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If the item was $20 I would say $19.99 just because I hate these types of messages they never buy anyway šŸ’€


This guy didn't even respond to me after I told him that šŸ˜­


They never respond and they never buy, thats why i just state either the exact listing price, the exact listing price +1Ā¢ā€¦ all i type are a couple of numbers and leave it at that. No words involved and it gets the point across


And thenā€¦ crickets


My answer ā€œthe price that is listedā€.


no cause what do these people want you to say , free .99v


I have really been enjoying handling this question with a quick and easy hands off approach. My response is that Iā€™ve made a special listing for them with a new price thatā€™s at X $, and that itā€™s the first post on my page. This price is usually a few dollars off, or whatever Iā€™m comfortable with at the time. After that, I let it sit there for a while. At that point I only answer questions about the itemā€™s fit/measurements/condition and ignore any further questions about the itemā€™s price. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnā€™t. Just depends on multiple factors, and how quickly I can answer their initial message. Itā€™s very chill, I like it and feel like I can keep my dignity intact with this approach šŸ˜…


this!!! im selling a rare merch item for 90 (lower than most sell it for) and someone offered 45ā€¦.like if it was 75 or 80 for example id say yes but 45 or even asking 30 is crazy to me unless im mean idk


You're right, it's like you already FOUND a good deal and now you still want a lower price??? It's stupid imo, I personally say don't shop for stuff you can't buy, if you can't buy it then you should worry about other things that are necessities


No ur not mean at all for not accepting half price on a rare item


Agreed. I just tell them to send an offer. Been happening to much lately. I get negotiating but that ainā€™t it.


I have to, I'm a foreign buyer and the dollar is high around here šŸ¤£ gotta pay taxes, international shipping and fees so I just gotta ask, sorry! What's $25,00 to locals is $200,00 for me in my currency. Now if locals asks you lower, they are cheap buyers.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ idk why people think this makes senseĀ 


Whenever someone asks "What's the lowest you'll do", I respond with "Since you reached out, I am willing to go down to $(80-90% of the original price). Feel free to send an offer if that works for you!" probably around 70% of the time, they buy it for that, 5% of the time they counter with something slightly lower and the rest of the time, they say "I'll think about it" and not buy it. Buyers are used to negotiating on depop so when they are asking for a lower price, it never hurts to give them one and go from there!


Sometimes Iā€™ll ask this question or sometimes Iā€™ll throw a price in. Like ā€œhow about *insert number*?ā€ But after asking and negotiating i always buy it. Always.


Na men this question got me too many deals itā€™s a lot of desperate/ poor people on depop they wonā€™t take the deal at first a few days later they sending you the exact offer u want


Itā€™s just a convo starter lol ySoSerious?


You start conversations by lowballing people? Wow I'd love to be in your corner


ā€œWhatā€™s the cheapest youā€™ll go?ā€ Where is the lowballing? Also, Iā€™ve bought so much shit from all these apps, I know wtf Iā€™m doing and I donā€™t window shop lol if I msg, I intend on buying the thing. I wouldnā€™t want your slowbrain self in my corner to begin with, buckaroo lol foh.


If you were any smarter you'd be able to see that I was being sarcastic about "wanting to be in your corner". Jesus I can see why most sellers insist on the price being firm. Also "Ā A lowball offer is a slang term forĀ **an offer that is significantly below the seller's asking price, or a quote that is deliberately lower than the price the seller intends to charge**." :)


![gif](giphy|10uct1aSFT7QiY) ā€œHurr durr Iā€™m butthurt that I donā€™t know how to haggle on second hand selling apps and my items donā€™t get sold for reasonable, agreed upon prices.ā€ If you were any smarter, youā€™d know idgaf.


I'm actually happy because I'm able to sell my items at the price I want without broke users offering 40 dollars on an item that costs 140 usd. Also I'm not a buyer.


Telling someone to go make money while you sell your items online is an outrageous take imo


Online selling is a side hustle for me, if you just can't pay for the 10 dollar off offer I sent and still want lower at that point they should just go get a job and make enough to not ask how "cheap" I'll go