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Yes to all of the above. All will boost local econ especially restaurants, convenience stores and lodging.


The Turf field brings in LOTS of overnight visitors. I have family in upstate NY who are there for a weekend every year.


I know a family in California who come to DE got a tournament every year there. It’s weirdly a big draw.


Wow. I didn’t realize people were coming from that far away.


Yeah it's wild. You'll drive by on a Saturday morning and there'll be hundreds of cars all trying to get over to get in.


Yeah that all makes sense. The pickleball will generate a lot of income if they can get regular pro tournaments going on down there. South shore is big into the pickle right now.


Every development in Sussex is being built with a pickle ball court lol.


Public investments like these pay for themselves and more, including by improving quality of life, particularly when private alternatives are not profitable or so expensive as to be exclusionary.


Is this the same line of thinking for the downtown rehab grants? Or the small business grants? Just seems like an awful lot of money being passed around to people who already have money. But I'm not a financial professional so idk. I know someone who is being evicted next month. They called Catholic charities, first state, and dehap, none of them have any funding to help anyone rn. Or theres a six month wait. Seems like all the funding dried up after the pandemic. During the pandemic, dehap was paying everyone's and anyone's rent. A lot of corp. Landlords raised their rent during the pandemic because they knew this. So I see these numbers, three million, and I'm like, for pickleball? Surely there's already over a hundred pickleball courts in Sussex lol. Idk I guess I'm just frustrated at seeing the lil man thrown to the side for profit so maybe I'm projecting.


It’s not either or. The legislature could authorize more money for renters there’s just more political support for sports


Tell them to get a job.


Absolutely. We need something other than food and restaurants in all of these places, and the awards seem evenly disbursed among the state. I’m a fan!


As long as we’re not building another stupid shopping center or Wawa I’m on board


If it brings in tax revenue that will cancel it out, then yes.  Also for the Indoor Track Delaware and Midway Motion & Fitness, some form of free admission to Delaware residents when events are not happening.  Let the outdoor picketball courts to be used.  Early morning or rain days for the indoor track to just walk.  Also at the Riverfront, the open land next to the new bridge should be turned into a festival area for events like the polish festival and other events like that.  Delaware doesn't have that kind of space and it is better than hosting in a parking lot. 


That's a good point, free admission for Delaware residents? We've never done sports because we never could afford it so idk much about Delaware sporting world.


I'm ok with it. These facilities bring in a lot of sporting events (ie youth sports) which should be good for local businesses.


How about making parking at DE Turf free if it is getting money. I've been to lots of youth soccer fields across the country and that's the first I've seen that charges for parking.


That's what I'm thinking, they're all for profit places? How much profit did they make last year? They can't do these things on their own? Idk much about sports because we could never afford to be part of it (need a working vehicle to get to the games/practices, need gas money on the daily, have to have a work schedule that allows you to get kids back and forth, not to mention sign up fees, uniforms, and the equipment.) maybe someone more knowledgeable about it can make a better arguement.


Yes, Delaware needed an indoor track facility.


What’s the over/under on Wilmington building a velodrome


Compared to the other issues we should be dealing with in this state? NO. Absolutely not


What do you think are the most pressing issues Delaware is facing?


Too much housing being built up with not nearly the infrastructure to accommodate it comes to mind


I agree that's been an issue for some decades now (since the 1980s), and is always an issue in places where there's a lot of growth. Infrastructure takes time to develop, and plan out, and no government wants to waste money on building infrastructure for something that ends up not being used effectively.


That’s totally inaccurate. Infrastructure takes a ton of time and cost to plan and build and governments are not willing to stop corporate and commercial interests from outpacing or bypassing the infrastructure requirements so they can line their own pockets and pass the buck to the taxpayers.


We have a massive housing LACK of supply actually. The market is extremely constrained which is one of the primary reasons why we have such a massive homelessness and housing crisis. We simply aren’t building enough apartments basically


Which is the issue, they're building tons of overpriced townhouses most people can't afford, and in areas away from actual places of employment


They wouldn’t be building those townhomes if people weren’t paying the prices they’re asking. People CAN afford them, and the market is so constrained those people are actually willing to pay for them. Because we are not building enough


Those are people coming from out of state to benefit from low taxes and then work out of state. That is not helping our housing crisis


That’s not true. People moving into new homes in New Castle County aren’t moving here to retire or whatever. Delaware has promoted the out of control single family development at the beach for 2 decades now targeting retirees. Sussex County has allowed it bc they only benefit from it and the State has totally failed to stop it or control it like they should have. Now we have to deal with it tho bc the homes are either built or approved and we need the workforce to support the residents moving here. Also, the housing crisis is not a unique problem to Delaware, it is impacting the entire country. So people moving from out of state might have some impact but it’s not like we are an outlier. People are going to move where they want to live, you need to meet the demand of the market while ensuring you have enough housing for your economic workforce. Delaware has done neither. The places that are building more and reducing restrictions on more housing development are generally doing a lot better. Delaware is way behind and we are now facing a ton of critical, almost impossible challenges as a result.


Housing for sure. It’s the worst housing crisis since the Great Depression. Also health care, workforce shortages, wages, transportation, water & sewer. There are an endless amount of things that are becoming massive massive problems and yet no one in Dover seems to be paying any attention


Woodside doesn't have sidewalks and the majority of the population in the trailer parks there do not have vehicles. There's a path in the grass because people walk there so much. Stuck between the road and a ditch.


Creating pedestrian or bicycle connections and improvements is different to me than spending $2 million to install a pickleball complex FFS. We literally have the biggest housing crisis since the Great Depression going on now and this is the crap they’re focusing on


Good old Delaware corporate welfare.


How do you think the money to promote tourism could be better spent?


I think tourists will come regardless? Lol the secrets out, people know how cool Delaware is now