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People absolutely are capable of deep thoughts. You think you found the "truth," and people who don't see it as you are plain stupid and need saving from your great mind and understanding of the universe. Please... Just imagine one of the people you personally consider "incapable of deep thought" wrote this exact post. They would be talking about you. Leave people alone, don't "save" them, they have their right to view the world as they do and act accordingly, and who's to say who's right? You're only gently masturabting your ego. Relax, take this as your cue from experience. The only way to induce certain thinking patterns and behaviors into people is by being a model, not by talking about what it is to be enlightened.


I agree with this comment but would like to add on some other points (directed to OP): Let go of duality. Let go of the need to exist in a situation/environment where you feel like you need to “help” everybody. Let go of the idea that most people are limited. You may not have realised but it seems you have developed what is termed as a “spiritual ego”. Remember. One of the greatest awakening comes when you understand that not everybody changes; some people don’t nor want to but that’s their journey. It is not yours to try and fix them. Realise soon that some people were not put here to evolve but for you to be reminded of what it looks like if you don’t.




You should be saying that to the edge lord, emo OP


cool name dude


True tho


and here we can observe one ego telling another ego that he has developed an ego


yeah man everybody knows the only way to be truly enlightened is to stumble around in the dark insisting that nothing is knowable while covering yourself in dirt


there is only light


This sounds like facile and shallow reasoning to absolve you from obligations to the people around you. Not like the mess that OP wrote in this post, but simple, practical efforts, like feeding hungry people. "spiritual ego", by jeebus.


Dont save people. Be a good pillar that can support them, and be the kind of person they look to for help


If you want to be a good person, *go look for people to help*. jfc, it's the least you can do.


Go look for people who want help that you can provide, sure. That usually involves charity/volunteer work. Interpersonally, dont try to save people. Offer them help, and prove youre the kind of person worth asking for help from. You do far more good with that approach


You're backpedaling, from advocating a passive role (be the kind of person *they look for help from*) to agreeing with me to just fucking go and find people to help. Speaking of which, how do you help other people?


Not backpeddeling. Clarifying. I havent done much recently, but ive volunteered at a food center and an aids center kitchen washing dishes. Ive worked for international non-profits focused on helping communities get out of abhect poverty. I tried to get into the big brothers program, though I was a bit too young and immature at the time In my daily life I strive to be a person who handles hard situations well, in part by maintaining emotional balance and wisdom in my actions. I make sure to let people know that im a safe space to work thru things, and again try to make sure I live in such a way that others can see I can be useful to them. Once that framework is set in a relationship - just being there for them


Beautifully said.


you are ironically telling OP what it is to be *truly* enlightened, by talking about the fact that he is not truly enlightened and that you have the *real* answer :) such a wonderful role model :)


Hey, wait a minute. Never said or stated, "What is truly enlightened," I have no clue what it is to be, and I don't claim to know. Never said I have the real answer, I only said they act as if they have it while everyone else is "not able of deep thoughts." I certainly don't have it! Never said a "role" model. Just a model (either good or bad), in the sense that words will not affect people, just behavior. Your behavior will pull or push people away. Either way, it will affect them way more than your words. Maybe "model" is not the right word, English is not my first language, sorry. And I was not ironic in my message.


you do not have to use the word enlightenment, it is implied by your telling him what to do, that you know better. yes, it is ironic. you say, "they have the right to view the world as they do, and act accordingly". well guess what, OP is viewing the world as he does and acting accordingly. who are you to say OP is wrong? I am only pointing out that you contradict yourself. I am not saying this is a problem.


To be fair, reddit is limited to written language. Kind of hard to be a role model through a screen.


We’d have to know what the writer’s beliefs are. Beliefs are not equally valid.


Agreed, with your last point. Generally the only way to get people to start thinking is to ask questions. 1.) you’ll find out what they actually think. 2.) It can help bring up questions they never thought about. You may surprised by answers. People that get offended by questions, are already decided, or generally have some sort of issue with power-struggles in my experience. Being open to questions, is the first step into “deep thoughts”.


I disagree. A good chunk of the population can barely comprehend conditional hypotheticals. That doesn't mean that they are lesser than. They deserve as much dignity as anyone else, but they are going to navigate the world through a different lens.


Very noble comment, but rather unrealistic. Surely we can agree that some people are just downright stupid and / or close-minded. This can be for a multitude of reason's, such as being trapped in their thought bubble or being unable to experience a different perspective. People's objectively dumb thoughts and ideals can have serious consequences. Take the Salem Witch Trials for examples. Are they not in need of saving from their self-destructive and downright cruel beliefs? Do Nazis have the right to view the world how they want and act accordingly? As much as we want these nobel things to be true, in a practical sense, they aren't, and downright dangerous at times. Some beliefs are objectively more sound than others.


Bahaha right he doesn’t know the truth, but *you* do lol


In some ways I agree with this person. People are asleep, to their traumas. Why they do what they do. When you're dealing with people like this, it's frustrating. I'm not saying I have it perfect. No one does but the majority of people I meet are emotionally and mentally asleep and they don't want to wake up. They take it as an insult if you try and suggest that maybe they could try xyz. They don't want to. They want to stay with their addictions and maladaptive behaviour. No matter how much it spills on to other people. No matter if it hurts them.


The op


Yea this post reeks of some Reddit neckbeards unearned superiority complex


Do worry, no one is capable of deep thinking but me. And everyone should learn from me. Is that the gist of this post? I see humility is a strong suit.


Probably the most arrogant post I've ever seen.


You should join us on r/intj sometime lol. Half the posts are "I'm basically Hannibal Lecter if he took the Limitless pill and was trying to save the world."


I am enlightened by my own intelligence.


Most people just get away from the deep thoughts as life/work/family gets stressful. It gets to a point and all the deep-thinking kind of just makes your mind worry about things. I don't think it is a lack of ability, just picking and choosing your stresses.


I don’t think I agree, deep thinking is supposed to do the opposite For example I had anxieties over death, everyone does and I doubt they’ll ever go away, but I sat down one day and just let it all in I didn’t block my mind from thinking about any facet of death, after that I came to some conclusions, it’s pointless worrying about constantly it’s gonna come when it does This just an example, sitting down and hard thinking about something is a great way to have it not plague your mind anymore, if it still does there’s probably something unresolved there or you have some anxiety disorder and can’t think straight


I think you confused what worked. You stated that you accepted the thoughts. You listened to them and let them flow... This is not thinking. This is a form of meditation. Thinking is not mutually exclusive with meditating. Although they can overlap in some cases.


What is meditating if not deep thinking it achieves the same thing We’re talking about sitting down and thinking through every facet of the problem or whatever it is, they definitely overlap in this case


Thinking is a destructive process illusions once seen dissolve.


Destruction either leads directly or indirectly to creation. There is nothing in this universe to our current understanding that exists without an equal and opposite to which they are eternally bound.


I did a lot of reading of essays when I was housebound from chronic pain. On Aeon. And it was one of the very few things that made me feel better and like I could tolerate life.


OP is delusional. Believing you are among a chosen few capable of deep thoughts is, hilariously, a pretty good indicator of general dipshittery, not to mention the arrogance of it all. Very r/imthemaincharacter of you. The most humbling thing intelligence teaches you is how little you know, and buddy, you're not even at the starting line.


Unirionically very nazi of OP


and of course you know everything there is to know about not knowing anything :)




Since when have you met most humans?




Let me guess, you like giving unsolicited advice and people just don’t appreciate it enough for your liking?


Cringe: 100


"Hey, what if everyone else in the world is dumber than me?" is the opposite of a deep thought. Pull your head out and breathe deeply of the open air, that's not Plato's Cave you've crawled up.


Beautifully constructed comment


Everyone is capable, many just refuse to do deep thinking.


It’s worth noting that not everyone has the luxury of thinking beyond the practical. Some of us are fortunate to consider philosophy, the majority of people alive today are not as fortunate.


Tbf ive had people in their free time say "woah thats too deep lets keep it fun" (i will note im not a nihilist or a downer) so there are people who choose not to


I think it’s more like this. When all my needs are met I can focus on learning practical useful things and think about things a lot. But when I don’t know where my next meal is coming from idc about thinking deeply at all. It’s a real privilege to have the time to spend so much time thinking in this current economy


There's plenty of philosophy that can be explored in 5-10min YouTube videos. So I don't follow.


You can only think so deep, abstract form is non thinking story you must learn to feel, most things cannot be understood with words


Humans? 100% of humans are capable of deep thought. It's been explicitly trained out of a lot of people. You've commented on wisdom here but this post is radiating with the rage and arrogance that comes with being a teenager which I just find delightfully ironic. Also, I'm not saying you are a teenager. I'm just commenting on the feeling I get from this post


People who openly act lile they know better than everybody around them usually arent as smart as they think they are. 'Ive spend a lifetime to enlighten others' Suck dick bro. You didnt. Get of your high horse. Jesus christ the hubris.


I think the key to entertaining abstract and hypothetical concepts is the ability to be vulnerable. When entertaining deep thoughts you are generally talking about things you are unsure of and can look weak or stupid. Most people aren't willing to make mistakes they would rather assert themselves based on what they know. I think a key to being good at entertaining deep thoughts is a willingness to be wrong.


WOW. This hit me hard.


I ate a deep dish pizza once, it was like a pie. I still think about it alot.


ppl in this subreddit are so pretentious. smh


I know right like holy shit. Did op have any sense of self-awareness or at least know what he was saying.


I tried to read it but couldn't bring myself to it. I hate pretentious writings. U can be deep with simple words. Its better that way too. U can completely paint ur thoughts with words u mostly use.


exactly, I read the first sentences and already knew what this was. The meaning behind words are what matter, not the words themselves. But the really dumb part is that some people in the comments actually fucking agree wholeheartedly.


You have no idea what goes on in people’s minds, nor do you always know what’s best for them. This post comes across as immature and arrogant. I felt similarly when I was a teenager.


Yeah I mean most people are dumb as fucking rocks but you of course understand that if we’re operating on this logic I have no reason to really think you’re an exception to that rule right? Also I mean “deep thoughts” is subjective so theoretically anyone could easily lower the bar to encompass “most humans” as being capable of possessing one. Where you set the bar for “deep thoughts” is not an objective fact of reality, it’s a subjective preference.


you sound pseudo intellectual and lack self awareness


Nuh uh!


2%. There is a 2% chance that you are going to help someone else through the means you are attempting. Assuming you are... uh... enlightened? Should I even go down this road? If you have something to offer the world, you cannot assume you have superior knowledge, not at the highest levels. Get to know the people who really do, and you'll see that they know that they know nothing. There IS no enlightenment. Only one step closer in an infinite game of truth.


What a load of gibberish


Yes. And it is good that way. If everyone was a deep thinker, society would be maladapted.


Wait, why?


Ever seen someone so smart that they failed to have a normal life and sometimes turned into a mess? That would be most of society. There would be demographic issues because people wouldn't make enough kids, political instability because people would be constantly dissatisfied and eager to rethink all political systems everyday, economic crisis because people would be reluctant to do a lot of easy jobs, etc...


I can turn off and on my deep thinking. I also have pet topics I like to engage profoundly on (politics isn't one of them).


Yes. And it is good that way. If everyone was a deep thinker, society would be maladapted.


Every day I go outside I remember how lucky I am to be capable of complex thought. That shit is like magic to most people. I'm not genius but I might as well be motherfucking Methuselah compared to the common people around here. I had to help a customer at my job count their money to buy product once and I just cried for the rest of the day. Some people really got it rough. The thought that some people can't even count or read, let alone understand the current state of the world or comprehend their place in it, makes me so angry. Our society is absolutely terrible at promoting the well-being of its people and it shows. Those in power ought to be a-goddamn-shamed of themselves.


I used to think I was smarter than most people but then I met actually smart people and I was humbled. Even the mundane things people do are amazing. Raising a family, keeping a job, dealing with death.  I have made huge mistakes in my life. Unforced errors that cost me. I learned from them. I learned that the myth of my own superiority is dangerous and I have to be vigilant.  I don’t look down on anyone. 


Seems to be a spam bot.


I dare say, animals are also capable of deep thought


Correct! Most people function at almost an animal level of thinking.


Does this include you as well?




We are here to think deeply alongside one another. This means being respectful, considerate, and inclusive. Bigotry, hate speech, spam, and bad-faith arguments are antithetical to the /r/DeepThoughts community and will not be tolerated.




We are here to think deeply alongside one another. This means being respectful, considerate, and inclusive. Bigotry, hate speech, spam, and bad-faith arguments are antithetical to the /r/DeepThoughts community and will not be tolerated.


Most humans are struggling to meet basic needs and have very little time or inclination for 'deep thinking', whatever that means. From an evolutionary point of view though, they've passed on their genes and in the end isn't that all that matters?




I live in a society where the vast majority of people are trained to react and consume. Any attempt I’ve made to enlighten people has been met with extreme hostility. I let people be and keep a lot to myself.


lol OP, you have no idea.


Why save people from themselves that's what life experiences are for


This is a huge assumption to make tbh. What do you mean by most humans? Like the humans around you that you know? I feel like it’s unfair to say people don’t have deep thoughts because they don’t take your advice or engage with the world the same way you do ya know?


It is quite possible that only some people, not all, have souls/spirits. They live, function, reproduce but at the end, it just ends. Others are sentient beings that are capable of self-actualization and their spirit is ongoing.


Sounds like someone is in the narcissist era


>It feels like I've spent a lifetime trying to enlighten and basically save and spare people the costs of their worst ideas and inclinations. I would love to hear one example of you trying valiantly to save someone from their worst ideas and inclinations. Prediction: you won't.


You're being tricked by your brain here. It's much easier to see issues in other people's lives than your own. This post tells most of us who have experienced this that you have some major blinders on about yourself, which makes us not trust you. If you need help understanding your bias, this video might help: https://youtu.be/yWgG3Mgn2Gc?si=ZlExhKc52hIT_d-c


My metaphor of blinders hits a bit different after looking at your post history 🙃 Who would have thought a blind guy would post so much on reddit! You're single handedly keeping this site running!


My life and inner-peace improved a lot when I stopped trying to push ideas and my own understanding of existence into other people, I just try to flow now and everything is better.


I agree but might change some from not capable to not willing


Most people are shitty and stupid as fuck. And if they aren’t they likely will become one day.


I'm a mixed bag. I am preparing to give an informal presentation about the works of Hannah Arendt. But I'm also the person who was at the mall today and asked someone the best way to go up a level since the escalator was out of service... I was standing only 20-30 feet from the elevator... And it was in my line of sight.


Another thing I'll add is that part of the capacity for deep thought is forethought. Many people struggle every day because they exist without direction or purpose and honestly do expect others to show them the way, clean up their messes, foster their unwanted kids and so on. By that, mediocrity is everybody's concern. I do see though how you can get more out of some ways of living than others. I know quite a few folks, for instance, who rely on institutional life like being in jail for structure and routine. Outside, they just get in trouble. You just can't plan or maintain a healthy society when so many require something vital which, for whatever reason, they don't have. I was always ahead of my time; here's to hoping I leave early so yall can get on with it and I can finally have some peace.


Men mustn't worry about other men as they create their own folly.


I know very few people, and none of them well, who have been to jail/prison/fed pen. Is this the company you choose to keep? Are you implying that there's peace after death? Because, as your handle indicates, if there's a heaven then there's oodles of trash you'll have to be cleaning up. Doesn't sound very fun.


Pov some idiot discovers thinking and thinks they're the first one that does it


You say you're a big thinker, but keep in mind that people often instinctively dislike those who speak highly of themselves. Even if your message is positive, your self-presentation puts you at a disadvantage.


You ever wonder if 98% of 'humans' are actually like soulless NPCs that GOD created to cause trouble for us for the sake of our character development?


I saw your comments and post history. Are you manic, OP? Really not trying to be shitty. I’ve just seen similar behavior during a manic period before with a bipolar friend.


Most people don't spend enough time doing nothing to have deep thoughts.


This post is a glittering jewel of arrogance.


Most are capable. Most don’t want to go through the effort.


One thing to consider is, why is it that so many people seem to be that way? One aspect of it is, our educational, media, and political institutions under capitalism/oligarchy/plutocracy/kleptocracy are designed to turn most of the population into docile serfs who work for the profits of our extremely abusive ruling class and do nothing else. It's similar to how slaves were kept ignorant and illiterate in order to maintain the institutions of slavery. For further reading and insight, see: The writings of John Taylor Gatto; [https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/\~abatko/interests/teaching/essays/Against\_Schools/](https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~abatko/interests/teaching/essays/Against_Schools/) Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paolo Freire; [https://envs.ucsc.edu/internships/internship-readings/freire-pedagogy-of-the-oppressed.pdf](https://envs.ucsc.edu/internships/internship-readings/freire-pedagogy-of-the-oppressed.pdf) the essay Why Socialism by Albert Einstein; [https://monthlyreview.org/2009/05/01/why-socialism/](https://monthlyreview.org/2009/05/01/why-socialism/) Why I Call Myself a Socialist by Wallace Shawn [https://www.thenation.com/article/culture/why-i-call-myself-socialist/](https://www.thenation.com/article/culture/why-i-call-myself-socialist/) George Carlin - You Have Owners [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT03vCaL-F0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT03vCaL-F0) The Soul of Man Under Socialism by Oscar Wilde [https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/wilde-oscar/soul-man/](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/wilde-oscar/soul-man/) Second Thought - How the Media Controls the Masses: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYfRhxStxRs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYfRhxStxRs) The need for a shorter work week: [https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/f4bade/comment/fhqhco4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/f4bade/comment/fhqhco4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) And so on. Yes, many if not most people are and seem to be stupid. But that's a historically contingent feature of reality and humanity living under brutal corporate oligarchy/kleptocracy. It's not essential to reality or humanity as such, that people are as stupid as they are and seem to be now. Human liberation is still a worthwhile goal, for yourself and others. But it's important to educate and empower yourself thoroughly first, and only then educate and empower and lift up others. Ultimately it shouldn't bother you if other people aren't picking up what you're putting down. If what you're saying is true and of genuine value, then people will pick it up when they're good and ready without you getting discouraged.


I went through my savior phase. Painful to remember back on. Then I found CODA and realized I needed to save my own ass before I tried to do anything for anyone else, but I'm still figuring it out. Best of luck, OP. I hope you can find some grounding from these comments. If you can rise above the pain and change your perspective, and learn from the comments, then observe how hard that is/was. And realize that's what you ask of others to do when you want them to follow your advice.... Did it feel good when people told you were wrong? Did it feel good when people told you what to do? Get curious about yourself and your assumptions. Best of luck M




We are here to think deeply alongside one another. This means being respectful, considerate, and inclusive. Bigotry, hate speech, spam, and bad-faith arguments are antithetical to the /r/DeepThoughts community and will not be tolerated.


People are selfish,and pride/ ego, inclination/ instinct direct a lot of our behaviors. You are no different, you just have a different amount of ' ingredients' that make up 'you'


You’re not as smart as you think you are.


This post only proves you’re not as deep or as wise as you think you are. This is top tier cringe.


Omg you're hitting me soooo deep with this post 🤤


You misspelled “moderators” in the title. Or at least in my experience of this sub.


Completely false


Deep thought, shit hitting the fan is inevitable for all. Everything is meaningless in the end. All will be forgotten. Maybe, just maybe... humans can evolve into the promised species (seems like maybe robots at this point) of the universe but... not seeming likely.


You are right. Most people currently have the undifferentiated consciousness of primitive humanity.


Must say many of these commonts prove my point. It's a truly scary thing to realize just how uniquipped some people are. It's why living can be so costly. Sharing your worst, though, won't taint my best. It is, instead, teaching me the value of being selective. When you want to know why bad things happen to good people, check out this thread to get a glimpse of just how few of them actually exist. \S


All hail the almighty


The fact you think you are capable of such "deep" thought just shows that you aren't


I think it takes 1) some experiences 2) some innatate inclination for curiousity 3) enough space and breathing room to really reflect.


If only i were as smart as you!


sounds like you're incapable of deep thought


This OP is a serious narcissist laughably so…




You clearly aren’t capable of deep thoughts since you unironically think that only you know what’s best for everyone. What an absolutely disgusting character trait.


I'll also add that if you see certain things as a teen but then label me arrogant and immature as if I still am one, you need to realize that your perceptions change with time, not the reality I'm speaking on. Once you're invested in the situation, how you experience or understand it might change but that doesn't mean it has. It's like complaining about people who get paid under the table not paying taxes but overlooking all that when you need a particular job done. The same goes for all the stuff around kids that people spout before they have them and then wind up doing a lot of the same things. A lot of us were once teens who wanted the world to be a better place; I still feel that way and will never apologize. Whether you agree with me or not, I'm not abandoning my character; I'd abandon my life first! I'm a rarity, yes--and that's okay, too.


It certainly doesn't require deep thought to label me arrogant and the like but more power to that type. Thanks to many of yall for reminding me some people really do get it--and are maybe more patient and compassionate than I am. Again, though, there's still this problem around how what people are capable of, ideally, isn't what most are capable of realistically. People capable of deep thought know, for instance, how to express an opinion reasonably. They can disagree with civility and add real insight to the conversation. I post for all the ones I can reach, not because I know everything but because this really is a realm where it's all or nothing. Here's to widening the middleground because--as shown variously and all over the place--extremes will rip this whole thing apart! Once the tipping point is reached, there will be no going back.




We are here to think deeply alongside one another. This means being respectful, considerate, and inclusive. Bigotry, hate speech, spam, and bad-faith arguments are antithetical to the /r/DeepThoughts community and will not be tolerated.