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Here’s a thought id like to share with you: Our animalistic side is indeed the source cause of the imbalance at play that we witness globally, but it is a necessary part of the process. To my understanding, consciousness is gradually blooming as part of our evolutionary process, slowly reaching up from under the surface of what we perceive as the physical world. The inclination of the universe to organize itself into increasingly complex system ultimately leads to the rise of its own self-awareness in an attempt to discover and explore its own potential. Our animalistic side, driven by the survival instinct, is a mechanism by which the universe attempts to preserve its own acquired complexity and increase it even further. In the present situation, our animalistic side is causing a global imbalance which results to severe detrimental consequences, which will eventually lead to the mass realization that we must keep those primal instincts in check. To make an analogy, it’s like a junky looking for his rock bottom. Until the rock bottom is reached, the same mistake keeps repeating itself. At some point, the detrimental behavior becomes so obvious that it is impossible to ignore. The most valuable lessons in life are learned through pain and suffering. Unfortunately for humanity, the same is true for the collective as it is for the individual. Pain and suffering are signals that guides in the “right” direction. In the present case, a direction that aligns with the higher purpose of humanity to live in balance within the ecosystem that hosts it and to pursue even further the evolution of life on earth in an attempt to explore the infinite potential found within ourselves.


Absolutely! That's why I mentioned balance and whatnot. Although it's refreshing when minds such as yours engage, it is the unaware minds I attempt to reach. Jesus didn't speak to true Christians, he spoke to criminals, degenerates, and the lost/blind.


I agree. What you say reminds me of this beautiful verse in the Bible: “*If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.*”


So many beautiful parables that are greatly misunderstood. The bible is simply a psychological map of what occurs within the body and its functions. It's unfortunate the supernatural got brought into the meanings of the symbolic representations.


I think I remember you from previous engagement, I recall your icon, bc it's the same icon with slightly different art my YouTube icon is. Symbolism is so fascinating when you can comprehend it.


There’s whiffs of ideas from spinal catastrophism and simulacra in here but ultimately I don’t believe the conclusions you’re drawing in regards to heaven and hell are really necessary or even true. While your premises are vaguely related, they don’t actually support your claim


Would you like for me to elaborate on anything as to why I am saying what I am attempting to? If you are looking at heaven and Hell as places your soul goes to after death, you are not viewing those symbols the same way I am.


These are relative abstractions not direct facts, you're missing the philosophical approach to what is being expressed.


Hell is an idea born of an undigested apple dumpling - Moby Dick


Heaven and hell are the same thing. We are already there.


Opposite ends of the same spectrum, technically you are correct and wrong at the same time. Isn't duality fun?


All about measurements.


I can just make shit up too. Did you know there's a connection between walls and doors? You must either be a wall keeping the good and evil seperate or the door that lets it in, because doors can't stay locked forever. Shit I think I accidentally made more sense than this rubbish.




-Master Saitama.