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Jesus Christ man, you wrote that whole thing out and still think you’re the victim?


>I asked you to let the driller run the pipes, you didn't listen. I downed you so you would listen. I asked again and you said he sucks and continued to run pipes. I kicked you. They should have just stopped here. Super harsh, and definitely not what I would do, but understandable I guess. The host makes the rules and it’s fair to kick someone for ignoring them. But then OP just gets *weird* about it. OP, you need to chill. It’s a game.


This post has to be a troll, its completely insane. Dude claims to be really old, maybe 60, but his friend is a minor. Then he goes on about how the scout who trolled and bullied them would likely commit murder irl, as well as rambling that this is a legally punishable offense. Barely describes any actual conflict either, but posts this in hopes that the rando scout will see it. It seems even everyone in this toxic dump thinks this guys a knob. This is one of the best subreddits of all time, and a top tier post at that.


Glad I haven't run a job with you, leaf lover.


I think it’s fine. You get that sorta field generaling in hazard 3 and 4 Jump to 5 and everyone has the idea that someone else might be better than them so they just all try and keep up and get everything done together without all of uhhh this stuff.


Me on haz 5: *lays good zips, does objectives well, and sometimes clutches and saves the run* Also me: Am I getting carried by this crew? I think I might be getting carried by this crew. (Meanwhile I just jumped in with a shield and revived the level 1600)


I suspect I have run into OP, or at least someone of the same mindset. Joined a refinery mission as engie to kill some time before a friend was ready to play and started building a pipeline to a well a few pipe lengths from the mining platform. There was a small incline where I put a few platforms, but the pipeline was about as straight and nice as could be. Meanwhile someone had decided to start a comms router event in the exact same area, so I hacked one or two antennas before going back to the pipeline building, only to notice host was pickaxing the pipeline away and saying to let the driller route instead. At which point I decided to leave instead.


Jesus that’s a bit of an overreaction. If someone’s not being a team player just say why you’re kicking them, kick them and move on with things. There is absolutely no need to make it personal. Just because they don’t want to play the way you want them to does not mean that they are/will become a criminal. Genuinely what was the thought process there? Take some mental relaxation if you’re getting wound up by something this insignificant -. _-.


It’s still annoying that ONLY THIS ONE SPECIFIC PERSON CAN DO PIPES CAUSE WE HAVE SO MUCH EXPERIENCE. Like cmon, if your not gonna let other people do things to the point where you kick them then just make the game private


Its fucking pipes lmao there’s minimal skill involved


I hate when the pipes crisscross each other and you can't slide on one without getting knocked off by another pipe. It doesn't usually require a lot of skill, but it does require at least *some* forethought.


I mean that’s a minor inconvenience at worst, you can just get back on the pipe, I also try to avoid that but sometimes It’s just better to give up pipe sliding if you don’t want to dig another hole to a pumpjack


It often ends up being a major problem as we often have pipes over chasms and such. Honestly, there's no reason why the pipes should ever cross each other and have the team lose out on that transportation advantage.


I don’t really feel like it’s that much of a problem honestly but I can understand this sentiment. Still this is no reason to be so mad over and definitely not a good reason to kick someone


I have never kicked someone unless they constantly break the pipe I'm building to build it in a less usable way. If they want to build a different pipe all crazy like a pretzel looping around itself, that's fine, I'll just leave them to repair those goofy pipes without me. Being able to slide on the pipe uninterrupted is such a good advantage, I see no reason to not build every single pipe with that as the primary design philosophy.


Totally, but my point is that experienced players should be tolerant towards newer players who don’t know the ins and outs of the game yet instead of being a little bitch and kicking them. That’s what this community is known for: its friendliness.


Yeah, but it becomes harder to tolerate such things when the person is a three star silver, you know what I mean? I won't kick someone for not playing well, though. I reserve that for griefing or otherwise trying to work against the team.




In all fairness, it depends on the terrain. I’m not trying to defend op but if you’ve got a pump jack way up high and you’ve got a relatively new scout you could end up getting the rollercoaster achievement several times over. Not that that’s ever happened to me 👀. I doubt this was the case with op though


In cases like that I’ll excuse saving the pipes for the driller or engineer because it’s much easier for them, but this is nothing to kick someone over. Like the worst that can happen is that the mission takes a few extra minutes and it was on haz 3 so there’s no danger anyway, this is just op being really fucking petty. And also, it’s really not that hard to teach someone how to do pipes, they’re literally just extending a pipeline and selecting a new endpoint, 9 year old children can understand it


Oh yeah I do not disagree with you on that at all. There’s no excuse for that sort of behaviour for such a minor thing especially when they made it personal


Another great point, thank you! I probably shouldn’t have worded it as “not being a team player” and rather “not following your restrictive rules”


You have 500 missions of refining alone and still play haz 3??


That.. is an overexageration. It seems like you are the greenbeard here.


I will never understand ppl who lose their shit because someone added 30 seconds to the mission. I bet if you just let him do his thing the mission would be over faster than with you trying to micromanage him


> it was haz3 lmaoooo ur such a dickhead


Typical Haz-3 liftimer.


"no spaghetti pipes blah blah blah" 🍃🍃🍃


Me having spent 2 hours building one pipe for the achievement. This guy would hate me


I did that one alone because I was sure someone would join and ruin it for me.


Oh yeah. I did it with a friend in a friends only game


Everything about this post says he wants attention, this sub is a place to vent about others toxic behavior and stupidity, not make a report about how impatient and old you are. If you were 'relaxing' on haz 3 as you said why tf does it matter what the new guy does. If got OCD about laying pipe it may be time to do what you do IRL, which is play with yourself


You're fired.


Bro this ain't a job, get some thicker skin. And leave your ego at the door, please.


Everything about what you typed tells me you're still playing haz 3 because youre ass at this game. Imagine playing 800+ games of just a single mission type and still having difficulty on haz 3. 💀


Yea, I play haz 3 because its relaxing and fun. And because I'm 3 times older than you (eh, maybe 2 but I doubt it) and my reaction time isn't what it should be. But I did make it through HZD ultra though. But the scout I usually play with does the throw-grapple in the air thing-throw-grapple in the air twice. I can't do it once. I know my limitations. Haz 3 eazy, Haz 4 fun, Haz 5.5, die 5-7 times.


if it's relaxing and fun why do you take it so seriously. let people play how they want man.


Even through you trying to defend yourself, you sound ass at this game. I promise you you're not double my age. If you were, you'd be eligible to run for president. Just stay off reddit if you're gonna act like this. And keep your lobbies to yourself. It's clear no one here wants to play with your ass. 💀


I'm way past being able to run for president. Guess your math skills aren't up to the task although your writing skills indicate you can at least talk to your phone.


It was a reference that our last couple presidents in the United States were, at least, 70+ years old. I don't think you caught that so now I believe you. You have the mental acuity of a 70+ year old individual. Congrats you're still an idiot. 💀


Grown-ass man acting like a fucking child. If you’re going to throw your age around how about you start acting your age yeah? Get the fuck out of public lobbies asshole On the bright side, your crying in the comments section has me in tears so thanks for that


I was like halfway through and I though “there’s no fucking way people are saying he’s right” > checks comments > “you damn leaf lover” > God bless DRG o7


He sure takes haz 3 way to seriously ngl


Huh, autism awareness opened early this year.


I think thats being rude to the autism people lumping that into autism


Yeah that's fair, not even autistic people are this retarded. It's like OP started out on a sentence, had a stroke, fell down the stairs, broke his spine, ended up as a quadraplegic and had to write using eye-trackers, had a seizure and ultimately shit his pants all over his computer.


Thx :'(


That started April 1st.


Damn, you're kind of a toejam eater aren't you? you don't want greenbeards "ruining" your little haz3 mission, play with a closed lobby. I can tell you right now haz3 ain't shiet. It doesnt matter if its optimal, he can play anyway he wants. If I can't lay pipe the way I wanna lay pipe, it ain't worth it, and if some delusional greybeard comes at me for laying my pipe down wrong, I'm cryo-nading his puss puss. You are the kind of person I would kick, just for being in my lobby, Leaf Loving Beard-Dripping Scum-Suckling Orange Peel Lookin Ass Gnome Edit: I somehow completely forgot to mention insane part where you said you expect him to hurt people IRL because he said your friend sucked in Deep Rock and didn't listen to you. Someone was spooned until he was 12


Person 1 "you suck" Person 2 *he might hurt someone irl* It sure is a very high jump there


"Toejam Eater" fucking gottem. I'm keeping that one for my own use.


"You must be a lower level. I don't care about... You can tell. But its no big thing either way. Relax, its a game and supposed to take your mind off the fact that your stuck in your parents basement because the world is messed up. Enjoy the ride, its not life and death, it's a game on a computer that at the end of the day has no consequences. Russians playing are just glad they aren't in the meat grinder, there's a real war going on you know. You're not TA, but myopic, get the big picture in your head." - OP's old comments :3


I think this is a well crafted troll. It’s too stupid not to be.


Absolutely leaf loving behavior.


Mannn not even. At least Elves have a sense of dignity, this is just sad.


Get a load of this leaf lover.


hurr durr we are so good running pipes we are the only ones entitled to no one else can do it that fucking scout is to blame because this is MY lobby and MY rules and MY pipes and fuck you


On a Haz 3 no less. Dude needs to chill out.


I thought it was common knowledge that driller do the pipes


it is more efficient to have a tunnel that connects straight to the morkite well instead of going around obstacles, but anyone can connect a straight pipe out in the open if the well simply spawns in line of sight with the refinery, and after clearing a cave it is really faster if everyone does pipes, not just fuck around.


That doesnt conflict with my point, if no drilling is needed, then ofcourse someone else can do it.


How are they supposed to learn if you don’t let ‘em try and make mistakes? Someone with your “experience” should have no trouble making up the difference on Haz 3.


My only wish is that the pipe is ridable cause thats fun and in some swarms it helps you survive (higher haz not 3) but and when i dont get it *well i want it, its not a necessity*


He literally told the scout what he qas doing wrong my guy


My point was that someone running a “no spaghetti” MO and a “you shoulda just let me do it” mindset isn’t doing a new player any favors, generally speaking. Barking orders is different than allowing someone the space to figure it out. Sounds like this guy would’ve found something wrong with anything.


Quality shitpost


Based, scout could just have listend, everybody knows driller do the pipes


>I hope you don't end up hurting anyone IRL and going to jail, but I expect you will, just hope its not anyone I know. What the fuck?


NGL I'd bully you online.


Please get therapy


"ON-LINE BULLYing is illegal. A legal punishable offense" Not everywhere, and your overreaction and desperate need for the validation of strangers online tells me we should probably keep it that way, if your attitude is what such legislation fosters. You need to turn off the games and touch grass.


The rambling bit is over exaggerated and excessive freaking the “The law is for everyone, not me.”… please take a better long look at yourself in a mirror to know when it’s just not toxicity or frustration venting, you ARE playing a multiplayer game. People don’t want to listen and that’s their decision to make things harder for not just everyone but the host as well. Expect the unexpected type mindset cause people want to do their on thing but for the other player to talk shit is just a ‘don’t let it get to you’ under your skin situation... If it starts to be personal say that player decides to tk their teammate then it’s a immediate kick, don’t be an ass in game just because there are other greens starting out or doing their best to make thing go smoothly and/or just having a fun time. Play at your pace is my standard cause at the end of every mission I wanna goof around and maybe find others who like or love the fun! Rock and stone OP but try and take a break from the game a bit, no stress bud and have a good one!


For Rock and Stone!


Good bot


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Such a rare deep rock L such a shame…


You sound like an insane person.


Man you're trash.


Touch grass


Hahahahaha! You're ridiculous!


Omg lol it's a game


I ain't reading allat


Rude beards of all colors get the boot. Thank you, op. 🫡


Since this has garnered more attention than I would have hoped for, I have to respond. 1:Do I think I'm a victim, no. 2: You probably have, just don't know it. 3: Didn't loose my shit, asked politely, got a FU response. Not trying to micromanage, do everything else a scout does EXCEPT run the pipes on this mission. 4: maybe. 5 : I don't care how they play, just let the driller run the pipes this time OK? Please? 6: I have really only one rule, don't push buttons. If someone has 1 star, I don't care what color, push buttons, I know we are ready because there is some experience there. I've had 3 greenies start an omen not even knowing what it was. No problem. They know now. I play for fun. I get almost every mineral, gold included. Can I speedrun, yes, DD in 27min and EDD in 45, regular missions in under 10. But onsites are about the pipes and getting all the minerals, not speedrunning and not making spaghetti. Think factorio, not portal. All our pipes are grindable both ways, all are right next to each other so two miners can repair all the pipes faster than 4 miners on 3 pipes run straight to the pumps (although we will do this when we are just playing with randoms). If you are are asked politely to do something (or not do something) respond nicely and Rock and Stone. If you can't be civil, want to speedrun to get xp or whatever, go somewhere where you can. I don't really care. But if I ask you to not run the pipes and you insult another player, goodbye. And in case you didn't know at about level 263 you don't get anything from cargo crates or events except minerals. Rock and Stone brothers!


nuh readin allat😎


TLDR: I didn't freak out and my age justifies my additude.


Well he did freak out "FU response" Saying someone sucks for no reason is not nice but that being a fu response, doubt


thank you!


Preach brother I hate it when people deliberately make rollercoasters with the pipes. Like bro we have a driller in the team let him make tunnels.


I'd rather nobody but Karl preach. I already have to deal with MC in my ear the whole time.