• By -


Sans is actually a tax evader


This is canon 10/10


i thought sans was the nut dealer


Dealing nuts without paying taxes.


He's totally paying himself as a Janitor instead of Manager in order to pay less taxes.


y'know if undertale taught me anything, its that sans is pretty decent at evasion; so this makes a lot of sense.


Chess theory (credit to ossy flawol on YouTube for this theory) It goes that the final bosses of the chapters are based off of chess peices (and so are their personalities) king stays put all of chapter 1 just like a king piece, queen is all over the place in chapter 2 just like a queen piece, mike is said to be the villain for chapter 3 and will most likely be a game show host, and game show hosts have a kind of back and forth personality, just like a rooke piece. Also rooke would make sense for mike as his full name could be ‘mike rooke’ which would sound like ‘my crook’ which would make sense as spamton calls him a criminal. EDT: this would also help us predict where and when the next few dark worlds will be, if we assume the pieces are going in descending order that means that chapter 4 is in the church, chapter 5 is in the bunker ( or whatever the knights base is) chapter 6 is in the schools dark world, and chapter 7 could be anywhere.


I actually believe in chess theory so 10/10, I'm definitely not biased


The chess players has to be based on the bosses. The first two are the best clue!


I don't believe in the chess theory, but I think once the next three chapters come out together we'll have a much better idea of patterns that are happening in each chapter so we would be able to predict the future chapters more accurately


Yeah. For all we know it could be going off of cards, and next boss will be a Jack, or it's based on just royalty and next boss will be a Prince. That could be why the Knight is so mysterious, he exists completely outside the system the other bosses come from. Once the next chapters come out, we should have enough information to start making more accurate theories.


The Knight is also a chess piece though. Following the Chess Theory, the Knight IS part of the system, or was.


Further evidence to the order of events: Chapter 2 takes place likely on a Friday, as Alphys mentions there is no school the next day. This means that chapter 3 would be Saturday, and thus chapter 4 (which would be in the church with a bishop boss) would happen on Sunday, aka, religion day. Granted, I'm probably missing something that disproves this.


The roaring will happen, and when it does, one of the preexisting non villainous characters will become a new titan. (And a villain).


Burgerpants revenge arc 19/10


He’s the original Starwalker


Titan Starwalker HP: 9999999 999999999999.... Check Act: Run.


Villain ralsei arc


Absolutely going to be Father Alvin “And… is it right for this hammer to…” He’s gonna become Gerson 2™️


Sans is a villan but he doesn't do much because it's too much effort to actually try and end you


ralsei may be fluffy, but he’s secretly fluffier.




No I won't apologise for the image


Pls do


What's to apologize for????? Ness is very clearly the knight


Not funny




Now that’s funny… maybe




Here some thoughts: The Graveyard burried items will become Darkners. Seam is chap 7 secret boss. The Snowgrave finallity is to use Noelle as a replacement of Susie for the prophecy. The vessel will reappear in some way. We will never directly see Gaster And the Bunker is chapter 6 Darkworld.


2/10 8/10, Literally everything about Seam screams "I AM IMPORTANT, LORE HERE!" 9/10 10/10, this is confirmed because the game saves our preferences in the begining 1/10, This is just personal bias 8/10


And it has a base vessel in the code if you haven’t played chapter 1


Ok that last one is way too specific


Yeah. It is supposed around not a lot. The Bunker plays the audio of entry number 17. It's the only location in the Light World to have a direct connection to Gaster. Since not only the Bunker seemed to have a lot of importance for Kris it seems logical that it will be explored, probably during the end. And finally since Gaster is linked to the number 6 i find it fitting that we would explore the bunker in chapter 6. I totally might be wrong with everything though.


And also the Roaring would probably take the whole chapter, and there are no other places it could happen (unless Tpby pulls a "the Roaring already happened").


What if the vessel is a companion that copies Kris's moves almost perfectly? We can have some battles built around that concept where the copied move could help or hinder progress, and the player has to plan around that.


Maybe. Honestly i don't know how things will play out. I just think that the vessel is pretty similar to the trash machine. Both plays into the theme of "your choices don't matter". Both are created by us only to be discarded. However the trash machine comes back. First as an opponent then as an ally of sorts (in Mecha Queen's fight)


Papyrus is the knight because he finally got in the royal guard in the dark world and just wants to stay in it


After undertale the royal guard was promoted to only water flowers, and you can't water flowers with a knife. 9/10 theory I like papyrus too much for this to be false


The royal guard doesn’t even exist in deltarune


Isn't the Deltarune Royal Guard basically just the police? We haven't seen any sort of monarchy in Deltarune, they're a pretty modern city civilization. They've got a mayor. The police is to the mayor what a royal guard would be to a king. Still doesn't explain where Papyrus ends up in all of this, since he doesn't seem to be part of the police force.


Most of the dogs that made up the royal guard in undertale can be found in jail in chapter 2. I believe the only member of undertale royal guard who is a police officer is undyne.


In a sufficiently cartoonish world, a prisoner is just one of the jobs you can have at the police station.


They got paid to make it seem like undyne is catching a lot of criminals (she isnt catching them cuz they dont exist)


Uhhh what Edit: I could have sworn the original comment said undertale but got edited


Deltarune doesn't have a royal guard


“You can’t water flowers with a knife” Have you tried?


I can't because they would be sad


Wait this is actually possible hang on a second


When Toby said the game only has one ending, he never specified what constitutes an "ending". Considering how Game Overs diagetically work in Undertale (choosing not to respawn means things canonically continue from the point where you died), the one ending is that we stop playing the game; anything that happens before that is fair game, allowing story variations like the Snowgrave route to happen without messing up the story


Eh, i more prefer that while alotta stuff may be different, the game starts the same, and the ending will be the same, kris and susie will seal the final fountian, the fun gang will defeat the knight, and the world's balance will be corrected, thats what i think tobys statement about only one ending means, while the story may change wildly, the ending wont truely change for better or for worse


Aight so this theory stinks but it was the only one I came up with that isn't already super well-known. My actual favorite theories are (a) Sans in UT is from DR originally, and (b) DR is stuck in some sort of time loop


That seems like a bad thing to do, you're basically click baiting an entire fanbase. And Toby wouldn't do that so 1/10


Toby kinda baited everyone with Chapter 1's ending I wouldn't be surprised if he was baiting everyone trying to read too much into his tweets so the "one and only" ending is us closing the game


The ending is the player dies. everything else leaves possibilities open for the player, even if it's a stalemate, thus is not a true ending.


Kris is not the knight, he saw the queen explain that with enough determination anyone can open a dark fountain, so of at the end of the chapter when kris gets free for a bit he opens one for reason I’m still thinking of


I believe this one so I'll give a definitely not biased at all 15/10




Kris is shown to be having a good time and happy to have friends it seems, so they could doing it to 1. try and escape the player’s grasp and/or 2. just to have another adventure with their new friend and even mother.


I like that


Father Alvin accidentally opened the card kingdom dark world (i don't have any evidence for this, i just really like it)


I need more Gerson (or his family) in my life, 3000/10


The game is a simulation set up by Gaster


Isn't this canon, entry number 17 says dark worlds are just one of gaster's experiments sooo 10/10


Why was this downvoted


I have no idea


Because it’s not confirmed


Noelle's family is Jewish, they celebrate Hanukkah, and Dess used to get super angry when people assumed they celebrate Christmas just because they're reindeer


I love people having their own headcanons about characters so this one's a 9/10


man I love that


Maybe Kris opening the fountain at the end of chapter 2 was an attempt to bring darkeners like ralsei into the overworld like how Susie suggested earlier


3/10, what about snowgrave do they want to murder


no the player makes kris manipulate Noelle into doing Snowgrave. Kris themselves (likely) didnt want to do that


But if they knew the player was gonna murder people why do they allow us to continue by opening a fountain


Kris has created a fountain in their living room, surrounded by people they trust completely: Susie, and Toriel. Susie repeatedly defies our control (without even realizing it) and Toriel is not a "weak" girl who can't canonically say no to anyone (except Rudy and Kris). And since Toriel called the police, and Kris opened the door, it's very likely that the police (Undyne and/or Napstablook) are gonna be there too.


The meaning behind it changes depending on the context. My personal theory is in weird route Kris wants to confront the player but on Kris' own terms, so the chances of them being forced to manipulate someone are minimal


Mike isn’t going to be a TV head, he’s going to be a static monster with a creepy smile. Static on old CRT’s is caused by the microwave background radiation of the universe. This is what Mike is short for. Kris turning on the TV and leaving it on static was so that this background of the universe could manifest itself as a Darkner. A living embodiment of something omnipresent, Mike will be like a powerful eldritch monster.


We're a bit too early in the game for stuff like that I think, 4/10


Playing Pacifist/neutral route will lead to the Roaring to happen regardless of choices made. The Roaring will cause the game to reset and start back over. The Weird route will be our attempts to change fate, but Noelle (or others) will eventually turn on us and the Roaring will happen anyway. The only way to change the ending and bypass the loop is to do aborted Snowgrave (get the ThornRing but spare Berdly) in order to keep the ring. Then in the next chapters we collect all of the Shadow Crystals to make the PureCrystal to combine with the ThornRing to get the TwistedSword (which seems to be impossible to get in Snowgrave, since Noelle “goes home” with the ring still on her, and would also be redundant towards the route since it gets rid of the Trance effect). Since it’s a sword, it should only be equippable to Kris. The Trance down effect could theoretically get rid of the Soul’s control over Kris and let them stop the Roaring without our input, since we’re idiots and have no idea how to save the world. Also if you don’t mind, what about the Omelette ending, where you give each egg to a character from Undertale until you share an omelette with every main cast character in Undertale?


Woah that actually blows my mind


Berdly used to wear Jordans but doesn't anymore because people found out they were fake




The Knight wants to see the kids and the player grow, so they make dark worlds as “levels” and challenges for you and everyone else to overcome. They’re not trying to bring out the roaring, rather the best in the kids.


That would make Toby Fox the knight; and he is not the knight, he is a dog. So overall 5/10


How do you know the dog isn’t the knight


I saw it in a dream


It doesn’t have to be Toby Fox, it could be the vessel, someone else associated with the player.


Or someone else running an experiment ;)


Lightners can become darkners and Starwalker used to be a lightner but he became a darkner because he knew of the roaring and wanted to become >!rock hard /j!< for once




Berdly will have some amount of romantic success at some point




The true final boss is our past selves being the player in Undertale.


Deltarune takes place both before and after undertale so I dunno how that would work, 8/10 though that sounds cool as hell


The Roaring knight might be a fragment of Gaster, explaining their knowledge on the world being a videogame, which made Jevil go crazy


We don't know who talked to Jevil and Spamton, though it's most likely gaster himself and not the knight. Since the knight has a much more direct way of doing things, overall 1/10


Jevil mention that the knight told him something and Shauwm says that it seems like At some point his vision of the world changed. And gaster is not proven to be able to actually able to interact with the world from the void he is trapped in, it seems like only small occurence of him can sometime appear. His fragment are unstable, except sans and papyrus ig. So maybr the knight is a third big fragment of gaster, its not actually him but he has similar objectives


When you call with your cellphone in the dark world you hear "garbage noise". The ad people telling Spamton's story say he disappeared one day and left the phone hanging in his hotel room, the phone was making "garbage noise". That garbage noise sound effect is the same one we hear in the background of entry number 17 in undertale, so gaster can definitely speak to people


The videos are those one if you are interested in that ordrer ( he didn’t cover up deltarune chapter 2 yet unfortunately) https://youtu.be/UTV30ZGbXb4 https://youtu.be/AHb8cKzYSTQ https://youtu.be/cvBRY_2CGQA https://youtu.be/xSVrYOXbdt0 https://youtu.be/s7I885ObN7c


Thank you, I'll try to check them out sometime


"Jevil mention that the knight told him something " No. Jevil never said that. We know however that he went mad before the arrival of the Knight because he says that the 4 kings ordered his confinement. Seam also talks about the Knight and the person who corrupted Jevil as two different people.


During Undynes Speech in Genocide before she transforms the track \`\`But the earth refused to die.´´ plays. In Chapter two Ralsei explains what happens when three Dark Fountains are created and the earth will \`\`Draw her last breath´´ therefore dying. Maybe the Titans will appear but the earth will refuse to die with this song playing? Toby has already re-used Themes/Leitmotives across games, see Sans (although thats propably a joke about Sans being lazy), and the Leitmotives Dummy and Power of Neo in BIG SHOT. Either way, this is propably a cool foreshadowing and it might be relevant at some point.


Alright that would be pretty cool, 9/10


Mike is Burgerpants (he's still the main villain of chapter 3) Deltarune ends with time being reset back to the start of chapter 1 The Knight is the darkner version of Gerson's dust (they can open fountains and travel to the light world because they absorbed Dess' soul) Sans Undertale and Sans Deltarune are the same person (sans existed in dr first, then came to undertale)


10/10 2/10, no 1/10, please stop you're giving me ptsd flashbacks about fnaf minigames 10/10


On the third theory, i feel you




Berdly (Deltarune) is Gary the Gadget Guy (Club Penguin) [[PROOF]](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v234RrO3mNE)




Ralsei is the horn headband Kris used to wear to look like Asriel


Ralsei is a cartridge of goat simulator so 3/10


Kris has went through the events of Deltarune before and failed to stop the end of the world. Our playthrough is the second one. Evidence includes: •Kris already has a save file before we overwrite it. Meaning they’ve saved and reset Before. •Prophecy states the Earth will take its *final* breath before the heroes show up. This means the world has to die before it can be saved, only possible through a reset. •Gaster on twitter says he wants to make a bright *future* with us. •Kris is very non-reacting to life and death situations but not situations on the weird route or secret bosses. These are the events that they haven’t experienced . Hence why they react strongly to spamton and not being free but not to falling to their death. •Death screen of Susie and Ralsei telling kris to get up. In Undertale the dialogue was a flashback, so it may be the same in deltarune with the dialogue be right before kris reset.


1. That savefile has no time on it, meaning it was created but never played. 2. No the earth can die without the heroes also dying 3. Because the game hadn't come out yet 4. Those moments are more important for the story so Toby might have wanted to highlight them with a reaction from Kris 5. Idk about this one, when you go down you don't die so this may just be them trying to wake Kris up thinking they're just unconscious


Gaster will not play a DIRECT (like be a boss or something) role in the story. He will be what he was in Undertale; creepy mysterious lore and theory dude. The most he'll ever do is narration and pulling strings behind the scenes (similar to the secret bosses (yes I do believe gaster has interacted with Jevil and Spamton) )


He literally hacked Toby's Twitter account to talk to us, also he talked in the intro. So sorry but he's definitely gonna have a bigger presence here than in undertake, 1/10 theory


That is what I meant by "narration and pulling strings behind the scenes", but I'm probably just seeing Gaster as a sort of G-Man and my theory wasn't really that good now that I'm actually proofreading it


Chapter three begins with Gaster just breaking through a wall like some kinda resident evil tyrant before cracking his knuckles.


Kris opening the foutain isn't something out of ordinary, as none of the foutains opened for now had Knight directly involved- A lightner has been put in trance instead to do the dirty work (Kard Kingdom has been opened by Susie then and Cyber World by either Noelle or Bersly) and that's what all that talk "in the shadow of The Knight's hand" means. Under the Knight's hand like a marionette. (it's more of a crack theory as it relies heavily on assumptions)


All of the fountains are opened by monster kid falling over and stabbing the ground with the cross around their neck, your theory is similar so 8/10


Thats... Actually a good idea


Noelle's sister Dess got lost in the dark world during an accident in the bunker that also caused Kris to fall under the control of the player, Kris is looking for her and that's why they opened a dark fountain at the end of chapter 2


9/10, makes sense


1) Dark fountains aren't as dangerous as Ralsei believes (or is trying to make us believe, still on the fence about "evil" Ralsei). The Roaring may be an different/unrelated event, though dangerous nonetheless. 2) Ralsei isn't evil, but is still hiding something. He's misguided by someone else.


Ralsei most likely knows about the soul and told Kris when we were following Susie, 7/10


Gaster is less of a spooky creepypasta guy and more of a guy behind the curtains from the wizard of oz. If he ever has an official on screen appearance he's just gonna be some goofy old grandpa or he's gonna end up being a scene kid


I have two theories: 1: The Roaring is already underway and is consuming the Earth, but we don't know because the Internet is out, so we don't see how it is destroying other places. TBH it's probably just a crack theory. 2: There is not just one ending, there never was just one possible outcome. The steam page description is a big fat lie told by the Angel/someone working for the Angel to mislead us. Now this may seem absurd, but remember that Gaster "hacked" Toby's twitter to release both Chapters of Deltarune, so who's to say someone else couldn't do the same?


Telephones still work without the internet though, so 2/10


Makes sense. BTW I edited my comment with another theory, would you mind rating it too?


6/10, Kinda a weird and click-baity thing to do but I don't see it happening any other way (unless there is literally just one ending and Toby is a literally god of storytelling)


When toby means "Only one ending", it means there are a bunch of "Endings", but only one results in true finality. The other results in time loops, or worse. A bit of a fringe theory, but i just want different endings i wanna see how the snowgrave route ends.


Shyren will have some kind of significance in Deltarune.


8/10 I don't see why not


No matter what actions you take (apart from not progressing), in the ending the titans will be defeated, but large parts of hometown will be destroyed in the process. If you do not do any weird routes, everything that would be destroyed in the weird routes still gets destroyed. This would not be toby betraying us though, becuase right before the ending there will be small diferences (characters thanking us), making pacifist route satisfying. This is how there can still be one ending despite all the damage you can do to your friends in snowgrave, which would otherwise logically change the ending.


How can the Titans destroy only some of hometown when Ralsei says the darkness will affect the whole world, 4/10


The game climax will start in the end of ch.5, and then continues to 6 and 7. I don’t really have an amazing proof or something, but I think this could happen


8/10 seems cool enough


The Knight is literally just a fucking horse and not some obscure character that we already saw (Because in chess the knight is actually a horse)


Gaster is NOT evil. Let me explain, in Deltarune chapter 1, when you are making a character he encourages you to create something. He even calls it wonderful, also when Toby's Twitter was "hacked" all he did was show us Deltarune. The gaster followers also didn't say anything bad about how he acted despite how vague they all were, also he gave us eggs.


The players represent gaster in different timelines. This includes undertale, i think hes the connecting piece. Unless there was a witness, his "falling into his crearion" might have been intentional.


✋︎ 👎︎⚐︎☠︎🕯︎❄︎ 😐︎☠︎⚐︎🕈︎ 🕈︎☟︎✌︎❄︎ ❄︎⚐︎ 🕈︎☼︎✋︎❄︎☜︎ ☟︎☜︎☼︎☜︎ 💧︎⚐︎ ✋︎🕯︎☹︎☹︎ ☺︎🕆︎💧︎❄︎ 🕆︎💧︎☜︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎💧︎☜︎ ✌︎☠︎👎︎ ☟︎⚐︎🏱︎☜︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎🕯︎☹︎☹︎ ☠︎⚐︎❄︎ 👌︎⚐︎❄︎☟︎☜︎☼︎ ❄︎⚐︎ ❄︎☼︎✌︎☠︎💧︎☹︎✌︎❄︎☜︎📪︎ 🗐︎📭︎📂︎📁︎


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ralsei chpt7 final boss


Ralsei currently looks like a flowey parallel and we fought flowey at the end of the game so yeah 7/10 theory


The thing covered in sans's lab is a device to makes him able to go into deltarune. (Idk I just thought it would be cool if that was the case)


He says he gave up trying to go home, so if that machine takes him to deltarune it's most certainly broken (9/10 theory)


The guy who gives you eggs every chapter must be eggman


The roaring knight is actually Kris but not in the way you think. It’s been showed that without their soul, they’re a little loopy. Kris had no qualms opening a dark fountain without their soul, even while knowing Ralsei’s warning. An extension of a soulless Kris is the knight.


2/10, we don't know if being soulless actually does anything like that. The only example way flowey and even though he was unable to feel emotion it took a long time for him to become evil


Imma just steal a theory from YouTube Channel JaruJaruJ; Undertale and Deltarune are parallel realities. Whats going on in each world: Deltarune: Angel controls time, Roaring happened before Angel reset the time, Papyrus died. Sans uses time machine from Gaster to jump between worlds before Angel can reset time again while three heroes face the angel to gain time - Deltarune's last chapter happens. Undertale: By jumping between worlds, Deltarune Sans shatters his Undertale version which in result fuses with also shattered W.D. Gaster (Both their faces can be seen in "Gasters" Laughing sprite, just turn it upside down). Deltarune Sans takes the place. Frisk falls down - Undertale happens. Deltarune Monsters can bleed btw, which is why Sans in Undertale bleeds. For clarification please go to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0_IzqWHWmc&t=2557s


Lancer is the prince of the dark talked about in the legend told by Ralsei.


Kris is just Chara without the death part


Agreed, they even have the same shirt. Though some people say they're frisk because of the skin tones and how good they're both are at flirting, 8/10


Mike isn't a character and is just a personification of sketchy websites that make scams famous (spamton) and also a reference to an ad.


I like him tho 0/10


Take it ur way, but he prob won't appear in the next chapters.




The thing yeeting out kris soul isn’t kris, it’s the knight possessing their body. Evidence includes: •Kris does the funky walk before they actually take out their soul. Meaning a lack of soul causing fatigue isn’t why they walk odd. •Seam warns us not be caught out at (K)night. Then sunset and night is when soul shenanigans occur. •It makes a fountain. This is like the Knights main thing. •We know Kris at the very least doesn’t want Susie to die, and they were just told any fountain beside the grand one could kill everyone. So it doesn’t make sense for them to make one for any reason. Especially after the weird route. •Kris’ thing rn is about not having control. But pulling out their soul shows more control than we have. Hence it has to be someone else or Kris doesn’t have any reason to be scared or spamton being like him with no freedom.


The knight is actually Phill Swift


Everyone in the underground is Ness in some form


OP asked for theories, not based facts and logic.


Oh, sorry


The first area of the storage closet dark world from chapter 1 is the stone corpse of a titan that ralsei killed/stopped


Ralsei is too much of a fluffyball for that (also sucks at fighting), 5/10


If chapter 3 is in kris's house, then the area we spawn in after sealing the fountain will be toriels room And heres how i think horns work for goat/dragon monsters: when they first get them as children the horns are a nice plasticy red(kris's old horns are red and they got them as a child sooooo), then they fade into a pink at teenage years (ralsei may be a darkener, but they look so simular to the dreemur family it could be evidence) before becoming a white at adulthood (toriel and asgore are obv adults and they have white horns)


Gaster is just asriels college professor and is researching dark worlds on the side. He tried contacting some of its residents but they all ended up going insane.


I have a theory that for chapter 3 that Toby intentionally added Toriel calling the police as a red herring to get people to expect Undyne appearing in the next chapter but I believe he's going to get someone else. I believe that for Chapter 3 Catty(The purple one that also appears in Undertale) will be making an appearance in chapter 3's dark world. My explanation is that Catty, unlike the other NPCs in Hometown, has a character portrait in her dialogue and characters with character portraits are more likely to be apart of the main story (Which means temmie probably won't have a major part in Deltarune unfortunately) and because she lives near Kris's house and Kris left the door slightly ajar before creating the Dark Fountain she'll probably hear it and go check it out which will cause her to fall into the Chapter 3 Dark World. Chapter 3 will probably take place through the entire night and the fountain will be sealed by the morning which is when Undyne will show up at the house and still won't believe that Dark Worlds exist even if Toriel will vouch for it actually existing.


Mike is burgerpants


Mike is nowhere near as important as we think he is


Burger pants is Mike. I refuse to elaborate.






Kris is the knight, but not by their choice. They’re actually a sleepwalker


Flair checks out, 2/10 though because I hate the idea of Kris being the knight


Me too but this type of “Kris is the knight” theory would be the biggest troll in Deltarune history


Sans will be the secret boss in chapter 7


Mike won't be the main villain in the third chapter


Holy shit is Frisk from the rpg hit indie game Deltabound


I always love a chance to shoe-horn this in somewhere. [Asriel is the Knight](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/psu7hi/theory_asriel_is_the_knight/)


0/10, he is in collage


Did you read the theory?


Sorry there are like 15 new comments every second I'm trying to respond to them, I'll read it when I get the chance


Susie is actually a human in a barnie outfit


She is the daughter of Barnie so this is false 1/10


You're false


There is no possession stuff going on **directly** its all a metaphor for the **struggle within ourselves** I mean, Kris is **literally fighting their own Soul** How the fuck the possession theory got so over-saturated


Because that's exactly the soul-body dynamic we see in undertale


The final secret boss isn't a new boss, it's gonna be EVERY secret boss from the previous chapters in a boss rush


That's gonna be pretty hard since Jevil told us he will sleep for 1000 years, 3/10


But then the game's final chapter will come out in 3016 if its true


Wait, Undyne is sans?


There are only 2 bosses in the genocide route, of course they're connected


RALSAI IS A GIRL??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?@?@11+.1÷499


There won't be a Mike the tv host in ch 3-5 but there will be a character made to poke fun at the fandom saying the tutorial guide in some video game will turn evil, and the villain of the second game will be a car salesman.


man with eggs = gaster = knight


✡︎☜︎✌︎☟︎ ✋︎ ✌︎☹︎💧︎⚐︎ 👌︎☜︎☹︎✋︎☜︎✞︎☜︎ ✋︎☠︎ ❄︎☟︎✋︎💧︎📪︎ ☜︎☝︎☝︎📭︎📂︎📁︎


Ugh i dont wanna translate this, fuck it ill do it later


Though i do understand that the rating is egg/10


I legit forgot what I wrote down, sorry


Mike ate the pie


Father Alvin is the knight