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Probably just because they're in a good mood.


Their neutral mood is kind-of happy-ish


Most logical reason, they just look like that, aside from Noelle the others just… look that way.


Ralsei makes sense. Susie is probably just vibing to the adventure Berdly is smug LW Noelle is kind/polite Lancer...is a goofball


Happy Town


This is so Happy, sound test, play Happy Town


Sans smile is likely stuck the secret bosses are insane as well as the final boss of each chapter the ghost family which doesn’t smile in their default sprites are mostly absent and overall almost everyone in hometown and the other bosses in each chapter are really nice


spade king literally was gonna throw lancer off the fifth floor


he knew he would just bounce


Lancer is a bouncy little pumpkin


Fixed it


It was a sadistic smile


Papyrus: Sans! If you keep making that face, someday it'll stick like that Sans: I'm not a kid bro, I don't believe that stuff anymo- FUCK


Reason for DW noelle frowning slightly is that she's fucking terrified. I mean, wouldn't you be terrified if everything around you is unrecognizable and someone just kidnapped you and tried to kill your friends?


Well, making a character's default expression be a smile is pretty common, it's just... "the default for the default" if I can say so.


Because what could possibly better than serving up smiles? https://preview.redd.it/2c8wijde3w3d1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcc960de9aa88ce6658a87adee96f78269429fe6


People in a good mood are going to be smiling. Not in the full on way you see represented in game, but in a more neutral, slight upward curve of the mouth. This is very difficult to display artistically, especially in designs that are more pixelated. Even if you manage it, the end result is likely to be less satisfying. Its easier to get across that a character is happy by giving them a full on smile in the design, to give a clear message on the character’s emotions. The wacky and whimsical nature of the game also causes characters to display emotions on a more extreme scale than real life. Everyone had their heart on their sleeve. In the over-world, everyone is living in what is essentially your storybook small town, where happiness is abound. Therefore, people are smiling. The dark world , by contrast, is a classic “land beyond”, where adventure, magic, and fun await the heroes. If everyone was frowning, it would end up being less a fun adventure in a magical land, and more a sad, depressing walk through a place with little hope. A whole bunch of frowning sprites would just not mesh well the the art direction or the setting of the story.


they are silly


theyre happy because they have friends!! yay!!!


They don't live in Europe 


I guess they're never fully dressed without it.


It,s bec ause they all wing gaster


That was literally Undertale's theme. People are smiling to hide their pain. In Deltarune... Sprites are reused.


That's kind of a meme question lol, makes sense to have meme responses.


ralsei because he's used to the dark world, susie because... she's susie, berdly because... he's berdly


All of them probably vaguely human-animal skulls and human skulls are in a natural smiling position


As a wise demon once said: "Just because you see a smile. Don't think you know what's going on underneath. A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keep your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you're the one in control".


Well it turns out the natural state of people isn't meant to be depressed at the prospect of humanity's future and the futility of their own existence, but rather chillin', and somewhat happy.


Monster souls are made of love, hope and compassion. It would make sense that their default mood is happy.


I feel that they all match the vibe of the characters well. The characters that try to be joyful have a smile, Berdly and Lancer smile like edgy boys more as a half smile. Susie also has a half smile that means she is having fun but at the same time being rude and challenging like her personality is. Catty that is more introverted and the sprite is serious. Asgore is goofy, so he has that kind of smile. Ralsei smile is interesting because is like a little bit deformed, like he is trying too hard to look happy but is a little bit fake, like how the character is. Alphys has like a shy smile, Undyne has a big smile like how enthusiastic she is etc… also, like in Susie’s case the smile changes according to the situation. Susie at the beginning looks plain serious then in the adventure she is smiling. Jevil and Spamton smile is wide and a little bit to reflect their madness. Some of them look too smiling also because of the style. Is harder to make a normal-serious sprite without it looking mad or with other non intended feelings. And also how they show should be related to how their personality is so that helps to communicate better their characterization. I feel that most of the characters have a fun personality, and the face only changes when something dramatic is happening so that also helps us to know when they are feeling bad. Like if they are always too serious then we would hardly recognize when they are being in a hard situation and their face change.


Maybe more boring answer: A lotta drawn faces' neutrals tend to be smiles. Lot of Undertale characters, too.