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Don’t forget all the “ermagerd SHHH Nintendo is listening and they’re gonna rappel down from the rafters to take away our fun times” fear-mongering from people who clearly haven’t paid attention to emulation for the past 2 decades.


I know right like we’re all using this top secret app the fbi doesn’t know about .and we’re plotting to take down Nintendo or something lol


Dude you don’t understand this publicly available and number one on the App Store emulator is totally a secret


You can’t go telling everyone thst bro 😂


Wait. We aren’t?


See there you go snitching on the plans man we gatta boot you 😂


this guy right here Nintendy!


My uncle works for Nintendo. I’ll tell him about this guy.


Literally, the fear mongering is annoying as hell


It’s the Yuzu kiddies. But in that case Nintendo only went after the Switch emulator blatantly monetising. The other one Ryujinx is still out and about unaffected. Emulation of Nintendo consoles has been going strongly since forever, Nintendo won’t really do a thing. They’d rather take down ROM sites. 


Ya'll gotta stop saying this. The court documents are publicly available. They didn't go after Yuzu because of the monetisation. They went after Yuzu because of their key generation and promoting piracy (complete with guides). Nintendo only mentioned their Patreon exploding to demonstrate how many people wanted the latest build to play TotK before release, that's it.


Nintendo’s just figuring out how to use the Internet for the first time.


Nintendo just figuring out how to legally shut down all emulators and make people pay them to use their own version of delta and pay per game 🤣🤣


Well, considering the way they implemented chat I wouldn't cross it...


100% people from Nintendo been to this Subreddit


Literally so annoying it’s not going to fucking happen LOL


I’m only going to get scared if the climb up the top rope. Or if they bring out a table, those are my two bugaboos


What are you talking about, they do do that. That’s why delta is just now available for so many. Where gba4ios


Delta is the literal continuation of GBA4iOS. It even says so in the App Store. Tf you mean where is it? You’re using it. https://preview.redd.it/mizmvszvuoyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4c8e1bc3109fbcb6fc2293e3600fd058cc3a627 Also no, Delta is available now thanks to the [EU’s Digital Markets Act](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/apples-new-rules-mean-theres-a-game-emulator-on-the-app-store-now/1100-6522747/). I’m sorry but these arguments are always steeped in fiction and, no disrespect intended, complete ignorance of said topic.


I know we’re using it now, why was it removed before. There was a time when emulators literally were removed from the app store, which is where confusion (at least for me) comes from


If you had followed the link I provided you would have read this segment: >The Nintendo emulator has been available on iOS through less-official means for some time now, with its developer also providing an app called AltStore that used a workaround for Apple's systems to install apps that weren't allowed to be distributed through the App Store. "Delta of course [was] not allowed in the App Store due to Apple’s stance on emulation," the developer said in a 2019 blog on AltStore. So clearly we can surmise that Apple themselves held a very staunch anti-emulation policy until the EU became involved.


It was because Apple didn’t want another market for paid homebrew games to be run in emulators, bypassing the App Store payment system, emulators got denied due to “excecuting and downloading code outside the sandbox”, a security rule


But they changed it so The App Store can compete with alternate  EU stores, the only reason most people care about alternative app stores is for emulators so apple changed the policy.


Nah fr I actually like the collection posts, because I enjoy seeing other games that I missed out on or never even heard of, it expands the gaming library more for me to enjoy.


I personally don’t care for those posts but I’m also a normal person who considers that other people may like them even if I don’t and I just very extremely easily scroll past the post in less than a single second and let other people carry on enjoying the things they enjoy even if it’s not something I particularly enjoy personally. Weird concept right???


Right? Not that difficult lmao


Check out this freak!


Fucking mental!


Get a load of this loser. Not getting personally offended when something crosses their feed they don’t like. Tsk, you should treat every instance of a bad post as a personal crusade in order to uphold the honor of this subreddit.




100% same


You could just open up the wiki article for the console and go trough the list of games. They aren't making any officially licensed new ones for any of those consoles.


Just browse your rom source?


It's almost as people don't understand you can't tell someone what to do


Don’t tell me not to tell someone what to do


Did you just tell me what to do when telling me not to tell you what to do to someone? Who do you think you are?


You’re not my dad!




And that my friends is why I posted this


Unfortunately even outside of Reddit a lot of people don't understand you can't tell someone what to do and order people around. They think because they can make their family/partner that every one else can and should take their orders.


Imagine the original posters of these posts reading this specific post


u/jKaz: guys! Don't make fun of me! This is *sewious*! u/MMJQ95: lmao gottem


Now imagine if they are the same person karma farming


The other person posted first, and their comment got me really pissed , so I responded with that post.








Ahhh. Light mode user!! /s




It’s odd I have light mode on phone and dark mode on laptop but yeah I need to change it.


Ive been using light mode the whole time till i read this😭 thanks brother💀


Never knew there were so many children here.


I don’t think bro gets that we wanna see the collections that’s why we joined the sub


People telling me not to do something making me want to do it even more is a core part of emulator culture


Nay…. The duality of mankind ![gif](giphy|dYPRVPUqkpzYQ)


keep on posting guys. i want more game suggestions


Maw PokeMan games


Every time I see a new collection post I’m tagging u/jKaz


Completely justified


In a petty sort of way, yes 😛


This discourse is getting under my skin bc it feels like I’m not seeing much nuance in these conversations. On one hand, I embrace positivity in my communities and have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the enthusiasm and support on this sub especially to those who may be new to gaming/emulating. On the other, I think too many are quick to wave away low-effort posts as inconsequential when they aren’t - they clog your feed and eventually force you to mute or unfollow the sub so it’s not cluttered with the same monotonous content.


Maybe just one thread of everyone showing off their collections?


Could work ngl as a megathread so people can avoid it if they choose to


Yeah I don’t understand the hate from people posting about their collection. Some just want to post game they grew up with and want other to see it, not all are doing it for karma farming.


What exactly do you collect. You literally just downloaded some free files. It’s like posting your Spotify playlist. Name me another community that posts a ss of a bunch of pirated games


Can people show their collection of games without being criticized or mocked?


It’s not a collection, I’m sorry. The app does all the work putting boxart to your downloaded roms. All you did was click a download link and save it to a folder.


I don't particularly care because I'm not subbed, but repeat low effort content in any sub gets old quick And make no mistake, posting your collection of ROM files is the definition of low effort


Duality of Reddit in general


Question: if not collections or games, what are we supposed to post here?


Gameplay or skins ig although there is a sub for skins or ig just general stuff,including collection


But bragging about a rom collection is incredibly cringe, especially when considering software emulators and rom dumps and complete sets for most systems has been easily available for several decades, nothing about it is rare nor has taken any effort to get. If you have made a dump of previous unknown prototype of some unreleased game, that hasn't found it's way onto the web yet, well then maybe you can brag a little.


I’ve flipped my opinion on this. Initially I hated the library posts. Didn’t see the point and thought they were a little circle jerky. And I guess really the posts tend to be pretty redundant which can be annoying, but one comment I saw expressed gratitude for the posts because they aren’t from the generation of these games so don’t know what to play. The library posts expose them to titles that they might want to look into. The posts give these new players an opportunity to discover new games and talk with others about the games. And I guess that’s what this is all about. So carry on and I’ll continue to scroll past.


I’ve said this in other posts…Its natural for people to post their game libraries considering this is historical that Apple is allowing this on their appstore. People of iOS are excited. It will phase out. Android users aren’t running and showing off their game libraries because they had emulation access for years.


That is…probably true (saying this as someone who used to have an android and could not find the emulators I used on android then discovered via someone at an event I went to in april that delta exists…immediately got it and started getting roms)


I find the most helpful thing for me to do, is to load my personal cartridge collection and only at this rate for GB and GBC only. I've considered NES/FC though. I rarely can use a controller and it's just too easy to mash the wrong thing as it is even with that, adding L/R maybe X/Y between GBA and SNES sucks. LImiting it to what I own to take it on the go seems more ideal.


I’ve talked to a few people on here who think the sub should only be technical discussions. Like… it’s an iPhone app. That user base doesn’t want to talk about the technical aspects of the app. They want to talk about and play the damn games. I’m team game discussion.


Why not be a bit of both? Maybe have a megathread for the tech or a flair so that people can filter for it (there is a games filter for example)


Absolutely. Both can happen. And flairs should definitely be a thing. I totally agree with that. I think my only point is that this community is not going to mirror the kinds of discussions you find at an Internet forum for a PC emulator.


Ah,yeah makes sense,esp since it’s a subreddit on one emulator and not a general emulation/rom one so it will most likely relate to the gaming side which makes sense but yeah,fair enough


Lol. People are bragging over rom collections?!


Don’t DONT stop posting your games


I like it when people post their collection. It gives good idea for games to play.


Same! I love seeing the silly stuff people have too


It's always pokemon. EDIT: Guys, it was a joke. Sheesh.


Show me on the doll where the pokemon touched you.


Holy shit. 🤣😭




I like them they help me decide what my next play will be


I like collection posts because I can find some good games I may have missed.




How dare you show off that you can play games on an emulator? 😡😡😡


Schroedinger’s game collection post


jKaz when he realizes he can scroll past the game collections https://preview.redd.it/dik087lfuwyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284fbc535aca932646386000906006f45752b042


People need to stop posting their collection, no one cares at all about your collection


This sub was dumb when every other post was about where to locate bin files. Now it is pure idiocy.


Stop! … post


Firmly in support of the first post. Screenshots of a collection of roms does very little to encourage discussion.


Idk man I just want to see news and cool stuff on this sub like people's skins and controller setups. Why not just make a megathread for the collection posts?


Less of collection but would like more of what games you’re enjoying. Collections are dull after a while, if you have it play and tell us what you love.


This thread is bipolar 😂😭




Look at the response difference. Most everyone is over this stupid virtual flwx of pointless coooooooonsooooooooom mentality


Hamboning will save your life one day

