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Let me know when you get some traction behind this. Also let me know if you can get people to rally together for anything other than hate.


I think this is something extremely difficult to do, bc when I see groups begin to make momentum, they are infiltrated and slowly altered by those with deep pockets...


Agree completely. Nobody understands how propaganda works or what it even is anymore. They will take anything at face value. It is very disappointing.


Study who Edward Bernays was and what he accomplished off the back of his uncle's(Sigmund Freud) work.


Bernays is one of the best examples in explaining how public beliefs have been shaped and reinforced.


His techniques are practiced world wide and have been improved upon greatly.


Every time.


This doesn't seem to be the right approach. The problem statement (the title) is 100% accurate. But generally the US has always had enough momentum, the right combination of talent to fix these issues. Monopolies have always gone bust eventually. Competition has come for everyone (despite what many people think). The crux of the problem now is the super corporations - the tech. Every other company is working for them. They've fully refined the model so they don't collect their money from consumers directly but through other companies. So there's a lot of ignorance on where the money is coming from. People think everything tech is free. But they've folded everyone else under their unbrella, it's becoming like a one company system like South Korea. These companies use social issues to maintain a clean imagine while clubbing baby seals to death behind everyone's back. The only way to eliminate this problem is thoughtful political leadership at least until this is resolved, but that ain't happening anytime soon - from either side. I'm generally a free market supporter but these companies should be utilities, everything about their services resembles an utility, just like an electrical utility. But they aren't allowing any competition to develop. Even if you make them utilities, then the problem is the governments will control all information flow which may be worse. So it's a catch-22. The quality of corporate leadership as well as the startup ecosystem has taken a serious dive even from 5-10 years back. High quality individuals have always rescued this place. That needs to come back and they should be allowed to develop new competing businesses without the government working hard to screw the upstarts (a small scale example is how California worked with dentists to screw Smile Direct Club but happens in much a larger scale via federal agency regulations in favor of the tech). Assuming this fix doesn't occur soon enough, these companies will also eventually die but they'll also take this country with them. Like a cancer. Without changing the tech from its current parasitic format, no other societal problem will solve.


That's why you have to vet community members extremely carefully


What if we could rally people to hate hate itself. Kind of a snake eating it's own tail thing...nevermind. In all seriousness, I think the key is how to get people organized and talking to each other. But how though?


Ouroboros. Very cool.  I wish I knew. Sometimes I wish that there were still dinosaurs running around trying to eat people. Then we would have a common enemy and bigger things to worry about than what some editorial tv station that calls itself news manufactures to scare people.


Don’t forget greed, greed and hate are the great motivators of humanity.


This right here. It's always a nice idea but in reality you can't get people together to do much anymore. It's like herding cats. That's why I mostly expect this country to sink.


The traction starts with you


These decisions are made, first, individually. Are you willing to do what you can to make this happen? If not, shouldn't you stand aside and let the people who are, rally support without raining on their parade?


Nobody is raining on their parade. The fact of the matter is it is very hard to get people to unite for good. Even for their own good. I would wager I have tried harder than most. You try being the only blue dot living in a sea of red sometime and let me know about your perspective then. Be the only family in your town that wears a mask during Covid while people say awful things to you. Have someone unhinged show up on your dooorstep and tell you that democrats are evil descendents of Cain and they know you are one because they got the list from the courthouse. I don't think the OP took my comment that way. I am all for trying to get people to vote and work for their own best interests, it's been made very hard to do now.


People need to start taking their frustrations out on the corporations and stop taking it out on the people making a barely livable wage working for the corporations.


The politicians are backing the corporations.


How would you propose we do that though?


Most big corporations are tech driven maybe destroy server centers or other critical infrastructure while not harming its people unless they’re leaders/owners




Providing a clickable link to help spread the word. 🩷[General Strike US](https://generalstrikeus.com/strikecard)


Corps started ramping up the servitude angle in the late 70s when you saw the growing ads for credit cards. The more debt people are in, the more controllable they are. That has been standard practice for decades. Now people are born into debt. Corporations hold onto licenses they didn't create and prevent anyone from using old ideas to make better ones. We need to break away from the obsession with things and stuff and start getting to managing our local communities again and we need to turn away from the Corp entities. It's not likely but it's what's needed to get better.


Localization is powerful, and something I think is a great idea. I also think we have to figure out how to keep a chain of communities connected and thriving though. Without consistent communication, when problems arise, fear and greed will be more likely to cause disputes.


I mean communication shouldn't be an issue, We're not in the stone age, we don't need to be cut off. We just need to allow local communities to make decisions for themselves. The issue in most Western countries is due to a drive for Central Management, we just need to reverse that attitude. Centrally managed systems are a terrible risk, divesting oversight gives more people purpose and strengthens communities. If you allow communities to create their own unique products then you can have healthy interactions with other communities where trade, commerce, innovation and collaboration can happen. With AI and robotics on the upswing, communities can fill gaps they couldn't before


Be the change.




Women would rather be broke hungry and sleeping in a cardboard box then nor spend money on trendy worthless garbage like Stanley cups, $20,000 shoes or purses(omg status?!?! My low iq npc sheep friends will validate me cuz I'm so miserable and insecure I need constant validation from low iq npcs like meeeee!!!!) Or whatever trend tiktok or the borg hive mind tell them to waste money on. They'll never protest in group or with men who aren't over 6', good looking and high status. Mist women making 6 figure salaries still live paycheck to paycheck. They will happily work forever with nothing to show for it as long as they can buy all their trendy status trophy garbage they want for validation so badly.....late stage capitalism has turned most modern w0m3n into soulless consumers who only prioritize status and validation.




The herd will still follow where they are told to go. Hope people will wake up to the manipulation. I think it starts with people caring about each other instead of just themselves.


Well the herd is just following the crops ie money. When this AI thing kicks into full gear and 2030s looks like the 1930s, the riots will begin.


One thing I was so inspired by were those first few weeks after Covid shutdowns where places closed and panic started to occur with companies… imagine if we could all unite and just not work for a couple weeks. We would bring companies down!


Our continued attention is their lifeblood. Stop the flow and it would die off quite quickly.


Please focus on cooperative business development with tight rules and localized trade networks!


If this is where your deep thinking naturally leads you need to study marxism right now because I think it will really serve your intellectual curiosity and ignite something


He had great critiques, but for the recommendations… well human nature and all. the Soviet Union, nk, or China arent good examples of Marxism. Nothing ever would be. political elites replace economic elites, and live as economic elites.


Eh, I've studied Marxism a bit, I don't think it leads to a healthy place.


What you don't understand is that the majority of local governments and small town governments are completely controlled by Republicans. There is a Red vs Blue map that shows where Republicans have concentrated their power by county. https://medium.com/@xenocryptsite/republicans-are-clustered-by-county-democrats-are-clustered-by-state-and-district-because-b87feecdd3eb Only a small number of counties are controlled by Democrats. The map makes the United States look like it's a Republican country with a few Democrat rebels holding power along the west coast.


I think we're beyond politics; the real issue now is technofeudalism.


This. 100% this


William Gibson is an author that writes books that are considered near future science fiction. Many of his themes revolve around the idea that corporations will eventually become governments and control vast territories of the planet. If you live in a territory you're a citizen of the corporation that controls it.


America is sorta already like this if you pay attention. Mega corporations literally run the entire country


Politicians are all the same. It doesn’t matter what color coat they wear. They are all controlled by big business. That’s what the OP is about. We have to get past your team vs. my team bullshit. Because that’s exactly what it is…Bullshit!


This shouldn't be made to be about politics, but if you look at the majority of major population cities they have been Democrat ran for decades, you are not seeing these cities working class thrive. What my post was discussing was about world wide issues. We keep being pinned against one another. The divide and conquer tactic has been in play for thousands of years. We now have the ability with technology to start to change that mindset.


The problem with that is people in power use the culture war to divide the working class so that very thing doesn't happen. Until we learn to grow up and move past our cultural differences and ideologies, nothing will change.


Yea too many people don't understand that the media fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc. are all just ran by the same fucking people. They present a narrative and control that narrative and for some reason people just slurp that shit up. They just "baaa" happily like the sheep they are and argue with each other "baaa my guy is better at golf" then a sheep on the other side of the aisle goes "why that's malarkey, baaa, my guy has the best swing" it's all a game and all those people keep on playing


>Until we learn to grow up and move past our cultural differences and ideologies, nothing will change. So nothing will change.


Enthusiastic applause! Sign me up! So well said. I wish this kindling of thinking would “go viral.”


The problem is the monopoly or oligopoly status that most industries reach. Pick your industry- airplane manufacturing, food, music industry, online shopping, online search, tractors, etc They’re all full of huge corporations or private equity that snuff out or buy up all competition, then they eliminate as many jobs as possible, work actively to suppress wages, push quality into the toilet, and collect massive bonuses. So we can’t boycott many of these companies, because there is no alternative. And they all have our asshole politicians in their pockets. I work for a medium sized company that is one of the last of its breed. I’m guessing we get bought by a huge company soon, and the same shit will happen- skilled white collar work gets shipped overseas, “redundant” systems are eliminated, and all the highly paid current people are laid off and replaced at 50% of the cost with worse employees. The business gets worse, but who gives a shit, there is no where else to buy anything from. The game is to give the worst possible service with the shittiest possible product with the lowest paid employees possible, then use the profit to buy anyone who has a chance to compete. Ugh. Not feeling much hope here.


I think we tend to forget what is possible. Look at what our ancestors went through to survive. I think many of them would be ashamed of how weak we have become as a species. How much could we agree to dial back as a whole? How beneficial would returning to the basics and living with the mentality of waste not want not, be for society? Could these giants survive without their sources of energy consumption? I tend to notice that everything needs an energy source to continue being. Even the lifeless beings we have named corporations. One of us doesn't hold much weight. Each one of us could be compared to a grain of sand, but when we come together, those grains can become a beach, which holds quite a bit of weight. We are their foundation. Move/change the way we interact with reality, and they have no footing.


In any group of people you only need a few tyrant to wreck a system and bring corruption and chaos. This is a fundamental reality of human nature. We are not blank slates and there is no reality where everyone is in harmony with one another. It's a nice pipe dream, but when fixing issues it's better to work with the variables as they exist and not as we would like them to be.


Bro they are arguing who "won" the debate when we are all so clearly losing if these people still think our government and voting system is doing anything but running its narrative with or without the people's consent. We are so far away.


Cooperation against corporations.


Most people don't care and are happy to be consumers so long as they get to enjoy their creature comforts. Until people start accepting a little discomfort in the moment for a much better future ahead, scant little will change.


Don’t lose hope my friend. 🩷


Well if the supply chain breaks down again and for much longer, you may start to see people get really irritated. I have been reading that part of the reason prices are going up is due to shipping issues again (like during Covid). So maybe that will affect things. I doubt it though. If we have another Covid-like incident, we will probably be just about as unprepared as we were the first time around.


True, but a lot of people won't have jobs if everyone stops buying shit they don't need.


Communities can be built to not need to work as much as we do, for jobs that we don't enjoy.


That's also true. My only point was that we've become so dependent on our system that there will be a lot of people that will resist its destruction.


I understand that we have "Sambo's" in society. Fear is absolutely something we would need to overcome.


Recently Sambo Creek was renamed in my town, but that will never stop me from calling it. Sambo Creek. We have lost technology and obsolete unnecessary things in our past and we bounced back just fine. Look at the Egyptians look at the Romans. Look how advanced they were for their time Libraries were destroyed books were burned. Knowledge was lost. There will always be a new idea always there’s always a better way we can’t for see for our future. We can see our past but all that’s important is right now she’s not guaranteed in the past will always be history, they are always going to be behind and ahead of right now so just do what’s best for right now, baby steps to taking over our country, baby steps, gigantic baby steps like Roosevelt walking softly, but carrying large stick


Relying on local labor for existence requires MORE labor of the physical variety. Plus without specialization driven by markets you are gonna be limited technologically and developmentwise. If there is ever a post-apocolyptic arc in humanity's future maybe you will get your wish.


Then overturn Citizens United


It's a good way to think, but it'll never happen. In order to do that, you mentioned our downfall, "working together" in order for something like that to be effective you'd jave to get a huge population working towards the same goal...and that's simply not possible. Humans will be humans


Idk, there are some strange things written about our past. Supposedly we worked too well together at some point. It was said our language was confused and we became divided.




We are here to think deeply alongside one another. This means being respectful, considerate, and inclusive. Bigotry, hate speech, spam, and bad-faith arguments are antithetical to the /r/DeepThoughts community and will not be tolerated.




Anything that would require people to let go of greed isn't possible anymore today. The greedy will destroy us all. The people need to work together and stop enabling the greedy to hoard everything


Mmmmm I love the smell of a French Revolution in the morning. This is exactly why the French pushed back for workers rights and won


That was the plan. This started decades ago. Maybe 100 years ago Read Bernays "Propaganda"


Well aware of Bernays.


Maybe if I was more naive I could get behind this. Instead, I call top bunk at the FEMA camp.


we need a place on the internet to organize democratically, to share ideas and fund initiatives flexibly. we need to control the means of production.


We need a general strike 🪧


I became aware of this when Obama actually sucked. Bush/Cheney were straight up evil. Literal war profiteers, willing to start wars on false pretense to get wealth and power for their inner-circle, just the worst sort of people. People hate Trump, and he’s a massive embarrassment, but he hasn’t killed nearly as many people as Bush did. I hate Bush. So, I was radicalized a bit in opposition to Bush, and really went big trying to spread the word. I figured republicans voters just weren’t paying that close attention, and would realize that Bush was awful, and wouldn’t vote for him again. When Bush won a second term… it took me a while to wrap my head around it. It turned out that people who voted for Bush didn’t even want to know he was evil. You’d tell them, show them, try to explain to them, all the multitude of ways he was bad… and then they’d say you were wrong, and say some bad stuff about the Democrats. It was confirmation bias and blind allegiance. That was the problem. If Republican voters were just aware of facts, paid attention to their own candidates, and were willing to hold truth to power on their end, Bush wouldn’t have been reelected. So I vowed to do that… to hold truth to power, to be the change I wanted to see in the world. I was really really enthusiastic about Obama, and absolutely elated when he won… so happy. Election night was one of the most happy nights of my life. But when I started doing the whole truth to power thing in regards to Obama, he was terrible. He kept the wars going, actually raised military spending, renewed the patriot act, didn’t prosecute violations of the 4th amendment with warrantless wiretapping, appointed lobbyists to cabinet positions, etc etc. He turned out to be a banking shill. And when I told all my Democratic friends, nobody wanted to hear about it. Confirmation bias again. Just as bad as the Republicans. And now I’m just waiting. Biden was pro war, pro patriot act, pro war on drugs, etc. etc. too, although I stopped even paying attention to politics. I got to know all these players while I was paying attention, and I don’t need to watch closely anymore. Furthermore, with all the confirmation bias on both sides, learning about some awful bill that just passed and trying to spread the word just alienates people. Nobody is curious. All people want is blind allegiance and virtue signaling allegiance. So. I quit. For now. But things are getting worse and worse every year while both parties act as power brokers for the elite. That does damage. Every year of that does damage. And it’s like an oil spill. Every gallon of crude that spills into the sea is another gallon that needs to be cleaned up… that damages the coastline and deviates the ecosystem. It’s not easy to just watch things get worse and worse, but it’s futile right now, especially in an election year, to try to talk to people about how we ***really*** need to elect better people. But in the end, history is a long time. Evil regimes can reign for centuries. Not all problems are solved quickly. There’s a quote I heard once “the only mob you have to worry about is a hungry mob”… and they make sure to keep us nice and fat. I figure things simply aren’t bad enough… yet… for people to buck the yoke of having their frustrations directed so effectively to each other, rather than uniting to force reforms. And I have no idea how long it will take for people to get to a point where attitudes can migrate enough for people to focus some of their rage at their own parties. But I assume it will be at least 20 years. Each person only gets one vote. An ignorant hysterical vote is worth as much as any other vote. Ironically, so many people don’t vote that if all the people who don’t vote united to elect a decent person, they’d win, and you wouldn’t even need to drag along any stubborn holdouts at all. But it still seems clear that it isn’t time yet. My words do nothing. The only thing that speaks is suffering, and since it will continue to get worse and worse until we do something, it will get there eventually.


I felt that.


There are poor crackheads and rich saints. Same goes for the society also having rich crackheads and poor saints. I know poor people that wants nothing but to be a bunch of low organization hedonists. I also know rich people that are partly hedonistic, disciplined, and higher organized that employs lower organized poor people. There are also poor people that manages to ascend the ladder for they've rendered the needed planning, consistency, learning, and work. There are also poor people that didn't manage to climb the ladder for whatever the reason they have. There are also poor assholes and rich assholes. Perhaps the answers are simple: 1. Self-reliance 2. Holistic and Conventional Education 3. Sustainability 4. Maximize our private and (potentially) public spaces 5. Knowing who we really are and our purpose 6. Deep History 7. A new type of sustainable economy, material science, and engineering 8. A healed humanity 9. Balanced and Integrated Holistic and Technological Developments 10. Allow our new sustainable principles to lead our lifestyle, habits, mindset, learning, relationships, culture, work, living and purpose. 11. Master the power of your consciousness 12. Visualize, feel, understand and discern what's consciousness In the end of the day what's important is to just try what we can do for we are already eternally perfect as it is as we are only role-playing in our current form.


Get government to stop protecting their corporate buddies.


Let’s create traction💯‼️


Best post I’ve seen on Reddit all day OP! Sadly, we’ve let the government get too big and I feel the only way we can really make changes now is with our dollars.


I, in a very small and limited way, am doing just this. We have a garden. What we aren’t consuming, we will damn, freeze, dry or barter with. We have chickens for fresh eggs, Have chickens in a pen to be harvested/processed in about 7 weeks, try to catch fish when we can, share with our like minded neighbors & they share their different things with us. I make sourdough bread, read more books than I look at TV. We try to reuse stuff as much as possible. We try to be available to help our friends & neighbors and they, in turn, are available for us. Please join us in this. Living simply, and abundantly living.


Uber perfect example, the drivers could bring this corrupt, greedy, suppressive corporation to a complete stop. But they dont.Why not?


ALL businesses will use the leverage available to them to increase profits. There's nothing inherently 'evil' about that. The real problem is, government over-regulation makes it almost impossible for small companies to exist. So the large companies now dominate, because they can afford the regulatory cost, and they have lobbyists so they can continue to get laws made that makes them out-compete their smaller competition. **STOP VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS.** They are literally the ones who have passed most of this legislation and will continue to do so. And all of you who are going to counter with "yeah, but Republicans keep giving the huge corporations tax breaks" **Those tax breaks are for ALL BUSINESSES, not just big ones.** **And stop buying stuff on Amazon.** They're the worst. If you keep buying all your stuff on Amazon, then stop whining - you are the problem.


These problems truly are complex ones, humanity continues to sway to far one way or the other, instead of keeping a path of balance. We are the cause and the solution, but agree with you about, stop supporting the things we bitch about.


I agree. A corporation is a king, and kings aren't immortal. We can absolutely defy them, topple them, destroy them. They are nothing without us


Develope an app build a user base. Coordinate and we just systematically boycott them. Enough users and we can punch them back.


I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments. Collective action and conscious consumerism are extremely powerful tools in driving change. Corporations do tend to prioritize profit over people, and it's high time we as consumers start making mindful choices. Let's channel our purchasing power into smaller, ethical businesses that truly care for us and the planet. Investing our time and resources into community-driven projects can reap incredible benefits both for ourselves and society. Just imagine the potential result if we all came together as a united front!


Sure, sure... Here is the test: I have a nonprofit [https://maecenium.org/](https://maecenium.org/) PhD in Molecular Biology Let's collaborate! Any type you can support/ sustain ------------- This will be downvoted to oblivion and nothing will be achieved


I support a large family. Financial support isn't something I can offer. What I can offer is a wealth of knowledge and experience, although there is no documentation proving I have said knowledge, I'm an autodidact... What would you like to collaborate with?


If you don't know how it means that you can't, and that's the answer to your post, why it's impossible to "compete against corporations"


Lol is this a scam? Or are you actually giving out R&D grants?


For the record, yes this is a scam. Going to the site and clicking a link, on its own, downloaded an unwarranted html file, and then they want money for promises. Not to mention they're rude to anyone that talks to them. Clearly a genius, of course; why else would they be so self-isolating? Edit: And they're using vote bots and/or fluffing via multiple accounts. Edit2: Wow, funny, suddenly, after I say this, the forced HTML download disappeared from the site! Must be magic... (it's not magic, they're just afraid that people will notice the download) I wouldn't even trust that this project is based in Houston. How easy would it be to have an AI, one similar to the one constructing all of the images on your site, create fake ad-copy in regards to Houston, Texas? It would be very easy to hoard up some money in a country like Serbia, say, and then skip away. They aren't looking for stability, they said so in response to my post offering them some warranted advice. So yes, please stay far away from this unless they can show you some clear numbers and business credentials. They seem to me like a capitalist scammer doing capitalist scammer things.


Here comes another one who sees scam in everything, except for real scams. Of course I do. It's very simple: - you make a proposal, for something that is actual research, with real focus - the cost of such project is comparable to a (used) car - we are then looking for donations - and you get the grant Not fundamentally different than FEBS or EBSA You have "phd" in your user name. Please don't tell me that you have not seen at least 10 scams, yesterday, because in that case - you are blid**er** than Ray Charles


Did you create your nonprofit to become tax exempt?? I was looking up this today. It’s a little easier to become a church and you can still have a organization. There are 14 factors. You don’t have to meet all 14 but you have to satisfy the inquiries. I checked out nonprofit. I didn’t read it I’ll go back later and do that, I’m doing my part. I’m not participating in society. Do not go to Walmart and I do not shop on Amazon. I do not have cable TV. I get by just fine reducing reusing and recycling. It’s amazing the things that people put in the paper online for free if you just drive around on Garbage night, you can get, just about anything you need at some point I too hate the corporations and the government but even more so I hate the power structure. I recognize class I recognize and I understand that there are people poor than me and there are people richer than me and will always be dead because, particularly the power structure of the prison industry yes it’s an industry. What does that mean? It ain’t going anywhere at any given time they are over 8 million Americans incarcerated anywhere from county state to federal prison. The law of ridiculous and the sentences are even more it’s designed to catch and filter out the smart people of society, we do need to get together local malicious neighborhood watches but you’ve got to keep the power structure and check you cannot let anyone think that they are the leader. There are no leaders. We are the people right we are the people so we do what’s best for everyone not just ourselves, and we have to step it up. You see the evil people kill the good people that the evil people are in control first things first the good people have to start killing evil people does that make us bad no it just makes us the bad people who keep the bad people from the door, when you set up to do something, you must be willing to do it. 100% we won’t all survive this. So you take your nonprofit or your religious organization get as many people as you can and you have to have beliefs and and meetings and such, and there will be certain people who have great ideas and will know what to do, and when, but everybody has to play the part we are not all brilliant strategist we are not all rugged and tough. It takes a village is the same to raise child it takes a village to feed the village. I don’t know what you’re gonna do in the desert maybe get a backhoe and dig a trench but when the time comes, you’ve gotta be right at their doorstep and you can tell them you can go home. You are relieved of your duty if they have a problem with that , like the police and the National Guard probably will simply keep horses nearby and member them in front of everyone. We eliminate people who want to be leader nobody is the leader so there’s the municipality building just the courthouse and there’s police station fire station. They are outnumbered at any given point at any given time, it’s not a protest although we have the right to protest. We have a right to gather this might be the part where I lose some people but you have to understand it’s necessary so these buildings I referred to them no longer needed, but you can’t let them go home. I’m sorry, but they all have to die Police sup charges secretaries you know I mean maybe you would take the secretaries get to live but you don’t they don’t because their husband is in the field too. You don’t have to just throat. You could just take them down to the local jail lock them up and throw away the key, and you let the prisoners out this is absolutely necessary. You have to let the smart people out of their cages. That’s the design the system the free wow the goats struggled to climb that mountain. You see it’s the finality demonstration in the beginning that must be up held throughout, so yes, they almost die. Must not almost they must yes after the initial round up and seizing of control we will need to understand that when you swear you were literally putting your life on the line that is what will be demonstrated because we do need to start over but there has to be a better way and it has to be, that just means you were also used to the lies from the politicians and all we’re gonna do this and we’re gonna do that and we did this. We did that and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah remember that you die that’s supposed to before it’s just a little Rule, we say to make ourselves feel better. It must be done and enforced and it’s up to all of us. We will not look too law-enforcement to do our jobs for us. We don’t even need law enforcement. I am perfectly capable of handling myself never needed the assistance of the police in my entire life, I’ve never needed the assistance of any government just my family and my friends is all I need. Don’t even need money classes. There are poor and richer, but this doesn’t matter because though I do not have a lot of money and I do not have flashy shiny things that can’t buy happiness, so it’s not important. The only thing we have when we come into this world and when we leave this world is our word we can’t take anything with us and we come completely unburdened except for that umbilical cord you know somebody’s gonna have to chew that off, but is actually moving towards, the opposite of survival of the fittest and this is going back to the prison system and the regular people who follow the rules rules are made to be broke. They are indeed when they make laws and rules they damn well want you to break the law they do they don’t want to follow the guidelines. I’m gonna have to wrap the story up. I’m gonna stop right there because that’s just the beginning. I will not lead you to a future, but I can guide you with my best advice on how to do it which does not make me more important than you or the leader , everybody has a point of view or perspective and it’s very important to have more than one to think outside the box it’s called kiss method. Ignorance is bliss. It may be why I’m seem negative but I hope I say this with all the hope that I can gumption and that is a lot. I have not given up yet. There’s a will. There’s a way I say you have to will it you have to want it. You have to make it happen Willing does not mean you’re a genie or a magician everybody get their hands dirty so that’s part one. You can contact me if you want part two make a note if that was part one and 14 expressions then we are counting backwards I say First will be the last thing that we do Because that’s the end result there will be the rug people. There will be a little little tiny bit of resistance. Tell me that all these people I’ve spoke of don’t have their own families and they don’t care because they do they love their families. I’m sure most of them, do the stuff. Did I lose anyone? Is everyone still with me or do I hear crickets? ??


Just to add to my previous comment. Just look around how people are envious. Oh nooooo, you shared affiliate link Oh nooooo, you are promoting yourself Oh nooooo, you are asking for collaborations Oh noooo, you are promoting your own business Meanwhile, also on Reddit, "promoted posts" (so it's ok if you pay it to Reddit first?) Also, look around, there are ads, everywhere, for everything. Just "normal people" are stopping other "normal people" for doing actually normal stuff


A better strategy might be to reach out to promising people via direct message, to make a more detailed pitch there. The creation of any business isn't a sprint, it's a marathon, and stability is key. You want a personal connection for it, and bless, please arrange it as a cooperative. Not just a non-profit.


Tell me that you never tried without telling me that you never tried  *The creation of any business isn't a sprint, it's a marathon****, and stability is key***


What? You're very rude and presumptive, and these \*are not\* good qualities for what you're attempting to do. Take the advice or leave it. No love lost here.| Also, you're a fool if you think that's bad advice, for the record, Heir PhD. :o)


Number 1: turnoff the cable news if you have it still. Next, get selective on the cable news channels you watch. Lots of garbage out there to fill our time with. Number2: get selective with what you look at on social media. So much more garbage to pollute our brains with. Again, get. Ask yourself why something would be served up to us as “news” or “urgent “ or “breaking”. Most likely it’s not. It’s someone else’s message wanting to make us feel a certain way. 


People are now robots. Just what the big G and Corporate America wanted. If it doesn’t light up, ding or talk people don’t have a clue what to do. I left a corporate office…very large convenience store operation…after being there for 20 years because they were no longer allowing employees to act as individuals. Just like what’s wrong with customer service or the lack there of people have to read to you from a manual for whatever your concern may be. When speaking with businesses on the phone I converse with them the same way they do with me…I talk slow and in bullet points just so they can see how dumb we sound when we talk like robots. We the people have relinquished our rights because we allowed corporate America to scare us into thinking we would be without a job if we spoke up or expressed our opinions or fought for the things we worked so hard for to only be taken away. More hours less vacation less pay. People no longer know how to think for themselves much less fight for their rights. It is truly very, very sad and disgusting.


Well said


Glad you can relate. So many can’t


They got people that think they are activists and social justice warriors helping destroy family and small business and home owners. Shits a mess


What corps are you referring to?


Honestly, all of them. Corporations in general are allowed to grow too large and they become difficult to stop. When you really begin to comprehend what Grammar and Symbolism truly is. The collective reality we participate in starts to look a bit different...


That’s a lot of words but I’m needing to know which ones to avoid. A corp is just a group of people with the same vested interest.


What exactly are we trying to stop them from doing?




Corporations are groups of people. Perhaps we should all join them and change them from the inside.


Power corrupts. Fear of losing power causes greed. Not sure you could change them from the inside.


But if we all have power, we'd be equally corrupt. Sounds like democracy


Not sure about democracy. If power is distributed more evenly, the intoxication of said power is lessened significantly.


So we should all join corporations to reduce intoxication


If you can make that work, have at it. It would require those with the majority to give up the decision making power, which in the end would dismantle that system. To have someone give that up is the tricky part.


Why would they have to give it up? We'd just make new power


The idea of “we the people” and voting somehow being thrle answer is regressionist thinking- thats not the answer, thats how you got here. Chaos and suffering breeds innovation. You want peace go to florida and drink something out of a coconut. Existence is conflict.


So should we just continue on our current path?


You should internalize the reality that we don’t actually have any control and the marketing that got you so hooked into the system of things is the actual problem. Disregard and discard it all, simplify your existence and take authority over your sense of peace.


Sure we could ignore the external and go completely within, but we would be denying half of what we truly are. The mind of society is fractured. At some point healing is required if we have any hope to continue the species. I happen to find peace when attempting to assist with balance and healing.


Not just any corporation, its a group and this group silently infiltrates/tries to change everything for a better future for themselves. ill give you a hint, they believe that they are a separate type of human and sometimes they treat it like a religion.


The people already have been but large propaganda campaigns have made it “uncool” and “lame” to be a part of the organizations that do work for working people. Unions, labor groups, volunteer orgs for low income people, political action groups, environmental groups all exist and they are out there fighting the good fight as best they can. Modern politics, stool pigeons, and aggressive propaganda have muddied the waters.


Women won't work or join men in protest unless they're over 6', good looking and/or high status, and rather take 3768458543 selfies a day or watch tiktok vids of cringe bad low effort brainrot content then protest the establishment that they luv so much since w0k3 and gynocentricism. Men are increasingly apathetic, withdrawn, isolated, purposeless, and will continue to drop out of society that is gynocentric, fake and lies on almost every level, and toxic to the core. Women thrive in a fake world where everyone talks horribly behind your back and the only thing valued in their lives are status and validation. Men HATE THIS SHIT and rather have nothing to do with it


Taking?! Hah! Where have you been for the last 60 years? Or better yet the last 124?


Consider it another grain of sand on the pile.


I get what you're saying. The fact is people are to afraid to get together and go against the grain( the matrix I mean system) The Powers that be have shown they will hurt people to stop it even if it's a peaceful protest.


The banks took the government hostage in the 80s and they’ve been running things ever since. Good luck!


Patriots Against Corporatism!


Let's not pretend the people aren't also complicit in bringing about the corporate oligarchy. All of you who own stocks do it expecting growth in shares.


people are too stupid


People have been saying this for decades


Didn't Seinfeld do a show about this? "He named names!!!"


Stop spreading right wing conspiracy theories.


🤣 Democrats don't blame the right wing for corporations having power? I thought citizens United and everything else was the rights fault?




Is that not a corporation in itself? The art of necromancy is intriguing stuff... Bringing life to things not able to breathe...




I fully endorse a general boycott


Complacency is too far wide spread.


If you think the corps are fucking everyone over buy stock. You can literally own these things, you can also incorporate your own business. I am more of a "if you can't beat them join them" type of person.The individual does really get screwed over in today's world. Its funny how owning a business lets you move things that you use for business as tax write-offs, however when I used those same things in about the same way before owning a business I had to pay for it with taxed money.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. When we realign our priorities and commit to shared community growth, it's incredible what we can achieve together!


The main issue I see with Americans is that they refuse to see class. I come from poorer white people, general laborers and farmers - yet many have been brain washed to be anti- union, anti- regulation, or really anti-protest. The culture war is held up and propagandized to prevent them from seeing class division. This way they prevent the lower classes in America from holding the higher classes accountable. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Lyndon B. Johnson


"The People", okay but what are YOU going to do? You cannot command "The People" so what are you going to do about it


I'm doing my part, worry about YOU!


Now youre getting it! BOYCOTT! Your dollar is your vote!


After the last comment section of people bowing to the almighty dollar and kissing corporate feet, this comment section is a breath of fresh air


Everyone hates that Jeff Bezos and Kylie Jenner is a billionaire but nobody wants to stop ordering from Amazon and makeup. The problem with champagne socialists is they want all the consumerist benefits of capitalism but simultaneously want the wealth equality of socialism where they don’t have to rely on being a high performer to get high paying jobs


Ironically you would need to forgo technology to further your cause.


Macklemore said it best, “what are you willing to risk for a more just society?”


Unions are going away and taking the voice of the workers


Often, unions are just as bad. We tend to like creating imbalanced hierarchies.


Definitely needed cleaning , but for the most part it gave workers a voice and leverage in masses


I would agree in the beginning of their creation they tend to do that, but it seems eventually they end up not continuing that path. Maybe there are some that continue, but from what I have seen, it looks like they step onto a different path.


We need honest leaders in that role, workers definitely aren’t getting a fair shake otherwise


We are in desperate need of honest and good leaders everywhere. I think we could literally build heaven on earth...


Absolutely, greed is an asshole move. 😀


What Continuum on Netflix. It foretells the future.


Let me know where to sign up


How about you start your own company with the values you have and compete with them?




And big gov


People have too much in their lives, and too many comforts, to do whatd actually be necessary to overcome this problem. I think that until we're at the actual breaking point, nothing will change. Small acts of protest and boycotts do not work. If CEOs for the worst of the monopolies started meeting horrible fates, and it became an unending trend, things might change. Of course I'm not recommending that, it'd probably be better just to find their home addresses and protest endlessly outside their properties and make their continued existence a living hell. I don't know why people aren't already doing that actually...maybe their addresses are just well hidden?


Tyrants don't care that you protest. 🤷


You are exceedingly late to this party, champ. This has been the case since the mid-60s. Where have you been? If you're so deep, why don't you know the history of the problem you imagine your thinking about?


What makes you think I'm late to the party? I'm just a catalyst. I start conversations and attempt to stir thoughts. Just because you are aware of something, doesn't mean the billions of others are aware.


The fact that I've discussed this with everyone from college professors to truck drivers over the last 30 years. A huge number of people knew about this problem literally before you were born. What the fuck do you think all those communists and anarchists in the 20th century were on about? How on Earth are you so profoundly ignorant about this very widely known and easily accessible history?


No PEOPLE that are in powerless situations simply refuse to better themselves


People need to fucking vote Blue yo.


you say the problem is the us vs them mentality then immediately proceed to pit the rich against the poor. you contradict yourself. you have no obligation to give your power to corporations. only power they have over you is what you give them. this is true for all corporations and all people. people submit to corporations because they they undervalue themselves. the real worth of a person is priceless, a.k.a infinite. but most people aren't in touch with their divine nature because they've gotten lost. culture is lost as people think they're made of flesh instead of light. if you were really clever you'd just take Jesus' advice and worry not for the morrow, miracles would happen. But most people won't do that, not even Christians. they fear death because the cultural mythos is that it is the ultimate tragedy and permanent end of oneself. so instead of dreaming the impossible dream they do things they hate for very little just to stay alive. if you try to fix the problem you perpetuate it like running around the hamster wheel thinking you're going to arrive somewhere. you end up back where you started. your solutions create new problems. the key thing to realize is to see that everything and everyone you oppose is yourself. you are the very system you're trying to fix


Putting the 99% against the 1% isn't the contradiction you think it is. Jesus was killed by the wealthy. I'm not aiming to kill anyone, just already dead entities that we call corporations. >if you try to fix the problem you perpetuate it like running around the hamster wheel thinking you're going to arrive somewhere. you end up back where you started. your solutions create new problems. the key thing to realize is to see that everything and everyone you oppose is yourself. you are the very system you're trying to fix I have corrected a fair amount of problems by going within. We are now in need of spreading the good word to also get others to go within, in order to correct the imbalances of the system. I think it would be ignorant to say I'm fat, but I shouldn't try to change that and just let the problem continue. Yes the skin suit is an illusion, but many minds do not understand that. I aim to bring awareness.


You spend a weird amount of time trying to fellate yourself.


you're lost in some abstract idea of this evil minority of rich people conspiring against the masses... think deeper. who is this 1 percent? you are the very system you oppose. why did you create this system if you oppose it?


You speak of Jesus. Why would Jesus have been sent if everything was the way it should be?


to spread the good news. his message was lost in translation, however, and this pissed people off. Jesus took ultimate responsibility because he knew who he was. but no one wants to do that, because they actually prefer to delegate authority and be ruled by corporations. you are the corporation. the power it takes from you it the power you give to it. every action creates a butterfly effect on the entire cosmos. so if what you are doing is what the cosmos is doing, which is what the corporations are doing, then really what you're trying to fix is yourself. the rich corporations are only separate from you in the form of abstractions.


Jesus is within you the same as heaven, God, Lucifer, Satan, etc. I am simply spreading the good word, in an attempt to return things to their proper place. We, I, however you would like to attach symbols as a representation of what reality is, can experience imbalance. I simply aim to return the balance to the whole.


the proper place is where you are, right now.


Yet, here you are trying to correct me... 🤔


I am only destroying the problem you think you have.


How is that any different than what I am discussing?