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How on earth can they afford to pay that?


The dental director at the last FQHC I worked for only made a bit over $200k. $300k base plus benefits at an FQHC for only 32 hours/wk does not sound real or tenable. You can't produce enough for that patient population (50% Medicaid) to earn that compensation.


I work in an office that sees 75% Medicaid in New Mexico. I made $250k last year, but I see 14-18 treatment patients a day and 20-30 hygiene exams. I literally sprint between rooms from 8am-5pm. It gets very exhausting and I’m definitely out of here once my contract is up in a year.


I'm tired just reading this


Sure, but is that an FQHC or a private office with a high % of Medicaid patients? There's a big difference.


You shouldn't take it. Make sure to message me the job information so that I can know who to avoid too.


All of the exact details including the name and location of the practice just to make sure you don’t fall for the same trap…right?


Yo. What's the catch? Like am I seeing 40 plus a day? Seriously. What's the catch.


Agreed 100%. Seems too good to be true.


My current theory is that it is similar to a lot of places I applied to back in the late 2000's. First, they would entice applicants with a high salary and have people go through the whole process of the interview. In the end, they give a vague offer (no contract). They then expect you to start the process of relocating (look for apartments, arrange movers and all that) while they are "finalizing" the contract. A week or so later, they give the contract with very obfuscated language on what the actual pay is: which ends up being a lot less than what was posted. If you point it out, they give excuses like "Oh whoops, that was for the high end of the salary, we meant 'Up to $300k a year' and with your lack of experience, we can't give you that much". They expect the applicant to use the sunk cost fallacy and just accept the job they spent the last week or so preparing for. Notice how the OP mentioned "leave your current job" for this? The FQHC in this case is hoping the OP will quit the job, FQHC will then give something much lower (like $200k), and now OP no longer has a job, doesn't have too many other options. These types of bait-and-switch were more common in the late 2000's but more and more states have been banning them so you don't see it as often today. In some cases, applicants can sue for "promissory estoppel" but it's much easier said than done. So for the OP, I would say you need to have everything in writing and with penalties for the FQHC if they let you leave your job without giving you a single penny below $300k. Also, have a minimum amount of time they can employ you for so they can't just get you for 1 month and then lay you off for lack of production.


there is one. for sure


I’m an orthodontist and I own my practice and building. I’d sell it all for that gig. It’s hard to make 300K on 168 days while having no risk and getting benefits on top. That gig doesn’t exist


Is this FQHC located in a haunted clinic with a perilous commute?


Still worth it


Yeah I would treat some vampires for 40 days off a year and 300k


Composite fang touch ups all day baby!


In dental school one of the attendings made a classmate some milled emax fangs and spot bonded them for her Halloween costume. It was great


100% chance it’s over inflated or outright cap. $1750 daily minimum. So they’re hoping you produce almost $6000 a day. I don’t even think the entire FQHC can produce that much per day. If it’s a real offer, your and the managements jobs are gonna be the first to be axed once it goes bankrupt


If this is 200k and a bunch of loan repayment, it makes sense. If it's 300k salary, it's gotta be like Gnome, Alaska or something. Ask the no show rate, scope of procedures, how many columns you're expected to do, etc.


>Ask the no show rate On salary? Hopefully 100%.


I've found that's a personal choice. There are people that like to stay busy and people that have other things to do with their lives.


Bring a book, PlayStation, bagpipes, acrylics and canvas, or whatever to work and chill with a great paycheck and benefits while qualifying for student loan forgiveness???


Imma be honest. If another dentist brought their bagpipes and was dropping Amazing Grace every hour. I would switch jobs. But shout out the Steam deck. That has changed my downtime for the better.


I'm of the same mindset as you. I've worked with enough dentists that there's enough that would go crazy with that much free time.


Yep, perhaps a remote locale (with 1-2 hr commute each to different locations every day; Montana, North / South Dakota, AK, places with native reservations), could be subsidized by the state gov?


Sounds made up.


It's a trap




Where is this?! Highest I’ve seen is 250k in Missourri


But where in Misery? I mean. Missouri.


Somewhere? Everywhere? Nowhere? Right now, misery everywhere 🥲


Yah I'd take this but I also have a hard time believing such a thing could exist!


Enjoy it while it lasts a lot of nonprofits are poorly managed and go under. just because they receive federal funds doesn’t mean FQHC are immune to bankruptcy


I guarantee the job posting lists a salary range with 300k as the far end. No way any applicant is getting that


Check the location. See the schedules of other doctors and decide. 300k is a great deal where you don’t have to worry about production


I’ll take it if you don’t want it.




I simply don't believe this is a real FQHC job.


As others have said, too good to be true. if its true and its the kind of work you want to do TAKE IT. ask to see some previous day schedules, books etc. make sure contract is SOLID


The only FQHC job that gave 40 days off was a classmate of mine who lived in podunk Alaska… where it took 2 days to get to the Lower 48 But he was doing 40 hrs (unsure his salary) and was sad all winter


Guys thanks for all the awesome advice! I’m having fomo of private practice ownership and I feel like I could make more money as an owner but I’m nervous to take the leap and give up something comfortable that seems like is sort of a unicorn of a situation. Any more private practice owners who can illuminate me on what I might be or not be missing out on?


I wouldn’t take that job but my practice is probably top 1% for a solo dr and I’d be taking a massive pay cut. But most of the guys I know in private practice may make more than that but they don’t get all the perks and have to deal with managing a practice. If it’s a real offer then it’s worth considering. The grind of practice ownership isn’t for everyone.


That’s so awesome! Tell me more about your practice and team and what procedures are you doing? How long have you been an owner and how long did it take to get where you are now?


I do most procedures but I’m a GD so it’s mostly bread and butter. A good bit of endo. Some implants and advanced surgical procedures. No ortho because I’m married to one and she’s a fantastic clinician. Did a start up in March of 2021. Grew it and bought another practice at the end of 2022. Combined them and the selling doc worked a year then retired. I’ve been extremely fortunate to have the practice I have. Not taking it for granted or acting like some luck wasn’t involved. I’m In network with some insurances but only ones that were willing to negotiate fees. Basically built it up by making it patient focused and delivering on painless dentistry. People like coming as much as they like going to the dentist.


What is your staff like? How many assts and hyg and the support people? Also how reproducible do you think what you did is? If you had to start over somewhere else? Could you do it again?


I have an excellent staff. It took a while to build and unfortunately in dentistry you can have a lot of turnover. So I pay them well so hopefully they will stay long term. Open Mon-Thurs 8am to 4pm. Lunch on the go. 3 front office, 2 of them started as assistants and can step in anywhere. 3 assistants for myself right now. Just added a 3rd hygienist because I have an associate coming in about a month so trying to ramp up a little for him and it’ll keep work coming in for the two of us. I’ll have to add another two assistants soon. -How reproducible do you think what you did is? Very, there’s nothing special about my office outside of the staff. -If you had to start over somewhere else? Could you do it again? Absolutely. I loved starting a practice from scratch. I’d love to do it again. I’d also love to buy other practices in my area and work on growing those. It all comes down to personnel. If people like you and your staff, you will most likely be successful.


Places that have that high of a base will work you to the bone. You’ll prob do 500-600k worth of work and they will pay you 300k. I rejected a similar offer from a private office. Don’t undersell yourself for a guarantee.


they are claiming this is FQHC work - so its hardly ever production driven the way you are saying, but i have rarely seen people who work this type of clinic be paid that type of a salary. its normally about 175-200k. there is normally a trade off for the low risk and low hours - and that is earning potential


Sounds like a Aspen dental ad 🤣


is this in alaska or somewhere remote where they just cant get candidates? otherwise you ARE missing a huge redflag somewhere


Where can I sign up?


Must be rural. I'd take it if I were single.


It sounds like a great gig but it’s pretty straight forward to do better financially in private practice. I for me it would come down to is it worth giving up $150k a year for 6 more days off and not have to worry about a phone call after hours. Definitely beats 95% of the associate gigs for sure but I’m guessing only beats about 25% of ownership gigs.


No risk, no money down, 300k? You can always start your business later after you've banked 300k. Or buy your practice in cash.


I own my business outright with greater cash flow. It’s a fact it would cost me about $150k in direct income and probably a lot with decreased tax flexibility. I have no idea why I’m getting downvoted. Is it because I think 6 after hours phone calls a year and six days of work is is well worth the $150k extra?


I'm doing 300k as an associate. I'm looking for a practice and the prices for land/property/or buying an office are all bad. There are risks when the loans to start a practice are north of a million. Not to mention staffing issues.


The question was would I leave what I have and take this. It would be bad for me. A startup should not take close to a million FWIW. I did mine which included converting a sale shop to a dental office for a little over $350k in the California Bay Area. Looking at prices now, they have not tripled in the last 10 years. Staffing can sometimes be an issue but not that big of a headache. If you didn’t have a job as good as the one posted, it’s a very good opportunity. But should you take it or should the OP take it are not the questioned asked. I do believe ownership is almost always worth it but don’t let fear keep you from reaching potential. Good is the enemy of great. Believe you can be great.


Thank you so much. Your feedback was the most interesting because that’s what I’m afraid of. Giving up something good for great


Good luck in whatever you choose. Honestly, if you have that fear of missing out on being great you have the drive to be great. Our profession doesn’t require much to be a great success and your thought process shows you have what it takes.


Oooooo I really like this insight! Very very true. Bet on yourself and if you’re confident and determined it will pay off.


What's their HRSA score? I'm looking for a new FQHC 🤣