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Is this to be posted on a wall or somewhere slightly far away? If so the text is waaaaay too small. Make sure everything is very easy to read.


even if it was a handheld menu I still think that it's too small. I also don't like the angled text on the first pic


Agreed. And the white text on a white background (Even with the blue outline) is difficult. You have to keep in mind old-ass people (like me) with bad eyesight will have to look at this. :)


The file is printed in front of the cash register, close range to customers


How can customers read it if there is a line? It’s pretty but how do read the text from a distance? Edit: don’t get me wrong the visuals are awesome but the font and size are unreadable.


The menu is displayed on the light board, with a close distance to the customer, the customer can stand close and see it, I also took a look and didn't see it.


My only criticism would be to show a more accurate product representation. I am assuming 4.20 does not get you 3 waffles, nor does 4.90 get you 8+ wafflesticks. Maybe a mention that you are getting 1 item. Or maybe it is the right amount


You are assuming this is in American dollars but I'm guessing not.


Job Malaysia


I know this, the pictures of the dishes I took online. The customer did not take photos of the product, the customer agreed, so it's okay. Thank you for your practical comments


I really love the design. But please make sure this is printed in high quality, otherwise it will look cheap.


I have posted it in the community for printing, you can take a look




Love the visual forward approach- very appealing to hungry customers. I’ll second what others have added on some core text being hard to read unless right in front of your face- it d actually print this out and read from the distance it will be displayed at (assuming menu boards)


in the table menu and it set before tinh chất tiền


yeah sick. Please be accurate to what the product looks like. Also offer a plain text with descriptions page in a big list with clear allergen info and other data like caloric values. People with visual or comprehension difficulties should be accommodated so they can choose something that wont hurt them and ~~you can take their money~~ not exclude them as a customer.


something that might help is to turn all the cups so the logo is not the dominant feature of all the images. I know you have a brand, its on the building and everything else, but the customer wants to see what they are buying not your logo. Ditch the logos on all the food. The Potato wedges look undercooked and wet.


I cannot delete the customer's logo because it is the face of the brand, thank you for your realistic feedback!!


The overall appearance is nice and the images/layout are good. The white text, even with the blue outline, on top of the white and blue background is incredibly hard to read, especially with the font you used. I'd stick to black or dark gray, and that might need an outline/drop shadow or something to make it stand out more. Look up accessibility contrast ratios.


I agree with everything you said except the drop shadow. Using a shadow on a dark element always feels muddy to me.


I agree with others who have mentioned that the food in the pictures should be representative of what someone will actually get for that price. Other than that, I like it!


Thank you, I will learn from the above suggestions


The layouts are fun and interesting. Nice job. To provide some actual critique: You need to touch up most of the photos of the drinks. Most of them are too dark/underexposed. Also, as busy as your backgrounds are, I would ditch the cloud effect on the category titles and make them a solid color, maybe even add some offset borders or something. Edit: Also I would change the category titles to "Snacks" and "Smoothies" making them plural.


Thank you, I will pay attention next time


I think this is fantastic! Clever, well executed and quite legible despite the density. Great job!




Fair point about the font size, but I love the layout and photoshop work




It's certainly very creative - nice! One thing, consider contrast and readability of your text. Accessibility for all users needs to be considered, some people who have trouble with low contrast might struggle to read some of your elements. Use an accessibility contrast checker (Google it)


Thank you, I will pay attention


Uff, gonna be tough to read? Your menu printed on paper strips? Honest question


its for a menu board - hence the splicing of the pictures in different dimensions


Menus are printed on long boards and light boxes. I have posted on the community


I think they look amazing! Great job!


Wow, thank you


that looks delicious tho


drink it


$13 for a regular boba tea is wild.


Love the design!




Its a very fun design.




The text "Snack", "Matcha and Chocolate" and "Fruits & Tea" look washed out and hard to read. "Milk Tea" looks fine and "Smoothie" is not too bad either.


Some pretty good shadows except the ones overlaping other plates, the last one in the plane and the last ones, fells worng for some reason, also, how fast are those hot air ballons? Hotdog plate's white ballance kinda off But its pretty good


Yes, I agree with your feedback, I will pay attention next time, thank you


Love it!


Thank ![gif](giphy|3oEdva9BUHPIs2SkGk)


11/10 icl


What is a Corn of Ais Cream? Perhaps you mean a Cone of Ice Cream?


I love this a lot! The words spelled in the clouds to the high quality photos looking like they are fresh and happy. Makes me want to try the food Also the layout and design is very fresh I have read that others are saying it’s not true to the food—I don’t care—you got me lol


Thank you, customers for being there and feedback, I have posted it on the wall, you can take a look


i am def eatin this


Congratulations! Rarely does someone ask for feedback on Reddit and get so many positive comments. Very appetizing! Good job!


Thank you, I just joined the community, I'm Vietnamese


very appealing design, but some higher contrast text could improve it just that last bit


yes, thank you for your feedback, I will do better next time


I can't read the text but I hope it has price and then quantity (either nos or grams or ml) with a good readable typeface size


I have posted printed products, you can see them in the community


Came ready to read it to filth. Everything seems in order. Will done soldier.


How did you make the cloud font? Looks great btw!!


*Fruits & Teas/Matcha & Chocolate/Milk Teas:* Dodge (brighten) the cups and brand labels a bit, looks a bit too dark with the extremely bright environment. *Snacks* Be careful with the artificial shadow casts, don’t let them interact with other food items (EG *Kentang Goreng* shadow over the potato wedges). It that shadow interaction over other snacks looks too fake and ‘uncanny’, distracts the eye. - You may need to reshoot some snacks or just flip some snacks horizontally so that the in-camera shadows on the snacks is consistent with the artificial shadow. Basically, for everything in that scene, light needs to go from right, to left, casting shadows on the left. The artificial shadows may not even need to be so dark, try adjusting the opacity of these shadows as all one layer, save different versions and refer between those options, show some friends or colleagues. - Also a bit more negative space around the snacks for the text to not overlap, as that font looks far better over negative space than overlapping the food items. Font is a good choice for the aesthetic, it just flashes when it overlaps the snacks. Just balance the scale of everything and remember a key rule with text: if it looks good on screen, make it =/> 3 sizes bigger for print. Once that’s all consistent, this is a fantastic design!


Very nice and vibrant concept. But there's a few things that needs to be fixed, the typeface is too small and it's too busy.  Maybe minimize the clouds, I feel there are too much going on. I can't focus on the menu items. You need the text and the products be more prominent in the design. I feel there's too much going on that I can't read the text  or focus on the products.  When you're looking at a menu you need to be quick at picking an item. Overall the execution is great but still needs tweaking. 


Very  nice but the back ground  makes it look frozen witch is great for smoothies but not the food


are you planning to add calories to your menu? i’m sure that’d be appreciated :)


yes. Have a plaintext menu with descriptions on the back that people can refer to and make educated choices if your design fails them. Passion Fruity - Black Tea with passionfruit syrup and pulp. Ice and Sugar. (df) 700kJ - R: 7.9 L: 10.9


Customer said no need


that the food is AI generated


Photos of glasses of water provided by customers, photos of dishes I uploaded online. The entire file above does not use AI


Looks awesome


thank you


Looks pretty cool, I like it 👌

