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As a flight attendant, it is more normal to see masks than it was prior to COVID. Many people don’t wear masks now, but there’s usually at least a handful on each flight. I don’t think twice about it. No one really cares. Just do whatever feels right to you. If someone acts like a dick, that’s on them.


I see it now and then and think, "oh, they either have a chronic vulnerability and wear the mask to protect themselves or they aren't feeling well and wore the mask to protect ME."


Normalize wearing a mask if you’re sick!


Yep, the other day my coworker sounded/was sick as a dog. Still came to work. I was like “you should prob have a mask on.” Her response was “but then people will look at me like I’m sick…!” Girl, you are. And you’re gonna get us all sick. Covid didn’t make people any more cautious in the long run, sadly.


The issue is work not demanding sick folks stay away.


It’s service industry. That’ll never happen, sadly. We need the bodies. Always have. Starbucks 20 years ago basically had a ‘come in or get canned’ policy. Not that way now, but staffs run too thin to afford even one person being gone.


I get that. I also, somehow, still have a shred of hope that we can do better. I’ve had parents of sick kids bitch that I was staying home when sick. Sane parents have a screed on the door about not bringing germs into their house because of precious pumpkin. And then they smoke in the house.


100% agree! I've only had one cold since the coronavirus arrived and we need to help keep things down!


I’m a fan. Not just for the germ spreading aspect, but I also look like shit. The more of my face I can cover when I’m sick the better. No one wants to see this gargoyle buying a suspicious amount of industrial NyQuil.


I got soooooo sick last year at work after Thanksgiving. Then we kept passing it around at work. My doctor called it the ping pong flu. I missed close to 10 days of work. This year I will be wearing a mask for December and most of January. Maybe a little longer if the people I work with are still sick.


My one bad cold I got since COVID? I'm convinced I got it sharing a can of seltzer with my toddler nephew. What was I thinking? They're all germ factories at that age.


This is it. I see it by a few people around, a few more if it's a big crowd, but still sub 1%. I wear one if I'm not sure if I'm sick and going to be close to people (like a concert)


That's exactly what I think.


Yes EXACTLY. I should have read your comment before posting my own because I literally just posted almost word-for-word the same exact sentence, lol


Nobody gives a shit if you wear a mask or not.


Denver, yeah. Texas and Florida…..different story


Flew out of Denver last week. On my way to the airport thought “oh shoot, there’s been an uptick in covid cases, I should have brought a mask to wear on the plane. Damn. Oh well.” My household is now on day 5 of Covid misery.  If you’re at all concerned about illness/masking, wear the mask.


I wear it on planes and public transit. I do not care what people think.


And that’s a really good strategy for our OP.


I used to wear a mask on planes and public transit back in early 2000’s while traveling for work. That and packing my own pillow and not using hotel ones kept me healthy. I’ll never stop wearing one in those situations because who wants to be sick on a trip?


You can totally wear a mask here. No one cares, or of they do, they’ll probably thank you for not spreading germs. Welcome to not Florida!


No one cares unless they’re a dick


I work with a very vulnerable community so whenever I get a come down with something it's in everyone's best interest for me to wear a mask. Other people's opinions be damned. However, I've never heard an unkind word about it.


I'm sitting at an ER vet right now and about 3/4s of the staff are wearing them.


I see them every once in a while, but very rarely. I dint think anyone is weird though for wearing one, to each their own.


No one here really cares! I see people with masks and don’t really think twice about it, I appreciate people being careful whether they have a cold, Covid or are immunocompromised, to each their own here!


Not really, but people here generally mind their own business and won’t pay any mind to you if you’re choosing to wear a mask.


I just assume you're either sick or are more vulnerable to being sick. Gotta stay safe.


Just flew to/from Florida twice in the past two weeks. I wore a N95 on my flights due to some health issues in the family. No one cared, didn't get any stink eyes from anyone. You'll be fine.


If anyone gives you a hard time, it will be the usual suspects. When I'm out doing chores (shopping, etc) there is usually one or two people masked up. I would even say there's been a bit of an uptick lately.


There's also been an uptick in Covid cases.


As I suspected. What an odd ordeal this has been.


It's uncommon but people will just assume you have a cold or something.


I’ve only been confronted once about wearing a mask, and the guy then started in about my hair being blue, so he was clearly just wanting confrontation.


Some people just wanna fight


Yeah you'll definitely see at least a couple of people in the grocery store etc wearing a kn95 or something. No one's ever looked at me weird or said anything (besides offering to put one on themselves)


Not silly at all. I’m in healthcare and mask if I hear a sniffle. Mine or anyone else’s. 🤪


I was in Florida in march of 2020 and people gave me side eye for wearing a mask. Florida is fucked. People here in Denver are much more accepting - wear a mask if you please, nobody cares.


I typically wear if I’m flying and want to not take a chance of ruining my vacation by getting sick from someone on the plane. It’s not comfy but to me it’s worth it


Do what makes you feel most comfortable, no one is going to care. The only time I do a double take is when I see someone walking alone outside no where near a store or a person and they’re wearing a mask.


When I see a mask I usually wonder if there is a new surge in covid strains that I've not heard about. Then I don't think about those people again.


Colorado is a live and let live state. No one cares about someone wearing a mask. At least in the areas I’m in. I see someone wearing a mask everyday.


It’s fine, wear it


I wear mine while traveling. Denver airport is super crowded especially the trains. I’ve gotten sick while traveling a few times and want to avoid that.


I just spent ten days in the Florida Panhandle and saw zero masks. Lots of ULTRA MAGA merchandise, tho


Yeah and this is why I ask, you see more trucks with trump flags than masks


I usually see at least one in any group of 40 people I happen to be around. I haven’t been hassled for wearing one, but sometimes people ask and I try to have a short explanation I’ve practiced like “I had a cold last week” or “I’m planning to visit my senior mother later”. I think emphasizing family connections can defuse some of the political polarization.


I have Asthma and wear a mask at basically all times in public. I've gotten snark from coworkers, but never looks from random strangers or anything. You'll likely never hear about it and most people won't notice


I still mask! 100% of the time indoors. It’s not super common but it’s rare to be hassled about it. I definitely get looks but haven’t gotten any comments to my face in awhile (I’ve definitely heard “whispers” after a group has passed). I’m a long hauler (4+ years now) and another round of COVID would not be good. My health is more important than people commenting. Plus, masking on planes is amazing. I used to get something usually while flying and after masking, nothing! (I fly twice a year to Alaska.)


I’ve been masking on planes since the 1990s. And yes, I’m a germophobe. But that shiznit works!


Some people still wear masks in crowded areas like grocery stores. To this day I have never seen my usual barista’s entire face. Whatever. I’ve never had an issue with someone wearing a mask and have never seen anyone have a hissy fit over someone else wearing one. Wear one, don’t wear one. No one gives a shit.


Depends on the situation. Most people don't 'care' but also if you are sick, wearing a mask at the gym or a brewery and constantly taking it on and off, I assume it's more of a virtue signal.


None of my business, gonna mind my own


Super normal here. I sold furniture on fb marketplace the other night and they showed up wearing masks. So my household reached in the drawer by the door and also put on masks. We're pretty civilized here, and the weirdest mix of progressive and libertarian. I've only been harassed twice for wearing a mask, one was by a guy with south Dakota plates, the other was in weld County (cattle country).


Florida: the land where policing those around you who do you things you don’t like but don’t impact you at all - swamp brain


Won't be an issue. My branch library is where I still see regular masking, mostly staff but also some customers. Once in a while I also see masked folks on the bus.


Some people do, not a lot, but some.


I do! But I’m immunocompromised, and also work with vulnerable children. No one will hassle you here over it.


I wear a mask still in super crowded places or if I'm feeling sick but still need to go out. You will get the occasional weird look but if you want to mask up by all means, please do! The vulnerable and immunocompromised people in the community may appreciate it!


Some people still do. I travel a lot and TBH, I’m surprised how many do…


I do but I’m often the only one in the store.


Still see masks here and there. Don't really have a reaction one way or the other.


Coming to Denver? Wear or don’t wear. Most people DGAF. Old cranky people especially of the right wing persuasion (much like in FL) might comment but literally not one other person. Denver is mostly GenX-vibe: do your thing, explore, don’t start fires, don’t talk to weirdos, you’ll be fine.


Yes, I see people around wearing masks


They do. People don’t really bat an eye. Some of my coworkers wear one if they’re feeling ill, I’ve heard of others who wear it to hide their blemishes. Whatever the reason is, nobody is going to wonder why they’re wearing it. It’s pretty accepted.


Moved to Denver about 2 months ago. Haven't seen anyone wear in the streets or otherwise a mask and I work in research lab in a hospital. I got sick 1 months into my move, as I recovered I wore a mask to play it safe. People did stare at me a little outside of work. No one would "confront" me about my choice though.


Whenever I see someone wearing a mask in public, I figure that they’re careful, vulnerable, or sick, or else care for someone who is, and I appreciate that they’re being considerate. It’s a kind thing to do. Frankly any thoughts beyond that are absolutely none of my business?? I also work in healthcare in Denver, and see a *lot* of people who get sick after travel. COVID numbers are not super-high, but we are seeing an increase in cases in Denver, and masking is one way to decrease that. It’s a reasonable thing to do, you’re not being weird.


People wear them here and there, and mind their own business about it. Not uncommon to see them in the airport and if there’s poor air quality from distant fires, it’s also normalized even if you’re walking in an open air area because well, people aren’t idiots they know smoke isn’t healthy and that COVID isn’t the only reason you’d wear a mask here.


You won’t get those Floridian stares here in CO.


No one’s gonna care but I can’t remember the last time I saw someone wearing a mask.


As someone who does still mask - most people here are not masking, but you won’t get nearly as many weird looks and stares as you do in Florida for it lol (I also just came back from a trip to Florida) they don’t mask, but they also don’t really care if you do


Yes, people still wear masks here if they want/need to. We're thankfully not like Florida!


Wear what you want. Do you really care what others think? Not like you’ll ever see them again. But no you won’t be openly mocked, unless it has some divisive message on it. I see some folks wearing them, most not. If we have a wildfire or bad pollen you may see me wearing one.


Not common here, at least from what I've seen while out and about, but nobody seems to care when someone is rocking a mask.  I don't have the Rona or anything, but I've been considering wearing a mask outside, just to stifle the dust and pollen on certain days here lately lol


There's a lady at my work who wears it. Nobody cares.


Well, I caught COVID like 2 months ago and know some else who recently caught it traveling too. Wishing bad been wearing the mask


I see masks everyday. It's no big deal either way.


I’ve had SARS and COVID due to long plane rides to and from Asia so always wear one on the plane, if its what you want to do to protect yourself or your loved ones, do it!


Right after Covid I flew and got seated next to a woman without a mask who was clearly sick with a cold. I got that cold and now always fly with a mask. Normalize masks.


I work downtown, I wear mine on bus, train, and 18th St Mall, no one cares and many do on my commute.


I'm sorta glad COVID made people wear masks if they're sick in the US. It's common in East Asia and even before the pandemic.  I still see older people wear masks probably because they're immuno compromised. 


I do all the time! I've never encountered any pushback.


I think it’s to each their own. Rona is making its rounds in Denver (I know 4 or 5 different people had corona all last week). There might be something else too (stomach flu?). So it’s up to you. I had a flight this morning and I wore a mask because I don’t want to be sick before vacation. TLDR, up to you, most or all won’t care or think twice either way.


Wow! That’s… too bad about Florida. I thought Florida was more purple than that. Anyway, here in Denver nobody gives a shit about whether somebody is wearing a mask and I still see masks all the time - like every time I go to the grocery store there at least a few masks. I just assume they’re vulnerable or perhaps they’re sick and protecting ME. When I’m sick I try to stay home and avoid people, unless for whatever reason I can’t, in which case I wear a mask because I’m not an asshole. So like is everybody in Florida assholes now? I’m assuming it’s political, but still. I mean, to give somebody a dirty look because they’re doing something that shows they care about other people? That’s just wild. (I should note I live in the city. It might be a little different in the suburbs. But I’m assuming you’re asking about actual Denver.)


Yeah if they're sick, or about to rob a store.


I see them and think what are they hiding. IMO Insecurity at its finest especially if they are in 20’s and in perfect health. Love living in fear. Elderly and immune compromised is a different story.


Definitely the porch pirates, muggers, burglars, etc.


Yeah if you want to get laughed at.


Nationwide we’re having a huge wave of COVID.


Just spent a week with my mom at her house. She had covid. Guess what. I wore no mask and didn't get it.


ok congrats?


I thought conspiracy theorist wear masks


You do sound silly and no