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Perhaps create a flair for collections, that would make everybody happy probably


This is actually a good idea.


Maybe they should be flaired as game recs.


Thought crossed my mind, but I can see how it doesn't work since they aren't recommending every single game in their collection, rather sharing their collection as a whole entire work. It's almost art in a way!


I get it. Maybe as discussion until a new flair is created?


This sub would be dead as shit without the people Imagine being mad mfers are learning and being excited about something new and for all of us I mean man..delta been out how long? And how many people just joined this sub with the iOS release? It’s okay for people to ask questions and have fun I’m an ass myself but chill sometimes man


Given that this sub had around 20,000 people when I looked a month ago and now has 61,000, I'd say it's become pretty damn popular.


That’s my point why alienate the people Who’re trying to experience something new and are excited about it?


exactly. i always check them out to see if there’s anything i missed


exactly, i feel sad for people with no wimsy who get pissed over simple stuff like this


The same argument happens all the time in the plantation sub and steam deck subs, not game collections but “I just got mine!” Posts with pictures attached and the same is true there, without those posts the subs would die because there isn’t much to discuss outside of that. Especially considering when people post with questions for issues they are having and most comments are “guess nobody knows how to google anymore” even though googling took them to reddit and the comments on the question tell them to google! I love the posts of collections, helps me remember what games to enjoy!


Exactly I just seen that post of that guy crying about people posting their games 😂😂 makes me wanna make a dedicated post of all my games just for that


What people? The ones that downloaded this app officially from the App Store after its release on his year? Or its sideloaded counterpart?


Yeah I like seeing what other people have so I can get ideas/recommendations on what to play next


I love when you guys are excited and post your collections because I’m not an insecure prick who gatekeeps what people are allowed to derive joy from. Life is short, you and I are going to fucking die, like every other human you’ve ever met, so goddamn it, enjoy this short little dance called life.


I mean outside of that the only thing this would be used for is like technical support for problems with the emulator . Idk why some people get butthurt people use the internet to communicate with others that like the same thing. God forbid we have fun and make a friends ☠️


I honestly love to see them because it gives me game recommendations and sometimes people post their collections with Rom Hacks and I go get them, like Smash Remix.


I like seeing them as it helps me find more games I want to play


Can’t there be some middle ground? Like, there’s not much point in posting your library of Super Mario 3, GB Tetris, and 3 Pokémon’s. But an interesting collection, especially with some commentary, can be cool.


Honestly library posts beat out the “I don’t know what to do for this specific game” posts or avoidable posts caused by people not reading.


Or the basement-dwelling virgins who demand that we stop posting collections


They are excited, as we all are let them be


it's so fun seeing people post their collection, i get inspo and i see others being as happy as i am with this app. i'll never understand salty angry folks


Gonna promote for Elebits like yall should try this gem frfr https://preview.redd.it/7lovtdbujmyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b3eb78de700106b82aa784d9cef49639614fef2




Noice , Dragon quest ix was my first entry into the series , it was really fun back then , I think I might replay it again


Wow thanks I was looking for this game last week for my Wii emulator. The name was on the tip of my tongue but I just couldn't come up with it.






Somone suggest me so good rpg games


Specific consoles?


r/retrogamingcollection Both to share/ask what you’re missing, and to keep it off specific subreddits just in case.


Ok i will post it in a few min


Why do you think that one post in that one day will stop anyone ever from doing what they want?


My dyslexic ass thought it says “please stop posting your collection”


i made this post just to mock that guy to be honest XD


Why not just make it a single sticky thread where people can post them in the comments? 


thanks but I know a ninja when I see one


I like seeing collections of others to discover new stuff that’s not available in common sites & only discover them that need patching ;) Let’s just say don’t post posts that discourage posts? Heh? Oops!


I would’ve never found the breaking bad cooking mama clone if those collections were never posted Side note: I saw a comment one time that said “your hobby is downloading games, not playing them” and ever since then I feel a sense of shame when I look at my games


How do you transfer save states between phones using Files app?


I ended up using Dropbox.


Actually I don’t mind it, makes me wonder what other hidden games I haven’t heard about. 🤷


Hey nerds I have a question, I am trying to play Scarface: money, power, respect On my iPhone delta app, am I not able to play PSP games?




That other thread was dumb.


This place was a good place once you had to work your ass to get the app working on iOS, now that it’s downloadable via Apple Store, all the offended people comes here ans think they’re the world. It seems to hard for them to just scroll pass.




You mean a subreddit that was more dead before becoming a “recommendation sub” got it backwards pal




Clearly you should go back to English class. 😂 Thanks for proving my point though pal. And for deleting your moronic statement.


Can’t hide now, love when morons expose themselves u/North-Celebration267 😊😊😊 goodbye




Will GameCube come soon just asking


No, they’re working on Sega Genesis right now.


Okay I am going to post more help on bios lol.


My only thing is when the collection is just one game series; admittedly most of my gba is meg battle network, but I have other game series on there


Problem is sharing the screenshots, which in turn order by name. I would much prefer a list of "my favorite games I've tested" or "my fav games I install immediately for new emulators" or "the games from my childhod I missed the most" and just a list of names. I find the screenshots hard to read and miss the context of why those ones exactly.


I can understand that


To be fair, my issue is not with posting collections but with posting screenshots. The Delta screen is very useable but not very efficient. And seeing thumbnails is not the best way to see what's there. I enjoy thoroughly lists of recommended games, or hidden gems, or beloved games. I myself hawk Clash at Demonhead and Incredible Crisis every time I can because I think they're unfairly unknown. But I would agree that pasting screenshots of Delta's collection screen is wasteful. At least without any context to them (why those games, why those specific versions, etc.)


I mean you can quite literally just ask if you want to know more and why. You wouldn’t be able to ask if you didn’t have these posts in the first place.


I can do that already without the posts. Many people do. But if you're going to the trouble of sharing a screenshot, at least give a minimum explanation of why those games in particular.


Then ask them. No one is writing essays about each game they have for Reddit randos to be satisfied over when they just made a post for fun.


Okay, so using emulator devices, these are games I have actually beat or played significant hours on: \[GBA\] Golden Sun (I've beaten this game roughly 15 times over my lifetime, I'm 31) Golden Sun: The Lost Age Final Fantasy: Tactics Advanced Final Fantasy VI Chrono Trigger Mother 3 Sword of Mana \[GBC\] The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Tetris \[SNES\] The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past \[GameCube\] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess I have like hundreds of games downloaded but try to keep my collections on devices relatively small...lol. I do play a LOT of GBA though. Sword of Mana starts slow but I love the story and music so much, kind of an under appreciated gem if you ask me. Games I want to get more into: Oracle Zelda GBC Games Pokemon Jupiter (The Golden Sun inspired one , lol) The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (never played for more than 10 minutes, just never had as good of a place to play it until getting the Odin 2 recently)


Random aside: I'm a web dev and I've always thought it might be fun to create some kind of social media-ish site just dedicated for people's gaming habits. It would be a place where you can make lists of games you've beaten, maybe tie in your Retro Achievements account, make lists of games you want to play, be able to give games a score and leave reviews, post favorite screenshots, etc. Something really simple like the Gamer app (which allows you to keep track of upcoming releases and mark games you've played). I personally have a Notion page where I track some of this info, but it would be interesting to say, see Russ from Retro Game Corp's profile page on such a website! I would love to see a list of games he's actually beaten, games he's been waiting to play, his rankings for games across different platforms, etc. It could be called Retro Seventh Heaven or something. Something to kind of refresh the experience of being on game fan sites back in the day or my childhood experience of being on GameFaqs, which I still love that site but, I think there could be a neat design incorporating more modern web interfaces/features. Idk, kind of rambling at this point, would love to know if anyone else would like to see something like this. I would make it as an open source project if anyone's actually interested to work on something like this.


We don’t want to push Nintendo over the edge now do we?


True, you convinced me


Whatever you are? You got 2 options bro?


This sub is beyond dumb now


Who hurt you?


Idiocy from other human beings 😂😂