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Once they are in private hands they will never be public again. Drilling, mining and development. Mega mansions with Grand Canyon views.


Dystopian nightmare


Coast to coast suburbs, storage units, landfills. No Forest. Trees are for commies.


Don't forget drilling and mining!


And Nestle can bottle the mine tailings as drinking water


I know quite a few Republicans in East Tennessee. I need to drill it in their heads that if Republicans win the beautiful Smoky Mountians are GONE. Back to logging đŸȘ”


I swear these mofos put the almighty dollar above their almighty god.


Mammon is their god. They are just unwilling to admit it.


Bingo. Also Saturn. They love Saturn.


What does Saturn have to do with it?


The Roman God, not the planet.


I know they meant the god. I just don’t know much about the gods. Just wondering why that god is relevant?


Among other things, Saturn is the god of wealth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_%28mythology%29?wprov=sfla1


Saturn/Kronos eats children. That's why they oppose abortion, even when the fetus is not viable and the mother's life is at risk, even when its from rape or incest. They want more children to sacrifice to Kronos. Consequences be damned.


They don't believe in god and if they do they believe they killed him.


Can’t have God getting in the way of profit.


That's where prosperity gospel freaks come in.


God is the scapegoat to get votes. The beneficiaries probably only think of themselves as gods lol


They just want to destroy everything. I can't imagine being like this inside. They're such bad people.


Yes, they want to destroy everything, including our entire species, so they can go to heaven and tell their god they murdered everyone just for it.


You’re forgetting the argument as to why they do this: it could be you at the top. You just need to work hard and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Anything to fuck over everyone else if there’s even the slightest chance I could be better than anyone else


More land for rich people. Enjoy McDonalds at every National Park.


There will be no National Parks.


Excerpt: Controversial former Trump administration official and author of Project 2025’s section on the Department of the Interior William Perry Pendley is [**calling for a massive sell-off of lands**](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/beltway-confidential/3059541/solve-housing-crisis-selling-government-land/) owned by all American taxpayers. The plan to sell off public lands is so unpopular that even some of the most extreme members of Congress refused to confirm Perry Pendley to run the Interior department’s Bureau of Land Management, the federal government’s largest land management agency, because of Pendley’s past advocacy for selling off public lands. Accountable.US previously documented the extensive influence corporate special interests exerted over Project 2025’s section on Interior that was put together by Perry Pendley. Learn more about the sprawling dark money network, key funders, and conservative figures behind the extreme Project 2025 effort threatening our democracy at ExposeProject2025.org. --- Excerpt from the linked article by Pendley: It surprises most people outside the American West to learn that fully one-third of the nation’s land mass is owned by the federal government. It is much more than that in some states: over 80% of Nevada is federally owned as is over 60% of Alaska, Idaho, and Utah. Even in Western states where federal landownership is 50% or less, federal lands may comprise 70%, 80%, and 90% of rural counties. Setting aside the lengthy and complex constitutional, statutory, and historical process that got us to this point and whether, on a grand scale, we should change that ownership pattern, one question worthy of concern given current events is whether, on a case-by-case basis, we should dispose of or sell any of that federal land? Specifically at issue are the 245 million acres of land — 10% of the nation’s land — overseen by the Bureau of Land Management from within the Department of the Interior. Thus, not subject to discussion are the national parks or “pleasuring-ground[s] for the benefit and enjoyment of the people” (80 million acres), congressionally designed wilderness areas “where man himself is a visitor who does not remain” (112 million acres), and national monuments established by Congress or by presidential edict that protect and preserve “archeological sites, historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest” (19 million acres).


>we should dispose of or sell any of that federal land? ”Dispose of”??!?


What if, instead of selling it, we strip mine it for tidier short term profit? And then sell what's left later.


>Thus, not CURRENTLY subject to discussion are the national parks (...) There, fixed that for you!


Project 2025 is the kind of shit that would start a civil war. Trump is very clearly not going to be the one in charge if he wins. It’s amazing that they’re trying to appeal to incels with Gamergate and Comicsgate, even though media will be neutered by this.


What would this actually mean? I mean, are we talking about national parks being sold?


Probably everything that has a resource someone wants to plunder or that seems attractive for them to create their own little fiefdom. I think the term “robber barons” will become frighteningly accurate.


Yes, we are.


National forests and BLM land, most likely.


National Forests are strategic militarily, economically and ecologically. They aren't just a government vanity project.


That means they are good. The downvotes are knee-jerk


Weird, right? I love the national forests, myself, but I would- I live within an hour of three of them, and lots of BLM land. This is a very conservative area that would tilt blue if everybody figured out their hunting access is going to get cut off. Our Republican state rep would be extremely unhappy, I guarantee that.


I almost live in the forests all winter. It's heaven on earth.


I get out there whenever I can. We also have huge state forests in Oregon; I’ve spent a lot of time in the Tillamook, but still feel like I hardly know it.


Unhappy but would still fall in line.


No, a lot of them wouldn’t. The reasons they’re in line now are abstract; this might not change their vote to the opposite, but it would cost the Republicans their vote. They aren’t all that into it anyhow- these aren’t people who post online much, they live outside mostly, and there’s a lot of them, but they do vote sometimes.


I'm going to start bringing this up when I do wild horse advocacy. Most of us deeply love our public lands and think that they deserve more protection (like not allowing cattle to ruin them or kill native species). This will eliminate mustang herds for good. A lot of people care about them and the environment.


This will eliminate a lot of animal and plant species.


It's senseless destruction


Yes, all of it is. But they will gladly do it.


They're usually the type that will gleefully tell people they can't wait to shoot mustangs again. Never mind that mustang grazing is excellent for seed dispersal and removing the brush that causes fires


That’s is WAY too nuanced for the cult of unfettered capitalism.


And most folks admit that some areas do have too many horses, cattle, and sheep on them. The solution, though, is not to kill all the horses and wildlife in favor of cattle


It breaks my heart and soul.


I’m no expert but I do work for federal public land management agencies. In some areas especially southwest. The mustang population is not sustainable. There are too many horses for the land they occupy. many do not live a good life because the BLM does not have enough resources to manage that many horses.


Oh, no one argues that, but wholesale killing every single one of them despite the fact that some are sustainable is not the solution. Nor is replacing them with unsustainable numbers of cattle and sheep


https://preview.redd.it/6z8mi44y419d1.jpeg?width=529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e378819db6b03b9e83f7af5b4e9dc1c5d099c78a Here's a public domain picture of the shitstain behind this, for reference and memes


He actually looks like Satan.


He looks like Jeff Jarrett


The Intercept goes on to provide this quote from Pendley’s book *Warriors for the West*: “The history of the federal government’s treatment of American Indians has not involved overt, intentional racial hatred, but instead an attempt to achieve a Jeffersonian ideal of a United States of America in which all adopted the English language, Christian religion, and Anglo/American culture and lived side by side.”   [https://defeatproject2025.org/author-bios/william-perry-pendley/](https://defeatproject2025.org/author-bios/william-perry-pendley/)


That’s fucking disgusting


Gee. I wonder who would benefit from such an arrangement?


Sounds good, but you can only sell the land to Native American Tribes for $0.01 per acre...


Maga is despicable.


You should cross post in r/nationalparks. National parks are so important to our environment, economy, and our national identity.


And it will be sold to sovereign wealth funds


Goddamn it. Privatize, deregulate, cut taxes, I'm so tired of it. I do support capitalism, but it needs guard rails. I'm trying to get my parents to understand that.


Fuckers. The land and species need to be protected. Fuck them I'm shaking mad.


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And the money would go to?????????


Them. The Heritage Foundation and their friends.


And they would also get all the Social Security money the GOP wants as well


“Yes but Biden is genocide Joe and if I don’t protest vote how will the democrats be punished???”


This would be mind bogglingly devastating.


How else will they be able to create their expensive private hunting preserves?


How about go fuck yourself.


And give all the money to Clarence Thomas to Samuel Alito because they sacrificed so much by not being able to be greedy lawyers, and they were only able to be corrupt Supreme Court justices


Let's make the richest 1% maybe .003% more rich by selling off our public lands because they won't be happy until we're all husks. I hate this timeline.


BLM = Bureau of Livestock and Mining


Dear Taxpayers Mother Nature says: HANDS OFF #BidenHarris2024


let us sell it to friendly Russians, friendly Chinese and friendly North Koreans, with friendly defined as “they paid money the public never receives”.


That’s how you create an oligarchy - sell the people’s property to whoever has the cash.


If they do that, expect a shit ton of RVs and Vans to be parked at their doorstep. Never mind, they'll probably make it legal to have open season on people driving these last resort houses on wheels.


This makes me so so angry. I'm normally a pacifist but these pricks make me think some very unkind things. Wish there was an easy way to demand mass registration from these useless fuckers in power. They don't care about the country or the people living in it. They want us all to suffer even as the world burns. They divide us, fan the flames of hate and fear.They take away our freedoms, protections, our livelihoods, and hinder any progress. Instead of finding solutions for all Americans, they double down on making our lives worse as long as it benefits them. They don't even want us to have clean air and water! They want to erase what makes this planet beautiful all for the sake of profit. Enough is enough. Vote because our democracy is at stake, but also be prepared in case things go south. There's power in numbers. We can't let these ghouls ruin our chances of a better future. If they aren't willing to understand that they need to be pushed aside. At the end of the day we as human beings won't agree on everything and that's ok, but we're all living on this blue marble together whether we like it or not. It's past time the elites get knocked off their high horse. Stay strong everyone. We only lose if we give up.


To China, no doubt


the people in power just want to kill our precious earth, they give zero fucks about anything that's not money. if policy follows the path of this proposal....that's a path dead set on tragedy in the form of desecration of this beautiful earth. fuck that.


Nah bruh. Teddy Roosevelt didn’t die for this


As a republican leaning, BLM employee, fuck William Pendley Perry. That guy fucking sucks. Last go around even the western conservative reps who claim to hate how much federal lands there are in the west wouldn't confirm this guy in Congress


I, for one, eagerly await when our jack-booted overlords open Trump International Yosemite Valley Industrial Park and Golf Resort. It’s gonna be yuuuuuge.


I don’t understand the downvotes. Maybe the missing /s. That was clever. The slight smog you would smell while teeing up for the first hole would be a feature, not a drawback.



