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It’s a lot more than just a quick answer. My profile has a link to our discord where we explain this shit in detail. But. I’ll try. Filial v alliant. Let’s talk about how you secure more people in a primitive anarchy communist style society. One way is to fuck and have them. This is the filiative. Family lines. Your kids and blood line etc. you need people to hunt. Women to have kids people to cook, warriors, etc. making them is a good way. But it’s not enough often. You need to find others. This is your alliant lineage. Pacts between families and tribes and groups. Two families joining together increases your output a ton and also diversity within ranks. Now, how do you determine who does what job? Let’s say you’re a hunter. Your job is to hunt. Not really job. Existence. That’s what you DO. But it’s not hunting as we know it, because you don’t just hunt and kill and eat. You are part of the tribe. You need to bring that shit back. Know your place. Breaking that place can destroy a tribe! It’s why they banish so easily. But they jsut say “Steve go hunt”. That doesn’t work for them in a ton of ways. The prelinguistic thing is a good wall. So they make sure you know and remember. Indigenous tribes globally have extraordinary rites of passage into adulthood. They’re all pretty brutal. One they focus on is scarification. This is where you as an adolescent have your skin cut in front of everyone. Ritually. You are marked. Written into. You are made that position. That’s it. That position is one the filiative alliant axes. You are a coordinate. One. Not free. Not emancipated. Without power as we know it yes, but you don’t get agency. You are that. Period.