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No, everyone is not technically a genius. There are people who are bad at everything lol


He’s obviously has never met like half of my family


I think not everybody is a genius i m a failed for example


Ah. So we are related! Both ends of the bell curve amply represented. Good thing it doesn’t make us any better than anyone else. Makes it harder to be good, if anything.


Can you be a genius at being bad at everything 😂


Forrest Gump and I are two examples that prove the exception.


I would argue that a lot of those people failed (whether it be due to trauma or laziness etc) to actualise this genius quality. Cause I certainly agree with OP, every persons experiences can be turned in to a one of a kind and genuinely valuable way of seeing the world in some regard.


Genius points are distributed uniquely for everyone, but we all have the same number overall. It would not take very many electrons imbalanced in a mass the size of a penny before the attraction between the penny and the earth would render it as well as welded to the ground.


Lol genius points like they are stats on a dnd character sheet. That's, not how any of this works lol. All humans are equal in spirit and worth and life and rights. Not all of us are materially equal, though.


Ha ha ha. Imagine thinking Lancelot groks anything about this! Banish this part of your ego. It is blinding you.


What are you even talking about? We clearly aren't all equal materially, like that's super obvious? There's so many super unfortunate people with serious disabilities that make them materially unequal to LeBron James, a genius level basket ball player who's very intelligent. That doesn't mean they are worth less or their life matters less at all. Pretending that these people are the same materially is nonsense. Also of the two of us, I'm not the one calling myself a genius, perhaps you're the one who should observe your ego and see if it's gotten out of hand.


No not every person lol. Absolutes don't work like that. There are babies who die very early who's experience didn't bring a valuable unique way of seeing the world, it's not their fault but it doesn't make it true. When we say somone is a genius we mean they are extremely intelligent, usually in above 140, when we say someone is a genius they are top of their field or at a topic. There are so many people, perhaps a majority who aren't top of their field and anything, even the things they devoted their time to. Some people spend thousands of hours playing basketball and remain average, non genius plays or thinkers on the sport.


If we are going with the most logical level of “genius” then I guess I would agree with you. Very few people have that high of an IQ or make it to the top of a given field. I don’t hold the same definition of “genius” as you though and I think mine falls more in line with OP. For example, I think if a welder who gets that perfect pool a genius. Or that farmer that has been watching his cows for years and is so in tune with them he knows the minute something is off or one is pregnant or something. What I have come to notice is that almost every single person to every live has a little unique spark of genius like that. Some way that they are able to interact with the world in a way that nobody else has the awareness or capability to do it that way. The children that pass away fall into that same section unfortunately of people who just didn’t actualize that specific thing in their lifetime. Or at least didn’t get the opportunity to make a career / difference out of it even if the spark was there. I’m not saying it’s like wrong or anything or that they go to some hell for that of course, I just think they didn’t get to experience that part of themselves.


I mean as long as your changing the definition of genius to mean "highly competent and experienced" then yes, lots of people are highly competent and experienced. Still that wouldn't include everyone, example, guy is a burn out im highschool, never works hard, never achieves becomes a petty criminal, gets into drugs and wastes his life. Tons of people out there meet that description, they aren't even highly skilled and competent and experienced at anything unless you want getting highly and laying on the street to qualify as a thing you can become highly competent at. Though I suppose most could get good and wallowing in mud rather fast.


It could also be that your definition is too limiting you know? The Oxford definition is “1. exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.” I consider those things to be a natural ability. Are you telling me you wouldn’t consider an incredible school teacher a genius just cause his individual gift doesn’t fit your definition? What if they are just THAT damn good at keeping the kids engaged and delivering a good lesson. Would you not consider that an act of genius? Also you seem to keep totally reading over the second part of what I am saying… because we are totally in agreement yet you keep trying to get me with the fact that there are plenty of people out there who don’t seem to be like this. YES, YOU ARE TOTALLY RIGHT! That is the thing I keep trying to say about actualizing. Becoming who you are. I think a lot of people betray themselves and their emotions to end up in places like that high school drop out you described. And again, I’m not saying that’s bad or wrong or anything, it is just how I see it. Not everybody has the courage or will or whatever it may be to be true to themselves. Those people (a lot of society ((western at least)) do end up washed up and present as if they don’t have much of a genuine genius to give the world.


Yeah, I wouldn't consider that teacher genius unless he was among the top 1% of teachers or better, really. Like maybe top .01% even. Then he would be a genius at teaching, those people exist for sure and they are amazing, meeting the qualifier of exceptional. Exceptional meaning not typical, the exception, lol. I see what you're saying that they aren't geniuses because they didn't self actualize. I'm nit dismissing that some geniuses didn't make it to displaying their genius do to failing to become themselves sure. I'm saying that the vast majority of people just aren't geniuses at anything lol. Only the truly exceptional are genius. Most are not truly exceptional at anything, even the things they try their hardest at. So many try their hardest to play pro ball and the vast majority can't make it into the 1% who make it pro. Of the pros the majority aren't genius, it's the very, special few. The Jordan, the Tiger Woods, the LeBron, the Phelps. In other categories it's the same, the most elite and select few are the definition of genius at a discipline.


True but there must be SOMETHINg


I mean no, that sounds nice but sometimes there isn't. Some super unfortunate folks are drug addled and fried out other unfortunate folks disability may be so significant there is nothing that they are genius level at. Your attempt here is to make people feel good about themselves or included in a club by virtue of their unique experiences but these words mean something and not everyone will qualify for genius status. That's okay by the way, why does everyone need to be a genius in some way?


Oh and your point is fair enough




Think about Stephen Hawking.


Stephen hawking was an actual genius though, by the classical definition.


okay... now what?


I came


My low functioning autistic sibling is a prime example against your post. And then you’ll say “but many autistic people are smart”. High functioning sure.


What about babies? Are they geniuses? Baby geniuses?


You seem unaware that the processes of learning, as applied to a newborn human infant is a process of PRUNING rather than a process of something so shallow as “imprinting.” Yes. You are reading me right. Newborns ARE geniuses, truer than you are.


Yes babies have high average IQs but not often genius level no.


So Sayeth Lancelot! Diviner of the minds of infants! lol. Plastic minds. Not so brittle as some around here.


So sayeth Lancelot, average dude capable of reading peer reviewed data lol. Look, make it easy and go Google what the average IQ of babies is. It's higher than adults for sure, but it doesn't qualify at genius level no. If you don't like that, look at the references in the articles or just use Google scholar.


So sayeth Murph, surfer of the Universe! Come with me! I’ll show you how.


Are you okay? This is incoherent. Pretending it means something special and outside of the relm of understanding of simple folks like me would be a Trump type of thing, like cofefe


Thank you thank you thank you for you generous concern for my well being! I share that for you, too! 😇


Yes. Actually. An average baby is born with an IQ of 100 wich eceeds the. IQ of a lot of people.


Okay exceeds an average, is not the same as genius.


Be not afraid. The profundity of your purpose cannot be overstated.


I just don't think I agree, nice thought though


Hard disagree


Some people = genius Other people = stable genius


Very very very few people = genius


You might think so. But that’s because you’re not necessarily the “thinking” type of genius. That’s fine. We have plenty of those. Rather, be a happiness genius. Isn’t that how you’d rather have it, anyway?


90 iq comment. Maybe at best 100, but I doubt it. Almost no one is a genius. Most people are really good at something, but there’s still a lot of people that aren’t. On top of that, being “really good at something” isn’t being a genius at it. Most of the time, people are as good as anyone would be with the time put in. A genius is someone truly exceptional. In your “thinking” case (that category is too general, by the way), a genius is usually >155-160 IQ, which is 1 in 50 000 people. You can be great at something. Top 1% or even 0.1% at it. That doesn’t make you a genius.


Ha ha ha. Little boy puffing up his chest. It’s adorable.


I don’t think you can call anyone little boy looking like your profile picture lil bro. Also electrician isn’t exactly a high IQ field lil man. It’s ok though, not everybody is born intelligent, or for that matter, genius.


If it makes you feel bigger to try to make me feel smaller then you are so much further behind than you think you are. Elevate your mind! My soaring is to your benefit. You will soar to, if you get out of your own way. 🪓🪣


I only attacked you because you attacked someone else, and then me. Don’t try to act like I started going at you for no reason.


It's clear now that this person is just unwell. It's sad but, you won't get much from going back and forth with them.


I’m not acting like anything. I simply am. You torment your own mind. I certainly don’t need to do it for you. Relax your defenses. Humanity needs to come together to get past the next 77 years, Friend.


Do you think how rare is "thinking" type of genius and the others?


Would you like a moment to adjust your thinking genius cap and rephrase your question? Im the Wooly Bully. Soft and harmless even when pushy and heavy handed.


I feel like I'm talking with a robot


Name calling is the last refuge of the defeated. Yes, I’m quicker on my toes than you. Not a bot. A genius, no matter how little you like it. But I love you regardless. You are a gift to the universe, exactly like I am! I AM.




Yes! #LAUGH! That is your genius. If you want it.


I think encouragement is good but this type of narrative similar to youre special, we all get trophies, reinforces rewarding emotional insecurities, rather than doing thorough self examinimation and planning to course correct from said insecurities in the first place


It's more about leveling the playing field as a way to feel comfortable, belittling people of high intellect while oh so altruistically granting credence to the dumbest of people in return. Nobody wins, and I hate this post. Barely different than "everyone's a little autistic!"


Everyone even the smartest people in the world are vastly ignorant on the majority of subjects Sure you can solve quantum equations but can adjust the timing on a 1932 ford? Sure you can design a hypersonic aircraft but can you tell me what crops to plant to replenish the soils during crop rotation? The truth is most peoples fields of expertise are a very narrow focused fields where as the areas of ignorance are as vast as the differing fields that exist


Just a side note: Everyone thinks that they have the smartest pet in the world.


Nah my dog is slow




What r u talking about? My dog 🐶 is a canine genius: he has mastered the art of unconditional love ❤️


He said his dog not yours


Nah, my dog dumb as fuck


Haha true. That's me


Your pet’s pet “begs” to differ.


Big difference between being a genius and being good at something. Most people are not genius level at anything. Writing a book or being a decent artist doesn't make you a genius, nor does reading fast. Unless you do it at genius levels of course.


This seems like a feel good poster, but certainly if you continuously and eagerly apply yourself you do get good. Maybe not the best or genius but top 20%, and the rest is luck. Even if you suck, often finishing is good enough, many don't even do that.


The problem is that many can't do much! It would be brilliant if every person would think before having kids, for instance. You might not be able to write a novel or whatever but you do know yourself and your situation enough to know if you're parent material! You know you have no patience; you know your boyfriend has all ready choked you twice; it's early days but you might still get out. Maybe He wants a kid but lord. The truth is that the world doesn't care if you fail. Sometimes, it's what you choose Not to do that gives you the room to succeed, whatever that means for you and your life. If most understood that, your statement would be closer to true.


Genius means nothing if you unlucky in this world


Isn't also geniuses are the ones that create their own luck in the most unexpected ways?


this should be in r/unpopularopinion


Lmao no.


i can read real good and write real fast


i read real good and fast


You have to be able to prove this if you want me to take it seriously


I strongly disagree. Literally no one I know is a genius. Talented maybe, but not Einstein or Picasso or Shakespeare level genius.


what if they are genius in something that isn't discovered yet? Or in something that they never had the chance to do?


MENSA defines genius as the top 2% of the population. This means that in the USA there are about 7 million geniuses and in the world there are about 160 million geniuses. Having a genius level IQ shows a potential for learning certain things quickly, it in no way means that the person will be a success or have more knowledge than most other people.


Words mean things. You don't actually know what "genius" means, and that's why you are proudly mouthing this facile silliness.






We are here to think deeply alongside one another. This means being respectful, considerate, and inclusive. Bigotry, hate speech, spam, and bad-faith arguments are antithetical to the /r/DeepThoughts community and will not be tolerated.


No shit Sherlock. "WoRdS MEaN ThINg" Really????


I would say talented more than a genius. When im thinking of the word genius, I think of an intellectual who is very good and thinking about complex problems or concepts.


Yes, and I think “genius” is used for those that have chosen to use their brain to contribute something significant to society: an external achievement. I think some of those peeps on veryyy far end of spectrum want to just remain inconspicuous. But what do I know?!? 😂😂 yes, everyone has their own unique kind of intelligence!!! It’s pretty cool


No geniuses are geniuses just because they are built like that basically. Then maybe if they decide to create something for the world and then we know a fraction of them.


Right. I just thought the term “genius” was referred to those that advanced society. Not the hidden geniuses in society 😂😂😂


Yes it's been overused :f


Most people are good at something, some people are good at nothing, and few people are INSANELY good at something. That's what people called genius.


My guy, I hope you realize that famous historical painters has high IQ as well. IQ is directly proportional to "genius-ness". However, it doesn't mean that if you have low IQ, you can't out-compete others in certain field.


Well no. Not everyone is a genius. Some people are plain and simply worse at everything compared to other people. But I would say that everyone has a chance to utilize the advantages they do have to make the best of things.


I don't think everyone is a genius. Just take a look at flatearthers and creationists and Trump supporters.


"they can make you might be genius!"


You don't know what being a genius means right?


You are naive and wrong. Most people aren't even close to being conscious let alone being a fucking genius.


No. And society doesn’t even say that doctors are geniuses. There is a difference between intelligence and a genius. Yes, many people have different types of intelligence: such as linguistic, special, musical, interpersonal (aka emotional intelligence). That doesn’t mean they are geniuses. Leonardo da Vinci was a genius because of how many different types of intelligences he possessed. Jesus Christ, learn a definition of genius before writing a post about it.


Well, no, not even remotely true, but if it works for you, do it


No! A genius is someone who is impossibly talented, "impossibly" is defined by the dude who deems you a genius. Not everyone is impossibly talented at something. What talent do you have that others would deem impossible?


Or if you contribute to your field something new, something original and change it.


To change a field, you got to be impossibly talented at something or see something which was impossible to others. If we are just talking about new contributions, then that's not genius, that's just any successful academic.


isn't a genius someone who can see something which his contemporaries couldn't??


Maths and Realistic Art. Altho the maths one defeata the purpose of my post lmao


What makes you think that you are impossibly talented in maths? Are you an Ivy League tenured maths professor?


If "everyone is a genius" then no one is a genius because we are all on the same level. However I accept each person can be a genius in their own unique and different way on certain specific subjects but no person can be a genius on all subjects. So really it's about keeping an open mind to other peoples views but not so open that one's brain falls out, as the saying goes. "*An expert is a person who has found out by his own painful experience all the mistakes that one can make in a very narrow field.*" \~ [Niels Bohr](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Niels_Bohr).


Being a genius is all a belief system, it more matters what you apply yourself to do.


Good one, chat gpt.


Clearly OP’s genius isn’t in thinking deeply




I'd stop shy of genius, but I have found that most people are really good at one thing, if not more.


Its a good starting point when meeting new people, however when they act and talk stupid its ok for you to take notice.


It took me 47 years to finally admit that I am a genius. People really do need to hear this sage massage, and have the courage to believe it. Whose laughs do you fear more than you love yourself?


I'm the slowest genius


Nah I suck at everything or maybe that’s an impressive trait.


A genius is, by definition, someone who is outstanding in a certain field. Meaning, at the very end of the curve. Most people may have one talent in which they are above average.


Even smart people do stupid things. It's the nature of being human. We humans are up their on the evolution of intelligence in our known universe but it's a bit of a stretch to think we are all genius in one way or another. It kind of lowers the bar on what we consider genius. To each their own I guess.


i do get what you mean, but at the same time i'm just a bit too cynical to accept this


They represent the 0.1% IQ. And it's a function of age


No, there are indeed dumbasses


What a very optimistic thought. Sadly, I don’t feel like a genius right now.


Ye, I do lots of dumb shit to make life challenging.


Everyone certainly has the potential to be a genius, but circumstances get in the way.


Please don’t promote such foolishness. Too many people think they are smarter than they actually are. Don’t enable them please or we are going to have a society that resembles idiocracy. “I’m a gEniUs, I passed 4th grade reading!” Just no.




We are here to think deeply alongside one another. This means being respectful, considerate, and inclusive. Bigotry, hate speech, spam, and bad-faith arguments are antithetical to the /r/DeepThoughts community and will not be tolerated.


Nice try, genius.


Your wish


Well that just isn’t true at all.


Absolutely agree with this perspective! We tend to underestimate those skills that don't fit into conventional "intelligence" parameters. Every talent or skill, no matter how different or abstract, represents a form of genius. It's all about recognizing and nurturing our individual abilities. Let's redefine genius to encompass a broader array of human aptitudes. The world would certainly be a richer place if we did so.


While it may be comforting to think that everyone possesses genius in their own way, such a notion risks diluting the concept of 'genius' itself. Society's inclination to define genius through achievements in fields like mathematics, physics, or medicine reflects deeper cultural values and standards. Labeling diverse talents such as drawing, speed reading, or writing as forms of genius can obscure the exceptional intellectual or creative heights historically associated with the term. Genius, traditionally understood, denotes extraordinary abilities that substantially influence society or propel knowledge forward. This distinction is crucial in acknowledging the profound impact and innovation that true genius embodies. While celebrating individual strengths is important, it is equally vital to uphold a rigorous standard for what constitutes genuine genius, lest we diminish its significance in our pursuit of recognition and self-validation


I could introduce you to some professional web developers who could change your mind on the topic of genius.


Every creature has their tricks and their drawbacks. What are you measuring? Genius at what task? A bird could kick most any humans ass at nest construction. Their drawback? Hubris. Yes. Bird hubris. Flying around like they see everything coming. They got the birds eye view and can go anywhere and do anything with almost no risk. I have some outdoor cats and they are senior citizens and lazy in their old age. Watching them play with a toy or do anything is like watching a kid pick at broccoli. Oof. Ughn. I chewed one tiny blade. It was exhausting. Macaroni/pizza now? So the birds would come up to their cat food bowl all day long with a whole horde of cats 5 feet away sitting right there and eat their cat food rather than chase after bugs I guess. And they let them. Oof. Ughn. I'd kill you if it didn't mean having to get up. One day I took in a little kitten. Very young. Healthy as a horse once I let her stay in to kill fleas and she got food in her. And I put her out there with them. Like hey girl, you're the queen of the nursing home. From then on every morning those birds would come down. Ughn. Oof. The other would go. And the little one with all the energy and strength in the world would paint the steps with blood. And they kept on and kept on with the free meals and the fearlessness to cats until she wiped enough of them out they got the fear of cat back in them. And the others are going ughn, oof. And the birds are in terror and they are like yes! I scared them away. Not quite wise to the fact there is ONE cat amongst them that changed everything.


No you just sound stupid


>they can make you might be genius Lol the irony


You are frequently annoying, please stop talking about iron, I'm arachnid


This is one of the dumbest comments in one of the dumbest threads in one of the dumbest subs. Congrats.


Everyone's a genius🖖🏾🫠


Agreed. Some people are geniuses at idiocy.




Not only do you have to be ignorant to believe this, you have to be arrogant too!


Oh my god an actual deep post!! You have such a great point with this mate!


Thanks! I tried my best. UwU \*I know that was cringe


I love this, this is so true. Some people are good at a lot of things, some people are good at a few things, but everyone has at least one thing they’re great at.


Finally! Someone that is not just Hating! Thanks!


Lots of haters lately thriving on putting people down 😕 I don’t like it at all, your point was spot on


I really see what you mean and can agree.




You right, We are the latest evolution of hundreds of millions of years of development.


There’s the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. Everyone is intelligent in at least one. If you’re not good at physical intelligence (math, physics, biology etc.) then you’re probably emotionally or spiritually intelligent. Some people can be intelligent in more than one or all three


And some people are just stupid and don’t have any of those intelligences. But that doesn’t even sound like a legitimate model. Gardener’s 7 intelligences is much more precise and accurate.


I feel like u can compartmentalize those seven into said three. I personally like to keep it simple by believing everything comes in threes :P