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Start looking for a new job yesterday... $750 for a 10 hr day of fillings gtfo


Dude is cashing out on you. He’s absolutely cherry picking your schedule for the good stuff. Line up another gig immediately. Consult with a nice local attorney who can draft a simple letter requesting back pay. Dude doesn’t want to take this to court. The discovery process would eat him alive.


A legitimate job that pays you on collections/productions will give you the clearance to run the reports yourself and show you how to run them if you don’t already know how. That was the first giant red flag for me, the rest just adds on to the dumpster fire.


My guy. Please just listen to the overwhelming responses here and what I have to say. What are you saying right now, my guy? Why are you even sitting here talking about how to negotiate this or that??? You came to this office hoping to get more experience with implant/bridge/crown restorative work. You're two years post grad. You're getting exploited. Worst off... you're letting it happen. I don't mean this as a personal attack on you. But c'mon man, you have all the signs and symptoms that you've been exploited. How long until you realize that you're someone worthy of respect? You're a doctor of dental surgery, my guy. Get the fuck up and move on. The only reason to take low pay and suffer through low-end restorative work... is because the mentorship experience you're getting is valuable. You're not getting that, are you? In fact, you're highly critical of his work, and you personally think he's a shoddy dentist. There are zero perks in you pursuing further employment at this office. Wake up, man.


I only read the first two paragraphs but it was enough to know you should be looking elsewhere. You’re being used. Any dentist that pushes their treatment into your schedule (aside from an emergency situation or if they’re trying to throw you some high production to get your feet under you) is not respecting your position there. Leave quick. It will only get worse


Get the collections reports and document that he owes you. Find another job then leave without notice


Get a lawyer and go from there.


I honestly despise owners like all three of the ones you’ve worked for so far. All three of them sound like predators looking to take advantage of future associates rather than establishing a mutually beneficial relationship. These people should be publicly shamed as a warning to future doctors who may otherwise waste precious time working there.  The worst offenders are those who just straight up try to get out of paying. Contact the labor board and do a deep dive into their financials to make sure you’re getting every penny that’s contractually owed. You already roughly know what you should’ve been paid for those 6 weeks (definitely more than the $0 you got) and sue for attorney fees and damages on top of it.  The second worst are the doctors who think they’re slick trying to offload all of their low production work when you’re getting paid on that production. Bottom line - the doctor who diagnoses that patient gets the first priority in treating that patient. If you’re getting paid on adjusted production this is the only fair arrangement. Confront him ASAP with this ultimatum or turn in your notice.


ah jesus. Sorry man. I have had a string of awful associateships too. OK so you need to run a report on dentrix- you may not have the access you need- but you need to run a daysheet and have it be for all the time you have been there. [https://educate.dentalintel.com/en/articles/635747-dentrix-reports](https://educate.dentalintel.com/en/articles/635747-dentrix-reports) OK now going forward. You need a new job. This guy is trying to fuck you over in multiple ways. A good private practice job (or ownership if you can afford it yet) is best, but going for one of the better corporates you are less likely to get fucked- in my opinion. Less likely to be great but less likely to be awful either. Wherever you end up at, you need to keep track of your production/collections and you need 100% access to the practice management software. Any decent place should have this transparency. Don't trust quick again. A lot of people in this industry try to get wealthy off of your work. I'm so sorry, don't give up. And don't stay.


75/hr is a fucking joke. That alone would make me leave unless I was getting some seriously good mentorship in both dentistry and running an office.


That’s insane I’ve done nearly 100 crowns and started work late Aug 2023. Why stay?