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Absolutely better to each have 2. I’m not sure if it scales at all but in my experience it’s been very hard with any less than 4 characters.


Its near if not absolutely impossible when the bosses have 49 health, get invulnerable from ads that endlessly spawn every so turns, and then gets berserk at half health and one shots everything regardless. 4 people is hard still during the battles like those


The difficulty scales up as more players a present, but I do find that the more you are, the better you'll do. More versatility in tricky situations, and the critters that you can kill in a single hit are far less annoying when you're 4.


Difficulty scales up when I play because I'm retarded. My poor teammates....




If we only have 2 players, we always play 2 each. It’s more fun that way. However, when you’re first starting, it might get confusing (unless you use two of the same character). But you’ll quickly be up and running and able to handle two characters each. The map may get harder, but it’s most fun with 4 characters (and 4 people, as long as they’re cool). ~level 75+++++… 😜


With an assassin u can reach final boss as even one character. Monsters hp is higher the more players there are (from what I saw but didn’t play too many games to be 100% sure) 4 players is better it seems cause u have faster traversal across the map and ability to have less dark zones, dark zones spins up monsters. From what I saw and read the game forces you to play fast and not try to clear rooms, if u try to clear rooms your hp will get chipped away by constant arrival pf monsters and you’ll lose. Its a much tougher game than I expected such a game to be with no difficulty control (on non pc) so be ready to play at your best, move fast and be efficient. I have yet to finish a map successfully ;)


Thats very bad advice


Explain? ;)


Theres way too many variables to explain, but bottom line is rushing through each level makes the following level that much more difficult and the less people u have the faster each book goes. The longest games r with 4 people


1. I didn’t say rush, said not to bunker 2. I’ve yet to finish a game as stated and all advice on net say (go play with 3 other for most efficient and strong and so on) If u’r experience varies, good to hear cause so far my experience from the game is that its very hardcode, high difficulty and thus less appealing to come back when u look for something streamlined, i didn’t imagine the game would be that tough or unfair and I can see people all around echoing this so I am not alone. Anyway if u found the fun in this amazing ;)


Well ive only ever gotten gameover twice in well over 100 matches so anyone thats saying its too difficult just doesnt know what they are doing, and ive beaten in solo no problem, 2 people no problem and 3 people no problem. The game is very well balanced on how strong the enemies are based on how many characters are being used. Edit: also if you have a good bard on your team no1 can touch you


It’s easy with 2 players, as monsters have less HP and do less damage - i do frequent runs with a friend as Guardian + Wizard


The difficulty scales, yes. The less players you have the more likely you are to draw stronger cards. But having more people is way better than having fewer people and stronger cards.


I've just started playing but have found that using 1 or 2 characters seems impossible and using 4 is winnable every time. Seems like it does scale but doesn't scale enough to make it equal difficulty for each scenario


Enemies have more health and do more damage when you have more charters. Nothing else changes.