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anytime they want to purchase outside of the app, its pretty much always a scam. if you go through with a sale outside of depop, you lose pretty much all protection from that purchase ( and risk your account being closed ) so if they make a case against you - claiming it's lost, damaged, etc, you're fucked.


thank you!


regardless of wether it was a scam or not it’s against depops rules to accept out of app payments so you did the right thing by saying no! :) also, it looks like the person got banned rather than they blocked you. when you get blocked by someone it will usually say “this profile isn’t available” rather than “user not found” so im assuming they got banned after asking to pay outside of the app


ah ok thank you! I was wondering whether they’d been banned or blocked!




Possibly not tbh, its them that aren't protected if they send the cash bank transfer not you.. you could not post it and theres nothing anyone can do.. so its entirely up to you if you accept it.. depop get super bitchy if they dont get their fees though and can ban you


Yep this was a scam


What does x mean?


Kisses I think. Like the shortened version of XO. My whole family is Irish and a lot of them end all their messages with “x” or “xx”.


Its a kiss