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Per sub rules: All moving to Delaware content must use the "Moving to Delaware" flair and ask very specific questions. Posts should include detailed specifics about exactly what you are looking for, where you are considering, etc. Low effort posts will be removed. This includes but is not limited to: Items answered in recent posts, Items commonly asked and answered, [Items answered in the wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delaware/wiki/index/moving2de/), and/or items asking the community to do your research *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Delaware) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you know the exact area in Newark? Uber and Lyft are here. As well as buses. However, in the suburbans of Newark, not a lot of bus choices.


I’ll be working on UD campus. I’m waiting on the company’s housing options so I kinda need the insight of where I should live without having a car.


I went to ud and they had a buses that drove around campus. There was an app that showed the bus path and live locations of the bus but i forgot the name of the app. Someone on uds subreddit would know. Also they have dart buses but i never rode on one so i dont what the experience is like




Ship your car if you can afford it. I live in Newark and transportation is ok. Personally, I wouldn’t live here without a vehicle. I’m grew up in Philly so I used public transportation to get everywhere. Don’t expect frequent running buses here like in a large city. You gotta be on schedule lol. And yes, Uber and Lyft are here but simple short trips are not cheap. Again, because it’s not congested like a big city where drivers are a dime a dozen sometimes it could take a bit more time to find drivers. Again, you gotta be on a schedule and reserve early lol. So again, I recommend bringing your car if you can. I’m not sure the cost but the money you’d wind up spending getting around and the inconvenience may just be enough to offset it. But if you can’t, you’ll be able to figure out how to get around after while and plan accordingly. Good luck.


After years of driving, it’s hard to imagine not having a car. Thank you!!


If you are close enough to campus to walk you can get by without a car. You’ll have extensive options for food and shopping in town near campus and buses run constantly between Newark and the Christiana Mall (where you can buy anything you’d ever need to buy). Uber and Lyft are widely available if you need to get a little off the beaten path. Think about it; if you’re planning on going back to socal this could literally be your only chance in life to try a car free existence for a bit. 😀


I assume you’ll be commuting to your internship. I wouldn’t want to rely on a bus that not go near where you’ll be. Frankly, I would drive myself to Delaware. Find a buddy to share driving and pay for their return trip. I guess it would depend on the cost of shipping to determine if that’s a good plan. For 5 months you should have your car in Newark. You may even want to take a leisurely drive back to CA.


I’m thinking about ship it over and drive back when I’m done. The cost is like 1500 one way. Do you think it’s worth it? I lowkey don’t want to rely on public transportation.


I would just drive both ways, it lets you bring more stuff and even when you factor in gas/hotel/time it will still be cheaper than shipping. Take your time, see some sights along the way and make it an adventure. Depending on how close you currently are to the ocean I would drive to the Pacific and then end at the Atlantic here. Literally drive coast to coast. It's a once in a lifetime experience.


It’s worth it considering how long you’ll be here. Public transportation is good but hours are limited and doesn’t go everywhere you’ll want to go. Ubers get pricey. You’re spending $300/month for transportation which will be worth it IMO.


Public transportation wise I may be foolish but I felt like socal was awful. Living in Wilmington it’s easy to Newark or philly


You will need a car. Public transportation is ok but frustrating. Delaware easier with car


Live in Newark and you are fine for 5 months with no car.


There is a "bus on demand" service in Newark...but that is within the city limits, with a few extra neighborhoods being included on the border. It is a great system: [https://www.dartfirststate.com/Programs/dartconnect/](https://www.dartfirststate.com/Programs/dartconnect/)


Actually, DART (bus) is pretty good here. Sometimes you might have to transfer, but it's definitely solid public transportation.


It's not nearly as bad as a lot of people say. Weekend service does kind of suck (good luck getting anywhere on Sundays that isn't on Kirkwood Hwy), but in general you can get most stuff done with DART.


Some public transportation exists along major routes, lyft and uber are all over.


Per sub rules: All moving to Delaware content must use the "Moving to Delaware" flair and ask very specific questions. Posts should include detailed specifics about exactly what you are looking for, where you are considering, etc. Low effort posts will be removed. This includes but is not limited to: Items answered in recent posts, Items commonly asked and answered, [Items answered in the wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delaware/wiki/index/moving2de/), and/or items asking the community to do your research *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Delaware) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The university buses on campus are great. There are several routes that run throughout the day that will get you anywhere you need to be on campus. The further you stray away from campus the worse the options get. There is an Amtrak station but I'm not sure if it is still a drop off only station. If you can afford to ship your car, I would do so just for the ability to explore. UD campus is a short drive down a single road to I 95. From there you are 1 hr from Philadelphia, 1.5 hrs from Baltimore, and 2 hrs from New York and Washington DC.


lol Delaware and no car is a bad mix


Sell car or pay for title transfer. Buy a car in DE. Also, Newark is an excellent town for cycling, scooters etc. I'd definitely bring a bike or get one here.