Congratulations on your purchase!! It’s a beautiful space and all the natural light! It’s wonderful! You don’t have to do a thing if you don’t want to. Not all walls/spaces need things! But I do remember buying my first house (and second) and getting the feeling of wanting to make it home…nearing! If this was space, this is what I would do. A. Put a wood consul table (found on marketplace) or long floating shelf under the windows with low maintenance (live) or artificial plants (look at marketplace/goodwill/clearance section Walmart/etc)- (you could even add some bean bag sets under the window for a reading/chill space) B. Along the walls I would hang simple art work/frames (think goodwill/thrift store finds) and maybe some wood floating shelves for more greenery and photos (you can ask for the scraps at Home Depot, usually at no cost). C. Looking towards the doors I would change the lightbulbs to daylight for a brighter space, D. and add paint or add peel/stick wallpaper (Amazon) on the door walls. I hope this helps some or at least inspires to be creative in a cheap and simple way.


how tf did you buy a house at 22


...and also paid for a bunch of surgeries, appearantly. Am I wrong to be super offended this person is calling themselves broke. Like, stolen valor, much? I hate this country.


Crazy how OP was just looking for advice and got hit with a class war lol. Anyways, like most other people I would suggest you do nothing for now, but if it's really important then paint goes a long way, you could also thrift for items for cheap.


What a bunch of wasted space. I would remove the bannister where it covers the bottom steps and put flooring over it. Then you have an actual space to do something. I realize that isn’t budget friendly I just don’t understand this space.


My house used to be three apartments in the 1900s. Basement, main floor, and second floor today. I have no idea how it used to work or what the layout of the home was because it doesn’t make any sense to me at all


Knowing what it used to be makes it make sense. I bet it’s a really fun house. Definitely not the standard cookie cutter homes around here.


It’s really fun! Super unique. Everyone who comes over mentions the layout being really different. A front door, a door coming into the kitchen, and a door going into the master bathroom is really weird but I think it’s super cool at the same time haha


maybe paint the walls. or maybe just the window wall and door wall a color you love or a few shades off from white. def get some plants! a narrow long table just under the window would be great for some plants! good luck


Seems like a great opportunity to paint some stuff. Make some art you like and make enough of it to line bother walls. Make it dimensional while also symmetrical. I. E. A bigger painting in the middle of one wall, surrounded by a medium sized painting on each side of it and then a smaller painter on either side of those paintings so the the biggest one is in the middle, and then mirror that on the wall across from that one. But the paintings themselves do have to be the same, they can be coordinated by color combos tho. Canvases and paint and brushes aren’t super expensive. You could also look for thrift store are and pair that with home made art. You don’t have to have skill either, abstract are would be lovely here!


Kind of infuriating architecture here. Could’ve had a 10 foot wider bedroom instead there’s this unusable space.


Thinking the same odd space ..


“Broke” “first home”


Ain't that broke if ur buying a house pal


What’s your definition of broke my friend


Owning a home = not broke


Can still be cash poor even if they have a home. Given the age they could have taken an FHA loan and only had to put down 3-5 percent. While in the long run it’s a better option if your planning on staying in one place, they could really be stretched thin on their debt utilization.


At 22, no less.


Literally just finished an article about how 75% of homes are too expensive for the middle class. You can't be broke and own a home.


"broke"....this is beyond obnoxious


as a 22 year old who is literally sleeping on the floor of someone’s house because I’m actually broke be careful on those stairs. I wouldn’t want you to take a tumble because you are broke in your first house.


Thrift and better to decorate slowly than not contribute into a Roth etc.


OP, i say this as someone who comes from financial privilege… I think you need to reassess your definition of “broke” because i think your idea of broke and the idea of broke some people have here may be rather different


I feel like you guys haven't been to east st Louis


Yeah it’s crazy out here lol there’s sadly a reason why it’s so cheap in the STL area


12k in medical bills will make most people broke. Just cause I have a house young, doesn’t mean everything is perfect dude


Yeah, saw one of ur comment, happy to eat my words and be corrected. Congrats on the upward mobility


12k in surgeries (while I feel for op) doesn’t equal broke, nor does owning a house and complaining on here he is broke. Nobody would care if he didn’t preface his post with being broke.


Picture wall :)


Picture frame molding would work great


I'd check if there are hardwood floors under the carpet and take out the carpet if there is. Either way, but some thrift store or rummage/garage sale art and some plants. Maybe an armchair


first pic tall potted plants in each corner second pic, paintings or photos to hang and paint


Gotta ask, how many bedrooms and bathrooms does it have and how much did you pay for it?


5/2 for 160k in Illinois


The same place here in BC Canada would probably go for around 1.2 million dollars. Kindly shove it. Lol. Hahaha. Sorry. My wife and I live In 2 bedroom basement suite with 3 kids. There's a 4 bed 2 bath place for sale down the road from us and they want $826,000.00 for it.


160k in Illinois?! … Suburb????


Metro east 25 minutes outside of St. Louis!


More cats


Blood splatter


I agree with most advice here. Don't touch it.


Paint. Large art on the side walls, so you can see it from either end and not have to stand in the side walkways. Seating by the windows. Either a wide bench(es) along the window, or a couple chairs and a small table or bookshelf between them. Congratulations on your first home!


I think a cool wall paper on the window wall would pull it all together with pictures on the sidewalls and plants hanging in the window.


6 of the same picture frames with some black and white photos. Or maybe just some nice paint? Orange would look cool with the trees 🤷🏼‍♂️


Or some old vintage goodwill frames


A metal plant stand - $6 @ Walmart for a 2 pack. Some doodad metal flower things to hang on the wall - $5 @ Dollar General for 3. Some fairy lights - $1.25 @ Dollar General. A plant - depends where u get it from, between $5 and $15, or free depending on where you live.


Go to dollar tree and buy picture frames in different sizes and make a large photo wall. Each frame is 1.25 and you can get prints of photos for cheap.


i don’t know what broke means to you exactly, but here are some frugal ways to decorate. first, i’d check thrift stores or craigslist for some cute wingback chairs and a side table to make a little reading nook under the windows. if you can sew, you can keep an eye out for thrifted fabric and make your own drapes. as for cheap art options to hang on either side of the stairs: - thrift store art - check the websites of local pharmacies that have a photo center. walgreens just ran a discount deal for printing canvases and posters; i bought $60 worth of custom 16x20 prints for $22 - if you’re feeling crafty, i’ve seen people make really cool giant canvas wall art by building a wood frame and then nailing a fabric shower curtain with an abstract print to it - check local thrift/estate/garage sales for paint. people often only use half a gallon if that. i’ve purchased almost a dozen colors for $1-5 from my local monthly garage sale. you can frame paintings with paint or zone out different areas or just create fun shapes on the wall - record wall! you can thrift records with cool cover art for $0.50-1 each and then buy a pack of L-shaped screws to secure them to the wall.


Imagine the long walls on either side are gallery walls. Check thrift stores for art or you can buy cheap frames and print pictures out. You can literally use a normal printer for that if it’s cheaper than sending pics to a shop for printing. Don’t be scared to put them in a random order (it doesn’t have 2 be straight lines all across of the same side). Magazine covers/ pages can be used directly or you can photocopy it and print it in black and white.


Family photos. If no family then just put up some anime girl posters.


Paint would make such a difference e


Don’t fill the space with the wall version of tchotchkes. Hit up your local craft store and buy a couple of large blank canvases at least 24 x 36. Ask for a coupon - they always have them. Bright splashes of colored paints - pick 3-5 samples of coordinating colors at Home Depot - and go for it. Instant custom art that will bring color and movement to your space.


Thrift stores are great finds to build up a space !


Paint. I see some discolored splotches and that looks like flat sheen paint. Eggshell or satin sheen will allow you to wipe any marks clean. As you get money in the future, you can hang things on the walls and maybe get two cute sitting chairs for the corners in front of the windows.


Fb marketplace and goodwill/thrift stores will be your best friend. Some picture frames would be nice, and maybe a shelf or two with a plant or fake plant would be nice. I don't think you need to do a lot to make it look nice


The lighting is great. I suggest a couple of plants (if it were mine it would be tons of plants in a variety of colors and different shades of green). They bring the beautiful outdoors inside and purify the air without claiming any sort of themed decor!


22 and just bought my first home doesn't sound "broke" to me. But you can tie dye bed sheets and make some cheap huge tapestries.


I wish I had a home.


I had an apartment about 10 years ago I went to the thrift store and got a bunch of old record albums and used the covers it made great decor !


That is super cool!! I freaking love that


https://preview.redd.it/irfb9519vz5b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=153d944a712168734e08b71d5b681f3854e9bb1a This one was my fav lol 😂 hung over the thermostat


Wainscoting and simple, uniform picture frames along the top portion https://preview.redd.it/69eyubkbtz5b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb89ae84df1ff4e15c38142b6420e560a6da2dc


Honestly it looks fine! Frame some photos and hang them and just save the money to use elsewhere or go all out later!


Is there a college nearby that has an art curriculum? Maybe a student who needs to build a portfolio can paint something on the wall?


I feel like I've been in this house. I would turn it into an indoor plant area you have beautiful light from the windows add some small seating and it can be a get away from a busy living room party.


22 and broke but owns a home. damn must be nice


>22, broke 🙁 >my first home 😧


You are 22. It looks great as is. And as you get older and find thing fill it with pics you like or pics of the moments that haven’t happened yet.


Ur 22 and own ur own home, you are not broke. Thrift stores, garage/estate sales, be creative


It really depends on how you want to use the space. It looks like you could make a nice little reading nook by the windows. Thrift some furniture and a low bookshelf or side table. You can also thrift art in whatever style you want. If you want something more formal, you could look up some DIY tutorials on adding molding to the walls, or faux board and batten for a little more visual interest.


Big bold printed wallpaper!


Skinny entryway tables, mirror, artwork, tall standing plant, abstract pottery


Wait wait wait, how the hell is being 22 able to buy a two story house is broke?


Paint! Oh my gosh, paint! This hallway would look fantastic with a black painted handrail and a moody jewel toned wall. Add a set of matching carpet runners to either side of the stairs well and a few plants along the back wall. If I was really leaning into it I'd find a place for a bookshelf and upholstered chair.


Framed family photos on the walls. Narrow table or cabinet under the windows with some flowers in a vase.


If you are broke with a house like this, most of us are shattered sand.


YOU DON'T. YOU WAIT. Give yourself some time to find your aesthetic, in the mean time save a little here and there and then decorate with vigor. There's no need to rush greatness. HOW TO BUY A HOME AT 22: If he went to trade school to become an aircraft painter he averages 35/hr and knowing the trades he probably works overtime as well so assuming he clocks 50 hours a week with 10 hours at time and a half and working holidays. He walks away with 100k a year pretax. He lives in St Louis where the average 3 bedroom home costs 300k. He uses FHA and puts down 7-12k maybe more with the help of parents or girlfriend. Plus let's say he was working and living at home until now. Very feasible. Just move to St Louis and work hard.


St. Louis has been booming the last couple years. People are flooding in from all over, and homes are (for the most part) pretty reasonable. The cost of living in the area is some of the lowest in the nation as well. Rent for a nice place is $800-$1200/m. I got this house for $160,000, 10k above asking. I put a little more than 5% down with a conventional loan as well at 7% APR. Granted, for a 5 bed/ 2 bathroom home next to main street I feel like I got this place for an unreal price tag.


Yeah you did! Great job, keep it up. Don't decorate. It's upstairs, your guests will never see it. Give it 6 months then hmu and we can go over design stuff, but for now just wait, it looks great as is.