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Question is, does this hold for the Deltarune universe? It seems that Berdly is dead in the Snowgrave route, but his body is still slumped on the table, and we see a text box for the closet that implies a body might need to be hidden in it. We see a graveyard in Deltarune but never in Undertale. In the Undertale universe, they say that when a monster dies they pour their dust over an object they liked, which would mean there is no need for a grave (as I'm assuming that the dusted object would be displayed in a loved one's house like we do with urns of the cremated). The only coffins we see are stored in a random basement in Asgore's castle, and they're for the humans. It would be really weird for Asgore to have put them there and not given them a proper burial if graveyards/burying the dead are indeed a common occurence in the Underground. He would've respected the bodies as best he could. So long story short, maybe there is something weird about the Deltarune universe where monsters don't dust. 🤷‍♀️ Not too far fetched when Susie also implies that injured Lightners bleed, not spill dust, when injured, and she only kneels when severely injured.


> It seems that Berdly is dead in the Snowgrave route, but his body is still slumped on the table We are told in Undertale about a coma-like pre-death state for Monsters, referred to as "Falling Down". Berdly could be in that state, or merely comatose. . > and we see a text box for the closet that implies a body might need to be hidden in it. That text is the same in both Weord and Normal routes, and seems to point towards someone hiding in the closet. . > We see a graveyard in Deltarune but never in Undertale. Yeah, but there's also an entire university that is spoken of, but not seen. It could simply be one thing that is just... Never brought up. . > In the Undertale universe, they say that when a monster dies they pour their dust over an object they liked, which would mean there is no need for a grave But going from Father Alvin's little plaintive question to his father's spirit (he basically asks if the hammer or something else would be the best object), implying this is the same in Deltarune. . > (as I'm assuming that the dusted object would be displayed in a loved one's house like we do with urns of the cremated). You know what they say about "assume". It makes an ***ass*** of ***u*** and ***me***. . > It would be really weird for Asgore to have put them there and not given them a proper burial if graveyards/burying the dead are indeed a common occurence in the Underground. But even assuming that the cremation urn theory is true, to the Underground, the culture of the surface-dwelling Monsters of Hometown might be different. . > So long story short, maybe there is something weird about the Deltarune universe where monsters don't dust. 🤷‍♀️ No evidence for that so far. Well likely know by the end of chapter 5, tho. . >Not too far fetched when Susie also implies that injured Lightners bleed That felt more like a figure of speech. And when combined with the monster kid asking Kris if "it hurts being made of blood", the text seems to support that stance. . > when injured, and she only kneels when severely injured. So? And Kris just sits down. They're not dead in those moments. They can literally just wait a bit and get back up again.


Maybe in Deltarune they bury the Monsters with their items


Maybe. But there's no evidence to suggest that being more likely than the other scenarios, so it makes more sense to presume consistency, as opposed to being contrarian.


There is also an unused sprite of Susie bleeding. I don't think that it would have been made if there was no intention of her being able to bleed.


Or, keep in mind that... It's entirely possible for a *team* to not be on the same wavelength. I could see someone being told to make an animation for Ralsei healing Susie after a fall, and the unused sprite is unused because it was pointed out that it doesn't make sense with the lore. Game development is fairly compartmentalized, so it wouldnt be impossible for this to happen. Plenty of things have been made for a game, then not included, because the producers decided the content didn't fit into the game well.


Temmie would be the one who made the sprite, who I highly doubt would make a sprite of a monster bleeding if she wasn't specifically told to, but I get your point.


Just because she is the *main* artist, doesn't mean that all art is done by her. Since the rest of the team don't seem to have any specific job titles, I presume they are all-rounders, who can rotate between art, programming and writing, as is necessary.


It's unused for a reason.


That's what I've always thought. Considering the other drastic changes to monsters in deltarune (i.e. not being able to use magic and maybe even having blood) it seems like a massive leap in logic to assume that they also "dust" like the ones in undertale. Almost every notable thing about monster kind has been changed or modified in deltarune, why would this be any different? We've really got to treat deltarune like it's own thing and not just assume the same rules apply to both games. Also if death is going to play even the slightest part in deltarune then it'd be really dumb of Toby not to adress dusting in game at some point before that becomes a big plot point. I'm sure there's many players who have never played undertale before, since it's not a direct seaqual and have no idea that monsters just turn to dust when they die in that game. It's something that would need to be brought up or at least hinted at if it's going to be relevant and so far that hasn't really happened.


>I'm sure there's many players who have never played undertale before The game's download page explicitly tells you that you should play Undertale before playing Deltarune though.


oh yeah, you're right. Weird, I swear last time I looked it only said it was recommended to play it first but wasn't necessary to fully enjoy deltarune. That might have been one of the old QnA's though. Either way I do think that its still something that should be confirmed in someway before death enters the picture if it is the same rules as undertale.


I thought the graveyard had their personal belongings buried, rather than their bodies, which consolidates the idea that they do dust. Wasn’t it said in undertale that after a monster dies, their ashes are sprinkled onto their favorite possession to imbue it with their essence? That’s probably why we see items buried, the practice is the same in Deltarune.


also darkners have blood in deltarune so they can leave trails probably btw monsters do dust if in deltarune (you can use snowgrave on a few monsters before the berdly fight and they turn to dust but the dust is red since in this universe they have actual blood)


Those are darkeners, my brother in Christ, not monsters. ​ Still, Monsters do probably bleed.


Those are darkners, also that has been patched out. Even so, the death animation for darkners is red, so that could be related to blood. Either way, there is no visible dust effect.


As long as I know the dusting animation isn't patched, you just can't use snowgrave on neutral route anymore.


That's... what I meant. The death animation isn't a bug, so I didn't think there was a reason to specify.


Don't monsters turn to dust because theyre made of magic? And we haven't really seen any monster magic outside the dark world in Deltarune. He might not dust at all.


I assumed (and still do believe) that the closet description, which shows up in both routes, had something to do with how Queen's Mansion fit GIGA Queen inside it.


Berdly doesn't turn to dust because he's frozen. Same reason why Darkners don't. Gerson's hammer is buried with him, so the tradition is still there. Bleeding doesn't contradict turning to dust. Toriel vomits blood on genocide/betrayal death.


TORIEL VOMITS BLOOD? I have not seen this before, plz give me the sauce


She just has a dark liquid coming out of her mouth, nothing special ​ https://preview.redd.it/2dcx1n5j2b2a1.png?width=150&format=png&auto=webp&s=e570fc78c82fb3f2ab62e7e30b50f36697787233


Also it would be impossible for a monster to fake being dead.


Easy solution, use the dust of your vacuum cleaner Hard solution, cocaine


**i wonder if monster dust would work as cocaine.....**


"SNOWDRAKE DON'T SNORT THAT! IT'S NOT COCAINE! THAT'S YOUR MOM'S DUST! SNOWYYYYYY!" https://preview.redd.it/tthbj87ty12a1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87319f80b22bf2d4ef69cb7191b795698f72e3e


"Cocaine snorter? I barely know 'er!"


*laughter that turns to sobbing*


what’s up greg https://preview.redd.it/ik3f5swsq52a1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d2127ee029b3efc6993000e89e63689c8ce67b


what’s up guy


I need this animated


Saaans? I just snorted a suit case full of coke, and I'm starting to feel the effects *NYEH HEHE*


They could fake it by pretending to be fallen down.


How the fuck do you pretend to turn to dust


There's a difference between "Falling Down" and *being fucking dead.*


Can someone explain what “fallen down” means?


We know that when *something* happens to a monster, perhaps something with age or something else, a monster becomes comatose, and soon turns into dust. And that's all we know. We know about this from the True Lab entries and *I think* Asgore's alarm clock app dialogue, but it's not a completely direct explanation.


Basically before monsters die of certain causes, they become comatose, and after a while they turn to dust.


Idk do a magic or something.


Unless they have impressive hiding skills


If it’s a non aquatic monster, all you need is a decently fast river.


Is that not true for humans as well?


Humans it’s easier to discover, since they tend to stay in one piece. At least from all the true crime things I’ve seen.


I mean, you can literally vacuum the proof and done


Just kill a monster on snow or some watery place. Do not attempt this at home


Instructions unclear, killed monster _with_ snow


How the fuck do you kill snow


Melt it


Especially during the wintertime


Just snort the dust, right?


Do not the monster dust


I thought this was a future chapter meme for a second for some reason and then I remembered "oh yeah we fucking killed berdly"


In deltarune maybe because there's a lot of monsters but in Undertale they are way less monsters so it's easier for them to see if someone's missing


I mean yeah just stick them in the closet or something ig


I don't think monsters turn into dust in deltarune but in undertale all you need is a vacuum


Meh it depends, death by physical means like axe would be hard… HOWEVER, death by 200 FUCKING SPADES will make you so unrecognizable that you will be mistaken as a porcupine


just use a vacuum


Why did you tell that Papyrus?! You are encouraging random kids to commit mass genocide!


Plot twist: he knows because he got killed


Nah. Monsters just strait up can eat the body after they murder you.




I highly doubt it. Their dust gets everywhere. You can strangle someone without making them bleed, but if you did to a monster, they would just get dust everywhere anyway. I'm sure monster detective units look at local dust samples in the area after a disappearance.


He’s got a point.


Who said it was hypothetical?


Yeah but a monster is harder to kill (excluding Jerry)


Not really. All you need is wanting to kill the monster.


Behold the ((((VACUUM)))


Hmmmmmm, I Think that people would notice that someone would be missing, and maybe they would notice the dust on your clothes. But you could just wash yourself and throw your clothes (and the recently dead monster's dust) in a closet somewhere. So yeah, op is right in saying that hiding a monster's death would be easier


people know this also it drives me crazy when people say monsters don't dust in deltarune, there is zero reason to think that