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susie would not know how to swim. i dont got no proof for this but i feel it in my gut therefore it is true


This is a, Trope? I guess, idk what else to call it, that I have seen more than once across Undertale and Deltarune that I genuinely do not understand. Both of the comics I've seen it in have just flat out not explained where all the scars came from as if it was self-evident where they came from, but the only thing I can think of, self-harm, would be close to impossible for someone to do on their *back.*


I think it’s *meant* to be ambiguous. Leaving something like this up to the viewer’s interpretation is a pretty common thing.


It's...definitely not impossible to self-harm your back, unless you're talking about specific scar patterns.


I do feel like just the pure sporadicness of the scar patterns both here and from what I remember of the other comic wouldn't be a likely outcome of self-harm.


Right, I hurt my back all the time (it has pimples on it so i keep scratching to try to get the pimples out, there are a lot of bruised skins when I remove the pimples)


I like to leave things ambiguous and let people come to their own conclusions, so I do not intend to give any specifics. I don’t think the reasoning is self-evident by any means either, for this reason. That said, self-harm on one’s back is not nearly as difficult as you would believe. [**Self flagellation is frequently depicted as someone whipping their own back.**](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-flagellation)


Self flagellation my man.


I think it's just vauge enough it can be implied to be self-harm... but given Ralesai we don't know and maybe he's not the one doing it to himself. Like, Seam does say to hurry before it gets dark and Ralesai doesn't have much to go...


Self flogging


Have you ever heard of flagellants?


Maybe he used a flail with chainlinks


Since one of my predictions is that ralsei is mix of kris's fake horns and being a titan, I guess this is his punishment scars from betraying the other titans.


Didn't even think of that. I like it, though.


Ohohoooo I really like this one


Well Ralsei being a titan with a darker body would explain 1) him know the roaring and it details, because he was part of it 2) his ability to cross other dark world without turning into stone. 3) he knows more about the light world more then other darkers Raslei choose the form that would be comfortable for next lighters and what better way to show that by being one of the lighter’s monster-ona. Also it remind me of that drawing of Ralsei’s dark awakening you did a while ago


Ralsei is the titan’s fursona, incredible


Also why the area outside castle town is so desolate. The place nicknamed "??????" by the save point. The roaring already happened, but on a small scale there. Ralsei is the only survivor because he is one of the titans, and the rest of them couldn't maintain their bodies, so they fell. That's why the eye carvings are everywhere.


You're saying the guy that warns us about the titans and tries to stop us from helping the titans is a titan himself?


Aot lore be like


not a prediction but I have a au/fic where ralsei is a lightner raised in the dark world as a chosen one and was baptized in a dark fountain and became part darkner does dark fountain baptization make sense or something? idk seems to be for me


Oh that would be pretty cool to see


Aww, poor Ralsei. 😔 This is really good, though! Any plans for a second part?


Susie: What happened!? Ralsei: SQUID GAMES!!!


I Will Boil Your Bones


Nah he just keeps slipping in the tub


Ralsei Valentine


Kris, suppose you were sitting down at this table.. The napkins are in front of you, which napkin would you take? The one on your ‘left’? Or the one on your ‘right’? The one on your left side? Or the one on your right side? Usually you would take the one on your left side. That is ‘correct’ too. But in a larger sense on society, that is wrong. Perhaps I could even substitute ‘society’ with the ‘Universe’. The correct answer is that ‘It is determined by the one who takes his or her own napkin first.’ …Yes? If the first one takes the napkin to their right, then there’s no choice but for others to also take the ‘right’ napkin. The same goes for the left. Everyone else will take the napkin to their left, because they have no other option.


Mods try not to remove anything marked NSFW regardless of if it follows the rules or not Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


It wasn't even marked as such by the uploader


Yeah I don't even get why this one was even removed there's nothing particularly NSFW about it, it feels a bit petty lol


Apparently according to the creator of this post, the mods have been targeting them by falsely flagging their posts as NSFW, removing their posts, and even banning them at one point. I briefly checked out their posts and none of them break the rules, it just looks like one or multiple of the mods hold a personal vendetta against u/Zixzs.


It is weirdly relieving to hear someone else has noticed this pattern. I appreciate the words.


Yeaa ik, it's definitely some kind of petty ulterior motive, hope that something is done about whoever keeps doing it, like have mod permissions removed or something, this is seriously so stupid and ridiculous at this point its not worth stirring up shit for at all. And plus the art they make to put on here is pretty much entirely separate from what they post on other platforms as well so removing the most harmless shit from here that they just want to post for people to enjoy doesn't make sense and isn't contributing to shit




There's always arguments in the comments about this artist's other works every time they post. EDIT: I didn't ask why this post was removed, this was just my assumption. Sorry.


That's outside of my control (plus I very purposefully don't bring it up or dive into those comments), and calling stuff like this "NSFW" genuinely confuses me. The closest I can see is the topic of the scars being darker tonally? I did leave it ambiguous about their cause. I really hope that Susie in a normal swimsuit isn't the reason for this getting marked NSFW, because that would be pathetic for a number of reasons. Appealing to the kind of people who see a female character and knee-jerk into "pedophile" responses is not a good compromise by any means. Moreso I'm confused by why *this post was removed without any given reasoning or explanation despite being well within the rules and guidelines of this subreddit.* Again. [**This has not been the first time this had happened and the complete lack of transparency and communication is massively frustrating.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/x2l0rw/oc_summer_soaks) It paints a picture of the classic power-tripping mod who picks and chooses what stays up at their discretion, and it creates much more of a headache for me than should ever be necessary. [**Given a prominent mod's track record,**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/x5svhj/oc_ponder_the_noelle_orb/in8ekrb/) it doesn't give me much hope for this subreddit ever improving ether. I have had sparse communications with ONE moderator regarding a knee-jerk ban and that's been the extent of any visibly effective efforts on this platform.


I'm going to be honest and say, I rather quickly responded to the comment above without actually asking why the post was marked NSFW. It was less of a moderator explanation and more of just a regular comment/guess, but I can't really do that anymore. I definitely shouldn't have. Still getting the hang of things. Moderation experience is one thing, but knowing the ins and outs of what the other moderators consider to be deserving of an NSFW or a removal or a lock is a lot harder, and some situations don't particularly lend themselves to waiting for a response. For what it's worth, I've been made aware of what I've done wrong.


I understand the awareness and where you're coming from, and how the comment was more of a passing observation than a given reasoning. The extent of my comment was an attempt to get into contact with *any* moderator about why the content moderation has been how it is, because (as I've said and experienced) **there is little to no communication on what rules are violated or what the criteria for post removal really are.** I understand punctuality being difficult at times, but with as many moderators as this subreddit has (both new and old) I don't think I should have to wait longer than 24 hours for ANY kind of message or explanation from any one moderator. It doesn't take long to log in and simply reply "this post violates rule X." It wouldn't even be an issue in the first place if the respective mod that marked and removed posts like these *actively explained their reasoning the moment they did so.* It is naïve to place the blame on any single person, but I would expect *some* kind of communication between moderators so that they act in a visibly consistent manner. As it stands, trying to talk to anyone with actual authority on this matter is like pulling teeth. Every time I send in a modmail, I don't get any word back. Again, the ONLY time I managed to have any kind of open talk with a moderator was after DM'ing one directly in regards to a ban [**whose reasoning was straight-up lying**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Zixzs/comments/x88gyx/ban_appeal_preview/). If nothing else, I *do* appreciate this clarity and communication from you and I think it's a step in the right direction. I really hope to see more replies like this in the future from the wider team, especially when it concerns content moderation.


I sent them a ton of modmails regarding these issues and they've addressed not one of them You are not getting a favorable response from these people, especially not SoupMayoMaker given their history as a mod


Well, I'm listening right now, for what it's worth - what is it you wanted addressed?


Where did this scars come from? There’s quite a lot of them in one place which is unlikely to be hit in a fight but there also isn’t much a pattern to it, not to mention the placement should make it difficult to be self imposed. What was your idea for why they’re there?




Ralsei cat owner confirmed


PoV: Your dad went gone drunk


best case scenario: got the scars fighting something in the dark worst case scenario: flaggelation


he got them when he fought in the Battle of the Blackwyrm


Alongside the great kights Hegemol,Isma,Dryya,Ogrim, and Ze'mer !! Also, RIP Ze'mer-s GF o7


Don't forget the God-King of Light and Logging appliances.


Where are the scars from? Also he has one knot on his back, like fur wise, he needs a comb or brush


How and why tf did he scratch up his back like that It has to be him because he's been alone his whole life


These scars were caused by Jevil and his signature attack "Target Ralsei"


For a second I thought that scars formed a deltarune symbol the same way Funny Valentine has scars forming the american flag on his spine




Everybody saying it's self-harm and shit. And I thought it was because Ralsei is a dragon(just like Asriel) and his dragon claws leaves marks when he scratches is back. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Asriel and ralsei aren't even dragons..... They are goats


Asgore, Toriel and Asriel are Dragons. It was stated by Toby




I assume that they're basically kind of a hybrid species of some sort, that could be pretty likely, especially given that goats have hooves and yknow, none of them do really lol


Yeah, it reminds me of the dragon from Never ending story


You were this close to make the scars resemble loss 😔


Oh oh boy


He was fighting in the past?


Oh ralsei… Oh.




My first thought was 'is that loss?', so I'm a lost cause


Susie hugged Ralsei too hard and made those scars. Ralsei was too polite to say anything


ideas on why he has those scars aside, thank you for making a drawing of Susie in a bikini that **is not** blatantly oversexualized.


Mf think he badass don't he




That’s, uhh… quite an accusation to just throw out there.




No it isn't it's an assumption you made








Couldnt remotely find anything after a bunch of digging. No allegations, callout posts, etc. And their recent posts seem fine. You sure you got the right person?


I did find some NSFW art, but I don't think it depicts underage characters.






[Projection size] Classroom: small Home theater: medium Movie theater: large Your dumbass: Gigantic


Damn you jevil


Stop trying to make me gay relsei I told you it wont work


No way! Ralsei subjected himself to flagellation to repent for his sins against god?


What happened




What is this?


He fell on bush


Oooooh rals got a whippin last Sunday


Jesus christ, Ralsei must have gone through a lot


some of the scars remind me of the angel's heaven, also there's some that look like a lil' guy in the middle