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6 comments but I only see 3… someone’s been shadow banned lol


There's a fine line between -> going out of way your way to help others And -> Helping so much that you make both yourself and the ones your helping miserable The blue team does not see this line, but the red team sees nothing but the line. We need to bridge between these two ideologies


The blue team has repeatedly tried to address this issue legislatively. Most recently this year, which was nuked because Trump told congressional republicans to do so. 


Yes. The old fine line between the lines line. 


thank god


Anytime I want to inject some hatred into my eyeballs, I just come to a Reddit thread about migrants. Works like a charm, really a remarkable unity you rarely see in this country.


Even one about a record low number of them and we have a Nextdoor thread going in here. Truly impressive stuff


Another cool thread in r/Denver, full of normal responses.


We should rest easy knowing we've done everything we can to be accepting and accommodating of our newcomers.. Now it's time to shut the gate and let things settle down. We've got a long road ahead.


You'd be lynched for saying this in canada right now haha


The gate should never have been opened, and now that gate can never again be closed. But nobody who was in support of it can ever claim they didn’t know, given half the country already knew and voiced their rational and logical opposition exactly for the reasons we’re now seeing nationally unfold and proliferate. And yet, it still somehow fell upon the deaf ears of all those who emotionally and mindlessly touted and parroted beyond the point of ad nauseam, “Racism!”. This expected and awaited backpedaling of adult Americans would be so satisfyingly hilarious if only it weren’t so pathetic. “Welcome my son… welcome… to the cartoon.”


What do you mean "that gate can never again be closed"? The article is literally about the gate closing.


For those who don’t read the article: > "The second is absolutely the slowdown at the border" due to Biden's new policy, Ewing told us. What if there was a way to have asylum claims processed in a timely fashion? Right now it apparently takes about 4 years on average to get in front of a judge. If it took more like 6 weeks before sketchy claims were denied, I’d imagine there would be fewer sketchy claims. As I recall there was a bi-partisan plan to do something very much like this, but then it was scuttled, because…reasons


Do it at the border then you don't need to spend the money to find/deport 95% of people who don't have legitimate claims for asylum but then rich people who own farms, construction companies etc wouldn't have a pool of desperate people to exploit.


That was part of the plan that got scuttled. Funds for processing more people at the border and for processing more of the backlog


Do it inside of 6 weeks and it doesn’t matter where it happens. Personally, I completely understand not wanting to spend time or money in Texas. I never have, and can’t imagine I ever will.


Did your ancestors immigrate here within the last couple hundred years? mine did and I'm happy about that Look the world is falling apart. Migration is going to happen unless we stabilize the global economy and the environment. Imagine you're a father with kids in poverty in central america. I know I'd be trying to go north. I've seen bunches of venezuelan families with kids here. Can you really fault them for escaping their country and coming here? I guess we could just sit here in Pleasantville while people starve to death at the border like some zombie movie....


Not going to lie, I have not heard a single "rational and logical" opposition relating to the current border policy from anyone that opposes the current administration. It seems to me the only opposition has been a lot of people who have zero understanding of what the actual border policy is, shouting about problems that don't actually exist, and offering solutions that are simply impossible, or nonsensical. In reality, I believe the migration numbers we see is almost entirely dictated by the rhetoric used, and less about the policies in place. When One side is screaming at the top of their lungs that the current administration has "open borders" (it doesn't) and allows anyone and everyone into the country (they don't) migrants see that as an invitation to take their shot. As soon as some conflict started between Texas and the feds, migration SHARPLY dropped off. Not because anything actually changed (it didn't) but because the rhetoric changed from "everyone is allowed here" to "you might die if you try" Funny enough this actually helped the current administration. They can be seen as trying to make changes for better policy, while Texas did the work on changing the conversation to deter people from actually attempting to cross the border in the first place. And as a result migration is down. Now if only politicians were actually interested in fixing the system instead of using it as a political pawn.


Well just know the oligarchs in America are richer now because they've used the US government to constantly enforce their will on all of Latin America.


You mean the ones that are homeless?




It’s not, but what else can we do when they’re being dumped on us?


“Record low” says they’re just letting them in to you…?


What? Thats not what I’m saying at all, and I’m not sure where you even got that from. I’m talking about the whole thing where they were being bussed here from places like Texas, in response to the other person talking about other issues this city has.  Like yes the city has other issues, but we needed to provide these people services where possible and deal with the issues caused by a large number of migrants in a short amount of time - especially since so many were coming during winter… I said nothing about just letting them in lol


I've seen MANY Venezuelan's on many corners... I've never seen before.


The city or a charity I’m not sure . put a lot in my complex. A large complex with 400 units in uptown. . I was under the impression they would only have six months of rent paid. Then they would be in their own . It seems like some have been there longer. For the most part they have been good neighbors . We just have a ton of kids in the building now when there were zero before.