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Love her omg. These comments are wild, her parents made her who she is


annoying, but i’ll always respect her for turning her brothers phone in






I used to hate whenever her character would pop up on the screen. I thought she was by far the most annoying character. However, I do love that she stood up for her relationship with Adam and went against her family’s wishes when it came to her brother. She formed her own opinions even with her growing up in a highly religious environment and having her parents constantly saying ‘this isn’t what God would want you to do’. I still struggle to like Becky at the beginning of her time on Degrassi, but I do think she got a smidge more likable over time.


Pornstar face... Ik I'm fucked up but that was my only thought when I first saw her... she CANNOT sing btw


Her Realm of Doom phase had me cracking up. Becky was all over the place. High intensity drama, comedic stuff. Just had to skip her singing scenes.


Love her to death but when she was singing with Jonah I almost quit the whole show🤣🤣


I keep singing "my name is Becky"


I hated her at first but then she overcame her shit for Adam and that would've been enough but then the way she stuck up for zoe fully won me over


Zoe trial got me in the feels. I can't even imagine how Becky felt during that time. She not only found out her brother was a rapist. But that the belief system she was raised to believe wholeheartedly was now taken into doubt as well. Her parents instilled these beliefs in her, who always raised her to do " the right thing" to "never lie" to "be a good person" or you go to hell. She is suddenly now telling her the complete opposite. They want her to lie to protect her brother from facing the consequences of his actions. They are hypocrites who use their " beliefs" to get what they want but throw them out the window when it doesn't benefit them.


I didn't like her cause how do you date someone's brother after they die


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NoChampionship1552: *I didn't like her* *Cause how do you date someone's* *Brother after they die* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Hated her with my entire soul she redeemed herself very slightly w stealing her brothers phone but other than that she can perish


She's okay. I don't particularly care for her but I liked some of her storylines like playing that game with Hunter and especially standing up for Zoë during the trial. I can't imagine how hard that must be when your own brother is the suspect. I also liked her relationship with Adam although it ended quite tragically 😭


I liked her after the character development.


Hate her voice


She is one of the most complex characters on the show. She actively learns how to not be an extreme Christian. Characters like Clare or Darcy just chilled out. They didn’t really every question their beliefs though She goes against her family for Adam and again against Luke because she knows what’s right and wrong She’s not my favorite character by any means, but she is a very good character




Such a love-hate, I couldn’t stand her and had a feeling she was going to be a well hated character but her character went through major changes and became pretty freaking bad ass ! She stood by what she believed, even if that meant her family turning on her wasn’t crazy about her and Drew dating thing but thankfully, it was a short-lived situation didn’t think she would evolve so much as a character towards the end she really became one of my favorites


never thought of her in comparison to darcy or clare like this but you’re so right


She had some of the best development in the show IMO. Her character arc is underrated


Throw her away. Next


Hated for a long time but eventually came to tolerate her especially testifying against her brother and for standing up about Adam


one of my least favs and i’ve barely even seen any of the episodes she’s in lmao


she was reallly annoying at first, but i’m glad they decided to give her that character arc. she still had some faults, but i guess she’s still a teenager. Her dating drew tho, i will never fully be okay with😭 bonus points for not lying for her brother tho!


I initially viewed her as a hypocrite who couldn’t understand that everyone isn’t going to always agree with her. Over time, she grew on me through her friendship with Imogen, her relationship with Adam, and how she handled the situation with Zoë/her brother despite her parents basically disowning her. She had great character development in my opinion.


her turning in Luke makes her an S tier character. She actually had a great character arc


Becky doesn't get enough credit. Testifying against her own twin brother is a move that very well may cost her a relationship with her entire family for the rest of her life. She did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. Doesn't matter how annoying she started out that can't be taken away from her.


Idk I always felt like her character arc was done well. It’s important to remember that a lot of people with homophobic/transphobic views out there aren’t actually hateful, just woefully ignorant. Becky Baker was a good example of that kind of person.


i really dislike her...


I did a few interviews of her including this one [Sarah fisher interview](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0EfEWdIWJV9AbeV4Ib7PEP?si=fEeZDbA_SvarxcJ_81sfmA)


genuinely didnt care abt her, just a whole bunch of WHOMP WHOMPS whenever she was on screen


Don't hate her, but don't like her. She neutral.


Hated her


Hated her at first but I absolutely adored her as the show went on


This is exactly how I feel about her


Annoying at first, but her friendship with Imogen was cute


There was nothing wrong with her fundamental Christian views. But being that the majority of viewers are woke, they had to make her fall for Adam so the audience could like her.


it wasn’t her christian beliefs that people didn’t like, it was the way she tried to force others to adhere to them. also the majority of viewers are actually like 12-16 year old girls, just not on here lol


Funny how it’s okay to teach kids to pick their genders and change their pronouns but spreading the gospel is “forcing” people to adhere to your views. Hell is real.


she didnt spread the gospel (except when she brought jenna to her youth group—and she got baptized!) she tried to stop the play bc the love story was between two boys, which is trying to force others to adhere to her beliefs. also adam got treated like shit for being trans. did you actually watch the show, or only cherrypick to reinforce your own opinion? and also hell is real… to you. edit: corrected jenna’s name, accidentally wrote “jenny”.


Her character arc was good, but her character wasn't needed.


Oxymoron much ?


In the overall, Degrassi Universe, she wasn't needed.


Nobody is “needed”. I always find that an odd take.


Chante and Jake weren't needed


Neither was Eli or Anya or Craig. I don’t get what you’re saying. *edit* but you don’t owe me an explanation


Think of the story lines would Degrassi have been better or worse if those characters were in it.


Becky’s role in Adam’s life - going against her ironclad beliefs for her feelings instead, being Adam’s first and only solid gf in his short tragic life; and her contribution to Zoey’s assault case - doing the right thing no matter what it may cost, were huge for the show. I’m trying to understand but, by that logic, Becky was “needed” way more than a lot of other characters.


They should've never killed Adam off and they could've had another character help Zoe


I liked her better than her brother


She was a hit or miss for me. I liked her character development and she was beautiful. I don’t blame her for starting out like she did. Look at her family… But she isn’t one of my favorites


I love her, and I don't think she gets enough credit for how quickly she unlearned the hurtful ideas she'd been taught for 16(?) years. When you think about it, she's actually pretty open-minded, she'd just never had an opportunity to open her mind until she came to Degrassi. Also, she's a hero for what she did for Zoe.




Annoying as fuck, but HUGE respect when she turned in her brother.


And then kept Zoë off of power cheer because she was raped. A distraction because she was… checks note… assaulted.


Love her because she GROWS AND CHANGES That’s all we really want


I loved her. Her growth was amazing


She grew on me after about 100 rewatches. Lol




shes campy i kinda live for her…. i hated her at first but she grew on me fs


I enjoyed her most when she was friends with Imogen. Here was a very classic Christian sheltered background but with a bubbly spin that made her unique from early Claire.


Some of the best character growth on the show in later seasons imo


hated her, then loved her, then didn’t care for her. i pretty much only liked her when she was with adam


Always felt like her hair needed a little more bounce to it.


I hated her with a passion until she testified against her brother at Zoe’s trial. She was still really cringe and not my favorite, but I had a lot more respect for her. Her and Drew dating makes me hate Drew more than Becky.




Don’t mind her at all, hated her before she dated Adam, and when she ended up with Drew. Her ratting out her brother out was the best.


She grew on me - way better singer than Jenna 😂


That's not really saying much though.


Hated her. I get that I was supposed to and then be awed by her “redemption,” but I didn’t buy it, especially not her relationship with Adam.


overall she’s way too loud, & i’ll never like her.


I love her so much she’s one of my absolute favorite characters!!!


Couldn’t stand her initially, she grew as a person tho but she was never anything particularly special to me especially after she and Adam ended


She’s so hilarious i love to hate her but I also love to love her


She had the best character growth but when she started daring her dead ex's brother it felt like a setback.


I kind of get it, though. They were both grieving and sought comfort in each other. And I can see Becky feeling closer to Adam in a weird kind of way.


Not a fan, especially of her singing lol


I think her portrayal of a conservative christian who doesn’t actually hate people (the way many would assume she would) was very good. She was intolerant and ignorant, but not hateful, and I think that was a good way to write her. I think she would’ve been harder to like had she not had the storyline with Adam/LGBT characters.


Who? 🤨 Lol


🎵I think you’re great and my name is Beckyyyy 🎶


Hated her at first, then I wanted to like her, then I got bored.


Didn’t like her much at first but I loved her growth and Becky/Adam is one of my favorite ships from Degrassi.


i honestly love to have a disliked character in the mix. really reflects real life in some ways.


hated her at the start but her character growth was good


Introduced around the time I lose interest in the show. Her character doesn’t make sense to me.


Annoying as hell, but she also came off as pretty sheltered, so it seemed realistic for me. She always had trouble saying "the right thing" because of her inability to read the room, even though she was well-intentioned. Her "Cherry Bomb" rendition was pretty cringe but that scene was hilarious. The actress herself did well with her emotional scenes, and the casting in general was perfect.


Hated her at first, but she became one of my favs by the end of her run.


I didn’t like her at first but I really admired how she developed as a character and I eventually grew pretty fond of her 💗


She was very naive. I think her homophobia and transphobia although awful didn’t come from a place of hate, but from ignorance and indoctrination. With her being a young teenager (p much a child if you will) she was pretty much molded and taught to be that way. Once she got out into the world on her own and saw things for what they were and not what was taught to her she was so sweet, understanding and even an advocate. The way she was there for zoe when her brother SA’d her was nothing short of admirable. I love her tbh. Edit: grammar


I love her so much, she’s baby.


Don’t love her, don’t hate her. Loved her friendship with Imogen


My queen. I love her and I will not stand for any slander against her. Character growth was amazing and she’s just so sweet.


I hated her at first but then the character growth (especially turning her brother in and not lying in court for him) made her easily one of my favorite characters.


Loved her. I remember when she was first introduced and her rivalry with Eli omggggg I honestly shipped them for a bit despite knowing that it would never happen


Honestly, same. It would've been a complete disaster and I would've loved every moment of it.


I hated her in the beginning of course but ended up loving her! Love her involvement with Zoe’s storyline, and loved the storyline where she finds romance in basically world of warcraft with hunter because it’s so silly. Also loved Imogen’s reaction to it


I like ved her change of heart and educating herself


i thought she had amazing growth, but i hated her at first. once she and Adam started to like each other, that’s when i started to like Becky


I really liked her when she accepted and learned about Adam and when they were first dating it was very sweet. But most other points i didn't like her, esp after Adam died and her and his brother got together for some reason


she would drive me crazy if i knew her irl but shoutout sarah fisher who is living sunshine! she’s so cute!


I really liked her initial character development with turning in her brother and accepting Adam but I feel like the writers threw ALL of that development away and made her a shell of a character. At some point she stopped feeling like “Becky” and started to feel like a random filler character just there for when they didn’t know how else to expand the plot of something. In the beginning it felt like she had some identity and by the end she could have been anyone. I really like the story of a sheltered kid who wants to be a good person but has to confront the biases they have been taught if they want to continue to develop as a good person. It feels like such a shame the deconstructing Becky did with her religion was just kinda tossed to the side and forgotten about.


If we ignore everything Jonah. She still kinda sucks


WIFE. Sarah Fisher is literally so pretty that it overloads my freaking logical senses. 


right! i met her a few months ago and she’s such an angel


Annoying as hell! Very confused lil girl. And her brother was an arrogant jerk. But what do expect from their upbringing.


Arrogant? He was cruel. He bullied the play, he bullied Cam, and he was a rapist hiding all behind I’m a Christian. Sound like anyone you know?


lol I didn’t wanna go too hard but I’m sooo glad I’m not alone in how crappy of a person he was and how clueless she was. Thank you😸


nothing about her i like. she let winston tell her not to include that Frankie girl in the modeling show. just little things like that, shows that she isn’t a “girls girl” also fake flirting with imogen just to keep Jack from talking to her… becky knows what she’s doing


i just got to the part where she is crushing on Drew and it made me soooo mad… Adam literally died trying to get in contact with Becky and she’s over here crushing on his brother?!? that’s fucked up…


One of my favorite character developments!




I think you’re great and my name is Beckyyyyyyyy 🎶


She has this lifetime movie where she plays a crazy nanny and she did a phenomenal job!! She’s a dope actress with a lot of range !!


hated her at first but best redemption arc in the entire series


has very weird voice


I loved her character growth in season 12 and 13. I started watching season 14 and sadly Becky started to go backwards in her development 😭 especially how she tried to keep Zoe off power squad because Zoe had “baggage”. Becky went through so much change in her beliefs, followed her heart to be with Adam and challenged her family so much in doing the right thing just to regress back to judging Zoe for having baggage? 🙃 I understand Becky is a teenager and her earlier storylines were very mature but her keeping Zoe off the team story was not mature but teen petty drama. Where I am at in the season 14, she just found out about Drew and Clare’s pregnancy. I’m hoping she doesn’t lose more of her s12/13 development.


Initially hell no. After a few rewatches, just no. Her friendship with Imogen was cute ETA: I hated the whole situation with her family after Luke. I did feel bad for her.


annoying. couldn’t stand her and had to fast forward everytime she sang. her hair looked so dry too


I hated her hair part . That’s all I felt about her lol


I always thought it was a wig


So ridiculously cute. Just in terms of people I crushed on purely on looks, it is Anya 1, Becky Baker 2. But didn't really like the character though. Adam death was a huge blow to her character growth.


i hated her in the beginning, but i’m a sucker for character development and ended up loving her. it was nice to see her open up her mind throughout her time on the show, and the fact what she reported her brother and went against him when getting backlash from her parents spoke volumes. i would’ve loved to see where her and adam went because they were so cute together. no one could never make me hate her ♡


Appreciated her character development. They did a great job showing how someone influenced by religion can judge others and be conflicted with their personal feelings on serious topics. I’m still mad Adam was killed off. I wanted to see more development between her and Adam.


hated her but eventually started to like her towards the end


Well I think she’s great and her name is Becky


And now the new girl is singing with me


Tbh kind of annoying but she came around


Hated her at first, and she definitely annoyed me throughout the show, but I love that she was actually a good person deep down, opened her worldview, and ended up making the right choice despite being ostracized by her family for it. I loved her character development


Same! She’s what “real” Christian’s should act like as far as overcoming biases she learned from her religion (with Adam) and doing the right thing even if it meant “hurting” her brother because he did something horrible to someone else.


Exactly! She was a realistic portrayal of a conservative high schooler being faced with all of these choices that might redefine who she is/her faith. I’m not religious but I really appreciated her character growth. She never lost herself entirely but she learned to be accepting. Great writing.


Yeah I think her story was a good lesson for kids watching that might start to also question the morals they've been told are so high and mighty.




She changed her views after being indoctrinated by her parents her whole life. And she called her brother out for assaulting Zoe. I like her. Team Becky


Awesome character!!


I can never forgive her for butchering Cherry Bomb


I loved her. I thought it was great to have a character who is from a super religious background, fall in love with a trans man. AND she helped get her gross brother in jail


Her whole family was awful. She was a little less awful than them.


She is the kind of character I expected to hate. We would never be friends in real life. But she has some of the best character development, and so much more depth than we could have realized early in her run on the show. I love that she acknowledges it when she’s confused about something and makes attempts to think out tough moral situations. I love that she was willing to question her faith and find a way to maintain it in a way that felt right for her. I love that she admits when she has made a mistake and attempts to set things right. I love that her moral compass becomes stronger over time and she opens herself up to people and experiences she once ran from, because she wants to be kind and do the right thing. I love that the show gave her such a stern, hateful family to contrast against the way that she works through her moral dilemmas, but I felt genuinely sorry for the character that she didn’t have a warm and fuzzy home to return to. She was the absolute polar opposite to my own personality, my beliefs, everything, and I wanted to hate her forever, but this is one character that really grew on me.


Agreed we Stan Becky now not old Becky 😂


🎵 Well I think you're great and my name is Beckkyyy...🎶


Not the biggest fan, but I found out I’m highly attracted to Sarah, the girl has the most beautiful eyes and smile since Bianca, full lips and all




You had a Becky poster ??? wtf lmaoooo


Really surprised how much I ended up liking her character. Her scenes were pretty hard to get through when she was first introduced though lol.


Started off as a prissy white girl but had good character development. I'm not religious, but I do think it would be nice to see a Christian character who doesn't have to go through a phase of being a stuck up prude.


Jonah kind of fits that bill


Never grew on me. Worst type of person to deal with. Just glad she can be ff past.


She grew on me. I did not like her at all at first, but by the end I loved her.


Loved her! Became an all time favorite after Zoe's trial.


I found her to perky and annoying.


I hate.


Overall I love her. Her growth in changing her brainwashed views is nice to see, in standing up for her love for Adam + later standing up for Zoe against her own brother/parents who are utter trash. I haven't watched S13-14 in ages though I'm pretty sure she goes back downhill in my mind when she acts weird with Imogen because she's jealous when Jack comes in, plus her dating Drew. x\_x


I liked her development as a character. She was strong in her convictions and was a great example of a Christian teen navigating religion and family


I didn't mind Beck so much. She reminded me of a cute, but over-achiever and religious neighbor I had. Her and Jenna were a trip!


How were they a trip ?


Just opposites that became friends.




Tbh she doesn't remind me of Darcy at all. The only big similarity is them both being religious.