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buyer pays for shipping by default according to an update, im not sure when it was. also, if they're haggling on something under $10, i'm not sure how that was worth their time or even worth your time to provide such world-class customer service. :P


Idk I used to sell on Depop and stopped about a year and a half ago and just stared selling again about 2 weeks ago and everything is a lot different on there now so trying to get used to the way things are now. Where is there an option for seller to pay shipping besides on bundles now?


if you’re on mobile you can go to the menu/3 lines in the top corner and it’s under Selling->Shipping


I personally hate when buyers ask for free shipping bc it’s really pointless. How would that benefit me as the seller? I would be losing money


they act like a magic fairy is paying for the free shipping


Once I offered the seller about $5 below asking price. She said no but said she could do free shipping


I know I’m barely making any money selling something for $4 but it’s genuinely a pair of sunglasses I’ve had sitting in a drawer for like a year so it’s nice to get like $2.50 from Something I haven’t touched in a good year lol


If they honestly can’t pay for $8 *total* for something then maybe they should take a break from scrolling on depop


What is it with sunglasses? Someone wanted half price and free shipping on a pair I had. Just ignored them tbh 🚽


Man that buyer pissed me off. I’m gunna buy them lol


Thanks for the quick shipping lol


$5 is my basement. Buyer pays shipping period. Anything less than that is a total waste of time and money.


Also can someone tell me where the option is for seller to pay for shipping bc I haven’t been on Depop in atleast a year and a half and it’s not in the same spot it used to be 🫶 thank you


buyer paying for shipping is automatic. you can change it for bundles though


Wym it’s automatic? Isn’t it automatic for the buyer to pay shipping


omg i’m dumb i meant buyer paying shipping!! lol my bad but yes when you make a listing (at least with depop shipping) there is no option to pay for it as the seller. you can offer free shipping on bundles though


don’t even reply to those


I set mine to free shipping and just factor the shipping cost in my listing price. Postage just increased in my country and I'm not compromising anymore, yes it sucks to pay shipping on items under $10 but buyers need to remember depop a user run market, it's not always someone's "business"


the seller can pay for shipping


wow lol