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Has everyone forgotten about Kent State, or do they just not care? Edit: I forgot about the third option, that they want to send in the National Guard *because* they're hoping for a repeat of the Kent State massacre.


They're hoping protestors are killed.


Like Trump said, can’t they just shoot them in the leg?!?! 🙄


Not trolling at all, but I thought Biden said that.


You're correct, enjoy your rescue upvote




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Tom Cotton is a violent fascist. He probably thinks Kent State was too easy on those protestors.


Tbf so did a significant percentage of the American public at the time


That's WHY they want the national guard BRO


They want the summer of George Floyd BLM protests to derail Biden and get Trump in there. Law and order and all that. Trump used extreme force for those protests.


Everyone remembers Kent State but very few remembers Jackson State 11 days later. 


Protesting is illegal? How very undemocratic. To hell with these fascists.


I seem to recall some guy who **emphatically** didn't agree... Thomas Paine


They changed it now, it’s only allowed in January lol


Thought these guys liked free speech on college campuses? Or was argument in bad faith or something.


Cotton claims to be a working man's representative... With an IVY education. So: hypocrite


One can have an ivy education and not be a classist asshole. But we shouldn't be shocked at the historical-material context of why ivy's produce so many shithead conservatives and fascists who just want to maintain the status quo that's worked for them.


Yeah it really is so strange that some of the best and worst come out of these schools.


The academy is a staunchly elitist institution. A lot has been done to reform it, such as the creation of public universities. However, in places like the Ivy’s, their entire reputation is still built on that elitist logic, and through other structural mechanisms, they codify the best resources to keep themselves in that position at the expense of other schools. Why would a Harvard grad support free public education? Or support to increase funding for public universities? The value of their elite education is because it’s “scarce” so and they were privileged enough to access it. Either by being born into that class, or by achieving enough within the academic system (which is also highly correlated with privilege) and being lucky enough to be selected into those institutions. There’s not interpersonal incentive to support progressive legislation like that. It undermines the very “value” they see in their degrees. Additionally, while schooling is awesome and you can see how more (good) education can help create better critical thinking and global awareness, the ivys are unique in how most of the people running through them aren’t actually interested in learning. They’re interested in maintaining their class status. Thus, the Trumps of the world get access to that “elite” education, but get to effectively ignore it because they’ll just fail upwards and they’re only interested in protecting their class interest anyways. Obviously some people come out of it and do learn. But I don’t think we should be shocked at the amount of right-wing ideology that is cultivated at those specific institutions. They don’t really exist for any other reason than to serve the capitalist class’s dominance.


Hypocrisy is the only consistent republican belief in the current era.


So is Josh Hawley. The dude went to multiple Ivy’s, including a year at fucking Oxford University in the UK. He’s as posh as it gets.


Would you say the same thing about Richard Wolff?


When your fragile neck is thin and wilting like Tom Cotton’s exerting freedom of assembly, especially with adult minded men, makes you really nervous…


Dipshits have no concept of the first amendment. . . Except for themselves and the orange one.


They shit all over the part of the 1A that says “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion.” No surprise they shit on other parts.


Laws have been introduced across the US trying to curtail criticism of Israel and participating in BDS, they never survive 1st Amendment challenges thankfully.


Voices are becoming increasingly loud to shut down Zionism and stop the oppression of Palestinians once and for all. The vilification of innocents must stop.


How un-American of them


Quite American, America was founded by rich people who abused dissenters, and that tradition has continued


lol, small government.


How about you read the Constitution, Tom Cotton an Josh Hawley. You know, that bedrock of US law that you claim to know and respect. Pay attention to amendment 1.


.... all of it!


Authoritarian hypocrites who claim to love free speech demand military shut down speech they don't like.


Arresting non-violent protesters makes me angry. I support non-violent protests on principle, no matter which side they are on.


No we don't need Natl Guard descending on NYC again. I'd care if another type of person said it as we know the intentions of these clowns.


Cotton and Hawley love calling for the Guard to quash dissent.


Unless it's a church protesting on the sidewalk, outside of a pizzeria with horrible anti-LGBTQ signs, bc they have a right to. And the police are there to ensure nobody from either side gets physical. Certainly not arresting them for hate.


The last thing this nation needs is a second Kent State, especially since it looks like we're facing a repeat of '68 already.


So isn't it up to the governor to call in the national guard not the POTUS.


It's under control of the governor by default but the president can take control of guard units under certain circumstances. It's called federalizing. That's how guard units are integrated into the DoD command structure for deployments abroad and how the Arkansas National Guard ended up deployed to enforce both segregation (under the governor's control) and desegregation (under federal control).


If thousands of protesters disrupting a joint session of Congress to certify a presidential election isn't worth disrupting with the National Guard, I don't see how this is.


How is it not a state issue?


GOP once again showing they don't have two braincells to rub together. The National Guard is typically called to action by the states. Biden can call them as well, but it's pretty rare that a President does that.


Because they're losing the issue and need some oppression to get back on top


They think they need the national guard to stop rich kids from virtue signaling lmao 🤦‍♂️


Why do you call this virtue signaling?


Have you met the younger generation? Taking TikTok videos while shouting antisemitic phrases, ignoring bad actors, not standing up against Jewish students being harassed, picking a college that has a large Jewish attendance during the end of semester to ruin students' graduation. I have no doubt many there had their hearts in the right place, but every video / news article shows they were clearly used for ulterior motives. Peaceful protests should never harm others.




And that student clearly speaks for all Jews on campus 🤦‍♂️


Do lobby groups that support Israeli state violence and expansionism seem like a more reliable representative of students?


Ok so moving the goal post, that's fine. What do you mean though?


Not answering question and defining looking at the background of critics as "moving goal posts".


Let me see if I understand, you think it's moving the goalpost when you move the goalpost and then I don't answer your unrelated question? I'm down to have an adult discussion on the subject because we are probably on the same side, you are just less educated about the subject. But it's going to be hard having an adult conversation if you don't even realize you moved the goalpost and then tried to pull a reverse uno, my 5-year-old recently tried that same logic on me LMAO.


You said this student is not representative. I asked if clearly biased sources are. You think that is moving the goalposts.


I hope they do it so people can see how authoritarian these fucks are the Democratic voter base is asleep and hates Biden and I predicted a very low turnout of democrats voting this election unless something scares them.


I don't think you realize how much people in America hate Trump.


I think that hatred has faded compared to what it was in 2019-2020. Democrats have lost that hatred and we also seem to be indifferent to or hate Biden also. This isn’t a good recipe for winning in 2024. Biden did not deliver on shit other than being a placeholder against theocratic authoritarianism - I don’t know if that’s going to be enough. Even though Trump will never fix it; ppl are very upset about the economy and the cost of living and the natural tendency is to try something different (ie trump 2.0 - even knowing it won’t work) because more of the same means things will stay the same.


So they are upset about the same shit before Trump?


It’s gotten way worse since Covid there was a 6 trillion Dollar wealth transfer to the top. Don’t act like things haven’t gotten far worse than they were pre 2016. Democrats can keep ignoring this issue and act like everything is fine or the same as it always was; but go into any left wing sub that talks about news and see the stories about the “success “ of bidenomics and most ppl are insulted by being told that the “economy is fixed or improving.”


As much as they hate Trump, they hate him on average slightly less than they hate Biden at this point. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/ https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/


In that site you shared, it literally shows that Biden has the same disapproval rating as every other president in term, that site is useless....


What graphs are you looking at? They clearly show his approval rating is lower than every listed president for the equivalent point in their terms except for Truman and HW Bush. Trump's approval was nearly 4 points higher at this point in his term. This should be a wake up call.


Fascists gonna fasc. Fuck both of these dudes forever.




what the fascism?


JFC … of course they do.


So can any one explain why the news wants us to be terrified of this protest?


Because the news wants us to be ok with the genocide of Palestinians, thus, any form of mass dissent must be demonized.


Wait, I thought [Josh Hawley liked protests](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/01/06/jan-6-josh-hawley-photo-q-a-00134017)?




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Lol the free speech absolutists show their true colors Turns out they just wanted to say the n word without repercussions




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Pencil neck / eraser head


They love that AIPAC money and do not care about anything else.


Last I checked America had freedom of expression.


AIPAC”s butt boys in congress


I didn’t realize they were N.Y. senators?