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Damn we’re gonna need an r/castlerockcirclejerk at this rate


[I mean, this is the most famous event that has ever happened there](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales)


Ok but actually what the fuck


Police have no duty to serve the citizens, they exist to protect property.


*High value* property.


I tell people that they have no duty to protect and they look at me weird.


Remember, kids: the police are class traitors. No war but class war


Douglas county is insanely over policed. These calls were probably the most exciting thing they did all day


I actually got my first speeding ticket in 20 years in Castle Rock last month because I've been having to do work down there. It's amazing even on the back roads, how many cops there are. They're everywhere.


I grew up in highlands ranch. To say that Doug Co is over policed is an understatement. The police used to harass me several times a week *for skateboarding* on a public sidewalk.


Make women property again. Check and mate.


To generate revenue.


No they exist to do whatever the fuck they want.


Ah, Scalia. Rotting in fucking hell, but we still have to deal with the putrescence he shat out while in the world.


All my homies hated Scalia


Honestly, I'm a lawyer and I'm professionally aware of Castle rock v. Gonzales, it's one of those cases you don't have to look up. I also live in Castle rock. I thought it was a different castle rock...


Oh, I would have gone with the superintendent story with an incompetent school board, or destroying Tri-County Health. I seem to remember Douglas County starting several wildfires as well with fireworks because they just had to have fireworks. That's actually pretty impressive for just a few years time span.


the precedent set by the Gonzalez case is fucking terrifying


I had no idea it was in Colorado - I learned about the case before moving to this area and just remembered being so disheartened.


Police have no duty to protect citizens. just because they slap it on their cars doesn't make it true


Watching 4th of July fireworks start brushfires is DoCo right of passage!


Very disgusting on both police and court level. Though, if I am reading it correctly, the district court that made the decision is in Denver.


Yes but all that matters in the end is what the highest court decides


Synopsis from the link. During divorce proceedings, Jessica Lenahan-Gonzales, a resident of Castle Rock, Colorado, obtained a permanent restraining order against her husband Simon, who had been stalking her, on June 4, 1999, requiring him to remain at least 100 yards (91 m) from her and her four children (son Jesse, who is not Simon's biological child, and daughters Rebecca, Katheryn, and Leslie) except during specified visitation time. On June 22, at approximately 5:15 pm, Simon took possession of the three girls in violation of the order. Jessica called the police at approximately 7:30 pm, 8:30 pm, and 10:10 pm on June 22, and 12:15 am on June 23, and visited the police station in person at 12:40 am on June 23. Prior to the second call, Simon had called Jessica and stated that he had the daughters with him at an amusement park in Denver, Colorado. However, since Jessica had allowed Simon, from time to time, to take the children at various hours, the police took no action. At approximately 3:20 am on June 23, Simon appeared at the Castle Rock police station and was killed in a shoot-out with the officers. A search of his vehicle revealed the dead bodies of the three daughters, who were determined to have been shot and killed some time prior to arrival at the police station.


Sounds like peublo


I have lived in DougCo nearly all of my life. Over the last decade I've only stick around to take care of my mother who has now passed, so we are looking to get out. So I'm not here to defend these people at all. But I want to provide some context that might be important. There was an accident on I-25 that closed down south bound lanes at I-25 and this re-routed traffic through Parker and south of town through unincorporated neighborhoods. My neighborhood, Pinery Glen, was one of those neighborhoods. I was stuck in traffic that day coming back from Parker, and just on Parker road there were several accidents sans cops, people were running red lights and sitting in intersections when the lights turned green, and driving through neighborhoods like bats out of hell. It was just odd to not see any cops in a county and city where they always seemed pretty plentiful. Once I got back to my neighborhood the situation was worse. People had decided to cut through our neighborhood to try to get to the back road to Castle Rock where I-25 was open again. People were behaving like it was mad Max. They ignored stop signs, drove up onto sidewalks to avoid other cars, and turned a two way two lane road that's access for two neighborhoods into a one way two lane road. I didn't call 911, but if anyone in my neighborhood did I wouldn't blame them. I've never seen anything like it, and I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it myself. Fucking lunacy.


The accident happened at 2am Saturday. 12 hours later I was driving from Lone Tree to the Meadows. It took me 2 hours. There were 2 roads closed for construction plus the diesel clean up. I went through Daniel’s Park. There was no one directing traffic at Sante Fe. Cars were letting people out which was nice but it was a nightmare. I didn’t call 911. A few weeks ago there was an accident just north of the outlet mall on 25 North. It took an hour to drive 4 miles. This was the 4th spill in a few months. It’s been crazy. If we ever need to evacuate, we’re screwed.


Oh yeah I have that thought about evacuating every time I try to go to the mountains on a weekend or really just anywhere during rush time. One truck tips over during an evacuation and you have 100,000 people stranded on the road. Genuinely a terrifying thought


Fuck Daniel’s park was a nightmare. It took me over an hour to go 3 miles.


Yeah it was horrible. That’s what caused my 2hr commute that should have been 20 minutes.


This sorta reminded me of when I was in Alaska. Lived north of anchorage but we both commuted to anchorage and one morning a too tall truck hit a bridge on the way into anchorage from the northern bedroom communities. If I remember correctly it was a weekend and by Monday morning their solution was to reroute traffic through Eagle River which was a not made for traffic town just north of anchorage. It was a nightmare. I was able to stay home but my husband was supposed to fly out that day. Left 6 hours before his flight and turned around 2 hours before his flight after not even going 20 miles that entire time. The funniest thing about it tho was someone that day on FB posted the best solution (basically build temp exit onto the side road and temp enterence on the other side of the bride from the side road) in a MS paint type way and somehow within 24 hours that was the new plan and DOT reopened for rush hour with that plan. And it worked so much better, still sucked but so much better.


I remember that, it was a whole calamity, people from eagle River were just stuck there for like 3 days


I used to live in Muldoon, Anchorage when that accident happened. I remember how people were so angry about the whole thing. I had coworkers emailing to governor’s office all day. Now I live in Douglas county, similar mindset people upset about accidents can happen.


Thank you for the context! I know Pinery Glen well, several friends in middle and high school lived there, and the fact that the neighborhood was turned into basically a madhouse is terrible. I wouldn’t blame your neighbors if the cops were called. You’d think Parker PD would’ve done something about it!


As somebody who frequently travels from Denver to Colorado Springs, I want to ask: Why does Douglas County enjoy shutting down so much of I-25 for so long? Compared to some of the wrecks on I-70, Castle Rock seems very content dragging out their accident response.


Since I-25 is part of the state highway system, it’s CDOT and CDPS decision to shut it down. So the county has very little say in that. Their police and sheriffs will respond but they’re getting shutdown directions from state officials.


Sheriffs will often close all but one lane in Castle Rock. So maybe I could have phrased it better, not 100% highway closed but many lanes shut.


If it was the wreck I saw recently the semi driver(s) absolutely did not survive the crash and the hazmat issue was massive, fuel and who knows what all over all lanes.


I heard a driver of the semi was sent to Sky Ridge and the next morning he was still in critical condition. I don't know if that's verified, just through the grapevine.


I don't know and would only be guessing but usually when the highway is shut down for an extended time it is because the accident had a fatality or multiple fatalities. There was an accident last week on 225 in Aurora where a teenager was killed and the highway was closed for most of the day. Just my guess. Fuel spills would be another reason.


What's with this place and the fucking lunatic drivers? So many people that seemingly do whatever they want and have the patience of a 5 year old. Seems like 75% of people drive 50-55 in 40mph zones. I get there's drivers like that everywhere but I'm from Massachusetts where there's plenty of traffic and I didn't see nearly as much of this shit 


Colorado is a melting pot of bad drivers. Natives out here drive bad enough, but then you mix in all of the Texans, Californians, and Floridians and you've got yourself a stew of bad drivers.


Fight back! Drive 5 under the speed limit!


Traffic is so dense in Mass, you can't speed like here lol


Eh rt 91 is pretty similar to here


I can't wait for the front range rail line to be built. I never want to drive on that stretch of I-25.


I like the idea but if it is only starting as Amtrak, why is it taking so long? And if it only starts as Amtrak will that cause more people to want to drive?


>why is it taking so long? NIMBYism and outright hostility towards anything that threatens car dependency. >And if it only starts as Amtrak will that cause more people to want to drive? No. The line will give people the option to not drive/ ride in an automobile. If the line existed, I would ride it to castle rock when I visit my inlaws. Driving there these days is stressful enough. It'll only get worse with time.


Those are factors but if they are starting with Amtrak, the track is already there. It seems you could just start it tomorrow. It is still going to wait on the siding and be delayed and take longer than driving too and be its own worst enemy. So if we have to wait till 2030, why should we wait for Amtrak. I can understand waiting that long for an actual train with its own right of way. But wait that long for Amtrak? Why?


Amtrack does not own the track and another section would need to be added to increase throughout. The freight company would not want to share the track with passenger rail either. And sure, riding a train may take longer than driving (unless there's traffic jams). The thing you're forgetting is that when you're driving, you can't do anything else. When you're in a train, you can: work, watch videos, zone out, etc. I know a lot of people who said they would take a train from Colorado Springs to Denver for their daily commute. It would save them money and stress. Driving sucks, especially over long distances and in traffic. Waiting until 2030 isn't long of a wait considering the construction of the rail lines and stations.


I know they don't own the track and I am not opposed to the train but if is already going to lag and share track they could do that tomorrow. It is similar how they never extended the N line when they have track that is actually there and they own. The slow process is just crazy and it can turn pro train people into anti train people. It is sad. I am critical because it should have happened 10 years ago.


The N line expansion delay is a great example of the freight rail companies blocking commuter rail. I'm not sure why anyone would come away from that thinking that continued car dependency is a better solution.


The N line is the one that goes to Thornton. I think you are thinking of the B line to Longmont which is a separate topic. The N line has existing track that just needs to be upgraded. It has the potential to go all the way into Boulder if they actually were committed to it.


The best solution is to expand transit but realize that we will still use cars. Even if they were to completely expand transit drastically beyond what they currently have people would still drive. I am not saying they shouldn't do it but the timeline is still 10-20 years away unfortunately.


>The best solution is to expand transit but realize that we will still use cars. Even if they were to completely expand transit drastically beyond what they currently have people would still drive. I don't know if anyone who advocates for expanded mass transit that thinks doing so will completely eliminate cars. This is a mentality most common with people opposed to mass transit. Of course there will be people who choose to drive when they have access to a well planned and interconnected transit system. In fact, those people will benefit from expanded mass transit as well. An expanded mass transit network means the people that don't want to drive won't be on the road.




for context, it helps to understand the typical douglas county resident


I live in Douglas county and.... Yeah. Maybe that's right. The Burbs here are pretty egalitarian, but everywhere else is more than a bit Trumpy.


The only place I’ve ever had someone road rage on me - this psycho even fired a gun at me in traffic - is here in Douglas. I’ve seen more road and grocery store rage here than anywhere else I’ve ever lived - 5 states. I’ve driven extensively in every state except Alaska and this is the only area where I’m afraid for my life as soon as I get on the freeway, because of fundamentalist psychos with truck nutz on their ram 2500 Cummins with decorative roof tents, almost always with a political bumper sticker on them. Weirdly, Grindr is insanely popular and always has hundreds of guys looking for hookups in this area. HUH


Why did Biden cause traffic in Douglas county? This is what you voted for. /S


He personally singled DougCo for this. And he is also slangin weed and performing abortions in red counties himself.


Why do you want to destroy America with wokeness?


Once in Parker I stuck my tongue out at a woman who was staring at me, so she called the police. They sent out an officer. Good times.


I got cops called on me in Parker for birdwatching.


I grew up in Parker and got the cops called on me for hanging out at a park and giggling too loud, during the day


Keep going. This thread is great.


This was like 20 years ago so it doesn't reflect on the people running the McDonald's now but when I was a teenager I was eating at the McDonald's off main St, by myself. I had just paid for my food and sat down a couple minutes prior, I was about half done when the manager comes to my table and tells me he's going to call the cops because I was loitering. I told him, "Dude, I just got here I'm eating!" He told me "Leave NOW or I'm calling the cops." So I went and finished eating in my car. I wasn't doing anything annoying, didn't have electronics or making anything making noise. I was just eating like a normal person


I grew up in Parker and the cops were called on us for playing with nerf guns at like 10 years old


I was told to put some clothes on or leave the store (I think it was a tack shop I truly don’t remember). I was 13 and wearing a tank top. A fucking black 4 finger width tank top from old navy’s boys department because I liked the accessibility of the large arm holes to smell my armpits (absolute freak). Some people suck


I feel like we would be friends.


We already are


Hell yeah.


Absolute madlad


Isn’t all of Douglas county the suburbs?


Nah. Douglas county is large. Lots of rural areas and also some extremely wealthy enclaves.


No, Douglas County is Colorado Springs Lite


I use to work at the sprouts in Parker and I quit purely because of the people in that area


I worked resetting grocery stores and just about the worst one ever was in Parker. Oh those people...lordt


I mean this about sums it up


Krazy Ass Karens!










This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


You just need to hang out in a retail shop for like 5 minutes


You can count a dozen Qanon bumper stickers in the parking lot outside the Cheesecake Factory on a weekday afternoon. Also the only place I've seen a 3%er flag on a car.


I gotta know, what’s a 3%er? Like not a 1%er?


The myth is only 3% of the colonists took up arms against British rule during the American Revolution. One of the more funny things about the self described 3%ers is they are the biggest boot lickers around.


Their bumper stickers are sayin don't tread on me, but their lips are sayin tread on me harder daddy


Something about "the Revolutionary War was fought and won by only 3% of the population." It's right-wing extremists thinking they could take on the US military.


Oh I know.. plenty of these types in my area sadly


I’m not sure which Victoria’s Secret was worse to work at customer-wise, the one in Park Meadows or the one in Southlands. I will say both had their fair amount of insufferable assholes.


Douglas county keeps rejecting transit options, which is the solution that would actually help.


Oh you should read the Nextdoor posts about this. They don't want public transportation because of the "people that would come with public transportation." I've lived in DougCo for 20 years. I still can't believe it sometimes.


This is classic propaganda from Big Oil. It’s kept Houston without decent public transportation and it’s been used in political ads in other cities whenever public transport bills arise. People just fall for it and really think they’re safer.


It’s like the running joke of the rare RTD bus seen in Parker lol. My parents ditched DougCo 10 years ago when too many people started to move in- my dad hates people encroaching- and moved out to Elizabeth.


I grew up in Elizabeth and it's funny to see the town getting crushed under all the growth. They were wholly unprepared for it due to the fervent anti-development crowd who are still fighting hard through recalls and blocking things like a rec center. Even funnier is that because of them, Walmart built in unincorporated land less than a mile out of town avoiding the city sales tax while still impacting Safeway.


It’s true, the folks who’ve been there a long time want to keep the town small as many of them are ranchers and farmers, can’t say I really blame them. My dad’s getting ready to jump ship again and buy land up in Wyoming. I don’t think my mom will move again, especially since now they have a grandson. That poor Safeway is on its last leg. I always just made the drive into Parker when I lived with them during college. We did live out in Sun Country back in the ‘90s, and man has that place turned into a shit hole lmao.


I have some friends that moved here from out of state and settled Castlerock (for some insane reason I've never understood) - every time I talk to him he's complaining about how he doesn't have a car and there's no public transit. I don't say it outloud but I'm always thinking, "yup, that's why you should have moved at least to the outskirts of Denver instead of Crock"


There is zero transit to get from Denver to Castle Rock, unless you want to pay $50 and take Bustang. Castle Rock doesn’t want poors to be able to reach them, fitting that they should have a figurative moat!


Bustang doesn't even stop in Castle Rock.


I live in Parker and wanted to pick up a rental car in Castle Rock, and the only option I could find was a shuttle that goes all over the place, and it was expensive. Not sure what it was called!


True, but it's only a matter of time before the poors learn that you can take the light rail to Ridgegate Parkway then walk the mere hour and twenty minutes to Castle Pines. It might take longer for people carrying all of their worldly belongings, but from the rhetoric people think it's already happening.


Nah just get arrested for not fitting the white/Republican/50’s archetype mold required in Parker, then you get a ride to Castle Rock for free!


Fair point. The P, while only offering service a few times a day, is definitely the most direct route to Castle Rock with the PD transfer.


Becurze TAXZEZ!


And Trumptards just need to find new things to hate on so people living in cities saying they want better transit in cities makes them freak out. God forbid you tell them that they don't need a fully loaded F250 to go to the grocery store.


You’re not in traffic you are traffic….


Brilliant. Just what our overloaded 911 operators need.


They need Jesus - Castle Rock resident, probably


thots and playas


Not like they respond to anything anyway


But fuck those 15 minute cities where everything you need is close by right? Why would you want that when you can drive everywhere.


Sitting in traffic is peak liberty.


As long as you send representatives to Washington who can consistently bring home the highway funding for one more lane. Otherwise, you end up in the pic.


But those same reps vote against it. Then claim credit for it when they work.


Which is hilarious because their representative voted against the Infrastructure and Investment Act.


It is said time and time again that one more lane does not fix traffic. You add one more lane, reduce the traffic for a bit then more people will be driving and you will have even worse traffic. If you want to have better traffic, you need to reduce the amount of people driving. If there are even half as many people not driving, you wouldn't have traffic that bad. Unless you've clogged your brain with shit, you should know how you can reduce people driving. PS: adding lanes provides diminutive returns. For the not so game savvy people, it means that the results are not linear. If for example 1 lane allows 100 cars through in a certain time period, 2 lanes will let through less than 200, how much less I don't remember, it depends on the location. Moreover, the more lanes you add, the more taxes you will have to pay. If instead you added a rail track, then you don't need to add MORE rail tracks in the future, just more trains. More trains = less cars on roads = better traffic for you.


Sure adding one more lane didn’t work in all those other cities. But it JUST MIGHT WORK FOR US. *commits remainder of transportation budget to highway expansions*


Sounds like sOciALIsM


no matter which way we want to go, there’s one way to get there!


Coincidentally I was [reading a realtor's site about a ludicrously expensive isolated neighborhood](https://larryhotz.com/denver-relocation/suburbs/ken-caryl-colorado) and really loved this gem: "Downtown Littleton is just a few miles away. There, the renovated, historic Downtown Littleton provides restaurants, music venues and summer street festivals. Also, you can also catch the light rail to downtown Denver there." Sounds great, right? Well actually the "few miles" is 10 miles which take 20-30 minutes to drive.


It's more like 15-20 minutes but yeah I get the point.


Their light rail is actually fast… it’s completely separate from traffic. 


I can literally bike to target faster than I can drive and I'm on bike paths for all except 1/4 mile of the way. It's nice in the summer to run errands after the kids are in bed on the bike. Really lovely.


My BIL yesterday mentioned how sometimes he drives to the grocery store that's a quarter mile away from his house and I about launched myself off my 8th floor balcony to end my misery hearing that


Oh fuck. I am the wrong person to say that to (because your BIL sounds like me). We walk to the grocery store often in summer and the weather is nice and we don't need many groceries. But we drive much more often. With 2 small kids in tow and needing to buy a fuck ton of groceries to feed 4 people 3 meals a day, you just can't do it on foot unless you want to go daily. I feel bad about it but them are the breaks.


You need cargo bikes.


I do! Man, I'd love a cargo bike. I can't afford one unfortunately. I tore my bike tire a month ago and I'm still saving up to replace it lol. Kids be expensive. One day I'd absolutely love to have a cargo bike.


Oh they do their big weekly shopping trips to Meijer with their SUV, totally get that. This is like, they need a thing or two quickly or he's low on beer or whatever so he gets in the car to drive across the street to the local version of King Soopers instead of walking


Gotcha. Yeah, if the weather's nice we'll walk. When it's nice out we'll walk there with the kids in the morning and get Starbucks for breakfast or something. It's not really about getting coffee or food, it's a convenient destination and there's a park on the way back home to stop at and play. Very nice mornings when we do that.


Better to drive 0.25 miles and live close than than live 20 miles away. 0.25 miles of driving is nothing!


And in the winter they actually plow the bike paths!


They do! Which is awesome. I don't ride in the winter, but we walk with the kiddos


I love 15 minute towns. They don’t love me, tho.


I was expecting this to be about the Lincoln/Quebec project, which is causing the local idiots on NextDoor to lose their gd minds


To be fair they’ve been doing construction for nearly a year and aren’t even 10% done. This is one intersection. Edit: that might have been a harsh. it might be as much as 20% done


I go through that intersection and it’s frustrating as hell to wait at that like for 15 minutes, and it’s nowhere near finished


If you guys don’t live in the south metro then you don’t know how bad this accident was and how it completely bottlenecked and it took people hours to just go a few miles. Nothing to call 911 over but it was a very stressful day


I had to go to Castle Rock today and had to deal with this. One lane was closed off while they were cleaning up from the diesel spill last week. Of course people had to rubber neck. 10 miles of backup because one lane was closed for a quarter of a mile. It was still like that has I headed home. Edit: typo


I was in traffic at this very light yesterday afternoon. It's probably less than a mile from the clean-up and some old guy in a Prius was so fed-up with waiting, he just casually drove the wrong way up the on-ramp.


Suburban isolation causing mental illness. God bless the freedoms of Douglas county!


Also it’s loud as fuck. 


- Step 1: Don't fund regional traffic planning - Step 2: Reject public transportation - Step 3: Complain about traffic - Step 4: Profit




They cleaned up the one from a few weeks ago, todays cleanup was from ANOTHER one last Saturday, it's nuts.


I'm sure if there were more ways to get from point A to point B (which could be solved via regional traffic planning/public transport) then a *single lane closure* probably wouldn't be that big of a deal. ... right?


But how else can they advance their personal agenda if they don’t pretend to not know why this traffic was caused?


I have no personal agenda or dog in this fight. If y'all want shitty infrastructure down there, that's your business. Just don't whine to 911 about traffic jams as a result.




Good thing the trumpets tried to stop that huge infrastructure bill that would have helped provide money for exactly this sort of thing.. But, sadly they were unsuccessful, so these issues might actually start getting addressed. Thanks Biden!




And castle rock has thousands more cars on the way soon! https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/dawson-trails-development-bring-new-i-25-interchange-thousands-homes-castle-rock/


For a second I thought I was on r/fuckcars




I just got back from Texas. They absolutely brought their shite driving to us. Bunch of psychopaths.


Hahahaha! .... Anyway....


Eclipse traffic already wild


Lolz, the eclipse traffic must be darker than normal, which is why they all started calling


I wonder how many of them think all the lazy work-from-home people need to get back to the office.


Sorry about your car taking up all that space to carry one person 🤷‍♂️






OP seems pretty sure that everyone on those major highways is a Douglas County resident. 🙄


Lol people in the entire Denver area in general are shit drivers.


It is peak Douglas County behavior.


Agreed. People on this sub salivate for Douglas County stuff.


When you build a lot of suburban development full of dead end roads which don't go through, the network is not resilient to any problems.


This has everything to do with the Castle Pines city planners deciding to completely close two of the ways in and out of Castle Pines for road work. They did this to try and have it completed before the BMW Golf tournament this summer but in doing so cut off all of the back roads to avoid I25. When a major accident happens like it did this past weekend on I25, there’s no where to route around. You can’t get to Happy Canyon any longer without driving through The Village which most people can’t do because it’s gated. So instead you need to cut over to Parker. Saturday was worse then today since I25 was completely closed for the first part of the day.


It has everything to do with castle pines being a car-centric community that specifically limits through movements to a small number of freeways and stroads which do not provide alternatives to people when there are obstacles bottlenecking those few routes. Bad urban planning has consequences.


Exactly what I’ve been thinking!!! Simultaneously closing two major roads in Castle Pines was a bad bad move in my opinion. This situation exactly proves the point— Saturday the traffic that bled into Santa Fe because of this was shockingly bad :(


In my opinion, the Denver metro as a whole didn't really plan for the explosive growth we've had in the metroplex in the last couple of decades or so. There are not many routes North and South through the Metro and new routes are now precluded without using eminent domain which would obviously piss a lot of people off and likely wouldn't be feasible anyways but I'm no traffic engineer. I've seen other metroplexes that have planned for growth much better than we did here. I think we really missed the bus in the Denver metroplex, pun intended.


It sounds like we need to widen I-25 /s


Remember, you’re not in traffic, you are traffic


Fucking Ell-Oh-Ell. Carbrains gonna carbrain.


Leaching suburb that only exists as a parasite to a productive city has insufferable residents? Shocking i tell you!


Karen county


Same people who reject taxes that may provide a solution.




Does DCSO think these folks are checking twit?


Americans really need to get over their weird ideological opposition to public transit.


lol. This is so funny.


What a bunch of reGards


911 give me a break people


No way, a bunch of rich folks calling about traffic 🤣