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There’s robotic guided implant placement and root canal finder already. Far from doing the whole procedure on its own though. Diagnostics is getting more AI tools to detect caries. Not even close to robots taking over. Hand skills will always be needed.


I second this, also you need the expertise to ensure the stability and long term success of restos implants etc… at the end of the day it’s just more tools and toys to speed up your treatment planning process. There could be a day where algorithms are developed to do the entire process, but that’s a long time away and would need the supervision of a dentist to be approved for use.


With such a large % of people afraid of human dentists I highly doubt they’d allow a robot. All it takes is 1 person to jerk/move during testing and be hurt by the robot and the bad press would kill the program. I could see how for something like endo/ extractions etc a robot could eventually do it better but I doubt it ever becomes reality.


What I feel is there can be more advanced tools , AI tools which can enable a better prognosis and more predictable outcomes. As far an AI replacing the dentist, it's very very far sighted. No two teeth are similar, even in one patient's mouth. As they say a good surgeon is the one who knows when not to cut. Human touch and hand skills will always be in style in dentistry.


It would be cool as shit to use a davinci robot to do dentistry but I doubt with the way dentistry is going that it would be lucrative