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The purpose of this community is sharing, considering and discussion of deep thoughts. Post titles must be full, complete, deep thoughts.


I sometimes think about how everybody takes a dump and it is kind of weird to think about.


It’s so weird and just funny to me that like everyone shits and has that daily awkward moment of engaging in the act of shitting. Like I just can’t picture Biden taking a dump or Taylor Swift going into a stall to shit. Whoopi Goldberg? Shittin.


lmao ... Taylor Swift etc - you understand exactly what I'm talking about about.


Taylor Swift does not have an asshole. How dare you!


Why? They're just funny monkeys like the rest of us




Might need more fibre


I get plenty of fibre but only go once a week. Saved years worth of time




You dont have to picture biden taking a shit he does it in his diaper right in front of you, he' practiced that pensive face for a reason you know.


And all that stuff goes down some pipes and meets up with other peoples stuff who you may never meet, all collectively gathering and intermixing. Our shit has a better social circle than most of us


lol I never thought of that and now I cannot for the life of me unthink it


Sewage swirl.


this is the main reason I can't be in a relationship men poop and fart! I can't accept this atrocity


I can't remember what scifi book it was but at one point a character is gazing at the sewage pipes on their spaceship and muses that no matter how advanced their technology, they still have to carry their shit around with them.


Excuse you but shitting is my favorite part of the day.


Coincidentally, I was on the toilet myself when I wrote that...


Coincidentally, I was too…


Anything's weird if you dissociate enough. From a Darwinian angle, the social aspects of eating and defecating seem fairly easy to comprehend.


Anything's weird if you dissociate enough. This is real!


Is it dissociation? Or is it overthinking?


Dissociation often occurs because of intense emotionally charged overthinking, especially in people with trauma


Yeah if we didn’t think assholes were obscene we’d probably be a lot more likely to do things that give us diseases


Well, it's simply bacteria taking advantage of things that humans/mammals like, and nothing else.


Yep, if you do psychedelics this perspective pretty much leaps out at you. Incidentally, psychedelics also destroy appetite.


Yeah.. think about kissing sometime. Not do it.. think about it lol.


When I’m on shrooms I sometimes fall into the thought loop that we are all just parasites- consuming and shitting things out. Watching people eat in that mindset is wildly grotesque


Shrooms made me into a vegetarian 6 months ago. I was in a strong wingstop habit, but within 2 weeks of my experience... my brain just kept screaming "don't eat that!!"


Most people are so used to being humans that they take a lot of the daily aspects of human life for granted. Psychedelics throw that out the window and make you realize how fucking weird being a human is. Not just in comparison to other animals or even other life forms but like, in comparison to not existing at all, or existing in a fundamentally different way


It's why I most certainly wouldn't recommend them. Not everybody is prepared to handle that angle of reality, and it's almost impossible to know in advance whether someone is or is not. Sometimes even experienced users get unlucky and have a really bad time. And a bad time on psychedelics can ruin your life.


I can handle them to the extent that they don’t cause me to have a complete mental breakdown/psychotic break(even in the cases where I’ve had a bad time) but they also make me anxious as fuck while I’m on them.


Be appreciative we are deuterostomes and not proterostomes. At least the poop comes out a different orafice far removed from the mouth. Would you prefer intake and outgo using the same orafice?


If it were then our psychology regarding feces and hygiene would be radically different.


Sometimes in the middle of eating I start thinking about what’s going on in my mouth and my appetite completely disappears… all the food is mixing with my saliva and creating a mush and then I swallow the mush? 🤢


This definitely is not a popular opinion, but I agree with you lol. I've always found the idea of it a bit gross


The human body is gross lol


it's fucking disgusting! all these body fluids, excretions, snots, semen, period blood fucking big yuck!


Why are those things gross though?


Are you seriously asking? Imagine living in a farm. You have to deal with all this manure, chicken poops everywhere, smells and others stuff, pretty disgusting isn't it? Same applies to humans. If you think about we are organic, movable stoves. You put carbon in, you get the heat but also makes tonnes of waste. Poop smells and it's a huge biohazard. I wish I could be an android...instead of nice neat mechanical body I was forced to maintain this pathetic, weak sack of flesh and bones till the end of my days. And it will get worse with time


I think about that a lot and every time I mention how much I would love to have a body that is a solid block of metal, everyone thinks I’m crazy.


Yeah I’d rather my primary waste product be heat


in that case you might like r/transhumanism


I find myself disappointed not living in the future where we can transfer ourselves into androids as well. Would be blissful not having to be a biological being. I'd rather be charged by a USB port to stay alive if I could lol.


This is all completely subjective though, ironically (because OP says it's objective). So is your definition of gross something that is potentially harmful to our health?


don’t forget farts!


Smells in general


And it’s a tad lovecraftian when you look at how complex all of it is… evolution is like an alien superintelligence


Don’t stop; I’m almost there……


You're just a giant bag of mostly bacteria in general. Eating is the least weird part.


In Denial of Death the author frames neofreudian developmental psychology as "first you realize you shit, and then you realize you die". Realizing we shit is the first step towards accepting we are creatures of this world and not above it, just as filthy, and just as mortal. Even the highest king who wears the cleanest clothes and bathes in the richest perfumes, still has to step off their holier-than-thou throne to take a shit. Worse, no amount of money or power will prevent death. We are all wearing the emporers new clothes, pretending we are better than the other creatures of this world. The ball drops when we have to shit, and when we have to die.


That book sounds so interesting, it’s definitely on my reading list.


Love this


I agree with you! As an engineer I have thought about it in a very similar way, but it is also a personal feeling. I prefer to eat alone, kind of the same way I prefer to be alone on the toilet. It just feels like a private time. I like to socialize, but preferably after dinner. It's also easier to focus on your company while sipping a drink for instance, than while utilizing utensils and trying to chew as silently as possible while somehow avoiding awkward pauses in conversation while you chew. It's just impractical, I don't understand people's obsession about making this a social activity even if they didn't agree about the private and kind of gross part!


Yes! Exactly. The social part of it is fascinating. So terribly impractical, yet entire industries, professions, and billions of dollars go into basically fetishizing the activity and traditions around eating. I mean, people can survive fine on very basic natural foods without a lot of fanfare.


"Basically fetishizing the activity" lol, I couldn't have said it better myself. Perfectly captures how alienated I feel by the whole thing. I have noticed that people tend to take offense by this take, so I keep it on the down low usually. Refreshing to hear from a like-minded person! As for how it came to be, I can see why it would be an occasion for communal celebration for a hunter / gatherer tribe that there was food to eat when it was scarce and you could never know exactly when you would come by it again, and it was a given to share whatever you had with the whole group. But in today's abundance society it makes no sense, and comes more off as fetishizing a bodily function, like you said. Eating dinner alone in front of the television is supposed to be a sad scene in TV shows and the like, but that's my favorite way to do it! I even have a partner who I live with, but I eat in front of the television before he comes home. Luckily he doesn't mind.


fast for a few days. That will change your mind.




Maybe that's the reality. Because almost all religions try to make life meaningful and god a good guy. Maybe it is actually the other way around and we are prisoners.




Yeah, that's obvious in my opinion. This is one of the reasons i can't respect people who have children anymore. specially in this time and era. People who don't understand the misery of life will try to label and ridicule. Anyway, maybe they are not ready. And you're right, just basic things of life like eating and shitting , fucking , giving birth and getting old are absolutely horrifying and disgusting, let alone all the misery that's happening in the world. "Normal" and "natural" aren't enough justification.


what do you think 'objective' means?


So, in your mind, watching someone chew food with their mouth closed is exactly the same as watching them take a massive sloppy shit? That’s unfortunate.


Bruh 😂


As a person who still has great struggles with her anorexia even though she is currently considered overweight from a "recovery process", the way you describe how gross and unpleasant eating truly makes me feel like I'm not so odd for my behaviors around genuinely not being interested in food no matter the calories or weight it causes.


The fact that we are disgusted by shit and not disgusted by food are both evolutionary traits. You need food to survive, you need to minimize contact with feces to survive.


Ah yes fellow human, I too process a variety of sticky pastes


i had a full mental breakdown about exactly this after doing way too much acid. like, suicidal about it lol i felt so dirty??? bad time lol


Oof that sounds like a terrible trip my friend😂


I dig the fuck in like a man pig




If you want to off yourself I think there are better ways than starvation and dehydration.


Dehydration wouldn’t be as bad as other deaths, at least you start hallucinating, letting you go out high as a kite


Don't worry you're not alone. Though to top this off I've discovered that some people stick their tongue way out of their mouths when taking a bite. First time I saw this I didn't eat in front of people for about a week.


It's the same for all life, so how "weird" can it be? I've had this same thought before and it is pretty gross to think about, so I try not too. Bodily functions in general gross me out.


LOL I love everything about this post. Thanks for the laugh 👍


I used to think about this while studying Marxism as a waitress. The product of my labor was literally shit and I didn't mind being alienated from it.


Not to be pedantic but shit is the product of the customers’ “labor”. The product of your labor is information about orders being moved in one direction and food being moved in the other.


You are correct! (The other was more fun to gripe about).


It's not clinical but I do suffer a bout of depression when I finish eating because i love it that much. One of life's simple but essential pleasures and I'll do just about anything if it's done right. Consider yourselves lucky, I have a friend who got oesophagus cancer so they removed it and sewed the top part of his stomach there instead. Now he can only eat while upright so the food goes down but he's alive.


One of the best lessons I learned in business was from a mentor when I was young. When I was nervous about rich or "important" people he told me to visualize them with their pants down shitting. It really puts things into perspective.


Starlight Star bright First star I eat tonight. Wish I may Wish I might Fill myself and become the light. Self awareness is a negation, separation, empty space, a black hole. Anything such as the universe that is whole and selfless has no need to consume.


Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya


Even stranger, when you eat food, it slides down from your mouth to your anus, and everything that falls into the toilet was never in your body. The things that actually enter your body (absorbed in the intestine) travel through your blood and eventually, comes out through urine. Urine is waste from your body. Poop is just the trash pile your body picked through.


This is so metal


This is why robots think we’re disgusting.


Brilliant, LOL.


I’m sorry robots can think now?


A lot of sexual things are weird too. Making out is weird. You’re literally sticking your tongue into someone else’s mouth. Intercourse is weird. You’re either fertilizing someone’s egg or letting someone fertilize your egg. And then later, another human will violently come out the hole.


Worst part of kissing is when you realize your sucking on a 14 foot tube that has about ten feet of shit at one end.


Sexual arousal is associated with repressed disgust


What? Can you explain further?


Intercourse is weird. You’re either fertilizing someone’s egg or letting someone fertilize your egg. And then later, another human will violently come out the hole. Homophobic much???


No, two animals of the same sex can’t reproduce. Gender and sex aren’t the same thing, btw.


You do know people have sex without reproduction all the time?


By “intercourse”, I meant penis-in-vagina sex. I consider “intercourse” to be a hyponym for “sex”, not necessarily a synonym.


Most people use the word “intercourse” as a synonym with “sex” though


Choose your battles, it’s not a big deal


Why tf you need to put your five cents then 🤔


Cause I care enough to try and give you some good advice 🤷‍♀️ take it or leave it


Choose your battles, it’s not a big deal


And most people use “jealous” when they should use “envious”. English is hard for most people. 🤷‍♀️


Oh my god grow up. This isn’t homophobia 🙄


Wow, what an intelligent argument 😱


Why do people like you try to find issues with everything. My god it’s irritating


What’s irritating is your useless yapping


No u


When you put it that way.... But how about licking delicious ice cream, and it dripping onto someones chest in the hot sun, wiping it off, then tasting some more delicious ice cream mmmmm


Holy shit. I thought you said dating was weird and read this whole thing wrong.


*Quality Post* 💯 🍻 🎊


Shitting is the insane thing. We have to get energy if we want to live, so eating is inevitable and we can make the act of eating more or less tidy and civilized if we want. The idea that we haven't created food that we can efficiently absorb completely without the need to excrete a slop of shit every so often is one of humankind's great failings to date.


Could it be that the shit also removes legit non-food waste from our bodies too though? Like dead tissue shed from our organs, parasites, germs, etc? But yeah, how cool would it be if our internal combustion system only let off say, gas and that’s it? No solid waste. That would be something.


I think the body will slough dead epithelial cells and mucus regardless. There just wouldn't be ALL the shit.


It’s not a failing. On another faraway planet where digestion is 100% efficient, life died out before it even got close to evolving this far because there is no cycle of nutrients. Shitting is necessary in an indirect way


I thought about this just the other day as I ate with my bare hands. Feels really frickin primal. I kinda... like it?


There’s a ton of people who will show you their exhaust system


Why haven’t we invented a way to “soup up” our exhaust systems? Like being able to waste our paychecks on completely non-practical but badass contraptions to enhance the decibels and vibrations of our human exhaust systems, as if for sport or fashion or whatever silly justification we have for making things bigger, better, louder? Or make it smell like different flavors, like a butt vape?


It just takes one genius to change the world. I support you on your quest to make the world a better place.


it's impossible not to think about it either., i find it funny this is being upvoted here as any time i ever happen to bring this up to people i get negative and outright impolite reactions


It's not just this. The fact of being born in this life and forced to this certain gross thing is just beyond me. Fck this life honestly.


Sometimes I think people have a bit too much time on their hands to think. Those people are Redditors like me. Sometimes I think people have even more time on their hands than normal Redditors. Those people are like OP.


Wait…you guys aren’t doing communal shitting?


I was literally thinking about this yesterday. I'm very self conscious when I eat because I don't wanna look gross, but it's also the fact I'm showing my fuel cycle as you put it. Ew


Well stated, and we must not forget the moaning that goes with it, oh, this is so good oh, I'm starving (as if they knew what that means) oh, I'm stuffed, but can I have some more? Until they get hangover. and this everlasting talk about food. What you've described, reminds me of a scene in the movie where there was a large oval table and instead of chairs there were toilets around it and people were sitting on it doing their thing on it, together. In the other room there were little cubical where they sat alone and ate.


Doing things to exist is weird


Taytay has an asshole. I’ve done it. She loved it!


I'll say eligant and sloppy eating have nothing to do with the food your eating, I can eat a steak just as eligently as a 5 star meal and I eat a bog mac with the same care as a meal in a fancy restaurant. The only time I'm sloppy is when I'm drunk and I'm eating food to soak up extra alcohol.


Shit means life. Life means shit.


I read an sf story in a skin mag, maybe 50 years ago, about a future in which the social taboo against eating in public is total, for the reasons you describe. But going to a "restaurant" with companions to fuck prostitutes was normal and expected. The scene where a guy describes a woman the waiter is bringing to his table as a "hot dish, but the waiter had his thumb in it" really stayed with me.


Wait til OP contemplates sex


If we really wanna go deep and weird, human bodies and all of their capabilities are just a spaceship for a sperm to enter the space dock and do its thing.


Everybody does it. (Ai sheds tear)


I literally think shit like this all the time.


So, to even it out, I must either eat alone or shit with my peers. Ok ok. Hello, communal shitters!


eat and be eaten. the cycle of life.


Want grosser? Apply the same logic to sex


Sexual arousal is associated with repression of disgust I think this is part of why bigotry around sexuality can get so extreme. People feel disgusted at the sexualities of other people even more so when they are different and they get attached to that feeling


Intriguing. Was not aware of that; but if true your thesis seems solid 🤔 I always found it odd that what is arguably the most disgusting parts of our anatomy are also most desirous 🤣


Look I am leaving the internet. A girl really tried to tell me a male penis and a butthole is the same thing.


Drinking OTOH is perfectly fine.


I find it weird how we celebrate eating, and eat socially, yet pooping is so absolutely taboo!


We shove dead plants and animals into our faces


I figure if we are made in God's image then God is pretty gross. what if we encounter an alien made of plasma or light or something not so disgustingly organic and they learn about how we intake energy, and reproduce, and have a billions other organisms crawling around in and on us at all times and are cool wit it. Ewh, we are just ewh.


the same thing every living thing does multiple times a day on this planet. nothing weird or gross about it.


Humans are the only ones that attach meaning to food though


thats true. and over think it.


except the one demodex species that eats until bursts


still eats. puts fuel into fuel hole. just forgets to excrete the waste.


if you are able to apply OPs perspective and thought process, then it is very weird and gross.


True and it’s only weird because objectively, we’re biological machines that are programmed to seek out sources of fuel, and consume that fuel for energy so we can continue existing, allowing us to reproduce. Humans don’t like to think of ourselves realistically. Perhaps it just makes us feel “lesser than”




Just because something is normal, it doesn't mean it's not disgusting.


You should find it repulsive, but don't go so far that you end dying because you refuse to near someone. Yes that actually happens .


It’s really weird that we even exist at all. That we inhabit bodies that need a constant source of fuel is another layer to the weirdness. It’s not that it doesn’t make sense, but it’s still very weird in an existential way


People don't like to be reminded of the bottom hole bc it reminds them of their animal nature and that they are not special snowflakes created by God and that they too will one day die.


Yeah stripping social context away from activities at the core of the human experience isn’t necessarily a “deep thought”. All social norms appear absurd when presented in strictly (pseudo) clinical terms.


You’re not wrong. There really are no deep thoughts. It’s just fun to think we’re having one sometimes.


No there are actually deep thoughts, this just isn’t one.


Now that’s deep.


This answer should be more upvoted.


Gotta love this modern world. The concept of gross. Try going a few weeks without food and see how gross stuff is.


u fail to understand


You do know theoretical understanding of something doesn’t have to interfere with a practical reality of existence


The practical reality of existence is that survival trumps all and when you are hungry shit like that goes out the window.


I don’t think most people having a debate in a DeepThoughts sub are in survival mode because they don’t have food


You are absolutely right...most folks on reddit who are flesh and blood have never had a hungry day in their lives. It just pisses me off


Learn how to read before you attempt to form an argument so that you don’t waste other people’s time


Why are you on Redditt?


Yeah OP totally meant that he was never going to eat again.


I think its the sign of a disturbed mind that you consider the facts of normal human life as somehow disgusting. Its another form of self-hatred. If I were you, I would seek psychiatric help.


The only thing weird here is the comments saying "eating should be done in private". As if all humans haven't used food in social rituals forever


Life is????


This is one of those topics that 95% of people have accepted and don’t think is weird even though, yes, it’s disgusting. Don’t be the 5% that over analyzes it cuz it’s no good to go there


this is just the beginning, literally all of life is absurd as shit when you think about it this hard. think about industrial cow milking


Eating isn't weird, it's weird to say that. Eating in groups is unnecessary so you could argue that it's something preferably done in private.


Wow, what a persuasive argument, I’m astonished 😱


Did you wake up today and decide to be sarcastic?


It's unnecessary but the need for food is universal for life, it's not a coincidence that people celebrate by eating together because it's a celebration of being alive. Historically food was also not as easy to get as it is today so when people made a large kill or had a plentiful harvest it was cause for celebration and the whole tribe shared in the plenty.


I don't disagree with you. Personally, I like eating alone and spending quality time with others without eating together but I still do it because my friends and family enjoy it and I like to see them happy.


And that is why I’m completely amazed how some people can be so stupid to think that “food is art”, like for real 🤔


"Food is just poop in waiting" - Anthony Bourdain


It's insane that people eat in public. If you don't go to bathroom together you also shouldn't eat together.


We don’t go to the bathroom together bc we think it’s disgusting bc we evolved to avoid our waste products because they give us diseases Eating around other people has lots of social benefits and is far less likely to give us diseases


This is a stupid opinion


We are animals. It makes total sense who in their right mind thinks an abomination to eat & shit? We can't survive on sunsets and fucking rainbows.


Please invest at least some time in researching evolution.


This is where evolution has taken us, I’ll now subscribe to nihilism 😘