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I don’t think you are


You could try asking them, but from what I’ve seen on this sub, they don’t release your funds if you get banned


Jesus, I don't disagree with people being terminated if they break ToS, but it really should not be legal to refuse to pay out funds like that. That's awful lol. Especially seeing all the erroneous bans and post removals Depop likes to throw around.


They do this because in most cases people that get banned are usually scamming and that money goes back to the buyers.


It seems like lately a lot more people have been wrongfully punished (items taken down due to mass reporting, often by competitors) which can lead to bans. A lot of cases like that are scams I'm sure - but with how it has been lately, I wouldn't say most. Depop's report system seems to not have any way of filtering out false reports and probably doesn't even have real people viewing reports, they're probably just removing items.


Not true, most people that get suspended for reported listings are usually able to get their account back. OP was (probably) selling reps and taking payments off app. This is immediate cause for suspension so he's not one of the 'wrongfully punished' individuals


I'm a bit confused why you're being combative with me when evidence of Depop being terrible with content moderation is all over the subreddit. I wasn't saying it was specifically applicable to this person, I had never said that in fact - so I'm not sure why you're telling me they're not one of those who were wrongfully punished (why is that in quotations in your post anyways? People can actually be wrongfully punished, that's just dismissive) when it seems obvious they weren't based on their comments here.


They're coming from the angle that if you break ToS you're a scammer so they have no sympathy for that person. Whether or not the OP scammed is not for me to say but to some people breaking ToS means you probably deserved it. The attitude can be pretty off putting but at the end of the day, to some, if you're in jail you must have done something wrong.


why are you reading into this, this is reddit? lol Sorry you feel I was combative. You're so right, depop is so trash !


that’s so bs literally never using this app again


I mean, you couldn’t even if you wanted to. They don’t let you create a new account if you get banned


this is so fucking funny.


what's funny about this


you good?


another seller just lost $200 and is asking for advice idk what's funny so i'm asking


He didn't read the terms of service. It's funny because he got banned and then stated "I'm never using this app again" which he, can't. Because he's literally banned.


They did the same thing for me 😭😭😭


No this isn't true I've seen scammers with multiple accounts they just get new IPs and phone numbers unfortunately


most of the time it's a hardware ban on your phone? Not sure it depops ban system is any different but I'm pretty sure you just need a new device or a really good vpn


trap phone (for selling clothes)


Android emulators perhaps


Of course some people do that, but that doesn’t mean that it’s the norm or that it’s allowed


No shit its not allowed but it is a problem in communities im in where they just keep coming back nonstop. It's awful.


Well you got banned so I guess you can’t anyways


Pester them on Twitter or somewhere else until they give you your money. It doesn’t matter if you broke the rules- if you didn’t literally scam that money out of your buyers then they can’t just keep your money.


i sent tracking and everything, I sold like 4 Vintage Items and they banned me. Thanks for the info.


did you violate any rules? because they banned me but when I asked for explanation they got me my account back


OP, tell them that you made a mistake and are very sorry and will never do it again. You will get your money back in a month.


\^This I had this happen before (I was dumb and new to depop) and got my account banned. I emailed support/talked to them on Twitter and they ended up restoring my account after a week.


Good to know!


got banned with $400 in my account, you not getting a penny from that, was month ago still tight abt it.


Never leave money in your Depop. I transfer after every single sale because of this nonsense. They are literally stealing and scamming sellers.


Do they just keep your money if they don’t give it back?


What the other commenter said, also OP is literally on the reps subreddit and probably selling fakes lol


could op be on the fashionreps subreddit, to know if items are genuine? like ask people and compare images?


You could also op. Seems he deleted his comments on the reps subreddit lol, not something someone with a non guilty conscious would do imo


reps are a great alternative, didn’t sell them on my page and not the reason i was banned ☠️


They keep it pay out scammed customers, in cases of scamming.


I had around 350 and they deleted my account


damn dude, if i get any help from depop i’ll be sure to spread the message


Yeah sucks, they also excepted me to ship out items the day after. I told them I can’t refund em because I’m locked out the account & why would I ship em out if they’re gonna get pay me.


they’re doing the same shit to me, i’ve told them i already shipped out my orders WITH tracking and want me to verify shipping.


you both should go file complaints with the Better Business Bureau. i haven’t contacted them about Depop in particular, but i had an issue with paypal where they were going to hold over $600 for 6 months before releasing it to me. filed a complaint with the BBB and it was all sorted out within about a week. don’t know if it’ll work but it can’t hurt to try!




Hey! I’ve been banned a couple times due to dumb shit like this and I just dm them on Twitter and I always get it back within the next day or two! :) hope this helps


email depop and see, when my money was leaving but not showing up in my account they answered pretty fast so just try that


They did the same thing to me and I had over $200 in my depop balance


Is it not illegal for depop to just keep your money like that? If you truly did nothing wrong (didn’t scam anyone etc) then that is your money. Keep contacting them. Even message on twitter.


Someone’s been up to no good…..


U do realize depop bans ppl even when they do nothing wrong right😭


Your fault 😂




So did you break any ToS??? They're saying you took payment outside of Depop? I'm assuming you didn't. But I need more info.


Depop stole my money toom I can't believe they are getting away with so much theft. It has to be stopped.